
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Sewing 2012

Ah the warm breezes are washing over me and tomorrow the temperature is suppose to be 80 degrees in NYC.  Such a nice day and I have to waste it at work! *LOL*  So of course, my mind has turned to spring/summer dresses...and I've made a list.  A little designer inspired, a little pattern inspired, and some fabric inspired.

The Rachel Dress Deux has not been finished.  I did get the lining in but there's still at least two hours of work left on it to make it wearable.  I will get it finished this weekend since the temps are going back to normal levels next week and I want to wear it at least once before it needs to be put away for next fall.

I've decided to put the shelves together and start to load fabric onto them on Friday and Saturday.  Sunday and Monday I will sew.  That's what I'm saying now...who knows what I'll really feel like on Friday morning.  Already the fact that I have to take my cutting table down and move those bins around is making me nervous.  But, I really want to be able to touch, feel and see all of those luscious linens, border prints and rayon prints that live in my collection.  

(that's fabric purchased or pulled from the bins since I've moved into the cave)

I'm ready to sew spring!  So stay tuned because I have four days off and I'm planning on spending most of it in The Sewing Cave! always, more later!


  1. Definitely excited to see what you come up with. With the heat wave that is hitting the mid-west already I am looking to you for summer dress inspiration!

  2. I'm with you and ready to make some dresses. I wonder if your plans will multiply once you start going through your fabric collection???

  3. I can't believe it's been so warm & nice all week (esp today... and I am stuck in planning meetings all day from 9 - 5, argh) but then this weekend will be chilly and 50s. not fair!

    i am jealous of all the fabric folding and organization you'll up to this weekend. have lots of fun fondling your collection & dreaming up new things to sew!

  4. Oh I wish I lived close enough to offer to come help. It will be a fun project although it will take time from actual sewing - but think how great you'll fee when you can see everything again. g

  5. It looks like you have *a lot* of fabric, but I agree... sorting it will give you much pleasure and get you back in touch with the reason you bought it!

  6. How will you display all these fabrics? By color, content or stretch?
    How exciting for you to get control and find things you forgot you had and fall in love with them all over again while sorting through patterns to get just the right match. How many days have you allotted?

  7. So exciting to discover the treasures in one's stash! Have fun!

  8. I love that you post pictures of your fabric stash. I can show my husband that there is someone that has "more" beautiful fabric then me in their stash! (LOL) Love your blog.

  9. This early spring really making me want to sew spring too..
    Love that fabric stash..Isn't it fun?? Happy sewing. Look forward to seeing what you make? Have a good long weekend..

  10. Hi, Carolyn--I, too, am in spring sewing mode--I can hardly wait to see what comes out of your sewing room/cave over the long weekend!


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