
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Doesn't everyone do that?

Faye left this comment on the Valentino Panel Tried & True Dress post:
"You really know how to put a look together shoes and all."

You know that comment stayed with me all evening.  It kept tumbling around in my brain because my thought was, "Doesn't everyone do that?"  I mean when you're planning out your garment and then sewing it up, don't you audition the jewelry and shoes in your collection in your mind to see what will work with it?  I can't be the only one that does that right?

Please tell me that I'm not the only one that's bought fabric and made a garment to match a pair of shoes or a necklace?  Please tell me that others have done that too?!  I really don't want to be even more of a sewing freak because of that!  *LOL*

So this is the question of the day, "Do you plan your accessories out either before or during the sewing process?"  If you do, why?  If not, why not?  Are accessories and jewelry a secondary thing?  Or are they an integral part of your design?  Talk to me because I'm really interested in what you think!

I have been sewing and I have another piece or two to share with you. I recently received some good news and so my creative muse has been unleashed! *LOL*  I haven't started working on vacay pieces yet, that probably won't happen until next weekend because I think I can just bang out a couple of maxi dresses for vacation...and I'm refashioning (cutting off some hems) of a few other pieces.  I probably won't share those until after I return from vacation...but we'll see! 

Don't forget to talk back to me! always more later!


  1. Honestly I don't. I buy or sew whatever I want and there is always something in my closet that will work, rather it be shoes or a necklace. You did a great job with your ensemble.

  2. Whether shopping or sewing, I always keep my existing wardrobe in mind. I want to have a coherent wardrobe, and so I hate having to assemble an entire outfit from scratch. I prefer to buy / sew items that work with at least one piece I already own.

  3. Sometimes I start with the accessories and sew the clothes to match! It's easier that way, at least for me.

  4. I don't. I am terrible at accessories. I can't get them right. Ever. So I don't do anything about them.

  5. like you, i try to match my sewing with my accessories but its sometimes its unconscious as my style is quite set and my taste in fabric matches of my other clothes, shoes etc

  6. Oh man, I'm so lousy at accessorizing! I wear the same pair of flip-flops with every dress in the summer and the same pair of black pumps in the winter-- so boring! I'm just not very stylish. :(

  7. I always think about which shoes I'll wear with a project! Sometimes I plan the garment around what I already own (shoes, necklaces), and other times I purchase fabric knowing I'll need to buy new shoes to make the outfit work. Seems logical to me, otherwise, I might have outfits that I can't wear at all (and what's the point of that?) or that look bad because I'm wearing the wrong shoes with the outfit.

  8. What you do with your outfits and your project photos is the ideal I aspire to, but don't reach. I especially admire the way you post pitures with combed hair, makeup, the right undergarments, shoes, accessories, and even a great camera angle.

    I know how to sew, but I don't have your self-awareness and style sense. Sigh. Maybe I can learn?

  9. I don't do that, but I also have a ton of jewelry and over a hundred pairs of shoes. I tend to under accessorize anyway, so I just go with fabric lust as my deciding factor for driving my looks. :-)

  10. I don't because I am terrible at accessorizing as well. I am trying to get better, but I sew the clothes first and accessorize later.

  11. I have "lots" of different looks but my "style" shines through. (that's what my friends tell me.) For me if it's not fabric luv at first sight-it's usually about the shoooze! You'd be surprised how many folks can't "style" themselves without a little help.

  12. Am like Alethia, Am just a beginner but I would just sew what I like and then see if I have something to go with it. Normally have something or other, and if the something I had made is a little different than what I have in my wardrobe that would make it more interesting for me, and more fun to buy any jewellery etc.

  13. For my last top (white with black polka dots wovent-shirt) I already knew the necklace and coloured skinny jeans I wanted to wear with it before I cut the fabric. I also knew I'd want to style it with my bright deep pink lipstick too ! And, as I was stitching it together all the other outfit possibilities kept springing to mind too - that's part of the fun and enjoyment I get from sewing :-)

  14. I try to plan my fabric choices with my jewelry collection and usually get that part right. But for shoes not so good--I have very picky feet and so a limited shoe selection. I am working on that front at least with shoe color; style of shoe is limiting.
    Your photos and selection of accessories are inspiring. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to each new project.

  15. I like to bead jewelry, and have found myself buying fabric and coordinating beads or a glass pendant to match. Quite often, I will make the jewelry first (usually a necklace, earrings, and maybe a bracelet) and THEN sew the dress!!! Probably a backwards thing, but that is what I do.

    Carolyn, I think you have great style sense. Don't question it!!!

  16. Um, no I don't do that. Never even considered it! But it does sound like a good idea. I tend not to know how to accessorise and outfit, so some built in time to think about it would be good.

  17. I love accessories, and I do wear them, but I do not plan that way. :)

  18. Jewelry and shoes do not become a factor until I have completed the garment. During the trying on process, I just don black pumps that I keep in my sewing room. Once its time for the garment(s) to be worn outside, the day before I decide what jewelry & shoe will go with it.

  19. I'm gonna think about it now it's so obvious!
    I had to be told by my (at the time)11-year-old, with one arm across the door and the other Karen-like (Will&Grace) pointing me up and down and a firm "You're not going out like that!" before I realised I had no idea how to dress myself reasonably nicely.
    Both daughters would only let me out once they'd looked me over and given their approval.
    It's difficult because I still don't know what really suits me.
    I'm in the process of making a side seam gathered jersey top in chocolate brown, with a silver and cream pattern. Sounds horrendous I know! I'm having my doubts too! I might even blog it. I figure the world needs a laugh! Lol! I have a brown knee length pencil skirt, brown suede MJ's and lots of small silver jewellery items to choose from. Then there's the cream, lace skirt I was given, and the taupe pants I was meaning to make.......

  20. Of course! But I find it easy because I tend to stick to the same colours. I am using grey as my current neutral so looking out for some more grey casual shoes

  21. I don't. I only have a couple of pairs of shoes and very limited jewelry and no budget or space to increase these. For separates I certainly try to make something that will be versatile with my existing separates. But if I'm making a dress there are few options for accessorizing so it really is a non-issue.

  22. Uh, I get so stuck with this. I never think "look". I just make a garment. And when it's done I try and figure out what to do with it.

  23. Sometimes my sewing plans start with a pair of shoes and I always have several accessories in mind to go with a garment as I sew it. I rarely photograph my garments with acessories, but I might start doing it now you've inspired me.

  24. I usually know what shoes and accessories I would wear with something, and there are times, like you I guess that I have bought the shoes first.

  25. Accessories and shoes come after for me. Once the dress is finished, I look at my necklace collection and if I don't have anything suitable, I go out and buy what I need.

  26. I'm weirdly int he moment with accesories- I don't like to feel locked in to a set, so usually, I put accesories together as I dress- sometimes I rememeber what I wore with something last and think,'huh, leopard? Realy? It seems more like a polka dot day for this!' when I've bought specifics for an outfit, I've always felt too bound by them.

  27. I sew the outfit and then accessorize from my closet trying not to have just one set of accessories per outfit. I prefer options. Because I sew in colors and textures I'm drawn too and my accessories are in colors and textures I'm drawn to, it usually works. If not, I can go shopping.

  28. I make the outfit and then accessorize; not a bad thing because I make a lot of my earrings and necklaces. I sew in the colours that are good on me so I usually have choices for accessorizing because almost everything goes with everything else. I do wear a lot of scarves that I make or dye. I also wear hats a lot; the summer ones are festooned with silk ribbon roses that I make; these have to be carefully coordinated with the outfit for a smashing overall look!

  29. Accessories are really an afterthought, if a thought at all. I tend to be a 'plain dresser'--there are many days when earrings and my wedding ring are my only accessories; shoes tend to be very simple; I wear very little make-up. It's not that I don't have some lovely pieces; I just don't think of them. I admire those of you who do have a more pulled-together look. I have, however, purchased fabric to coordinate with rather pricey buttons!

  30. I frequently purchase fabric because it will go with something else I want to wear- a pair of shoes I had to have, a brooch I was given, etc. Overall I would say its 50/50 on which comes first- accessory or garment. While I am sewing, though, it is definitely on my mind!

    Love the Valentino dress!

  31. Nope - I never think of accessories when I sew - I am too nerdy, I guess! :) But I have some nice jewelry - pretty if not expensive - and you are inspiring me to try....

  32. OK Give it up--what's that Good News????

    As to accessories, nope, I buy the fabric that grabs me at the time. As someone else mentioned, I wear flip flops (though, good ones) all summer and boots mostly in the winter.

    BUT I make jewelry and so can produce what I need if necessary. A useful hobby:) I have even more beads than I have fabric pieces, and that's frightening.

  33. It depends- take my Easter venture, I was using colors I did not have in my closet so I made a conscious effort to find the right shoes to go with it. But I have so many shoes, I don't usually have to worry about matching because it usually works itself out. If I don't have the right shoes, I won't wear the outfit until I get the the right pair to give it that pizzazz for my efforts. LOL

  34. I only remember recently thinking about what would go with a garment I made when I was making dresses to wear to my parents' big anniversary last year. Before that was when I made my wedding dress in 1991. Other than those two instances, i don't really remember planning ahead like that.

  35. I think you are just really creative and good at accessories, sewing, matching ,etc..
    I normally buy fabric because I like it, and I normally have no idea what it will become,lol.. And I find the shoes,etc after the fact..But I have a tendency to go with the same style and color schemes.. So it pretty well comes together.. Happy sewing and I enjoy your blog.

  36. i buy fabric first and almost always have something on hand to put it it together. BUT if great shoes in an odd color goes on sale (which odd color shoes often do), i'll buy them and then look for the right fabric after. it's really easier to match fabric to something else, especially prints.

  37. I don't do much with accessories, but that's mostly because I'm just starting to learn how to "dress" at all--I'm essentially a beginner at it, in my mid-forties. :) So right now, I sew things that go with my two identical pairs of sleek black flats and my monster black purse and my sixteen zillion scarves.

    The sixteen zillion scarves suggest that I do care about accessories; I suspect that in two years they'll be joined by a sock-drawer-full of costume jewelry, preferably vintage. But shoes that aren't black... well, that's scarey.

  38. That's very pretty and a dress you can wear well into fall.

  39. Gosh, I admit that it never even occurred to me to sew around an you have me wondering!

    Although I do have a special scarf, and I plan to make a jacket that will work with I guess that does sort of fit in this category. Unusual for me though. I accessorize around a garment usually. And it will change with different wearings, different moods.

  40. Yes!!!! Of course I think of accessories that will go. Funny thing is, I find myself looking at other peoples dresses and think, hmmm if I had that material I would have made this or that out of it. Although it's probably rtw. Just how my mind works!
    The dress from next post turned out cute. Love the color on you too. Nice and Summery.

  41. I wish I could say that everything I sew is part of a plan, with shoes and jewelry all planned out Reality is that I sew what I feel I need most and what I have available in my stash.

    I 've recently become more interested in "styling" my clothing more, so maybe I will improve in the future.
    Phyllis Hughes

  42. In most cases, yes I do. Because it allows me to maximize the accessories I already own. Sometimes, if I'm making something special, it doesn't matter. I'll just buy whatever is needed.

  43. Sometimes I do make a garment to match specfic accessories. But, most of the time it is an after thought. Then I just go buy what I need/want.

  44. I have never actually considered sewing a garment to go with accessories. I would say I am terrible at accessorizing, but I don't necessarily think that is true. My sister has an extensive wardrobe of clothing, accessories, and shoes, and I am pretty good at helping her pick and plan outfits complete with accessories (mainly because every year she needs help packing for school). My own wardrobe is sadly lacking in all departments, except perhaps jeans and t-shirts. Usually I can't seem to justify spending money on "frivolous" accessories, and I really do tend to be more minimal and casual in dress anyway. But then there are times when I am longing for a great thick belt or fabulous shoes or a nice fitted black blazer. This year my goal was to work on creating TNT patterns I could use for wardrobe staples, but maybe next year my goal should be to fill holes in my layering wardrobe and to expand my accessory selection. Maybe then I would plan my sewing more around outfits instead of just making individual pieces that I like.


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