
Sunday, December 18, 2011

The First of the Christmas Scarves

I needed a few gifts to add to my daughter's presents, and a few gifts for the office.  A couple of years ago, I gave scarves to friends and acquaintances that were well received.  So this year when Fabric Mart had velvet on sale, I bought quite a few yards just for this purpose.  After puttering around today, these are my first three:

I knew I wanted to make infinity scarves because I didn't want to deal with finishing the ends, adding fringe or beads like I've done in the past.  However, I had no idea how to proceed.  So I googled "sewing infinity scarves" and found this site.  Which lead me to this post on Lazy Saturdays and one more on Make it or Love it.

Since I want to make 7 or 8 scarves, having another option was thrilling to me.  I have to dig through the collection to find some flannel because I really want a couple of the scarf with the gathered insert.  Anyway, once I'd figured out the dimensions I needed and how to assemble them, it was just a matter of choosing which fabric to begin with.  

Here are the first three scarves:

This black one is using a fabric that I bought from Sawyer Brook.  I thought it was a faux leather and SB calls it that but it isn't very faux leather like to me.  I had no idea what to do with it but thought I would try it with a silky fabric (polka dot silk also from Sawyer Brook) back and I kinda like it.

The second one is from a blue tie-dyed velvet.  This one is made totally from velvet and is a little thick.  I won't be making a total velvet one again...

The third one is from a tan embossed velvet and some left over silk scraps.  Several years ago Fabric Mart had Anna Sui silks on sale and I bought alot of it to be used for linings.  This silk worked best with the velvet and is my favorite scarf so far.

So for dimensions...I used anything from 12 to 15 inches for width and 50 to 75 inches for length.  The fashion fabric was cut in 2 pieces and seamed.  Then the silk/lining fabric was cut to the same dimensions and seamed also.  Finally both pieces were pinned right sides together and sewn.  I pulled the tube right side out and pressed it.  Then with the ends right sides together I pinned the edges leaving a slit open.  On some of the scarves I added a sliver of fusible web and on others I hand stitched them closed.  

There are a few more I want to make during the week.  Now that I know what I'm doing and where I'm going, I will work on a few more of these during the week. I might even make one for myself! always, more later!


  1. Like you my favourite is the third one - such a glorious contrast of textures, colour and fabric pattern. I'm imagining it will be beautifully soft to wear.

  2. I love velvet scarves. They feel so sumptuous around one's neck. Pretty gifts.

  3. Love, love your scarves. I'm making one today for my sister. I've become addicted to infinity scarves and they're so easy to make!

  4. Very nice!! I'm sure your co-workers will be very happy with their gifts.


  5. I sewed several of those last year ad they were well received. Mine had only one fabric so I cut a retangle and there was one long and one short seam and that was it. Two fabrics is a nice option. They look lovely in velvet.

  6. Wonderful, wonderful. I love the silk and velvet.

  7. Love your scarves, its such a good gift idea.

  8. I am loving your infinity scarves and now I want a few of them.

  9. My Sew Direct magazine (aka Vogue in the UK) posted instructions for these and I have made a few now - they are brilliant - hope your's are appreciated they are lovely.

  10. That's a lovely gift, I'm sure it will be well received again.

  11. Oooh...thank you for posting this! I got some fun tiedyed velvet in my last FM Mystery bundle and that would be awesome for one of these!

  12. Very nice, I know I would find it hard to give them away!

  13. Great gift idea, they look very pretty.

  14. What a great gift idea! And the infinity to avoid finishing ends is brilliant.

  15. Those scarves are lovely, I think the recipients will love them. Thanks for the links to those tutorials too - I made infinity scarves for people last year and just winged it, meaning they took a lot longer than they should have done as I got very confused...!

  16. I love your scarves!! Happy New Year!
    I've been so out of the loop and my sewing mojo is broken again. This might be just the thing I need to get my sewing mojo working again.


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