
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Purple Pleasant Dress - Final

Here is the dress...

I don't think there's anything more to say about the dress that I haven't already said in this post and this one.  I'm glad that I was able to finish the second dress so that I have two options to wear with the Purple Pleasant Jacket.

Some stats:
Fabric ~
Silk border print used for the top
Purple woven used for the skirt 

Notions ~
black binding
22" purple invisible zipper
Rayon seam binding
Aubergine rayon lining

There are no new construction details to share...just some pictures...and here they are... always more later!


  1. That's a lovely addition to your "more than pleasant' collection.

  2. Wow, that looks great. With and without the jacket. The contrast top is a super idea, one that I might like to try.

  3. The whole look together--with the jacket and narrow belt--is extremely flattering on you!

  4. That outfit looks stunning on you! I really love the last look with the jacket on and belted, I'm saving this post because its such a fantastic, inspiring look!

  5. Wow! I love the dress alone and with the jacket. Purple is such a good colour on you. A great outfit!

  6. The dress is absolutley beautiful, both with and without the jacket!!

  7. That is a lovely combination. The great is fabulous on its own, but with the jacket, it is very classy!

  8. I love this combination. The dress on its' own, and when paired with the jacket, it looks like a skirt & top. As has already been said, great outfit, however you choose to wear it.

  9. What a fantastic outfit. Now I am going to have to rethink if the last one is my favourite or this one.

  10. What a great outfit. You look fantastic in all the photos. I love your peplum jacket so much more than most of the peplum tops I've seen.

  11. Very very nice indeed. I love the top and skirt look of your dress and the peplum jacket is beautiful. The colours are perfect and they suit you so well.

  12. Great dress Carolyn. I love it with the jacket.

  13. It's definitely a nice dress, but it is absolutely fabulous with the jacket! Is this part of jungle january?

  14. I like this dress very much and it looks great with the jacket. Very polished and professional look. I really like the contrasting sleeve. It is definitely very "pleasant".

  15. When I got to the photo with the jacket, I did a double take - the jacket really changes the look. I love it. I agree with the previous comments that the jacket with the belt looks great, and the jacket with the print peeking through does too. And I bet it's so much more comfortable than a skirt and jacket suit! Inspiring.

  16. I love your finished dress! It looks so nice with the jacket.

  17. I love your "happy accident" of using the silk print on top. That picture of you with the jacket and belt is so SMART!

  18. Gorgeous, the silk print for the top of the dress is perfect. Styled with the jacket and belt, your outfit is so elegant. Great job again, Carolyn.

  19. Very pretty! And it looks fantastic with your jacket. I'm a big fan of that deep purple color.

  20. This is beautiful! I love, love, love the belted jacket on you. Tres chic!

  21. I love the contrast top and how it looks with the jacket. The belt is a beautiful touch!

  22. Beautiful! The dress is pretty but with the belted jacket it is Amazing

  23. LOVE that ensemble. you are seriously on a working it tear!

  24. You look spectacular! I love this dress on you and like someone said the jacket makes it look even more amazing. Thanks for sharing! I have my sewing mojo back I guess finally having a sewing room is helping.

  25. Wow ! All the pics are beautiful but the full outfit with the jacket is just stunning !

  26. WOW! This is the best of the best! I really like the contrast top of the dress with the jacket...wonderful!

  27. Wow, that looks great. What a great outfit with both dresses. You impress me!!

  28. They look just perfect together. I know you had to mix fabric for the dress because of the jacket fix, but now the outfit looks intentional. And it's the ease of a dress with the look of a skirt suit!

  29. Stunning! That's exactly the look I was hoping for when I suggested a skirt - but a dress is so much better. This is stunning! Simply Stunning - you and the dress and jacket. g

  30. Carolyn, the proportions of this dress are spot on!

    Flattering to the max!

    I love that when you wear the jacket, it looks like a suit (skit and blouse). But how wonderful to have the comfort of a dress, rather than deal with the bulk of a skirt and blouse (which pulls out of place during the day).

    I think you ought to consider making oodles more of these!

  31. It all looks so wonderful together!

  32. Beautiful Outfit and love it with the jacket.

  33. Gorgeous! And the final ensemble is extremely flattering to you. Congrats.

  34. Love, love this outfit! I think the jacket should become one of your TNT patterns as it is so flattering on you.

  35. I freakin' love this suit! You have to make that jacket a regular occurrence.

  36. The dress is great (love the fabric pairing), but the jacket give it class.

  37. THIS is really nice, gorgeous, sharp!

  38. Spectacular! Very business classy.

  39. This is such a sharp suit! And so flattering!

  40. Looks great! I like that style of jacket on you. I am getting a spring vibe from the two pieces.

  41. I loved it on its on and then saw it with the jacket and am now in a deeper love with your look. LOL. Gorgeous!

  42. Gorgeous dress and jacket! I love the color. It's very flattering on you.

  43. That looks fabulous. The combination works really well.

  44. I looooooooooooooooove this! You look amazing! I love how it looks with the jacket, too.

  45. Love the whole outfit, but the jacket is the BOMB!

  46. Love the dress!!! It is totally amazing, however, when paired with the jacket....

  47. I love this! Very flattering for you too. It's beautiful.

  48. What a gorgeous ensemble! Love it with the peplum.

  49. Beautiful. I am so glad you had enough of the fabric to fulfill your vision of the finished outfit.

  50. Love how you used the border print silk as the bodice. Very clever! This dress and jacket are soooo nice. They look great on you!

  51. Such a perfect ensemble and sooo classy! You just get better and better at stylin and sewing these collections!

  52. Looks great both with and without the jacket!

  53. You look amazing! The combo of fabric is perfect and I live the look belted with the jacket! Such a versatile piece!!

  54. It is a gorgeous dress in its own right, and with the jacket fastened, it does look like a really elegant skirt suit. A very flattering silhouette!

  55. I really love this. The contrast of the print on top to draw to your face, the purple color (which I love), the fit and flare of the jacket with the flattering belt... Love It! This entire look should become a TNT for you. K

  56. great outfit, love it. I do like a two-fabric dress, very chic.

  57. Gorgeous! I hope you love it as much as I do. The printed top is pretty and the belted jacket looks terrific on you.

  58. OMG, absolutely gorgeous....

  59. This is so cute, and I *love* that belt with the jacket. Fabulous look.

  60. Purple is your friend! and I LOVE the belted jacket look.

  61. WOW, wow wow. What a terrific suit. You are certainly in a real designer groove these days. Just beautiful.

  62. Omg I love this when worn as a suit with the narrow belt. I know that you have at times felt self conscious about showing your waist but this outfit is incredibly flattering! I think this is one of the most becoming things I've ever seen on you, and the dress plus jacket are so versatile. Congratulations.

  63. Oh I love this, even more with the belted jacket, such a great look and much easier and smoother to wear than a separate skirt and blouse.

  64. That is so elegant! I love it with the belt. What a beautiful silhouette the peplum creates.

  65. Absolutely love the dress and jacket combo! Looks stunning and extremely flattering and slimming as well... I really like how it shows off a great little waistline on you. The colour is perfect on you too :)

  66. Lovely dress! I like the textile mix and of course no one can go wrong with purple. Such a wonderful color!

  67. Hace mucho que te sigo y he visto vestidos preciosos pero con este creo que te has superado.
    Gracias por las cosas tan bonitas que nos enseƱas.

  68. Sorry I'm late to the party. I've been sick. Your outfit turned out amazing and I love it.


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