
Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Look Back and a Look Forward

First - A Look Back!

Here is a list of what I think are my top 5 sewing accomplishments this year:

1.  Winning SWAP
Yes, this is definitely a highlight of my year - sewing or otherwise!  It was amazing to conceive of and sew a wardrobe that was thought worthy of your votes.  And I must give a special shoutout here to Gertie, who picked up on a comment I wrote on my blog and interviewed me on hers.  I really do believe that her interview changed the perspective of how we sewists look at things and directly or indirectly affected some of the votes.  Yes, yes, I know I had an awesome (if I must say so myself - *LOL*) wardrobe but sometimes we need someone to shake the looking glass and change our views.

2.  The Macy's Dress
I've knocked off designer gear before (The Chanel Dress, The Dior Dress) but I have never knocked something off and then had it pictured just a few days later on a celebrity.  Thanks again Erica for sending me the first pic!  This dress was actually fun to figure out and make...believe me it wasn't that hard at all!  But it had such a bang for the buck!

3.  The Birthday Gala Dress
Even though it's not one of my favorites, it does represent a lot of hard work and it was perfect for the occasion...and it's in the color I probably sewed the most this year...NAVY! 

4.  The Burda Dresses
Gosh, how many times have I complained about tracing?! *LOL*  Even though I probably have a Burda magazine collection that numbers in the hundreds, this year is the first time I've actually taken the time to trace, alter and make more than one Burda garment.  I love both of these dresses and will use this pattern again because the potential it provides is pretty awesome.

5.  The Architectural Dress
This is my biggest failure of the year and makes the list because there were lessons learned here.  How we handle failure especially in our craft determines how far we progress.  It breaks my heart when a new sewist picks up our craft and turns away beause it's too hard or the results don't work out or fill-in-the-blank.  I really need new sewists to see that even accomplished sewists sometimes have very bad results too.  So because of that The Architectural Dress makes the list.  Here's the thing, tho' I'm gonna try that dress again, using a pleater board from Clothide, and see if I can get the dress of my dreams!

My garment totals for 2010:

          Dresses:  24
          Cardigans/Jackets:  7
          Pants: 3
          Blouses/Tops:  3
          Skirts:  3
          Twinset:  1
          Vest: 1
          Doll Clothes:  8 pieces

Looking forward ~

The last few years I haven't made any sewing goals, except to say that I would try not to buy more fabric.  Okay that is a laughable goal so I'm not even going there.  It would be like asking me not to breathe! *LOL* 

However, in 2011 I really want to do some of the following:

1.  Use some of those Hot Patterns that I won from the SWAP contest.  
I have an amazing collection of Hot Patterns that I've won and purchased.  I would really like to make some of these garments.

2.  Complete the 12 Jackets per month sew-along.
I need jackets for work so 3 for each new season would be a good thing!

3.  Put a welt pocket in a garment
Let's just say that it's a technique I learned years ago and I should pull it out and use it again.

4.  Use a few more of those Burda Style magazine patterns
Ummm, more than a hundred issues means I have a passing like of this's time to use it more!

5.  Sew a little more from the fabric collection.

I want to thank everyone who I got to meet either in NYC or at the PR Philly Shopping Extravangza this year.  It was wonderful to put names with faces, share stories and touch some fabric together.  If I was unable to meet with you, please know that it wasn't from lack of desire but because sometimes my day job just gets in the way! *smile* 

Finally I want to thank a few sewing friends - who keep me laughing, tell me I'm not crazy, understand my love of fabric and whose friendship I truly value -Elizabeth, Meg, Renee, Gaylen, and Patti - thank you so much!

To everyone who has a son, daughter or family member serving in the military, my prayers are with them!  I'm so thankful that they have chosen to serve our country in this meaningful way and I pray that they will be home safe and sound with you soon.

May the New Year bring each and every one of you, peace, love, joy, happiness and good health. I also hope that all of your needs are met...whether they be for a new job, a new home, a baby, a mate...or just your own sewing space.

See you in 2011 and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  1. Wow, that's' a pretty impressive list of sewing accomplishments for one year. Here's to a great 2011!

  2. I agree with shams, a very impressive list of achievements, and such lovely garments. Happy New year!

  3. You are one of my sewing heros, and I eagerly await seeing what you do in 2011!

    Is it possible to get a link or date for the interview that Gertie did with you, I'd love to read it, and couldn't find it on her blog...

  4. Love your recap . . . super-love your blog! Wishing you continued success and happiness in 2011!

  5. Very impressive! You certainly set the bar!

  6. The Macy's dress is my favourite! It is visually arresting and I love how you made it work for you :)

  7. Happy New Year, dear Carolyn! What a wonderful recap. I wish I could meet you in person!

  8. Happy New Year. 2010 was another great year of sewing achievements for you!

  9. I am so impressed with your output! The Macy's dress is my fave as I have told you before. I'm so glad you included the Architectural dress. I agree, true learning is made through experiencing failure and using the information from that experience going forward. :) Hope 2011 is wonderful for you.

  10. Yours was the first ever sewing blog I found and I continue to marvel at how prolific you are! Terrific! Inspirational for everyone who sews!

  11. I love your list. I think you forgot - encourage and support. I loved your interview with Gertie. In 2011 - I aspire to be more like you. To sew more, to dress the body I have now beautifully and in a way that feels right to me. Thank you. g

  12. Happy New Year to you too! I can't wait to see what jackets you produce and what new fabrics you come up with in 2011 :-)

  13. An amazing list of accomplishments for the year. Can't wait to see what you'll be working on in the new year.

  14. You had a fabulous year! I hope 2011 brings even greater joy, peace and sewing challenges.

  15. "2. Complete the 12 Jackets per month sew-along."

    12 jackets a MONTH? I assume that was a typo, but wouldn't that be something?

    You've had a very productive year. Kudos.

  16. I've been looking forward to your end of year posts. Such inspiration! Happy New Year!

  17. You had an impressive 2010, and I'm sure 2011 will be just as grand! Happy New Year!

  18. You have had a great sewing year! Best wishes for 2011!

  19. Happy New Year, Carolyn and thank you for all your inspiration this year.

  20. Your posts inspire me, not only for sewing but also for the ones that help us to accept out shortcomings.

    All the best for 2011.


  21. Wow, you have done a lot this year! The 12 jackets in 12 months sounds like fun! I rarely sew jackets; I should really think about doing this! I buy so many jacket patterns, but then never sew them up. Have a great 2011!

  22. I almost commented on your last post: so inspiring, all about acceptance of ourselves. I'm a bit shy, and didn't think you'd remember me from the NYC shopping day 8/28. In this post, you say you are thankful for those you met there/then. So it's time for me to tell you that I feel the same about you and all those who inspire our sewing and our lives. Paula (upstate NY)

  23. Wow! You accomplished a lot this year. I love following your sewing adventures. I am inspired to sew more in the new year now!

  24. Fabulous, I agree with you concerning the high points and low points (the SWAP and the architectural dress). Happy New Year!

  25. Happy New Year Carolyn!!

    That was a pretty impressive 2010, and your accomplishments are amazing, even the low points (architectural dress) Brava!

    I can't wait to see what you come up with this year!

  26. You had a great sewing year and I can't wait to see what you create for 2011!

  27. 2010 was a great sewing year for you; so many achievements and many reasons to be proud!
    Hope that 2011 will be even better!

    Happy New Year (I am late, I know,... Just catching up)


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