
Sunday, March 04, 2012

Butterick 5760 - The Cardigan

I've made a lot of cardigan sweaters using Burda 8869.  However, the pattern only has a v-neckline version and I've always wanted to make my own crew neck cardigans.  I've tried a few other patterns but none of them worked as well as the Burda one.  Last night, I got the bright idea to use my Burda TNT pattern as the basis for the Butterick one...and it worked like a charm!

Some details:
2 yards of Mohair poly sweater knit from Fabric Mart

Baby interfacing from Farmhouse Fabrics
5 - 3/8" buttons from the collection

Construction Details:
I started with a size 22 - which to me is a slim 22 not a woman's size 22 especially since the finished pattern piece measurements are 45.5" at the hip line.  So I added several inches to the sides of the front and back pieces by layering the Burda TNT pattern, the actual pattern piece and a piece of tracing paper on top to make new pattern pieces. 

I also altered the armhole opening.  Because of this I used the sleeve pattern from Burda 8869 instead of the piece included in the pattern envelope.  That way I wouldn't have to worry about making alterations to the new sleeve's bicep area.

Some additional tidbits:
*I used stay tape in the shoulder seams to stabilize the knit.  
*Stitch witchery was used in the hemline, which was pressed together, before stitching it down. 
*Instead of cutting the back piece on the fold, I added a 5/8" seam allowance and sewed the two pieces together. 
*The pattern instructions tell you to slip stitch the neckband down but I carefully topstitched it instead.  
*I added an inch of baby interfacing to the sleeves hems and machine stitched them. 

After that it was an easy sew and would have been even easier if I had followed the instructions.  I kinda went my own way so my neckband and front band were improvised.  Really, I should have just followed the pattern instructions because I would have had a cleaner finish at the hemline.  Other than that it really was straightforward sewing...and I ended up with a new pattern for a crew neck cardigan so that's a good thing.

A few more pics:

the back and front views

close up of the crew neck buttoned

front button band

Finally, I know that yesterday I said that I was going to work on one of my three involved projects...but today I just wanted to sew something quick and easy...something that would let me feel the joy of sewing and bring a little settling to my creative soul...yet let me produce a completed garment.  Sometimes you just need a quickie...*LOL* always, more later!


  1. Really pretty fabric! Love it made up this way.

  2. How beautiful! I saw that fabric when I bought the lilac knit and I was tempted - but I am allergic to mohair. When I saw the fabric composition I breathed a little sigh of relief because I was about to go crazy with knits :-)

  3. that turned out lovely. Will it go with your "Dreaming of Spring" dress from last year or the year before?

  4. Your cardi has turned out lovely. I'm always amazed how many notions we need to stabilise a garment. However I get joy from a great result like your cardi.

  5. Pretty - I should try a pattern like that _ i have a Fabric Mart sweater knit just begging for attention in my stash.

  6. Very pretty, it is so nice to have a quick project sometimes.

  7. Lovely cardi. Very spring! Thank goodness for a TNT. I'm working on my jacket TNT. I have one for pants and one for a Tshirt that I use over and over. Makes for less pulling of the hair!

  8. Gorgeous cardigan and I love that you combine patterns - very innovative and it certainly makes sense! I was wondering why you sew a centre back seam as you did not mention making any alterations. Is it for stability?

    Thanks for sharing !

  9. Fabulous cardigan and I love the print! You are "sew" ready for Spring.

  10. Love your cardi. What a fantastic print.

  11. Thanks for more inspiration. I plan on making some sweater sets, simply because you inspire me. They are such a nice accompaniment to skirts, nicer than blouses I think.

  12. I wish I could find a TNT pattern but I haven't found one that fits or that I can make alterations to fit. So frustrating!! Do you have any ideas? Thank you. You are always so inspiring!!

  13. Quick and easy??? LOL
    This is just gorgeous, I love the fabric, the style, and the beautiful construction.

  14. Sometimes you just have to take a step to the side. I should be working on my Vogue dress but I want to make a pair of jeans. Your cardigan is Yummy. TFS

  15. Carolyn your cardigan is beautiful - I cannot wait to see a picture of it on you! The construction is so inspiring - thank you for explaining how you layered and moved pattern pieces and tracing paper! As usual I am in awe!

  16. I wish I could find some sweater knits locally. Lovely sweater. Why did you put a seam CB? Short on fabric or fit issues?

  17. Your cardigan looks great! I love the fabric. How did I miss that one from Fabric Mart?

  18. Gee this is lovely. I never think to make things like this and cardigans are such a favourite part of my wardrobe. I've been working on a jeans muslin for two days and I'm in desperate need of a quick fix, too. I'm going to hunt down a sweater knit. Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. So pretty.. Love the fabric. I have never sewed sweater fabric,Is it difficult to sew?
    I too, sometimes, just want a quick project..Feels good and makes you ready for the time consuming projects.
    Happy sewing,and I so enjoy your blog.

  20. This is beautiful. I love the button band in front. Just curious why you put a seam in the back. Was it for fitting reasons? Also, what is baby interfacing. I haven't heard that term before.

  21. So nice! That looks like it might have some of the colors from your recent gray/lilac binge! :)

    Can I ask why you did a center back seam? Was it a design choice or a fabric placement necessity?

  22. It's really lovely - and now you have 2 TNT cardigan patterns!

  23. Love this cardigan! Somewhere buried I have a McCalls pattern twinset. I must try this. My question is also about the cb seam. Why?

  24. Lovely cardi! Silly question perhaps, but does adding a CB seam give more stability at the back? Thanks!

  25. I am always so impressed with your cardigans--they do not look homemade-y at all. I have been afraid to try them because I just don't think my button band and neck band will look right. But you are making me think I should at least give it a try...

  26. Pretty cardigan and also always impressed with your cardigans. I have made a few, but after wearing it, I get the homemade vibes and have been buying them instead.

  27. Glad my cardi inspired you, your version looks wonderful - I too am put off by the snaps but just bought some plyers to make a cardi with snaps. It is a great pattern

  28. I love this with the snaps I have recent invested in some special plyers to do the same thing as you- flattered my cardi inspired you


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