
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Changing over the fabric...

New season to sew fabric inspirations to be pulled out to pet and dream about.  Although, I no longer need to spend an entire day moving fabrics around since I no longer have my beloved fabric closet...

...because I now have a wall of fabric....

...and a dedicated sewing room...but I did spend an hour or two putting away some fabrics that I'd pulled to sew or bought during the spring/summer season but didn't get a chance to sew.  Don't snicker, you know you have unsewn purchased fabric too!

I haven't done any sewing lately, for the last two weeks actually, because this danged cold is taking forever to move on. So today I'm lingering in my sewing room, hoping for inspiration from touching fabric and doing a little reorganizing. It's amazing how much stuff I've managed to accumulate since I redid the room! *sigh*  See this is what happens when you no longer have to spend every dime you make on children and all of their last minute needs...okay that was a back to school reference for all you Moms out there!

I still want some cabinets to be hung around the top of the computer and sewing machine walls.  I need storage for magazines and sewing knick knacks.  Those are the only things that are still packed away that need to be placed in my sewing room.  I want something from Ikea that my SIL can hang for me but that means a trip to Ikea so I'm gonna have to work that out.

Photo courtesy of:

Another new sewing room addition is this back up sewing machine.

picture taken with my iPad

I purchased it before I went on vacation because my Janome needs to go into the shop for a tune-up and I need a machine to sew on since you just never know when your sewing machine will return from the repair shop.  Well that's it for today.  I'm going to sit in my freshly cleaned sewing room and wait for my sewing mojo to return! always more later!


  1. I hope you feel better soon Carolyn. I am in the same boat with a nasty cold. Ugh.
    Hang in there!

  2. Sorry to read that you haven't kicked that cold yet. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Wishing you best for a speedy recovery. Looking at your fabric stash makes me feel so much better about myself. I thought I had a serious problem, but now I know it is normal to have so much fabric on hand. He!he!he!

  4. Hope you feel better soon! :)

  5. Wow, that's a lot of fabric. No wonder you're able to sew so many beautiful garments so quickly - no need to make a trip to the store when you can just browse your wall. And, I love the idea of those shelves along the walls of your sewing room. So cute and so functional!

  6. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  7. Feel better soon. I would come cook for you while you are sick so I can play in your stash!

  8. I hope you feel better soon! Seeing pictures of your fabric wall makes me feel better - it is an impressive stash and totally awe inspiring. I am sure once your cold is gone the sewing mojo will return and you will be ready to get back to creating a fabulous fall wardrobe.

  9. Love your sewing /fabric wall.. I promise, I didn't snicker [lol], I have alot too. And you are so right, when you get your children all grown and gone.. Alot of fabric filters into that sewing room.ha
    Hope you feel better soon.Looking forward to seeing your next pretty garment.. Happy sewing.

  10. Love your sewing room and your fabric wall is so soothing. Still have kids at home, hope one day I can have my own sewing room/fabric wall. Get well soon.

  11. I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

  12. you should check out this blog called Diary of a Sewing Fanatic for inspiration...oh...wait...~looks sheepish~ sorry! :-)

  13. speedy recovery wishes. I love seeing pictures of your wall of fabric - it all looks so yummy.

  14. Sure hope you feel better tomorrow! What fun it was to see all your fabric! I LOVE the white fabric with the black floral stripes in the first picture...3rd shelf, right hand side.

  15. Wow. A wall of fabric.
    You do need a back up machine. My main machine was in the shop for 7 weeks so I made my formal dresses on my back up machine.
    Today my main machine sews beautifully and is so quiet.
    As I said, you do need a back up machine.

  16. It is such a beautiful wall! :-)

  17. Get well soon! I find cleaning something in the sewing room often kick starts the mojo...hope all that gorgeous fabric inspires you soon.

  18. vov tüm bu kumaşlar sizin mi.
    Dikiş aşkı insanı böyle yapıyor.

  19. Now that is a lot of fabric and so well organized. Hope you feel better soon. Like the back up machine.

  20. You and your stash are awe inspiring! Hope you feel better soon.

  21. I had 4 colds this year, and it did effect my sewing output. I love the way you have organised your fabric wall by colour. I think just looking at that wall would get your mojo back.

  22. hope you feel better soon, I had one for 3 weeks, gave it to my other half, and now my son, his wife and daughter have it and I felt like I was getting it again lol.

    Love the way you have organised your fabric - I can't work with my in very large bins any more - got to do something similar I think.

    get well soon

  23. Carolyn, how you feel better soon! Question about your fabric stash, I'm sure you've already mentioned this but I cannot recall what post. How much yardage would you say is you get of a fabric? Is 3 yards a safe number when you don't have a particular pattern in mind or do you typically buy more?

  24. Feel Better Soon!! I just LOVE your posts/1 I can't wait to show my husband your fabric pictures! You just got me out of some deep doo doo! LOL!! He thinks I have a problem and I try to tell him fabric is necessary! LOL!

  25. The next time I hear a comment about how much fabric I have - I'm going to point them to these pictures on you blog. :-)

    Hope you are feeling better soon

  26. Your fabric stash is impressive! Hope you feel better soon.

  27. I always feel better about my little wall of fabric when I see your impressive collection! And now I feel better about the lovely summer fabrics I didn't use this summer, knowing that an excellent sewist such as you didn't get to all she had dreamed up, either. And, yes, everyone needs backup machines, so that sewing can go on when the inspiration strikes, regardless of the repair man (Gary, in my case...I know him too well if I know his name...)

  28. Sonho em ter o meu cantinho cheio de tecido. lindo ...

  29. Dang girl! That is some serious stash! I'd never decide what to use next!

  30. Lucky you with this fabric and rooms! Lucky, lucky...

  31. I hope you feel better soon Carolyn. Yes back up machines as I am finding out are great. I have a singer and a brother. Love your fabric wall. I am hoping soon to have a dedicated sewing room it will be very small as it's a storage room closet in a condo we are looking at. But hey it will work for me I will make it.

  32. Carolyn, I am digging that new sewing machine. My machine needs a trip to the doctor also :)

  33. Hi there - I'm trying to figure out how to follow your blog using an RSS feed. iGoogle is closing and I'm moving the blogs I follow to my Yahoo page. Your Subscribe to: thing at the bottom of the page is not working. Help! I love your blog and don't want to miss it.

  34. OMG, I love your sewing wall! And I love how you've arranged it as well. Mine will hopefully be just as full soon.

  35. Oh my, beautiful fabric and so well organized! I think I need to try to organize mine better this weekend.


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