
Friday, January 13, 2012

In Real Life...

I've wanted to do this before but I never get a full week of pictures taken and I didn't this week either.  But I'm going to share the pics with you that I do have...

The revised MK dress 
with a RTW cashmere turtleneck

(notice it's missing the great shoes)

I made this skirt 5 years ago 
and am wearing it with a RTW twinset

Thursday - I wore a RTW sweater dress that I got for a song so no pic.  And today I wore jeans and a turtleneck with cardigan combination because we were cleaning out our storage room...and most of the staff was in jeans.

I called this post "In Real Life" because I find that many times I take pictures at home and I don't always bring "the look" to work for one reason or another...sometimes because I just don't want to cart my shoes with me that early in the morning! *LOL*  Sad to say I have 2 complete sets of shoes at work and home...

Anyway, it's Friday!  I'm home (jetted out of work as soon as I possibly could!) and I'm in the sewing cave with the heat pumping and the TV talking to me.  I'm going to cut my basics (skirt, dress, pants) out tonight so that I can start stitching in the morning.  I have no incentive to leave the house this weekend because the temps just plummeted here in my corner of the world and you know how much I hate the cold!

A parting shot:
A close up of my necklace ~ I love Heidi Daus jewelry and I just started collecting it. This is one of my favorite pieces and I love it against the Erdem inspired dress... always, more later!


  1. Oooh, love Wednesday's! Isn't it great that you're still wearing something and it looks great 5 yrs later!

  2. You look great!!! I love that you are always so "put-together!"

  3. You look fantastic in those outfits, You styled them all beautifully. I especially like Mondays wear. Stay warm and look forward to seeing the other outfits.

  4. Love the real life photos and you look great.

  5. Monday got my vote, but I love that year old skirt too much!

  6. It's great to see these outfits in "real life"! They all look professional but at the same time comfortable, stylish and very you.

  7. You look great and I always love what you sew!

  8. Very nice! Monday is my favorite outfit. Have fun sewing all weekend!

  9. Oooh. I want that Monday dress. Can I have it?

  10. All the dresses look great, have fun sewing.

  11. I love seeing what you wear everyday. Makes me sort of wish I had a reason to get that dressed up for work again. Before my son was born my uniform was pumps and pantyhose. I don't even own a pair of PH now and jeans are acceptable to wear in the classroom. Monday seems popular and was my favorite as well

  12. I love the idea of your in real life posts. Really looking forward to see how you style some of the things you've made.

  13. You look great! Monday is my favorite look, simply stunning!

  14. You look great in "real life." Very smart, as the British would say. I really liked Monday's look.

  15. You look so stylish! I'm all for dressing well every single day of the week. Life feels that much brighter :)
    I love your necklace too.

  16. I love these sort of posts - seeing how people actually wear their creations and how they look after being worn for a while instead of just a stylised photo straight after being pressed and posing carefully. I'm just too shy to ask anyone in my office to photograph me!

  17. Your looks are great. I really like Monday's.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Carolyn, I love your Monday look! You are such an inspiration. Sewing is my passion too!

  20. These pics are really fun! You should do this more often. I love the dresses and the accessories.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Your work photos are actually quite cute. I like you in these "real life" scenarios!

  23. Nice to see the outfits in context and fully accessorized. I agree with Faye, Monday is my favorite, but Wednesday is a close second. Thanks for taking the time to share this with us.

  24. I agree with you, the necklace does look great with the dress. I used to have a whole file cabinet full of my shoes at work; I hated lugging them back and forth.

  25. I love that jumper with the bias pockets! I wish i had occasion to wear dresses. I'll always remember a girl from high school who made jumpers like that for every day. I remember standing behind her in line and seeing a perfectly installed center zipper. It always brought to mind me throwing out garments because I couldn't get the zipper in. I love your crepe dress. It looks wonderful on you!

  26. Love the necklace with your dress.I looked at the jewelry site,and she has clip earrings-yay!

  27. I really enjoyed seeing your week and how the outfits look later. I'd love to see more posts like this.

  28. Monday is my favorite! how fun to see them in real life!

  29. wow, you look great EVERYDAY, this post made me so happy!!


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