
Monday, April 18, 2011

A Fabric Piggy Tale

I've been waiting for Sharon (Communing with Fabric) to get home before talking about the trip we took to Fabric Mart last weekend.  Sharon tells it best on her blog post, "My Pilgrimmage to Fabric Mart". 

Me, I've been to Fabric Mart before so I knew the treasures that were waiting for us to behold! Still I didn't take into account that we would be dragging luscious fabrics that had just come off the truck to the cutting table...or taking a trip into "The Basement" that housed wholesale heaven...or even that everything on their website would be a touch I went a little B-I-T  C-R-A-Z-Y!

Yeap, that was me standing in the middle of Fabric Mart transferring money from my savings to my checking account on my iPad as my friends cheered me on!!!  So do you wanna see what the fabric piggy bought home with her???


(l-r:  silk blk/grey/white voile, white sheer silk crepe, beige striped silk faile
brown woven silk, beige floral woven silk, brown sandwashed nylon
and a chambray silk shantung)


(a grey wool sateen, a silk/wool herringbone, a black wool sateen
a salt & pepper wool blend boucle)

and of course the linen jerseys:

Most of my silks were purchased from the table that was in the front of the store for $4 a yard...yeah, I know, right?  Most of my wools are from the Jones NY offerings that Fabric Mart has an abundance of...but what struck me the most was the friendliness of the staff at Fabric Mart.  From the owner, Robert coming out and taking a picture with Sharon (notice the glee on her face!)...

to Jenna who matches thread to fabric (so if you check that box that says you want matching thread, know that someone is carefully making sure that it matches your fabric exactly!)  Seriously I was much impressed by this! 

To everyone who stopped to say hi, get their picture taken with Sharon or who asked us, "What we could do to make shopping with Fabric Mart even better?!"  This was a fabricaholic's dream trip!

Sharon and I started calling each other Sister Wife because we both were saying how much we L-O-V-E Fabric Mart!  And tho' she says that she loves them more...just know that I've loved them longer and deeper than she could evah imagine!  *LOL*

It was the perfect way to spend an afternoon!  Great fabric in a great fabric store with a great fabric store staff and most of all GREAT was the perfect MasterCard moment!  I know cause mine caught fire shortly after we left the store! *LOL*

...more later!


  1. LOL. I had forgotten about you and your wondrous iPad, transferring $$$ for your fabrics. LOL

    And I also forgot how wonderful your fabrics are! Really nice! I finally opened my box, but haven't taken any photos yet.

    It was so fun, Carolyn, though it was a shame that you were taken down by that cold, but at least it wasn't too bad that day!

  2. Sounds like you had great fun!! I see a trip to PA in my future...LOL!

  3. I guess I didn't realize they were in PA. Just looked it up - only 2.5 hours from the DC metro area...I feel a road trip coming on........If anyone from the DC area is intested, just get in touch with me...

  4. WOW, what a memorable day you all had. Sounds like loads of fun and such beautiful fabrics!

  5. I think that first one is the same Dana Buchmann silk/cotton blend I bought a while back. It's one of those fabrics that I love so much that I want to make 20 different things out of it, and then it just sits because it is too fabulous to cut into. Thanks for the pictures of everyone there too - it's nice to put a face to the names of my dealers!

  6. What great fabric finds! I know it was fun!

  7. Sounds like it was the best day out. You certainly got some great fabrics. Guess you'll have to make do with these seeing as you can't buy any more with the credit card catching on fire and all! LOL.

  8. Wiping the drool off my keyboard.....
    What a great Mastercard moment, and worth every hard earned penny!

  9. Actually, that could very well be my nightmare...I would be so overwhelmed by yummy fabric goodness that I might become delirious or more likely, oblivous to the other creature comforts of a home *which comes with a mortgage payment.* lol

  10. What a great day! Thanks for such an entertaining post. Can't wait to see the magical transformation into delicious garments.

  11. I'm jealous - but probably a good thing I wasn't there - my fabric stash is overflowing.

  12. A perfect day indeed! You might have felt like you went crazy, but all your purchases look very wearable and very you so a good investment I think.

  13. Wow, quite a splurge! I agree, its an 'investment'! lol!
    Ashley x
    ps. since your post about comments I've been making a special effort to leave comments on all of the blogs I follow :D I'm really enjoying it, so thanks :)

  14. I'm hearing that Beach Boy song..."And she'll have FUN, FUN, FUN till her Daddy takes her IPad away"!
    Actually, you both looked like you had the most fabulous day one could have lived on this earth!!!
    Back to my song...And she'll have Fun, Fun, Fun.........!!!

  15. Looks like y'all had fun and the new fabrics are gorgeous!

  16. OMG!!! It's an actual brick and mortar STORE?!?!

    See now I really NEED to go there, having been on sewing hiatus for several years now, I haven't got a stash worth mentioning (ok, 11 pieces of, seriously, that's all I have. Half of that I bought last summer when Hancocks put their linen on 60% off or something like that).

    And I'm only over in Dayton, which is only a couple hours drive from Western PA. Hmmm...I could make a weekend of it, I know I could. BTW-your blog is where I first heart of FM, so I really do owe you a huge thank you for that. I got some lovely fabric there last spring, just to try them out, so to speak, and they were everything you said they would be. Love FM!

  17. Great haul! So far I have not used my iPad for transfering funds but there is always a first time in my future.

  18. Love your fabric finds. Fabric Mart sounds, and looks, like a great place to shop and I think it makes such a difference to have people there who give great service and clearly care about the fabric they sell.

  19. You had to tempt me and I'm in PA and I buy from Fabricmart all the time. so when the fire marshall shuts down my sewing area due to lack of space can I give him your email address and you can explain why I did this because YOU had to tempt me! Looks like maybe a road trip this summer FabricMart then NYC.

  20. Caroline, thanks for putting a human face on one of my favorite online fabric stores. I live too far away to visit, but will think of you when I point and click!

  21. Carolyn - I've been to Fabric Mart physically too -- I must not have known the magic words to say because all I got to see was what is out where you walk in. Tell me - how did you do it? Call ahead and make arrangements with the owner?

  22. I am so envious of all the fabric stores in your area. Up here in the frozen NW, I am at least sixty minutes away from the nearest non-quilt fabric store. I think I would swoon with joy at fabric mart. Great selections, can't wait to see what you make of them.

  23. Sorry the last poster there was me, didn't realize my DH was signed in.

    I'm SOOOOO jealous! I lurve FabricMart. I think maybe one day this summer I may have to take a roadtrip...It's only 1o hours ;-)

  24. Wow! What a haul! Can't wait to see what you make with those beautiful fabrics. I was in PA earlier this month on business...too bad I didn't take time off afterwards to shop at Fabric Mart.

  25. Sounds like the perfect day. I love seeing you in jeans and a cardigan. We always see you dressed up. You look cute in casual.

  26. Oh my, that sounds like my ultimate fabric fantasy! Love that gorgeous b/w houndstooth! You're going to have so much fun with these beautiful fabrics!

  27. I think I would have been overwhelmed by all the choice and just stand there dithering. Wool sateen! Never heard of it. Linen jersey what a concept. It all sounds so very exciting, can wait to see some of it made up.

  28. Aren't the people at Fabric Mart the best?! I think you have to really understand fashion fabric to understand what a treasure trove it is. I took some ASG friends there one time and the quilters in the group were so disappointed because it wasn't "pretty" like a quilt store. But the garment sewers know that you buy fabric by the feel as well as the looks and that this stuff is the real thing! So thanks for the pics. So glad that you all had a great time.

  29. Ahhhh Fabric Mart. Some of my best fabrics came from JaneM (previous commenter) when she got rid of all her winter fabrics. She lives near me in Md. during summers but lives in Florida in winters. All of her stuff came from Fabric Mart and it is wonderful quality.

    I have never been there!! I have that bad MIchael always giving me good deals at A Fabric PLace, so I have not made the journey.

    Now that I have seen the magnificence, I really must go. But my fabric shelves are FULL!! sigh....

  30. Good, someone you can go to Fabric-holics Anonymous with. !!!

  31. Now I'm jealous. I live in a fabric wasteland. You got some great pieces there and I know you will get so many of those sewn up.

  32. Ohhhhh I am sitting here drooling in envy. I would love to go there (with lots of money). I live in Central Florida and the only thing that is close by is Hancocks. I am glad you all had such a great fun day. :)

  33. Too much fun! My skin is turning green as I type.

  34. Great company and gorgeous fabric. What could be better?

  35. How fun! I'm on a tight budget at the moment and only sewing from stash, but I SO enjoy seeing and hearing about your shopping experience - A great way to spread the joy! Thanks!

  36. When I get sick of this mindful fabric buying thing (I know it's only a matter of time) I'm gonna have to find a way to go to Fabric Mart in person. What a fabulous haul!

  37. Oh, lucky you! One of these days, I'm going to need to drive to Reading. It's only maybe 2 hours away, right? And those beautiful items that followed you home!

  38. Okay, get busy now, those fabrics aren't going to sew themselves!

  39. If I ever get a chance to go to PA, I am definitely going to stock up on fabric mart fabrics.
    Ever since I have followed your blog, I have been a huge fan of theirs.

  40. OOOOhhh you picked up some nice pieces!!! It is so nice when customer service is even more fab in person than the good service you get with them on line. Makes you feel better about your credit card being on fire :)

  41. LOL! Soooooooo jealous! But it was good to see you guys having a good time and thanks for sharing your adventure.

  42. I'm so jealous! The best fabric store I've got is about an 1/8 of what it sounds like at Fabric Mart!! I'll live vicariously through you!


  43. Carolyn, I love your blog. I read it all the time, but this is the first time I have left a comment. Your design sensibilities are inspiring and your output is impressive. I worked at Fabric Mart for a short time a few years ago; the story of your pilgrimage with Sharon and Peg was great; you're 100% right that the people there are wonderful!

  44. Just realized that store is only an hour from my in-laws. I might not visiting so much the next time!

  45. Piggy certainly went to market! Great finds.

  46. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
    All the home

  47. Hi. Just wanted to leave a note to say that you make sewing seem fun. I spend a lot of time thinking about sewing, imagining what I would sew, looking at patterns, reading and viewing things on and stitcher's guild, but your blog stands out to me as the place I can go to enjoy sewing. You seriously enjoy this. and I can see it and feel it, and it makes me happy. (and I never leave comments...perhaps I will more often)

  48. OMG it looks like a fabulous time and I love, love, love what you got! Your photos, your description of everything and everyone, the story about transferring money, all made me smile. I might have to at least look at fabric mart's site....

    Oh wait. My sewing room is still in shambles, but far from just dismissing it, now I must go work on it.

  49. Fabric Mart is a real place??!?!? I thought it was a mythical wonderland like El Dorado or Shangri-La, but with a website... GREAT haul!


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