
Monday, September 24, 2012

One down...Twelve to go!

I've made this cardigan like a hundred million times!  It is my go-to piece and it's the cornerstone of my "The City in Winter" wardrobe.  I found this fabric during the summer from an online source.  Sorry to say it's now sold out. But at the time, I had to have it! I could see it working with soooooo many fabrics from my fabric collection.

Some stats:
Pattern ~ Burda 8869 (out-of-print)

Fabric ~ wool blend knit

6 - 3/4" buttons from the collection
seam tape - used to stabilize the shoulder seams
stitch witchery - used to hem the sleeves & cardigan hem

There are no new construction techniques in this garment.  It was a put the pattern down on the fabric, cut it out, serge it together and wallah!  Cardigan is done.  I don't even have to fit it because it ALWAYS fits.  That's what I love about a good TNT pattern!  

So I'll let the pictures do the talking...

Buttons placed on the placket 
for placement & arrangement

I used a rounded edge buttonhole

Buttons from the stash
work perfectly with the fabric

The sleeve w/stitch witchery in the hems

A back view

The front unbuttoned

My mojo is back and I have several things I want to make and make soon.  Even though it's back, it was slow rolling this past weekend.  No matter that I've started off slowly, I'm confident that there are loads of beautiful garments waiting to come out of my sewing stay tuned! always more later!


  1. I've loved the sneak peaks on insta. That is one spectacular cardi. The buttons are absolutely perfect! Thanks for sharing another winner. g

  2. Carolyn lovely fabric selection!

  3. I LOVE that .. simply perfect for
    your "collection."

    I haven't checked that post, but
    last week I wondered where in the
    world your magnificent, voluminous
    wardrobe resides?

    I'm on "the outside" now, having
    left home living for a 1 bedroom
    apt, so I just drool at the space
    you must have.

    Your collection will be fabulous!
    So fun to watch ..

    ~Joy~ (from SG)

  4. Beautiful cadi...I love the print and colors!!

  5. I love the fabric! This looks like it will be great for coordinating with other items in your wardrobe.

  6. Love your cardi - fabric is beautiful and the button are a great match.

  7. A great start to your fall/winter wardrobe, Carolyn! I love the print--and you couldn't have found better buttons! I'm glad you're feeling better.

  8. Love this cardigan! I have to say, you are such an inspiration to me! I too am a plus-size girl and struggle with styles I think will look ok on my body. I love seeing your pictures as it has helped me to see that I can wear different styles and look good. THANK YOU!

  9. I love this cardi ..It is beautiful and know it will be fabulous on you.. Enjoy and look forward to seeing what is next.. Happy sewing.

  10. Add me to the list of admirers. LOVE the fabric!!

  11. Very pretty! Love the fabric! Looks like one of those "go-to" pieces you end up grabbing often.

  12. Beautiful cardi! I was wondering if you have ever in a previous post - or would do a post - that tells how you do the hems with the stitch witchery.

  13. So elegant and easy to wear. Love the fancy print fabric choice with the simple lines of the design.

  14. What a fantastic looking cardigan. The print was such a good find!

  15. Gorgeous cardigan! I love wearing them but have yet to make my own. I hate buying them in the store as I feel they are seriously overpriced. I think I will be like you and perfect one pattern and make lots of them up.

  16. Love it, very sharp, you have been my cardigan inspiration - just as work worthy as a jacket but so much more wearable. Love the fabric.

  17. This cardi is so spectacular, and lush! What a great garment! I just love it


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