
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday Afternoon Randomness

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm in the sewing cave NOT sewing.  I wasted an entire day yesterday because I did nothing...absolutely nothing, didn't go to work because of the weather.  It's not like I don't have things I want to make, because I do.  I just didn't feel like doing anything.  And my mojo isn't gone, cause I want to sew...just not yesterday.  Weird, huh?

The weather has been frightful here.  Between the cold and now the snow, I'm missing the more comfortable temperatures of last winter.  Because of this, I've worn pants much more this year than last and I've found my pants wardrobe to be lacking.  Hey, I'm a woman who prefers to wear a dress so I've limited my pants making in the last couple of years.

I prefer solid color pants.  Remember I'm the woman who made five pairs of black lined wool crepe pants.  Well the years have not been kind to the linings in those pants.  The fashion fabric has lasted no problem...linings well that's another story. So I will be pulling linings out and relining these pants.  I've given up on trying to make linings ain't happening so I will go with the flow and put in new ones.

As promised, if anyone creates a garment inspired by something you've seen here, I will feature you on the blog. This week it's Gaylen, who authors the blog, GMarie.  Gay had an interview recently and she "interpreted" my Pleasant Purple Dress & Jacket into an awesome dress and jacket of her own.

I think she did an amazing job, don't you!?

It's so dayum cold outside and there's at least 7 or 8" of snow on the ground so you know I'm not leaving the sewing cave until work on Monday morning! Especially since work is only three days next week - yippee!

My daughter will be over tomorrow with the grandbabies to take photos of the completed garments so look for those finished garment posts on the blog next. Here's how they're looking so far...

Finally, may I ask a question?  Do you guys visit the Mood Sewing Network blog? I was wondering because my Mood Projects always show up there three or four days prior to appearing on my blog. Also my comrades sew some amazing garments using Mood fabric that you should all see. Anyway, I hope that you will visit the MSN blog on a regular basis - there's some inspiring sewing going on there!

Well I'm out...having some lunch first and then figuring out what to do make while I'm ensconced in my very warm sewing cave! always more later!


  1. Why not make a pants slip? My mother used to wear the hell out of those.

  2. Good luck with the linings, those are jobs that just are not fun. Can't wait to see your new outfits and gMarie looks fabulous in the outfit.

  3. New outfits looks super hanging up - will look even better on you! Off to check out the mood site you mentioned...there goes the rest of the day I am sure...J

  4. I think the pants linings are making you not want to sew. Thank you for the shout out, you are very inspiring.

    My daughter in CT got 32" of snow! Why only 3 days next week? g

  5. I tried subscribing to the Mood Sewing Network but Bloglines couldn't find a feed...??? But, I subscribe individually to almost all the MSN bloggers, so I figured it was not that big of a deal.

    I'm still trying to learn to get things done in 15 - 20 minute increments, as that seems to be all the time I've got now. Love to see the things you're creating! Keeps me inspired ;-)

  6. I went to MSN blog just today. I was looking for an introduction of the new bloggers but couldn't find one.

    I immediately thought of a pants slip as well when you mentioned the linings. A Black, a white and a skin colored one would probably give you lots of wear.

  7. I check out the Mood Sewing Network blog daily! Love it.

  8. I go to the Mood Blog when I'm reminded about it in one of their e-mails. If I could subscribe to it, I'd read it every day but otherwise, it's very haphazard. Since I'm subbed to yours, I read it every day so it's not terrible if I'm getting it a few days later than Mood.

  9. Hi Carolyn.
    I was already following most of the Mood sewers before they became bloggers Lori included, so I haven't had the need to go to the MSN.
    I enjoy all the posts that each MSN blogger posts on their individual sites. It's more personal.

  10. I also recommend a pants slip. I have a couple, purchased from JCPenney a few years ago. I highly recommend!

  11. I also second that it is a bit hard to follow the Mood network. The blogs I routinely follow either come to me in an e-mail notification (like Miss Celie's) or I have a blog roll I easily access (like yours). I have to deliberately remember to find a link and click on to the Mood network - and I rarely remember to do so. I do have them "Liked" on FB, but I miss a lot on there.

  12. No, I do not visit MSN. I regard the whole thing as a form of advertising and the link the equivalent of an Advertisement on a blog page. My personal choice is to not click on Ad links from blogs.


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