
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 2 - The Great Fabric Migration 2012

I'm almost done getting it all on the shelves and I'm giddy with joy.  Yeap, downright smiling from ear to ear, giddy!  I have about six more bins to put on the shelves.  As you can see from the pics below, I have A LOT of fabric...much of it I remembered, quite a bit I'd forgotten. It was great to touch it all again and it's been two days well spent.  

I'm definitely gaining some more space in my sewing cave.  I will be able to find fabrics easily and won't be tempted to repurchase them...something that had become a growing fear in the last month.  And now that I have to redo one of the upstairs bathrooms, I can spend money there, knowing that I have plenty of inspiration and creative materials available to me in the sewing cave.

Now, if obvious fabric consumption upsets you, I suggest that you flip out now! I would hate to be the one responsible for you falling out over my joy. *LOL* Because it is with much happiness that I present Day 2's photos of The Great Fabric Migration of 2012:

This shelf is just print fabrics both knit & woven
and is my most favorite shelf of all!

If you've lasted, I'm almost done and will be putting up the cutting table either later tonight or after church tomorrow.  I've moved several of the plastic bins that stored notions and supplies under the computer desk so hopefully the room will look even more spacious and less crowded. My daughter is coming back tomorrow to help me finally hang my inspiration cork board and the sewing pictures I purchased last March.

There will be final shots of the re-done room and a special surprise tomorrow!  I'm glad I'm almost finished and actually think that I might sew Sunday evening and Monday... always, more later!  


  1. I have some spending money for fabrics. I think I'll shop in "your cave"??? :) ~Valerie

  2. OMG - this is like a real STORE! Unbelievable!

  3. Awesome! Enjoy it. You earned it.

  4. I no longer feel remotely guilty about the size of my own fabric stash now :). Congrats on sorting it out and I hope you have much more happy sewing now you can see everything so clearly.

  5. Carolyn,
    Thank you SO much for sharing this! We just moved (yesterday) and I have been almost overcome at the prospect of unpacking and storing my fabric. You have given me inspiration and hope! I don't have a daughter to come help with the project, but DH will have to step up and help. How did you fold your fabrics to make the shelves and stacks so neat and attractive? Use a folding board like at the Gap? I hope to show some photos in the coming weeks.

    Lynda in LV

  6. Ok - this makes me feel so much better about my fabrics and yarn. Quite normal, I would say.

  7. Oh my. That looks like what I am sure my sewing room in heaven will look like. What a joy to be sewing in a room like this. Enjoy.

  8. oooeeee, I caught a big dose of happiness reading this.
    Your shelves are stocked full of goodness, that's for sure!

  9. I can't believe how much you got done in 2 days! You are AWESOME! And so is your incredible fabric stash. Love it!

  10. Having recently moved myself, I really need to get my stash organized once and for all. Yours looks terrific! Could you do a post on how you fold/store your fabric? What kind of shelving did you use? Congratulations on a job well done!

  11. Carolyn, I don't comment much, but love your writing. And, I totally get needing to see the fabric. I have mine neatly folded on closet shelves but have to keep the door open so I can see it! Your stash is wonderful!

  12. I have real fabric envy. Beautiful.

  13. You've done a tremendous job!

  14. Love it, love it! Actually I have a similar setup. I think I have more fabric then you because my sewing room is packed and I still have bins under my cutting table and in one closet. But a lot of fabric is for quilting and I'm not as productive as you. I need to change that. I just love your collection. And even though it was a job,I'm sure you received a lot of pleasure going through your collection and finding fabric you forgot about.

  15. Carolyn - well done, give yourself a pat on the back or some chocolate!

    You have a wonderful stash that is a beautiful sight.

  16. Love all the fabric! Plus I'm slightly envious.

    How do you prevent permanent wrinkles/fold lines in the pieces at the bottom of the stacks? I used a piece last summer that I'd had about 5 years. Even though it never really had anything heavy stacked on top of it there were some light wrinkles that I just couldn't get out. And I know you've got pieces that are older than that!

  17. Lovely - I have a similarly large collection on shelves like that, but since mine are in the garage, I have to house them within clear tubs. I wish I could leave my pretties out like that!

  18. A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and that is BEAUTIFUL!

  19. Fabric consumption does not bother, as a matter of fact I see quite a bit that I would like to have. LOL!!!

  20. congratulations on getting that task done - and you have stacked all your fabrics so neatly too.
    Thankyou for sharing for stash - it looks so luscious .

  21. OH, I also meant to add that I`m a prints girl too.

  22. DAYUM! Looks great! lots and lots and lot of folding . . . and I'll be keeping mine in bins.

  23. I just showed the pics to my husband. Hopefully he'll leave me alone and realize it's just something he'll never understand. Thanks again.

  24. This makes me happy and it's not even my fabric, lol! So much gorgeousness on those shelves. :]

  25. Wow. It is so beautiful! And probably better stocked than many of the fabric stores I have been to lately... I don't have nearly so much fabric (though I am working on it lol), but I really hope that at some point in the future I will have the space and resources to have a fabric wall nearly as inspiring as yours. So inspiring - I can't wait to see all the beautiful things your are going to create!

  26. Beautiful!!! Can't wait for the pictures tomorrow. I hope you take one that includes your machines. Your post from 2009 showing your new Brother came up. I bought the Project Runway 420 last year and I absolutely love it. I was wondering if you are still using yours and if you still like it. One of your more recent pictures had a different machine.

  27. Is it really a "cave"? There's a lot of emotion in a name. I think you should find a new one.

  28. That's so organised. Congratulations.

  29. Wow-what a great source of inspiration! Give yourself several pats on the back from me!

  30. A LOT of work. Great job and wonderful to see all that inspiration. I know what you mean about it being good to touch each piece. For me, I reconnect with ideas, dreams, what if possibilities, and just practically what's there. YEAH.

  31. Wow, you have gotten so much done and I want to come to your house - just to touch and feel all that great fabric!

  32. Your cave is heaven on earth !!!!

  33. you're the only person I know who might (might) have more fabric than me. It makes me feel better. ;-) Fabulous reorganization! I can't wait to see the finished room.

  34. I'm in awe! Wow! I am also very, very envious.

  35. WOW! I'm in awe. Now you're ready to have some serious fun in the cave. Enjoy

  36. Awesome! It is like a store, so beautiful and organized. Good luck with the bathroom redo! I know those are no fun...

  37. Quite a selection. I know that you love to buy fabric but you can certainly shop at home while you fix up your bathroom. I have a tip that I picked up on someones blog about getting that fabric in the middle out without disturbing the whole pile. A piece of smooth plastic the size of the pile width and depth, or almost, and slide it in under the piece you want and pull it out using the plastic. Now I have never done this, but it sounds good. I used to have my fabric stacked like that and I was always messing up the pile when I wanted something in the middle or the bottom.

  38. Oh my! As a fellow fabric hoarder I am having some serious fabric envy! It is sooooo pretty!

  39. WOW, that should surely inspire you! I share your happiness with the outcome of this project. I spied the black/white houndstooth that I've been eying at FM. ::drool:: I resisted it because the thought of matching it at the seams make me cringe.

  40. YAY! So exciting! I love sorting through my fabrics and really love having them visible too!

  41. Who wouldn't be inspired by a fabric collection like that?

    I'm also very impressed with how much you accomplished in two days. Well, done!

  42. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a need for a 12 step program in fabric addiction.
    Love it.

  43. wow, what a collection and what an achievement in getting it all sorted. I felt good about tidying my sewing room a little yesterday, but could do with spending a couple of days myself sorting out my own stash.

    I agree with you that the bins are not the best for finding the fabric you are looking for - I have the same problem and need to do something similar to you - but not this weekend.

  44. Wow! What a great stash!
    Now tell us how you keep track of the yardages, fiber content, care instructions, etc. Do you buy a set amount each time you buy fabric, like always buy 3 yards?
    DO TELL!

  45. Wow! I think you should just let me shop your stash. That is amazing.

  46. I know I'm coming late to this party but I lost a lot of blog links and am just catching up with my favourites.

    Wow! I think you have more stock in your sewing cave than my local fabric shop does. I have fabric envy, for sure :)


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