
Sunday, May 26, 2013

...and the saga continues...

Well I was right...*sigh*  My niece showed up today to take the dress home and as you can see from the photo below...'s still here.  The dress fits but it smushes her bosom.  It's just not flattering because the bodice is too small/too tight/too hard to get on.  After speaking with her, the measurement that was taken was her high bust measurement, not her actual bust measurement.  So of course the bodice is too tight.

The back looks good...

...and I need to add some more lace to the side.

So I will spend tomorrow adding a two inch gusset to the side seam and putting the dress back together to deliver to her on Tuesday after work.

A few things:

  • I'm remarkably calm about the whole thing.  I know I can fix these issues.
  • This means that all of the hand stitched lace on the front has to be removed and then stitched back on after the gusset has been added.
  • The lining has been taken out and will be hand stitched in again.
  • The hem needs a minor correction so that it will work for heels and when she wears flats.
  • The sleeve fit is perfect!  I told you that was a dayum good sleeve! *LOL*
  • ...and the back is perfect so it won't need to be reworked either.

If I'd been able to have a fitting yesterday, I would have been able to fix the dress yesterday & today delivering it tomorrow.  Instead I will spend tomorrow finishing it and will deliver it on Tuesday.  Thank goodness this is a three day weekend here in the States, so that I can take my time and get this last piece to work.

The awesome thing is that both she and her mother were apologizing to me. There was no hysteria about the dress showing up 2 days before her prom...just a lot of gratefulness that she was getting such an amazing dress...and other than the bust issue, she was really thrilled with the dress. At this point I'd make her wedding dress if she wanted because she has been so fantastic to work with. always more later!


  1. You have such a wonderful attitude about it all. It will be lovely when you get it all done and she will remember it her whole life! ~Teri

  2. Great job! What a good person you are, not to mention what an excellent seamstress. She will look fabulous in the finished dress!

  3. A grateful and kind "client" makes all the difference, doesn't it? It's a gorgeous dress, she's a very lucky girl!

  4. Ditto Kristine's comment. You are an amazing aunt. Inspiring & amazing. Love the dress. Gorgeous! Beautiful design.

  5. It is a beautiful dress, you did a great job. Sorry you have to make the alterations, but it is always easier when people appreciate the work.

  6. Well, it's too bad about the miscommunication, but at least it's fixable. And, Carolyn, that is going to be one STUNNING dress. That is the funnest aspect of sewing for that age, right? Making a garment that one wouldn't make for oneself. I hope the rest goes smoothly!

  7. Shame about having to redo all that hand stitching but you are going to end up with one SPECTACULAR dress. Simply beautiful. Your young niece has obviously been brought up right. So many young people have a level of expectation that my generation certainly didn't. Nice to see appreciation.

  8. such a beautiful dress - I feel for you having to unpick the lace - sure it will turn out beautiful.

  9. Your niece will have the most beautiful gown at the prom. She's a fortunate young lady, to have such a clever aunt.

  10. She's going to be the most stylish and stunning girls there.
    They've seen your great skills so I can understand why they know these changes are part of your skills in making this dress look and fit perfectly.

  11. It is such a blessing to have cooperative clients. Whew! It makes the redo all that much more pleasant. This will be stunning when complete.

  12. it looks beautiful so far!

  13. The dress is so gorgeous and you will do a perfect job. Good luck with all the last adjustments.

  14. The dress is so lovely, but what is even lovelier is the grace shown by all of you in this dress-making process. You, for caring so much that the dress fits well and does your niece proud; your niece and her mom for understanding what is most important in life--people, not things.

  15. That is one gorgeous gown. Just ... Wow! It's cool you're being so calm about this, I'll hold my breath and send you best wishes and lots of stamina. ~mb

  16. That gown is smashing on her. I'm sure she will be thrilled when she gets it back, and was probably thrilled with the over-all look. She sounds so sweet no wonder you don't mind sewing for her.

  17. You can do it! I'm so impressed by your calmness! This really looks awesome so far! I'm sorry that you have to redo so much hand stitching, though. Ugh!

  18. I'm confident that this saga will end well. I'm impressed by your calmness. You have a professional attitude and, of course, excellent sewing skills. The dress looks good now. When you are finished, I know it will be outstanding. Your niece is attractive and has a positive attitude. I bet that wedding dress will come before too long!

  19. The dress is already beautiful and once it's done it'll be perfection. You never stop inspiring me. Thanks.


  20. It's so beautiful already. I'm amazed you're so calm about the whole thing - your experience is showing!

  21. Very pretty even with the issues! Great job and good luck with the alterations, I know that will be another chore in itself!

  22. This is still looking great and you definitely know how to fix it so it can be worn. It is really a lovely garment!


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