
Friday, December 03, 2010

Those Taunting Voices...

It's friday night and I'm sitting in front of my computer seeking inspiration on the internet.  Why you ask?  Because even though I've picked out patterns, fabrics and made a list - my collection is not talking to me.  Or rather it's talking and saying things that I generally don't want to hear...things like, "I don't think that jacket you picked is going to go with that dress?"  "And how come you went with that color blue...don't you already have something similar to it in the closet?"

Seriously, I couldn't close my eyes to sleep on the bus because the taunts kept coming fast and now I don't know what to do next.  And this is not a good place for me to be...when I'm here and attempt to sew I end up with A Bring It On Cheerleader type dress...*sigh*  Another issue is that I want to make something fabulous!  Something that people will stop me in the street and ask where did you get that awesome dress?  And what designer created that masterpiece? So that I can humbly say, moi!  Even though they would have to have x-ray vision to see that oh-so-amazingly-fabulous dress since it's like freezing here on the East Coast and I'm walking down the streets of NYC looking like a silver polar bear!

See this is why I hate winter (except for those marvelous wools) and why it is my least favorite season...I just haven't perfected a way to look kewl while staying warm...*sigh*  But none of this and I mean none of this rambling is solving my problem...WHAT am I sewing this weekend?

I hear are saying take a piece and just start sewing will jumpstart you and before you know it, you will have the collection finished.  Yes, yes you are absolutely right...I've thought this...but then the voices start...yes, those voices taunting me..."Make a piece but what will it go with?"  "You know that menopausal body of yours doesn't look good unless you have all the pieces working?"  "Seriously, YOU make just one piece?"  Oh and by the way I'm not on know you hear those fabric voices too!  *LOL*

So who knows what's coming out of the sewing machine this weekend...stay tuned because you might be as shocked as I am...*LOL*

...more later!


  1. I hear those fabric voices all of the time so I make mindless projects like button bibs for friends or embroider on something like a sweatshirt. I'm sewing & creating but it usually shuts up the voices. Winter is my favorite season of the year but then it seldom gets very cold here.

  2. LOL. Those voices are a big reason I'm staying away from SWAPs this year. I think this will be my season for making coats. :)

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  3. yes, i'm with Shams, i remember you needed a good coat last winter too.....

  4. I know those voices well. Which is why I'm on the internet first thing Saturday morning instead of out at my sewing machine. I came into the office to look for a fresh needle for my machine when the old one broke, and the computer lured me in. LOL.

  5. The voices definitely talk to me ALL the time. They kept me up all last night, as a matter of fact. Right now they are saying," you have so much to sew, better hurry." I wish they were telling me what my next garment would be but alas, I am in the land of purses and doll clothes right now. Gotta love the holidays.

    I bet after making all those fabulous November garments you could be a little tapped out. I say go read a lot of fashion mags.

  6. Oh, I know the feeling about winter--it's so much more difficult for me to be inspired to sew, because I get cold ridiculously easily and so I haven't quite found a way to reconcile my style and what I can actually sew to the number of layers I need to wear to be at least somewhat comfortable. (And I can't even use wool, because it makes me break out in hives!) Oh well...hopefully I'll manage to make myself something great anyway.

  7. Oh yes, I know what you mean. And there is a price to be paid when one ignores the voices (because they tend to be right!)
    My voices are telling me to finish my UFOs so I can get into that sweet spot between projects. I really don't like UFOs.

  8. I usually prefer winter sewing but today I've been 'about to start sewing something' for three hours. And now I'm on the internet. There's an outfit in my head in the colour scheme I love, but it doesn't really want to materialize and it's very cold outside now, so the thick wools in my stash are calling to me... And then being fussy about what to become.

    So yes, I hear those voices too. Maybe there's some form of Saturday fabric blues in the air as well... I don't know.

  9. Winter garments take much more effort, So it can make them harder to get going on. How about starting with something easy and quick? After sewing your JJill vest, I made a sweater knit vest. Put it together in 2 hours total. It is cozy, warm and stylish. Start with something fast and work up to the bigger projects.

  10. I thought I was the only one with those types of dreams

  11. What you describe is the kind of time when I start buying fashion magazines and ripping out stuff I like. That gives me a creative break from sewing. When I was in a refashioning mode I kept dreaming that I was cutting up women's skirts to make skirts for my daughter. Not a terrible dream I know, but night after night, it started to bore me.

  12. Hi from an iPad at the apple store! Meg

  13. I'm making christmas decoration stuff this weekend - everyone at work needs to decorate their office door so I'm sewing a tree and some of the's a contest and I want to win..and this has been good for employee morale since I work for the fed gov't - keeps away the voices that talk about furloughs......

  14. Well, maybe you need to go back to the fabric closet to find a nice friendly voice. I bet there are some that are saying "Carolyn, you will look beautiful in me" :)

  15. I think 2011 will be the fabulous outfit year for you. I think I might join you. Cheers.

  16. I totally understand those voices...

  17. I love the fabric combination and was surprised by what you said. I have always loved Vogue 1100 and think they would work wonderfully with that pattern. And just so you don't think I am not sympathetic, I sometimes get the same voices - or is it self doubt?
    From Mary in Alaska

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Love your blog :)

    You are ahead of the game in my eyes. You have patterns, materials and ideas. I am a beginner and have drawers full of (cheap) fabric. It's become an additction of some sort. No real plans but it really feels good knowing it's there. Think you will be seeing me on Hoarders one day.

  20. at least yours are the voices of garments....I hear nothing but the voices of crafts for folks on my gift list. ;)
    I hope your muse has spoken to you by now!

  21. So you changed your mind. Sew what you want! : )

  22. You are so funny! Then again, maybe
    it's just too close to home! Yes! I admit it... I hear fabric speaking to me too.... even the fabric I haven't purchased or maybe never will.... it hollars at me... you know I would really go well with that piece on the next shelf... you know you want to buy me!!! LoL... hmmm good thing that we don't let just anybody know about all this... hmmm? LoL...
    Good Luck! Hope that you got something done this weekend!

  23. Search through your stash for the absolutely most fabulous piece of fabric that you own and listen to what it wants to be. Don't listen to those nasty little fabric voices of reason that tell you it must go with x other pieces. Just make something so beautiful that you can't wait to wear it.

  24. Hang in there! Your inspiration will come soon.

  25. I vote that you DO make that Bring-It-On dress for a doll. Or better yet a paper doll. Sometimes a lady has got to get the odd stuff out of her sewing system. Then she can settle down.

    Probably you really need to make a new COAT. No, no, stop throwing things at me. Then you could alternate the silver polar book look.

    Yes that is inspired by the fact that I have a lovely length of wool for a coat (yes I've chosen the pattern too) and no, I'm not going to say how long it has been yelling at me from that cupboard.

  26. Hmm, I'm too late to advise you, but I would have started with that gorgeous print second from the left. I'm a sucker for a print, and the bright colors would warm you up in this ridiculous cold!

  27. greetings from germany - a very nice blog ! (excuse my bad english)

  28. So what DID you sew? Those voices can be so irritating...but in my experience, they cannot be ignored. Then sometimes I wake up in the morning to the voice of a fabric calling me and insisting it wants to be xxx. And it's always right. Hope that happened to you and you'll soon show us something fabulous!



    article by Shannon Gifford called Lining and Underlining shows the technique of flat-lining.


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