
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prom Dress Making 2013

Several of my nieces follow me on Instagram.  When I was making my Mood Lace Project Dress, one of my nieces took particular interest because she wanted to have her prom dress made instead of buying one at retail.  So after contacting me earlier this month, we met to discuss what she was looking for in a prom dress. This is a quick sketch of what we decided upon...

My niece's parents are Pastors and I was struck by how she repeatedly said that she wanted an elegant dress that wouldn't disrespect her parents' ministry or the congregants.  Wow!  How many 17 year olds do you find that have that kind of thought process?!  After looking at the pattern companies online together, she chose this dress pattern (Butterick 4343) as a starting point...

I found some swatches at Mood's NYC store. Then after some back and forth she finally settled on a fabric. I made a quick trip to Mood Friday evening to pick up the fabric and a coordinating trim. This is what came home with me...

A med wt silk crepe back satin & an embellished mint lace

Sunday was the first fitting of the dress.  The base of the dress is a beautiful medium weight silk crepe back satin.  I picked the embellished lace based upon my conversations with my niece.  So I was a little nervous about her seeing the dress and it's components since she'd only seen a fabric swatch.  I was also concerned about stitching the dress together for the fitting.  Silk can be a little temperamental to work with and I didn't want to leave stitching holes in the fabric.

After routing through the stash, I found a spool of silk thread (gotta remember to buy more!) which I used to make a sample seam.  I stitched it.  I pressed it and then I removed the stitches and pressed it again.  No noticeable damage.  So I proceeded with machine basting the pieces together after cutting them out.

Here are pictures from the fitting...

We (my niece, my SIL and my DD) were all thrilled with what I have so far.  She has asked for one sleeve.  So I will find a sleeve pattern to pair with the dress. Everyone loved the embellished lace - big sigh of relief!  So this is what I will be working on during my five day Memorial Day weekend. always more later!


  1. It looks like it's going to be a stunning dress!! I really love the lace fabric, it's beautiful.

  2. Gorgeous fabrics. It's going to be a beautiful dress! Lucky niece.

  3. Oh it's beautiful, Carolyn. the lace is exquisite. So glad you went ahead and fitted the silk satin without damage so we could see it. Busy busy ~Mary Beth

  4. Just gorgeous. You are such a stellar aunt.

  5. Gorgeous fabric, I can not wait to see the dress:)

  6. That is going to be just gorgeous! What beautiful lace. What a wonderful aunt!

  7. The dress will be gorgeous! What a fortunate niece to have an aunt that can sew as nice as you!

  8. What a sweet aunt you are. The dress is going to be stunning, it already is in fact.

  9. Cannot wait to see the finished product! Very pretty already.

  10. The fabrics are gorgeous. It promises to be a beautiful dress.

  11. Lovely fabric and the lace is beautiful. Will we get to see a photo of this pretty young lady wearing her dress when it's finished?

  12. Holy smokes! This is amazing. I think she can skip the prom and go directly to the Oscars. This is better than anything the stars wear.

  13. Beautiful! And I think you more than met her request for elegant. She looks fabulous, it fits her perfectly and she still looks young and modern without exposing too much.

  14. What a lucky (and very special sounding) young lady! It looks like she's going to have a prom dress to remember! :)

  15. This certainly looks like it's going to be an amazing dress! Absolutely gorgeous!

  16. She is one very lucky niece. The finished dress will be fabulous.

  17. Wow, what an exciting project! It looks elegant, but youthful. I can't wait to see the final product!

  18. It looks like it is going to be beautiful. How could you not all like it?

  19. Wowee! This is divine, Carolyn! I can't wait to see it finished!

  20. The fabrics you chose are exquisite. This is going to be a killer dress.


  21. What a classy dress. It's absolutely perfect for the event and her age.

  22. This is already looking SO gorgeous, Carolyn! Can't wait to see it when it's all finished. I am dying over that lace, it's so beautiful!!

  23. That's one mature 17 year old! And the dress is like something from the Oscars!

  24. This is going to be utterly gorgeous! And it looks like your niece has a lovely figure to really carry of the look beautifully. Can't wait to see the completed garment!

  25. You're such a sweet aunt! Your niece is going to be so beautiful in that dress.

  26. Just beautiful fabrics and it will be a fantastic prom dress. You sweet auntie!

  27. Beautiful dress! I used that pattern for a prom dress about 11 years ago. It's a classic!! Wow wait until you see the prom dress I made for my is a little risque! My daughter would never have worn it!!!!!!! Her prom is Friday, so I'll post pics on Saturday. Happy Sewing!

  28. WOW!! I look forward to seeing the finished dress. The lace is absolutely beautiful. You're right, it refreshing to see young ladies who have a sense of thoughtfulness and respect for themselves.

  29. Beautiful choice of fabrics, lace and pattern! Kudos to your niece on her mature and elegant fashion sense. Wish we all had such a talented aunt.

  30. Beautiful choice of fabrics. I am sure your niece will have the loveliest gown at the Prom. It appears (e.g. concern for her parents) that she already has a very lovely nature. Hope she has a wonderful time. Oh, and you are a pretty good aunt, too.

  31. Your niece sounds like a wonderful, caring person and a testimony to the parents who raised her. She will be the most elegant woman in the room. The dress looks beautiful so far. The dress will be a true labor of love.

  32. Oh Carolyn, that is already stunning! I've seen some atrocious monstrosities posing as prom dresses in the last few weeks. This is so refreshing! I can't wait to see it.

  33. Yes, the gown is going to be absolutely gorgeous. .. and love the lace .. beautiful.

  34. How unbelievably beautiful--and it will be unique, one of a kind and she'll stand out in a good way, not because she's mostly naked:)

    I like the way the beading drapes and think the sleeve would be great not too skin tight, but more drapey myself. But hey, either way, it's going to be fabulous. I can't wait to see the final product.

  35. It looks fantastic - and that is going to be one high-end prom dress! Lucky neice!!

  36. THis is going to be stunning.

  37. I know you already know this- but don't do too much more fitting without the final bra/undergarments and shoes. The strapless bra she needs can change the fit of the top. I have had grls come fro fittings in sports bras- not gonna work!
    The lace is beautiful and mint green is so in right now. She will be appropriate and fashionable. Way to go!

  38. Your niece is as beautiful as this dress is going to be. She is fortunate to have an aunt who is both willing and able to make her a dress that fulfills her design eye.

  39. So refined and just lovely.

  40. Very elegant, some prom dresses look awful although I am sure the girls like them and that's all that counts.

    Finished pictures please. Oh to be that age again with a waist!

  41. Fabulous elegant choice and the mockup looks gorgeous.

  42. Your niece's prom gown is absolutely gorgeous! I love the 'wow factor' that the embellished lace brings to the dress. As usual, you are doing a magnificent job!

  43. A lovely dress for a lovely young lady!

  44. Carolyn, that is SO beautiful. I would actually wear it just the way you have it shown, with the draped lace! Be careful, you will probably be getting more requests after this gorgeous concoction :) K

  45. Excited to see the finished dress! Looks lovely. I don't do prom dresses because I find teenagers so hard to work with. Looks like you've got a great "client" in this process!

  46. ONG Carolyn, tell your niece she has the GREATEST Aunt in the world! That dress is "Heavenly" beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  47. Oh, WOW, you guys are definitely nailing "elegant"! This is going to be lovely! Your niece sounds like a sweetheart. :)

  48. Your niece is going to look wonderful and stylish.

  49. The request that her dress be respectful of your niece's parents' calling is a testament to the wonderful job they're doing. The color is much nicer in the photos of the dress than the picture of the flat fabric. You're giving your niece a dress she can not only wear to the prom, but to other formal events beyond school. She is a lucky girl.

  50. You are a dream aunt!! The dress is gorgeous.

  51. Your niece will be stunning in the dress. You MUST post her prom photo! Gorgeous!

  52. What an excellent job! I love the design you conceived on your dress. It is beautiful and fits just right for you.
    Ed of


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