
Friday, February 22, 2013

"Carolyn Inspired" by Denise...

I was thrilled when I opened my mailbox last night and discovered this...

Front view

Rear view

Yes, that's Denise aka "Andsewitgoes" modeling her Carolyn Inspired Top.  I think Denise explains it best...

I swooooned over your Erdem Inspired Dress post. So much so that I am sending you my 'Carolyn Inspired Top'.  

A couple of notes about the top.  There were many firsts for me:
  • I mixed a woven with a knit.
  • The front being the woven and the sleeves and back from the black knit.  I was worried that the knit would stretch so I used strips of interfacing to stabilize the side seams. Another first for me.
  • I also used the interfacing to stabilize the shoulders (This was a tip I learned from you!)
  • Another first was mixing two patterns. Most of it is my TNT top: Buttterick B4290 but I wanted a modern take on it so I used the back pattern piece to elongate and curve the back hem...
I love mixing patterns and got the confidence from reading all your wonderful posts.  Thanks for all the inspiration!


Denise you are so welcome!  And the top is gorgeous!  The offer is open to everyone who reads my blog.  If you are inspired to sew something by a garment I've made, please feel free to leave a link in the comments or forward it to me. I will gladly feature you here and/or link back to your own blog!
I love when we as a sewing community inspire each other to achieve greater sewing feats and to improve our craft!

The pants post will be up next... always more later


  1. She looks fab! Carolyn, I know that you are a sewing inspiration to hundreds of us. It's awesome that Denise took the time and trouble to say "thank you."

  2. She looks great in her top. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful clothes and those of your readers.

  3. What a great top! And how flattering that she was inspired by you. I think that's one of the great things about the sewing community - how good ideas spread!

  4. Great top and kudos for moving to creative thinking with your sewing. Thanks Carolyn for teaching us this.

  5. Nothing better than a community who shares ideas, results, and encouragement! Thanks for fostering such a community for us Carolyn. Great look Denise!

  6. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I was shocked to wake up Saturday morning, get on my favorite blog while the hubby was still sleeping and see ME!!!


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