
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Value of a Good Comment

So I was with some friends this weekend and we were talking about blog reading, I mean when we weren't talking about patterns or fabrics, or trims, etc.! *LOL*  You know what I mean, right?!  The conversation was all sewing all the time...anyway one of the topics that came up was blogs, blogging and leaving comments.

Now as I explained to them and I've said numerous times here...I am a comment ho.  I may not respond to all of them, but I do read each and every one of them and appreciate the time a person takes to leave a comment.  And the discussion turned to what makes a good comment...this was a pretty interesting discussion to me.

I don't know about you but I like not only to receive comments but to give them too...because to me visiting a person's blog is like visiting their home.  You always acknowledge the person for allowing you into their home and you should thank them for taking the time to host you.  If you are really into the social do's and don'ts, you even try to bring a small gift to show your gratitude or appreciation for them hosting you.  That's what comments are like to way of saying thanks for taking the time to share your "whatever" with me.

So what about you?  Do you or don't you comment?  Is there a reason that you don't?  I mean I totally get the don't say something at all if you ain't got nuthin' nice to say rule...but it was perplexing to me and my friends why so many people read blogs and don't say anything...nuthin, nada, zip! 

It's sort of like ghostly appearances...anyway, I know sometimes people read at work and don't have the ability to comment (totally get that one!) I mean your day job is soooooo much more important than leaving a comment...and some people don't have a Google ID or an Open ID so when anonymous comments have been turned off...then you can't leave a comment. 

But what about the rest of you?  Is there a reason you don't comment?  Now please don't feel like you have to leave a comment...*LOL*  This was just a post wondering what was what based upon a conversation with friends.  Or maybe I'm just delirious from all the cold medicine I'm taking because I've managed to catch the cold from hell...probably shared with me by the germ catcher himself - The Little Prince!

So comment or don't...I was just pondering...

...more later!


  1. I love comments and I love to give comments as well. I can't always because most mornings I going through Google Reader from my smartphone while on the elliptical in the gym. And I forget to go back and comment when I get home. As a blogger, I need feedback. Blogging is pretty time-consuming and you just want to know that someone appreciates the time and effort you put into a post!

    I appreciate you Carolyn! LOL

  2. How very appropriate! I have the first comment!

    I usually only comment if I have something specific to say! If it's already been said, I don't say it again.

    That stated, I, too, LOVE comments!! I should really try to be better in piping up!!

  3. rats! second comment! Erica has a good point I didn't think of, though - I read a lot of blog posts on my ipod in Feedly - it's sort of a pain to click through and type on that little screen!

  4. I didn't know a comment really mattered....or that the blogger made time to read all of her comments! But've shed a huge flood light on the subject that it does with this...I'll take it into the next blog and be sure I leave a "calling card" of a the ladies of ole did in the Victorian times!!!! Thanks for your insight!!! Love your blog by the way!!! :)

  5. I'm guilty of being a regular reader & infrequent poster. I also do most of my blog reading via Google Reader, which forces an extra step on me to comment. I'm usually in a rush, so I don't. I also don't comment because I don't think I have something substantive to add. I'm not a fan of "me too" posts, so I don't typically say much unless I really have an opinion or feedback to share. Now, if I had a blog, I'd be a comment-ho too & void all my comments above!

  6. I do try to comment but sometimes I skim through blogs and intend to go back and comment then life gets in the way. I appreciate all the wonderful comments I get too. I will admit though that sometimes if there are already 20, 40 or more comments on a post, unless it is something I feel I must share, then I might not comment. Not that I feel my comment is useless, or might be missed, but that the poster has already gotten a ton of feedback and probably doesn't need more ;-) I need to get over that and comment anyway!

  7. My reason is similar to Erica and Patty. I'm often grabbing a bit of time on the Google Reader and forget to go back and leave a comment when I have time later. Must do better on that.

    I enjoy your work very much Carolyn, and your blog voice is fun to read. I just want you to know that I appreciate you even when I don't always comment.

  8. I like the "calling card" analogy! I don't comment because I have nothing original to say. But in RL "hello, how are you, nice to see you" is much better than passing in silence. D'oh!

  9. You are a very good commenter. I am not. A, because I don't usually have the time to comment on more than one or two blogs a day. B, I don't write well when I feel contained to just a sentence or two, and I feel like writing "nice!" or "well done!" is sort of a cop-out and that my blogging friends are owed more from me. So those are two weak-assed reasons why I don't comment as much as I should. Thanks for your email, BTW. Feel better. You're my one comment for the day; back to work.

  10. Hi Carolyn :

    I rarely leave comments but as a new sewist and plus sized I wanted to thank you.
    I love your blog. I check it every day. Your tips, advice are so generous and welcome.
    I am battling the cold/flu in Nova Scotia with my head so congested I can not even think of sewing.
    But I really wnt to get going on that Vogue jacket that you sewed for SWAP. That is my most favourite thing that I have seen on your blog. I will need my wits about me when I start though :)
    I should stop rambling but I just wanted to let you know that you and your generous wisdom is greatly appreciated !

  11. I guess I am one of those who does not always leave a message. Why? I think that I feel like I have not "put time" into my blog posts and I don't sew as much as others, so I think" who wants to hear from me". I know it is silly, but I am just being real with my thoughts.
    I am glad you posted your thoughts on comments.
    I will mend my ways!!!
    Yes, we all need feedback and encouragement.

  12. Thanks for the awesome post. I enjoy comments, it allows you to connect with the blogger. I don't comment on every post I read, but I like to make sure that I send a comment to each blog I read from time to time.


  13. I comment when I have something to share. And, because it feels like we're in the midst of conversation, the comment is usually abrupt. Love your blog. Wish I live nearby!

  14. Carolyn, I so much enjoy reading your posts. At first I read all the blog posts but never commented on them, but that has changed, I leave comments on a regular basis, It feels like I have just made many friends in many parts of the world and that feel so good.

    Thank you for your time and your very interesting posts.

  15. Sorry Caroline. I too am a fairly frequent visitor but haven't yet commented. Mainly because I can't always think of anything to say that would add to the other comments. I will try harder!

  16. I dont always comment partly cause I'll read other's comments and what I have to say is pretty much the same as others. Alot of times if there are say 20+ comments to a post I'm thinking they don't want to hear my 2 cents. The last reason is because I dont always have my open id open. There have been a few times that I didnt realize it wasnt open since I'm new to all of this and after I went to the trouble of typing/thinking of the words I wanted to say I'd lose my entire comment. That really pisses me off but it's user error. LOL!!

  17. I follow too many blogs to comment on all of them every post (I don't even read every post on all of them), but I do try to post a few comments daily here and there, either to applaud something I especially appreciate/admire, or if I have something to add to a discussion. Of course I love to get comments, too!

  18. I am a new follower for your blog - nice work! I am a commenter - I feel like people take to the time you share a part of their lives with you so you should thank them by acknowledging that with a comment. What I don't is when people post negative things on someones' blog (seen it only a few times)!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  19. I love comments so I usually comment on others' blogs as well. However, some days I only have enough time for a quick read in Google Reader. I try to get back and leave comments but I often forget!

  20. I always try to leave comments when I can. I say 'when I can' because for some reason if I'm using the desktop computer the 'post a comment' link or typing box just isn't there! It's really annoying! I use google reader so I try and remember to tick the 'mark as unread' box if theres a post I want to leave a comment on, but I rarely remember to do so! But when I use my little eee pc (which I am now) the comment box or link is there. Anyone any idea why this is? :S
    Anyways, I love you're blog and I hope you get better soon!
    Ashley x

  21. You realize of course by saying "comment or don't" that I'm obliged to comment, LOL.

    I will comment if I have something to say to add to the conversation. If the conversation has pretty much run full circle, then I keep my comments to myself.

    I do try NOT to be a negative commenter when at all possible. However, there are times when I've had to speak up and say something along the lines of "You do realize how that came out, right?" because on the internet there's no "tone" and facial expression and some bloggers are just not as cognisant of how they come across.

    If something moves me particularly, I'll definitely comment on it. I think the first post of yours that I commented on - or at least thought about it - was the automatic bias tape maker one. :-D We differ in opinion of that gadget, by the way. ;-)

    Thanks for blogging. I enjoy reading your blog when it pops up in my reader.

  22. I love to read the comments but am guilty of not always leaving one. I am sometimes in a rush and just read the post and go on to the next blog. Leaving more comments on the blogs that I read was something I had just thought about recently. I am going to try at least, LOL

  23. I love blogging and feel that commenting is appreciating that the Blogger took the time to post. Yes, there are times that I am unable to comment due to the post comment feature acting up, but for the most part call me Commenting

  24. For me, time since I am usually reading a day's worth at a time and with a 3 yr old running around, I usually cannot finish a thought. But love your observations, really helps.

  25. Every time I get an email telling me there is a new comment on my blog, it's like getting a high five. A comment is like a compliment.

    I comment on others' blogs, too, because I know how good it feels. But this post has made me evaluate my commenting habits. I think I tend to comment more regularly on blogs that have smaller readerships and fewer comments in general, and always on the blogs of those who comment regularly on my blog. On blogs that have higher readerships and lots of comments (and I apologize to you Caroline because your blog falls into this category and now I feel like I've been coldly and cruelly withholding) I tend to comment only when I have a different point to make than other commenters or there is a post that particularly resonates with me. I'll have to rethink this.

  26. I often don't leave comments...however, I read your blog regularly and really appreciate your beautiful craftsmanship and intelligent approach to clothing yourself. Although we don't have much in common in terms of fitting issues or wardrobe needs, I've learned a ton from your writing, both about sewing and about treating the body you're in with respect.

  27. Okay, poked out of silence.

    I have commented on occasion on some of the blogs I read, but far from all of them. Usually, it's because I don't have much original to add. Occasionally, I start a reply and then think, seriously, who would care about my experience? Am I doing this for me or for you? But I see now it's for both of us. If I do post, it's an area I do have experience in and want to say more than "yeah, me too".

  28. It sounds like time is an issue for most of us - we have to choose whose/which posts to comment on because we do not have time to comment on everyone's, all the time. In that way it's a little like friendships - some you see all the time, others occasionally but they all add something to our lives even if it's just the odd catch up.

  29. Well, I've been taught to say nothing when I have nothing insightful to say, so mostly I read blogs, sit in awe and don't comment :)

    But I do read your blog faithfully and admire your work (albeit in silence :) )...

  30. I have never commented on any blogs and I read many sewing ones and enjoy them all. I actually found you by connecting through another blog I was reading. I've added you to my Google Reader and keep up with what you're doing. I've really enjoyed your TNT patterns and your upcoming trek into "new" patterns and look forward to your future successes. I appreciate the nudge to comment and will do so more often. Thank you for a very enjoyable and informative blog!

  31. Dragging me out of the shadows...

    My behavior isn't specific to your blog, it's sort of why I rarely comment anywhere. For one, I often end up saying nominal, or worse yet, dull and repetitive comments. "Wow, that's beautiful!" "Fabulous work!" or something... lame. It starts to sound hollow in my ears.

    If I feel something more complicated than a compliment, it ends up taking me a long time to figure out exactly what I want to say. More often than not, I just close out the comment box after I've agonized for >10 min over how to express what I'm thinking. I want to carefully phrase, to make sure it's as unambiguous as possible. People can be insulted over the weirdest stuff.

    Like I might say that the whole hosting do's and don'ts is pretty generational. And then someone might take offense that I'm calling them old. Which I'm not. But if I were, "old" is not an insult. Etc. At this point, I would close out the comment and just leave.

    It's often not worth the trouble to aim for clarity when the blog author doesn't know me from Adam, might interpret my words as criticism, probably doesn't care about my opinion anyway, etc.

    So... yeah. Just letting you know the perspective of 1 lurker. ;) Btw, I've been composing this comment for 15 min now.

    Anyway, I have read your site on and off for years. You seem talented, strong, and confident, and I admire you very much.

  32. Similar to a few of the others - I read blogs in google reader, and I'm usually in a rush, so rarely make the jump over to the actual blog to leave a comment. I appreciate it that you have a full feed on your blog, the partial feeds from some blogs irritate me.

    Your blog is inspiring to those of us who love clothes but are plus sized. I've loved reading your wardrobe planning posts, and about your interpreation of the latest trends into clothes that fit & look good on you.

  33. Carolyn, you are such a perfect seamstress... little struggling peons like myself have nothing to add... Teehee

  34. I read your blog all the time, but rarely, if ever, comment. I envy your ability to change patterns to fit your tastes, and to get inspiration from runway fashions and make them work for your lifestyle. But usually I don't comment because it always seems like someone else has already said whatever I would have said! :)

  35. Hi There.
    Sad to say I'm not a big commenter. I do love reading your blog and others but never feel compelled to comment. The few times I've tried to comment it wouldn't go through. So I don't take the time to do it too often. I do appreciate all your posts. They're fun, helpful and very informative.
    (I just bought some linen jersey from Fabric Mart).
    I'll try to comment more.
    Kathi G

  36. I do love comments and I use to be better at leaving them. I have a little guilt when I don't. I have found that lately I have been reading on the I phone or iPad and don't leave comments. it is always on the go and I mean to go back but often don't.

  37. As I am leaving a comment now I would say that I try to do it regularly. You said it well. I also think that we update our blogs to read the praise others want to give us. We want to know that we did a good job. I know that may sound a bit snobby but I think it's pretty true.

  38. ... And adding insult to injury, I spelled your name wrong in my previous comment. Apologies, CAROLYN! DOH!

  39. I don't comment as much as I think I should do for lack of time but I try my best. I appreciate comments on my blog and I think the same goes for every blogger. But I don't expect pat in the back comments. This is a very pertinent post as usual though.

  40. I love receiving comments and I like giving them too, but sometimes it's hard to come up with something good to say. For instance, if I like a dress someone has made but all I have to say is "pretty!" I don't feel like that's worth saying. I might be wrong, and I've been trying to leave more comments because I really want more on my blog lol

  41. I do try to leave comments because I truly enjoy hearing about the creative endeavors of my fellow sewists-especially as I have yet to meet one in person since moving back to the US! I miss the company of other people who understand what a French seam is and whether I should use it or a flat felled seam. So I comment because I miss those personal conversations, and I love it that you put yourself out there to converse with!

    Yes, I'm pitiful! LOL!

  42. Like every blogger I do like comments very much and have left a lot of comments with other bloggers in the past. Knowing that I like comments, I tried to comment as well. Lately I've been reading, but commenting a lot less. Mostly because there just isn't enough time in a day to read and comment as well. Sometimes there are just too many unread posts that I don't even read. Stopped feeling quitly about pressing the "mark all as read" button.

  43. Guess you're getting lots of comments this time around.
    Me - I comment when I have something to say. There are days that I'm in the sort of mood where what I say might be misconstrued, and then I make sure that I refrain from commenting. Only nice/helpful comments allowed from my computer. On those blogs that I follow regularly, I do pop up frequently enough that I shouldn't be a total stranger.
    I also love to get comments. An acknowledgment of my efforts to post something are always nice.

  44. I love comments, both leaving and recieving them, and I do read much more than I comment, because much of the time that's all I have time for. I'm a full-time grad student with a part-time job, so I consider myself blessed to read the wonderful offerings that you and many others have to offer. I'll be thinking something and by the time I have the chance to comment, many times it's too late to- I've closed the link or forgotten my words. It's just me being absent-minded!

  45. I subscribe to your blog and many others and read in google reader. I don't often comment, unless I'm particularly moved to, and I've got time to click through and I'm not at work where I shouldn't be reading blogs.....!!! But I love comments too. You are much appreciated, love the inspiration you provide. Love from a lurker!

  46. A lot of times I don't commment because I don't particularly feel like I have something to add to the discussion! Many times, my opinon has already been represented. Or often, in regards to one of your creations "Nice job" has already been said, and I would feel that one more would be meaningless.

    But also, I don't have a blog myself... So I really feel that I'm kind of anonymous and that my thoughts don't particularly matter. For what it's worth, I love that you take the time to share all that you do with us. And most likely, I'll continue to be a lurker, but truthfully, an admirer!

  47. I read or skim lots of blogs every day, but I don't comment too often, and I feel badly about that. Mostly it's because I'm really pressed for time. I can comment when I can grab a free couple of minutes (like now).

  48. I love to receive comments so I try to make the effort to leave comments. Sometimes I write posts where I just check in and I don't expect comments just want to let those interested informed know that I'm still around.

    I also have an awful cold and have not been able to sew =( It did not keep me from ordering yarn and fabric though ;-)

  49. I love comments and like to make them. However, I only tend to make comments when something either really resonates with me or if I have something different to say than what has been said before.

    I also may want to comment but may not have the ability to always do so.

  50. I don't comment often because I feel like I don't have anything new to say. There are usually so many comments and I feel I am just repeating what everyone else says. I do comment when I find something extremely useful or insightful in a post or I really appreciate something (then I definitely thank them).
    I guess I should get over it and just comment anyway! Thanks for opening my eyes.

  51. I like to comment but when I read from work I can't comment.
    I LOVE comments on my blog, though (hint, hint)

  52. I love comments and I read them all, although I get very few readers. I don't always comment on blogs every time I read, but I like to let someone know when I appreciate their work or if they have inspired me in some way. I'm on the other side of the world to most of you and it's nice to have that contact.

  53. Hi, Carolyn (waving) I don't comment often b/c Google Reader but when I get fired up and have something to say, that's usually the very day that Google's Blogger is not accepting my comments. :(

    Glad you've brought this up though. I've always wondered why folks read but don't say hi often.

  54. Time! Right now, not only can I not keep up with my blogging, I can't keep up with reading all the blogs I like, so commenting is rare. Even though I love getting comments, I never really thought of it as blog-etiquette.

    Also, sometimes I chicken out and think my comments sounds silly, might be taken the wrong way, or is just too repititive. Just for you, I'll try to do better! :)

  55. wow, I definately think people should leave comments, in fact, I think people would POST more if they had got more comments because its so motivatating to "see" the effect your words have on your readers, however I am with Erica, sometimes I'm reading while doing something else,I try to make things as unread just so I can go back and comment but I don't get to each one, there is also the fashion blogs and I don't comment on, I just like the eye candy, great post Carolyn.

  56. When I read blogs at their actual site, I was much better about leaving comments. Now that I usually read them on Google Reader and often on my puny netbook, it takes something a little more to get me to comment. If I have something specific to say, or it really resonates with me, then I make the effort. Hmm...I do like comments, so I should make more of an effort to do so.

  57. I comment often. When a topic is interesting to me in some way, when I particularly like a garment, I have a similar experience, sometimes advice or opinion if asked for, a technique that might help the blogger, etc. I do not comment just to let someone know I read their blog that day, as I subscribe to quite a few. I guess I want what I do say to mean something.

  58. I too love comments. It's always fun to see who stops by my blog, so I also like to leave a comment when I can. Like most it is a time issue for me. Sometimes I can just read the posts and I try to go back and leave a comment when I have more time. (I will write down the blog I want to re-visit to leave a comment)

  59. Like Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice, I am "Unwilling to speak unless what I say will amaze the whole room" or something like that. I don't comment unless I think I know something that will help with a problem or question. If another has already posted a comment similar to my own, I will not comment, not wanting to overload the comment box with repetition.
    I look at your blog every day. You're in my top 3.

  60. It sounds quite strange - but part of the reason I rarely leave comments is that I feel quite shy (I know how silly that sounds - it's cyberspace not face to face).
    I feel like other people are much more knowlegable than me so my comments won't really mean that much. Now that I've started blogging myself I realise how much of a boost a comment can give so you'll be hearing a lot more from me :)

  61. I really only comment when I have something important (or hilarious) to add to the discussion. I'm one of those people who usually looks to see if her contribution has already been given by someone else, as well. There are a few bloggers that I've been following for long enough that I almost feel I know them, and I'm more likely to comment on their posts, but I mostly just sit back, like a hanger-on to a conversation.
    I had a very interesting thing happen this week on another blog, though. We have been living in Japan for about two years, and we left due to radiation fears (we were nowhere near the earthquake/tsunami zone, thank God), so were without internet for a couple of weeks. I have been catching up on blogs the past few days, and a favorite of mine (who I had only previously commented on once before!) actually acknowledged that she had a reader in Japan, and hoped that 'Birdie' had come through unscathed. It was touching and fascinating to see that the connection definitely goes both ways.

  62. I have a completely ridiculous number of blogs that I subscribe to or follow and if I left comments every time I'm not sure there would be time for much else! But I agree it is great feedback to get comments so I do try and give them out as well and sort of spread them around!

  63. wow, 62 comments. I look at your blog once a week or so. To be honest I feel that your sewing is so amazing and I'm just a beginner so I feel kind of inadequate to comment. Your outfits are soooo good.

  64. I read more than I comment. Sometimes I don't have lots of time to even read all the blogs I subscribe to. If I don't have anything substantial to add to the conversation, I usually won't comment. If 63 people have commented before I do, I wonder if my comment will be read. Carolyn, it's good to know you read all comments. That must take a tremendous amount of time.

  65. I tend to comment on blogs that have left comments on mine. If you haven't commented on mine, I don't feel compelled to comment on yours. The exception to that rule is if I see something that is really nice/helpful, etc. then I do comment.

  66. I follow a lot of blogs and try to comment when I feel that I have a contribution to the discussion.

    I'm not sure if I've ever commented on your blog but I really enjoyed reading your post on linen that you recently highlighted again. I had bought some linen blend recently and with the information you provided I feel that I can better handle my linen.

  67. I am somewhat a newbie and sometimes feel I have not earned the right to comment. Sad I know. I think its because I don't truly know the person as they do not know me, and don't know how they may react to an unknown person. Another reason is that I only get to read blogs at the end of a work day and some of the ones I read have a sea of comments...*ahem* (You have 66 as I type LOL)...And I feel my little two cents will just get lost in the sea. I will try to do better!

  68. Reasons why I almost do not leave a
    comment because;

    spelling, grammar, (English is not my first language)
    because of that I'm often misunderstood..

    afraid to sound to "groupie"
    (I do love your blog, I did learn a lot from you.)

    Thinking that the bloger herself does not have time to read everyones posts.

    I subscribe to the google reader.

    If I click on the "like" at the bottom, do you see it with my name?

  69. Carolyn,
    You blog is inspiring to me. I love how you get an idea and then translate it into your newest garment.
    Like some of the others have said, I read several sewing blogs in Google Reader and don't have time to comment on everyone's blog. Sometimes I do try to leave comments and the program won't take them.
    I wished Reader had a 'like' button I could push (ala Facebook) just so I could indicate that I like what has been posted.
    Thanks for sharing your creations with us!

  70. I'm one of the lurkers... inspired and impressed by your sewing and design work. Your blog was the first sewing blog I stumbled into and became my entry into the sewing blog world. And I thank you for that.

    Your blog is often thought-provoking-- but by the time I get around to commenting, it's either old news or 'me too'.

    So accept my thanks but probably not much more feedback (unless you count telepathy).

  71. Thank you! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures. I am a lurker! I don't comment except on special occasions because it takes me more time than I think (by the time I write, edit, make sure no one already said that, ect.) and I'm really supposed to be working.

  72. Well you've got me. I'm a major lurker, but 90% of my blog reading occurs own my iPhone, in the car, or at work and I just can't comment while driving. :)

  73. For me, I usually comment when I feel that a post really speaks to me. Some days, reading blogs without commenting is like passing time a the car with your SO without talking...just hanging out in pleasant silence. Other times, commenting is like saying "hello" to an old friend...just because it's fun! And some days, the post doesn't seem to require a comment. So I guess there are many reasons to and not to comment. :)

  74. There are a number of reasons that I don't often comment. I usually have a baby in my arms when I'm reading so comments take forever being typed one-handed. A lot of times someone has already expressed what I was feeling. Your blog seems so personable that it feels like your talking to your friends, and while I love to read it, I feel like I'm intruding a bit in your sewing circle if I comment. I also often type something and when I read it before I post it is seems either dumb or like I'm not really adding anything worthwhile.

  75. interesting post and responses. I didnt realise that comments were such an important part of blogging. I thought it was more for internal gratification rather than relying on external praise. Time is a huge issue - commenting on every post and every blog would leave not much time for sewing.
    ON another note do you respond to every question posed by commentors - what do you think is the etiquette for this ? BY the way I do love your blog - it is one of my favourites and I apprecriate the time and effort you do put in.

  76. Hi Caroline,

    I am a serial lurker. I never can think of things to say or someone else has said what I would like to say better than I would. I think I also have a very dry sense of humor that would probably be interpreted as mean - when I try very hard not to be mean. I think I read my list of blogs like the newspaper everyday - and really it's not a newspaper - it's personal experiences or feelings and I should comment more.

  77. Because I'm a bit shy, and if I don't feel like I have something special to say, I stay quiet! :)

  78. I usually leave comments on most blogs I read. After I've left so many, maybe 10 or so, and that blogger has never visited my blog or at least never leaves a comment, I tend not to leave as many comments on that blogger's blog. I love comments because it gives me an idea of what, about the things I make or write, others like or not. Comments do make me feel good. I also like to connect with other bloggers in their world and mine. I lvoe being cyber connected with people all over the world.

  79. Hey Carolyn! I'm horrible at leaving comments on a consistent basis. Last year when we found out my son had his brain tumor I pretty much disappeared from the online sewing world - and rightfully so - and I'm only now slowly getting back into the swing of things. For me it's a time thing - my work is crazy busy, I take two classes outside of work time, and have lots of volunteer commitments for the other evenings. I barely have time to update my own blog :-) Many times I'm reading blogs on my phone during breaks and its too difficult to leave a comment.

    I'm like you though. I treasure and value comments people leave for me.

  80. I love comments but I don't get many in my small, humble space. I try to be a good commenter but sometimes it feels silly to leave a comment in a sea of so many. Especially when it seems that there is a lot of familiarity among frequent readers.

    I also find the dynamic of blogging a little strange in that you feel like you know someone so well when, in truth, you don't know them at all. It's hard to separate that all out and not feel slighted when you don't get a personal response.

  81. I try to comment every so often if I feel I can contribute something to the conversation. I have a few blogs (like this one) that I read every entry - and if I commented on every entry that would get overwhelming, I think. Then on blogs I just drop in on a few times a year - I don't feel that I am "home" and that the people don't really need/want to hear from me - unless I just have to say something on a particular topic.

  82. Comments are the best, I enjoy giving and receiving them, the feedback is always appreciated.

  83. I go through phases. I comment a lot at times and then go without commenting at all for awhile. When I'm not blogging, I'm not reading blogs either. I need to do both much more often. Since I love comments as well, maybe I need to start commenting more often. It's not like you can usually shut me up so I don't know why I don't comment more often on blogs. Now you've got me started!

  84. I'm in the group that doesn't want to duplicate comments. I read everything you post and sometimes am disappointed when you don't post something new. However, I realize you have a "real life" just like the rest of us.

    I read your blog because you are plus-sized, like me, and your methods of dealing with pattern adjustments are very helpful to me. Your style is very different from mine, but "business" dress is really different here in South Florida than in your job environment.

    I should comment more often, especially as I am thrilled with every new garment you post, knowing I'm going to get to see construction details and you'll offer tips on how to deal with troublesome issues.

    Here's the other reason I don't comment. I tend to write books when I do. :)

    Melissa in Florida

  85. I read your blog all the time and I really enjoy it. I am sorry for not commenting on something that gives me a lot of pleasure. I usually feel like I am repeating what others have said and not being a blogger I have not understood the importance to you of people commenting.
    I grew up sewing but as I got older I stopped with life getting in the way. Now I work in a quilt shop and I love it, but your blog and some others have inspired me to go back to sewing my own clothes. I am slowly getting back! Thank you.

  86. Like you - I love getting comments. Before I changed jobs and had more time, I always responded to all of them. I like building a 'relationship' with the commenters.

    There are certain blogs I will comment on almost every single time. I do feel like I'm being hosted in someone's home and it is important to thank them.

    Feel better soon. g

  87. Ohhhhh you are going to get a gazillion comments now :-) I don't think i've ever commented here but I want to let you know that I do love reading your blog... My lame reasons for not commenting:
    1) I too have a 2yo who hates it when I sit at the computer... So I read blogs on my iPhone. Commenting is really hard to do on this tiny screen
    2) I often don't feel like I've got anything to add especially since I'm more of a 'fantasy sewer' ie I cant seem to get a moment to sew much of anything... But I sure think about it alot!

  88. You are soo funny... I read this post... and then the previous post about the mythical beast (I'm thinking I spelled that wrong... but you get the jist!) and run don't walk to buy some! How can I "not" comment now?
    I love comments... mostly cause we can learn so much from them! Honestly if we weren't social why would we have blogs or read them for that matter! At least it's clear to me. Too funny that after reading your post on The Value of a Good Comment... you had 86 comments b/4 I put in my 2 cents worth! Blog posts and comments are great... it's like reading the newspaper and getting to be included in the story! Sure there are lots of times that we bloggers are just writing to get something off our chests... but other times we just want to share what we learned.... and when we have to learn something the "hard way" it's neat to be able to share with people so them don't have to make the same mistakes that we have made.
    Your a sweetie! Hope you get over your cold.... Keep warm! Spring will come eventually!

  89. Serial lurker here, and now I feel really terrible! I really admire how much effort you put into selflessly sharing your creations with the world, the least I can do is write a sentence of thanks once and awhile. I will do better!

  90. In general, I tend toward awkward responses that have sometimes been taken really badly. Since I never want to make a comment that detracts from a lovely blog, I made it a rule to read all responses and only add mine if it's not already there.

    I do have to admit I am awed by your ability to sew for yourself.

  91. I read a ton of blogs, but hardly ever comment. I think this is because by the time I read a post, sooo many people have basically said what I want to say and if I don´t have something new to add to the discussion, I keep my mouth shut! :-)
    I know that I would be just as happy and grateful for the 100th person saying they like something I made as for the 1st, so I really ought to comment more...
    Gee, I just did, who woulda thunk!

  92. I love your blog. I don't often comment because I usually don't have anything very specific to say, and writing 'I enjoyed your post' all the time seems kind of unhelpful... but maybe it isn't. I will try to make more of an effort! Even us lurkers enjoy your blogs. Thank you!

  93. I also love comments. And don't leave as many as I should. I'm with the others who often read from a smartphone. And clicking on links to get to the comment section I'm often blocked by the carrier. It's annoying and I just don't have time to go back.

  94. I love your blog and read it every day. I have commented once or twice but most times someone else has already said everything I want to say.

    Best wishes from Oz.


  95. I am guilty of lurking. I admit it . But I am trying to change. As a new blogger I realize how exciting it is to get comments. I have even had a few that were not really nice. As a reader, I usually don't comment if there are 20 or more comments . How many different ways are there to say beautiful? I guess I need a thesaurus. Also if I have left several comments on a blog and that blogger has not visited my blog, I assume they are not interested in me or my comments.
    As a new blogger my perception is that there is a clique that is difficult to enter. That said, I too am on cold meds for the afore mentioned cold from hell. Maybe they are making me paranoid!

  96. I think of this blogging community as a sort of sewing club. I try to comment, when appropriate. The problem is keeping up with the blogs that don't have "followers" or another way to know when a post has been added.

  97. I do comment, but rarely. Lots of time I take a quick break at lunch at work and zip through my rss feed and don't have time. And then at home...I spend so much time on a computer during the day, that I hesitate to get on. Also, I don't want to repeat stuff, so if it's been said....

    Oh, can you tell I'm tired today and parent/teacher/student conferences tonight (I'm a jr. high teacher).
    Enjoy your day!

  98. I read your blog every day, but rarely comment. I LOVE your dresses, LOVE your sewing instructions and LOVE your rants, but I find that when I want to comment, the comments have already been said, usually better than I would have said them anyway. So, apologies for not commenting, I do want you to know that I appreciate you!

  99. Since you asked! There are a few reasons I don't leave comments. First, I use Google Reader, and I don't know how to leave comments using that. To leave a comment, I have to navigate to another window, log in again, and then type a comment (much like I am doing right now). It's a little hassley. Above and beyond not knowing how to do it on Google Reader, I generally feel like I don't have much to add. I'm more of a sponge than a sprinkler. But since I know you feel this way, I will try to change my habits. Thanks for the thoughts!!

  100. I leave comments when I'm not busy or if I really agree with or love something someone made.

  101. I'm always happy to see that you have a new post, and I always read it with great interest, but I never comment. I'm not too busy, not reading on some little gadget, not working out- I just don't think anyone is interested in my thoughts which tend to be variants on "Wow, that's gorgeous!" "Great fabric" "Yes, I agree" etc.

  102. I'm interuppting my breakfast to comment on why I don't comment. I'm eating is why I don't comment. My hands are busy feeding me. I visit in the morning, obviously, a few blogs that I like; you are visited every day. Morning, before work, is the only time I have in the day to be on my own computer. Mystery solved?

  103. I love to give and receive comments on my blog, but I don't always post comments everyday...only when I think I have something pertinent to say or are particularly moved by a posting. I follow a lot of blogs and it would take a good portion of the day to comment on everyone's entry. I like to spread the love around!

  104. Well, you are up to 102 comments as I am writing this one (#103)...not bad!!
    As for me, I don't always know what to say...and like patty snug bug said....If it's already been said, I don't say it again...
    I LUV your blog...and find your taste, sewing, style skills,designs,everything - awesome, over the top! You look fantastic in all your outfits....I'm so green with envy! Your work/blog could make anyone want to create their own wardrobe! - you keep me going even when things don't work out the way I hoped they would!'s hard to write it and not miss anything..

  105. Sometimes I leave a comment on blogs. It kind of reminds me of journaling, your thoughts are on paper (so to speak)--there! I've said it. Some blogs leave me with unanswered questions that mostly go unasked. You are always on my daily list, right behind my emails, newspapers, and work emails. I get excited when I see a new post. I'm about to give up on my sewing quest. I just don't have the time, still buying fabric, though, still cutting out 'what I want to look like when I grow up pictures'. I'm leaning toward finding a seamstress until I can carve out the time to pursue one of my many passions--to create beautiful plus sized clothing. I am so tired of ill fitting 'circus' clothing. You keep me inspired to believe it can be done--I can be a plus sized woman and be just as fashionable as anyone else!

  106. I don't always comment for several reasons -
    a. I don't talk a lot in real life either
    b. When I first started following newgroups on the internet - it was considered bad form to leave comments like "nice" or "I agree". If you did, you'd most likey get a scolding of "you're wasting bandwidth!", and probably in much less polite words.
    c. Sometimes I can't find the right wording to get my point across, so it becomes a time issue.

    A similar subject came up a few weeks ago on a craft blog I read. It started out about Free Things, and how disheartening it was that so often people visit and download the free patterns or tutorials without so much as a thank you. Since reading that, I've tried to be much better about leaving comments, especially for free things.

  107. I love to receive and give comments. Sewing is not a hugely popular hobby in that I don't know many others who practice as often or with as much intensity as I do. So it is wonderful to connect with the sewing-obsessed who can really engage you at that level since they too understand the time, effort, creativity and challenges involved. Over the past few years that blogging has really gained ground it has been wonderful to interact with sewers from all over the world.

  108. I feel like I've been peeping through someone's window and they just opened the blinds! BUSTED! LOL Although I love love reading your blog, and truly admire your sewing skills and passion I always look at how many other people have commented and just assume my comment will never be read. So, I remain the anonymous lady who checks in on a regular basis to see what Fabulous-ness you have to share.

  109. I am fairly new to your blog, but I agree with you its great to see a comment on your own blog, and I do, within the scope of the hours available to me to blog, try and give comments, like some of the the other comments here, if you are following a few blogs, it gets difficult to keep up -almost like a 2nd job, however I am sad enough (as a fairly new blogger) too look for comments but like you said it gives you a little boost. One of the other reasons I join the various sites like Stitchers Guild etc to to join like-minded people because in my location there are no sewing groups or clubs - think the UK is still very much behind our friends across the big pond.

    Interesting post and clearly got a lot of replies ha ha

  110. There you go getting us thinking again! That is what I like about your blog.

    I normally try to leave a comment when I am visiting someone's blog. There are blogs where I have left comments and I know that person will never leave a comment on mine. Sometimes I don't leave a comment because of time commitments and think I will go back and leave one later. Sometimes nothing they wrote or reviewed appealled to me and saying nothing is better. And sometimes this is just nothing to say.

  111. I take peeks throughout the day at work and often mean to get back to make comments and most times don't get back to them. I usually try to make a comment when something really jumps out at me or on something of particular interest. I do agree however that it is good to show appreciation because I learn so much from reading other people's blogs and I appreciate feedback on mine, so it's kind of a give and take huh.

  112. Looks like I'm in good company...I read the posts through Google Reader but it's frequently when I've got just a few minutes and I don't have time to click through. So I mean to later, but, well, later never comes round.

    So you know when you see a comment from me I was *really* inspired to click through right at that moment! ;)

    Thanks for the wonderful comments you leave for me, though...I always appreciate them! :-D

  113. Hi. I've been enjoying your blog for years, and it's true, I've never commented here before. You even set a great example for me when you left a very sweet comment on the first PatternReview I ever did, and I have never returned the favor.

    There are a number of reasons why I rarely comment on people's blogs: I'm kind of shy; I'm not much of a "looking good!" or "you go girl!" rah rah person; and the only comments I've ever left have been when I actually have something new to contribute to the conversation. But there's another thing (and maybe this is just an excuse) -- even if I were to leave a brief positive comment on someone's blog, I guess I figure it won't matter that much to them. I'm not much of an online sewing presence -- I don't have a blog and I am not a PatternReview powerhouse. So without any context on who I am, it seems like a generic "good job" comment from me isn't much more meaningful than just reading your visitor stats. We all do leave our traces on your blog and you must know that there are so many more of us out there than the comments you get.

    Allow me to close by saying that I do appreciate the time it takes you to blog, and thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences, and tasty dress and fabric photos!

  114. I comment when I think I have something worthwhile to contribute. Otherwise, I'm just noise that wastes peoples time, yours and your readers as well as mine.

  115. If I am reading a blog nine times out of ten I will comment. The few times I don't comment is on a post with over 50-60 comments and mine really doesn't add anything to the discourse at that point.

    As a blogger I love comments. I read, appreciate, and treasure each one. It's like having you all in my sewing room for a cup of tea and some great fun.

  116. Reasons I don't comment? Well, I'm kinda shy, I usually don't have anything ground breaking to say, I'm using Google reader 90% of the time, and I never seem to have enough time.
    I do always use the GR "like" button when I like a post, although I don't know if the authors ever see it. :-(
    I promise to try better for the future because there are soooo many blogs out there I love! Like yours!!!!!!!!

  117. I like to comment but often don't because I usually read blogs in Outlook (crazy, I know) and after all the clicking to get to the comment section, I feel obligated to read all the comments, which often takes a lot of time (I read blogs only every few weeks so I'm always playing catch up). By the time I see something, the world has usually moved on and I feel kinda funny commenting on an old post. Like right now :-)

  118. I don't comment too much because it is really time comsuming. However, having said that, when there is a blog/blogger I truly admire, or a particular post that really impacted me in some way, I make a point of commenting. If there is no response to any of my comments, I tend to stop commenting on that blog at all. While I know that it is tough for the blogger to respond to all comments, if the comments are really so appreciated by the blogger, I think it would be nice to have some sort of recognition of that other than in a post once in a while that says: I truly value each and every comment.

    BTW, you and your blog have inspired me to post several times. And, as you said, you do not respond despite the fact that you relish each and every one...and so I eventually stopped dropping in to comment. But, still love keeping up with your blog anyway :)

  119. I love receiving comments - short or long. I read many many blogs and I usually only comment if I have something to say. Occasionally I'll comment on a new-to-me blog to let the blogger know I'm there lurking, or if someone doesn't get many comments/needs encouragement. If I commented on all the blogs I read - I'd do nothing else!

    I will take into consideration what you said about it being like going inot someone's home...definitely food for thought. I love reading blogs - esp. ones written by women and even more so women of color because these voices have never been heard from en masse like they are now and there is so much for me to learn....and I meet online the most WONDERFUL people!

    I love your blog.

  120. Because its a pain in the arse. I have to leave Google reader, then log on and type a captcha to leave a comment. And my phone auto corrects it.

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