
Friday, August 26, 2011

A Rare Sighting

Yes, this is me in jeans...and how I went to work today!

This is for the unbelievers...photographic proof that I do wear and own jeans!

I will definitely be sewing tomorrow before Irene makes her appearance and possibly ruins it... always, more later!


  1. You look good in jeans, they shouldn't be such a rare sighting! Will be thinking of you all over there as Irene gets nearer, hope its all OK.

  2. Take care this weekend - I hope it's not too bad.

  3. Things I am going to do once the power goes out:
    * read fall fashion magazines. Haven't read Vogue, etc yet
    * trace off a new Oliver + S dress pattern for my niece
    * make s'mores on the BBQ grill, doesn't require power!
    * give myself a candlelight manicure
    * give my dad's dog lots of belly rubs ;)

    hope you get lots of sewing in before the power goes out!!!

  4. querida Carolyn estou te acompanhando pelo blog faz tempo , infelizmente não falo ingles mas mesmo assim ja consigo fazer alguma coisa apenas olhando o passo a passo que vc posta que e bastante explicado e me facilita muito fiquei muito feliz em te encontrar.aqui não tenho acesso as revistas que vc usa, mas pelas roupas que vc faz posso imaginar que devem ser muito bonitas. espero que vc saiba portugues para me responder um beijo e muito obrigada por vc existir desde de ja sou sua amiga

  5. You look good in them too. Are you ready for this storm yet? People are buying out the stores here. It's crazy.

  6. Hope the storm isn't too disruptive. Happy shopping.

  7. Be safe this weekend! I hope you do not lose power (for long) and you have minimal damage.

  8. You look good in them, too! I also hope the warnings are an over abundance of caution and you get to hunker down with sewing and a little rain all weekend. Stay safe and dry! K

  9. Hi,

    Just wanted to say, I recently ventured into the world of blogging and try to visit your site regularly.
    You look good in jeans. Enjoy them.
    Keep safe this weekend.

  10. I can vouch that you do look great in jeans! I hope tomorrow goes better than predicted. Stay dry!

  11. I agree with what has already been said, you do look great in jeans.

  12. You look good in jeans. They shouldn't be such a rare sighting.

    Stay safe.

  13. Nice! You can wear it all well!

  14. LOL-Yes indeed, there you are in jeans, and of course you look just as put-together as always.
    Sorry your shopping weekend was cancelled! Stay safe!

  15. Doesn't it feel good to wear jeans?! Hope the storm isn't as bad as they are predicting! Take care.

  16. ...and you rock them! Stay safe and let us know how things are.

  17. You and your fellow Americans are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe.

    And you look amazing in jeans.

  18. Thanks for the pic. You do look as good as ever!

  19. Great looking pair of jeans!

    Hope the storm isn't as bad as they think!

  20. Stay safe!! You might think about a treadle for the next hurricane :)

  21. Hope you don't loose electricity. Stay safe!

  22. You look fab... and here I was thinking that you only had an endless closet of dresses!


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