
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Morning Diary Bits

Well it's the weekend again...and thank goodness because it has been a long week!  I've done no sewing this week but that's no surprise since I rarely sew during the week.  However, I have purchased a few things:

1.  A tripod

Thanks to Shams who fielded quite a few questions and gave me a lot of encouragement, this arrived a couple of days ago.  So not only will I hopefully be able to take pictures of myself in my garments but you will probably be subjected to a few posts on me learning how to use it too.

2.  A book, "Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers"

This book has been on my Amazon wishlist for awhile, ever since Ann, of Gorgeous Things, reviewed it.  It went on sale earlier this week, a $22 savings, so I snatched it up.

3.  February 2012 BurdaStyle Issue

You know I gave up Burda Style pattern magazine last year.  In my opinion, the subscription price is over the top for patterns that I was no longer inspired by and the Universal newsstand where I bought the issues one off closed a few months ago.  They had stopped carrying them before they closed and I just didn't have the time to troop around NYC to hunt down copies.  So why did I buy this issue? I loved this dress.

The color blocking is awesome and I thought I could make it using my TNT pattern but I really wanted to see the pattern pieces so that my rendition would be as close to the original as possible.  Then Audrey of Sew Tawdry went and reviewed it on PR, and I knew I had to own a copy of the magazine.  I don't know if I will get to it soon (like in the next 2 or 3 weeks) but definitely before February is done...there is that 3 day weekend coming up for President's Day and it would give me the time I needed to work on the pattern alterations since it only goes up to a size 42.

4.  A piece of fabric

I was in a bad place earlier in the week and the only thing that would soothe my soul was fabric.  You know how it is, the imaginings of a new garment from a new piece of fabric ~ okay maybe you don't know how it is! *LOL*  But it works for me and in this instance I even showed restraint and only purchased one piece along with a piece of lining to make the $35 free shipping on  Anyway, I also found this Vintage Vogue Pattern on eBay that perfectly displayed the idea I saw in my head when I bought the fabric...

Vogue 9127 is on the left and the one I want to make

Another idea added to my sewing list...this is a piece that can be worn into early spring and would make a great work even if it doesn't get made until April it would be fine since the wool is a lightweight wool blend.  Speaking of April...

5.  10 more weekends to sew winter gear
...that's including this weekend of course and also includes one more three day weekend.  I worked this out earlier in the week which was really helpful in figuring out how many outfits from my sewing list have the ability to be completed. Sometimes my sewing list can overwhelm me, so knowing how much time I have left to complete it, helps me to assess what from my list will actually get made.  I mean not like anyone else is as obsessed with sewing as much as I am!  *LOL*

So I'm off...I want to work on my cardigan and top for the Lavender and Gray Skies wardrobe.  I'm getting close to finishing up this wardrobe and I want to wear it to work this week especially since we are experiencing unseasonably warm temps for winter here in the NY/NJ metro area. always, more later...


  1. YUM YUM! Thanks for this vicarious shopping experience! I'm so glad you got the tripod and I hope it opens up a whole new world for you. :)

    I bought that book also, but I'm sure I paid a higher price. What a great score! I wonder, given the huge price reduction, if it will be remaindered soon. If anyone wants it, snap it up.

    It's sunny and warm-ish here today. I swear, it feels like we had one day of winter and spring has sprung.

    Happy Sewing!!!

  2. Ah, the aspirational fabric buying experience. I totally get it. Sometimes, it's the only thing that can fix a problem out of your control :-)s

  3. I know how it goes with the fabric imaginings.. problem is ... I can't stop buying it.

    Have fun with the tripod. Looking forward to the photos.

  4. "You know how it is, the imaginings of a new garment from a new piece of fabric"

    Oh, I definitely know how it is. My stash closet, and overflowing piles around the sewing room, attest to that. When I'm not sewing, I'm buying. I wish I had 10 more weekends for winter sewing because of some of those piles waiting to be winter office clothes, but I'm afraid I may have only have of that before it's much too warm.

  5. We have had flooding weather here in Brisbane this past week, which resulted in shops being closed!!!! I actually had to resort to prowling through my stash to sew ... fabric shop withdrawal symptoms are kicking in...

  6. Nice fabric! I need a tripod! And I wish my camera could have one of those remote thingyabob! And that dress is so cute.

  7. Sometimes, shopping is the only thing that helps.

    Burda has been less than inspiring lately, but I'm sure things will turn around. Soon, I hope. The dress is fabulous. I wish I had the confidence and skill to grade it up to my size.

  8. Thanks for sharing your sewing tips! Your sewing is outstanding! It is already starting to feel like early Spring here in the Houston, TX area. I have already started packing away some of my winter clothes already!

    I am actually looking for a clothes rack for my sewing room. I found a couple on ebay that may work. Do you have any other suggestions?

  9. Looking forward to seeing how you interpret the Burda dress.

  10. The Burda dress is beautiful and I can't wait to see your make! However, as a cyclist, I can't get past the picture with the bicycle. She could neither mount the bike in that dress nor pedal it in those shoes!

  11. I do like the color block dress and fit. Is is one shoulder? That wouldn't work for me, but a fairly easy fix and still maintain the style. Sometimes we just don't need an excuse to buy fabric, am I right?

  12. I totally agree and understand that fabric and pattern shopping is sometimes the only thing that can soothe the soul.

    Like the tripod. I use a gorilla pod that works pretty good but I think what you purchased will result in better photos.

  13. I'm looking forward to hearing about the tripod. I keep thinking about getting one as my photographer isn't always available. Burda's really picked up lately! I always enjoy it so I'm still a subscriber but the February issue has two absolute must-sews for me which is unusual.

  14. I totally get the fabric thing--just walking into a fabric store does wonders for my mood. Have you seen the burda patterns on the Simplicity website? They now have some very cute vintage styles, and some very edgy modern patterns.

  15. That book has been on my list too, Can't wait to see your take on the Burda dress.

  16. Yah, a tripod.
    re: Burda mag, chance would be a fine thing; I think they send 3 copies to Canuckland

  17. Glad to see you got a tripod! I look forward to seeing your self-portraits. For those of you without a photographer (or like me, you're happier with the results you get when you do it yourself), a tripod is a great solution and not particularly difficult to use.

    Like you, I have been worrying about finishing my "winter" garments. I guess it's time to sit down and figure which pieces to do first.

  18. I can so relate to fabric shopping upping the those feelings. I miss online fabric shopping sooooo much.

    I have a question, you base the number of items you can sew on the amount of weekends, but how many hours do you really spend per item or outfit and I'm thinking that your TNT's sew up much faster than new patterns or are they about the same since you have been sewing for sew long?
    Happy sewing...

  19. OMG -- I want that book!!!! How much did you pay???? I haven't seen it cheaper than abt $80!!!! So waaaaay out of my league!

  20. I completely understand about the restorative qualities of new fabric and a new pattern :)
    The new tripod will revolutionise your blogging experience, truly. It did mine!
    And thank you so much for your lovely comment on my skirt too!

  21. LOL, I always said I wish I could sew as fast as my brain could think. That's how my stash came to be. I have a tripod still in a box. I really need to learn to use it as well as making friends with my camera. I do have a question for you regarding lining.. do you always use Bemberg?


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