
Saturday, October 08, 2011

So do you really wanna know?

...what I've been doing all week?  Seriously...cause it ain't fun and it ain't sexy...and I'm plum worn out from it!  Why moving our offices at work and I have the bruises to prove it!

But every now and then, when I wasn't moving something, talking to a mover, prodding a coworker to pack a little faster, or falling asleep as soon as I sat down on the couch in the living room, I did manage to give a passing thought to sewing.  However, I haven't read many blogs in the last week or even managed to keep my own up-to-date...

Here are some of those passing thoughts:
1.  My Vogue patterns arrived yesterday...this is what came:

2.  Patsjean - I did manage to download the free ebook pattern alterations book you mentioned.  You can get one here: and looked at it briefly before falling asleep on the bus! *LOL*  But I think it will be a great additional to the pattern making section in my sewing library.  Thank you for providing the link!  And I punched this and spiral bound it at work...we have a huge production room that allows you to do this and much more.  One of the things I really love about my job!

3.  Do you know if you don't look at Fabric Mart's fabrics everyday, that the selection is pretty awesome and a little overwhelming?!  Yeah, when I'm not so tired and/or busy I pretty much haunt the new arrivals section of Fabric Mart every day (except the weekends) and I had my first opportunity to check out the new arrivals this morning...and promptly went into fabric overload!  Whoa, they have some great new stuff!

4.  I want to sew.  I REALLY want to sew.  I have that anxiousness that occurs at the beginning of every new season when I have all of these things I want to make and seemingly not even time.  I get a little stymied about what to make first.  I do have a list but everything on the list is making me want to sew it first which is just physically impossible.

5.  I don't know if I'm going to work on the SF Inspired dress this weekend.  I'm feeling like I need to accomplish some quick pieces first...but I don't we shall see what eventually ends up coming out of the sewing machine.

And with that I'm off!  Off to clean my bedroom and figure out which project to sew. always, more later! 


  1. Ouch! I hope your employers appreciate what a hard working and loyal team they have! I really love the Tom and Linda Platt pattern you got with the asymmetrical hem. When you mention fabric mart, I get jealous! They won't ship over seas.
    Also, just so you know, my blog, Making the Seam, was infected with malware this weekend. I deleted it straight away, and started a new one. If you want to find me, I am now at

  2. I love the patterns you picked out from Vogue! I really do have the time to sew, but there are such a variety of different things i want to make. I'm so sorry you have bruised yourself moving. (maybe you can get some time off for compensation) Have you ever read Nancy Zieman's 10, 20, 30 Minutes to Sew? She gives some good tips in that book for getting things done in small blocks of time.

  3. I hope the bruises heal soon, Carolyn! I, too, am getting that Tom and Linda Platt pattern--and I can't wait to see what comes out of your sewing room this weekend--whether it's a quick fix or the SF-inspired dress, I'll be inspired!

  4. Ouch! You've clearly been doing your share (or more!) of the work in your office move. I do hope that your efforts are going to be worth it and that you will be working in a better space! I know exactly how you feel when there are so many things that you want to sew that you don't know what to sew first - I get that a lot! Have a lovely weekend - recovering your strength!

  5. You sound a lot like me - what to do first is always in question.

  6. Hope the bruises heal quickly!! LOVE your blog, and you are so talented! Have a great weekend! :)

  7. Ouch! Are bruises part of your compensation package? ;-)

    I'm starting the I-Hate-Connie skirt. I'll let you know how it goes ... or not.

  8. Hopefully the packing ang moving will be over soon and you can get back to you routine. Thanks for the link, I downloaded the book, but I am almost sure that the information in that book can be found at vintage Love the patterns, unfortunately the Jo-Anns in my area sold out.

  9. I have 2 muslin projects goin' on right now, as I'm itching to sew but am having a hard time focusing, too. And I'm trying to finish a slipcover for my sofa. And work on a Victorian chair I'm learning how to reupholster in an upholstery class I'm taking one night a week. There are not enough hours in the day!

  10. Dang!!!! Can a sista get a little combat pay? At least the big stuff is over.

  11. I sew understand No4. "I have that anxiousness that occurs at the beginning of every new season when I have all of these things I want to make and seemingly not even time. " that is definitely where I'm at, and I've had a huge fabric shopping spree whilst I've been away on holiday and now have loads and loads fo new fabrics as well.

  12. I am in the midst of a sewing-anxiety-itching-in-my-fingers feeling too. And I have entered the change-my-mind-every-hour phase. But I'm not covered in bruises. It seems above and beyond the call of duty to ask you to move stuff! I hope your bruises heal quickly!

  13. I hope the bruises are gone soon and you're back at the sewing.

  14. Take care of your bruises as well as being "easy" on the unpacking. My office moved last January and I was exhausted during and after!
    I know you'll produce some fabulous outfits when you return to your "love hobby"!

  15. Those bruises require comp days...yes. Hope you are feeling better. I don't usually make vogue garments, but really like the blouse.

  16. For heaven's sake, I leave you alone for a few weeks and all everything goes upside down :-). Sorry about the bruises Mama. You always pick some great patterns; looking forward to seeing the finished garments.

  17. Try some Comfrey-Goldenseal salve on those bruises! A couple of years ago, my MIL fell over a curb getting out of the car and landed on her face. Those nasty bruises were healed in only a week. Yours may heal in just a day or two with the salve. Incidentally, this was the only thing I did right in 30+ years of marriage to her son! LOL


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