
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Watching the Golden Globes...

Okay this is a very exciting Sunday for me...

First the Giants Won!  OMG!  The Giants won!  
I have to admit that I thought the Packers were gonna wipe them off the field (bad fan, bad fan!) and I could only watch the final quarter (kept updated by Yahoo) because I was watching the Red Carpet on E!  But they won!  They won!!!!!  Next up the NFC Championship game...

Second, I LOVE red carpet season...the shows are okay and I do watch but I avidly watch the red carpet shows, check the internet afterwards to see the dresses I missed because I'm so inspired by the fashion.  I'm sure you're wondering how can evening gowns inspire...but think about it.  The colors that are on the red carpet are usually the new trends.  I love the silhouettes and how the dresses are put together.  I definitely get ideas for combinations and colors from the gowns...and my favorite of the night hands down was Angelina Jolie:

I also loved Viola Davis' dress, Kate Winslet, Claire Danes (wouldn't this combination make a great dress!), and for plus size chicks Octavia Spencer.  To me everyone looked so amazing tonight!  Even Sarah Michelle Geller who has already been panned for her dress.

Finally the red carpet fashion show made me think of my top five fashion movies.  I own all of these except one on DVD and love them for the fashion inspiration that they provide.  They are:

1.  Lucy Gallant
This movie is from 1955 and stars Charlton Heston and Jane Wyman.  It is the story of a woman who goes to Texas and starts a women's clothing store devoted to high fashion.  One of the highlights of the film for me is the fashion show that is narrated by Edith Head.  (btw I have this on VHS, I taped it from the TV one evening, have been totally unable to find this on DVD.)

2.  Mahogany
This was Diana Ross' second film and was about a girl from Detroit who only wanted to design and the price  she paid (giving up Billy Dee Williams - what the h*ll was she thinking!?!) to have her dream of designing her own fashion line.  Okay she gets Billy Dee in the end but seriously she left him...

3.  The Women (2008)
This is the adaptation of the 1938 movie featuring Norma Shearer and Joan Crawford but updated with Meg Ryan, Annette Benning, Debra Messing, Jada Pinkett-Smith, etc.  But my favorite part of the movie is the fashion show towards the end that features Narcisco Rodriguez's garments.

4.  Valentino - The Last Emperor
This is just the most amazing display of friend called it an art show and not a movie and I have to agree!  It is Valentino all the time and an awesome tribute to this marvelous designer.

and finally the one that would make everyone's list...

5.  The Devil Wears Prada
Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway, designer gear, and a much better story than the book!  Oh yeah and the designer clothes! *LOL*  ..."that's all"

So what would your top five fashion movies be? always, more later...and sorry Packers fans!


  1. U are my hero for blogging this so darn fast :)

  2. Charade--the gorgeous Givenchy wardrobe that Audrey Hepburn wears is incredible. Of course, it's Audrey Hepburn~

    The Umbrellas of Cherbourg--so very French!

    Casablanca--Ingrid Bergman's wardrobe is elegant.

    Auntie Mame--just for the fun of it!

    The Last Emperor--I loved the East/West split of pre-WWII dress.

  3. I had to let you know about my favourite TV fashion show, a British series called the 'House of Elliot'. It is set in the 1920's (by far my favourite fashion era) and is the story of two sisters who have to make ends meet when their father passes away. They start off having to make their own clothes, mostly out of his old clothes, then they make for others and on it goes until they are the most sought after designers.

    It sometimes has re-runs on North American TV, and is fabulous!

  4. Angelina Jolie is unbelievable in that dress!! WOW!

    As for fashion movies, The Devil Wears Prada is certainly on there. Meryl Strep is FANTASTIC! I also love the clothes she wears in her portion of Julie & Julia.

  5. Beautiful dress on Angelina Jolie. Now I am going to have to go watch all those movies again. I loved the gowns Mitzi Ganor wore in The Birds and the Bees, designed by Edith Head. And, if I could remember the names of movies I would list more.

  6. I still Think Julias wardrobe in Pretty Woman rocks!

  7. I agree with everyone on Angelina Jolie's dress - beautiful.

    I haven't heard of the Valentino film before so need to see if I can get that one.

    I agree with Patti - Ingrid Berman's wardrobe in Casablanca is to die for but I think all of the outfits in the 40's are just wonderful

  8. I love Ely Manning--I think he is so boyishly cute and I watched most of the game cause I was pulling for the Giants--WooooHooo.

    Devil Wears Prada is my #1 fashion movie---

  9. Jolie's gown was definitely the stunner of the night. However I was also stunned by her weight loss. I have an anorexic close family member and she looked just like her, bony back, blood vessel arms, etc. If anyone is prone to trying to meet an image, it is Hollywood. I don't want to be snarky, just concerned. She is so gorgeous. I just hope she's healthy. I admire her charitable work.

  10. Thanks for sharing your favorites! I love Katherine Hepburn's clothes in Woman of the Year.

  11. You can watch Lucy Gallant streaming on Netflix!

    Some of my favorites: Funny Face, House of Elliot, The Women (1938), Charade (even though is not a fashion movie, the clothes are fantastic!)

  12. I agree with twotoast, House of Elliot is wonderful. There is a Hepburn-Tracy film,I'm really bad with titles, I think they are lawyers and Hepburn is getting undressed. She unties some business at the shoulders and the whole bodice opens up like a funnel. Even with stop action I can not figure out that dress. OK, I'm popping over to look at the gowns now.

  13. Fabric Mart has some silk charmeuse that is similiar to the fabric in Sarah Michelle Geller's dress. I love it!

    I love your blog!!! I've learned so much from you...thank you!!!!

  14. I kinda liked SMG's crazy blue and white dress, too. I was definitely wondering where I could get my hands on that fabric! Other than some splashes of green, I thought there was an awful lot of neutrals for my taste. And no one color stood out.

    Go Big Blue! Yay!

  15. Coupla things: I'm so happy the Giants won!! Bleu cheese all the way. Octivio's dress was beautiful. I'm a Met fan and get my heart broken every year.

  16. Angelina's dress was stunning and I also loved Sarah Michelle Geller's dress. Pretty and fun. Some critics likes Charlise Theron's dress but I thought it terrible. Tim Gunn would have said that it had way too much going on. And didn't Jane Fonda look wonderful?

  17. Tom and Lorenzo like SMG's dress and Octavia's also.

  18. my top fashion movies ? the devil wears prada, september issue, the valentino documentary, the oprah documentary on tom ford, and of course shirley maclaine as coco chanel.

  19. I LOVE Designing Women with Lauren Bacall. Love.

  20. Carolyn, Mahogany - FIVE times I have seen that movie, isn't it great how it ends with Diana in the crowd that way. Great Movie. I love all that you make now you have inspired me to get moving on fitting a pants pattern I keep saying I'm going to do it. Do you have any fitting suggestions any books you use?

  21. Some of those fashion related movies look interesting. Lucy Gallant is available for purchase on DVD at and on Netflix. I put it in my Netflix in queue.


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