
Monday, July 01, 2013

It's taking a lot longer the second time around...

Last March I put together the sewing workroom I'd been dreaming of after sewing in it's move-in state for about six months.  I had such joy taking the fabric out of the bins and getting it onto the shelves so that I could see & touch it again. Putting it in my sewing machines, knowing that I was setting up a place where I could spend many hours happily creating.

Well I've been home since Wednesday night and you would think that I would have gotten all of the fabric onto the shelves and out of the dining room.  Well you would be wrong.  It is taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get all of this fabric back onto the shelves...which I'm sure is caused by my total lack of desire to put it there.

I've spent a lot of time out in the street, shopping.  Yeah, like I need to be doing that right?! *LOL*  I've watched two seasons (6 & 7) of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix on my computer.  Did you know that it will play episode after episode without prompting?!  It makes it real easy to just sit and watch...ummm, which is what I did all day Saturday...

So Sunday morning I decided that I would get up early-ish and start putting fabric away since it was my last day off from work.  That went okay but not fantastic when I ate something terrible for lunch that laid me nine hours later...I sat in the sewing workroom trying to put a few more pieces away before I headed back to work.

...added plastic sheeting to the bottom shelves...

I guess I should be thankful that this is a short week (4th of July Thursday here in the States) that will allow me to continue to put fabric away...especially since my sewing mojo has fled. *sigh*  Would you like a little photographic evidence of what's not finished...

View from the doorway - blues & greens

White, beige & tans

The main shelves against the back wall

Only shelf that is totally fulled...there is still so much to do!

Yeah, close but not close would you like to see what's left in the trashbag collection?

You can walk through the front 
half of the dining room now!

...but don't try to sit at the table!

Still so much left to unpack!

Oh and this doesn't include the bins that are in the garage that I want to somehow stuff onto the shelves...

Which honestly, I'm worried won't fit...but that sad tale is for another day.  Just wanted to update on the progress of getting the fabric back into it's rightful place. Let's just say it's going slowly...very slowly *LOL* always more later!


  1. I totally understand how you feel. Just finished some massive sewing projects (made 12 competition costumes for a skating event), and now I need to get ready for round 2 (that event was a qualifier to nationals, so now I have another 6 costumes to make) and I just feel so drained. Tons of sewing to do and no desire to do any of it. On top of it all I need to clean up the mess I made before I get started on the new stuff. Blargh. And it has been so hot outside it has totally zapped my energy. So, yes, totally understand how you feel.

  2. Compared to the empty shelves a few days ago, you've moved mountains! Anyway, why not take your time?

  3. Slowly but surely... It looks like you're making good progress. Your situation reminds me of unpacking after moving to a new place. It's a lot of work.

  4. Those black plastic bags around your dining table look like something from an episode of Hoarders! Good thing we know there's precious cargo inside them destined for their rightful home, slowly but surely

  5. Carolyn, if I lived near I would offer to help you in a second. In exchange for stroking all that gorgeous fabric, a cup of coffee and a lot of chats with you about sewing!!
    Hope you are feeling better after your bad lunch.
    Best wishes

  6. I cannot get my breath at the size of your stash, it must be the largest of a private individual who sews.

    Sorry about the gippy tum, not pleasant.

  7. Thank you. I feel better about the size of my stash after seeing yours :)
    You are making great progress. How nice to get your dining room back.

  8. Gernella--She who dies with the most fabric wins.

    Although Carolyn's stash is impressive, I've seen bigger. I helped a friend sort out her mother-in-law's estate several years ago, and the amount of fabric from many decades was overwhelming. The estate sale was of epic proportions and a few pieces ended up in my already burgeoning stash.

  9. Go ahead and sew...that will get your mojo works for me. Once you are sewing you wonder why you didn't want to. As far as the restocking of the shelves..take it one bag at a time everytime you go in to sew something. Put it away, then reward yourself and sew. It will get done.

  10. You win! I thought I had fabric. My little stash is nothing at all next to yours. You could open your very own fabric store! I see lots and lots more sewing ... and fabric shopping... in your future. Enjoy.

  11. Oh my. I thought I had far too much fabric, but seeing your wall of riches, I feel much better. Your fabrics are so lovely, and I know that you'll climb this mountain, too. BTW, I've seen shelving like yours with wheels; would it be possible to "double park" some of the more seasonable yardage behind your current season's stash? Just a thought. In any case, Brava!

  12. Wow, so very very organized. Wow.

    My blogger dashboard doesn't seem to be listing my blogs today, so maybe I was wrong!

  13. I am amazed at how much time it takes to sort fabric. Mine is due for a big reorganizing, but I refuse to say that I have too much! At least, you've made a good start. I imagine that you'll get there soon. You just might want to find a piece of fabric or use your dining room table. :)

  14. Isn't Netflix addictive? I've stayed up waaaaay too late at night watching British mystery series as they just keep on playing! Your mojo will return as creativity such as yours cannot be denied. I too wish I could fly out and help restock those shelves. It would be a joy to fondle your fabric stash. Take care & happy sewing soon.

  15. Yep. You have way more fabric than me. I guess that means I can go get some more!
    Seriously, poor you. It does look like a monumental task. Good luck with it, Carolyn.

  16. I love your fabric collection! I love looking at your photos and knowing that you are as crazy in love with your fabrics as I am with mine. It's hard when your beloved collection is threatened by disaster or is not in good order due to hurried bagging and moving. This was a disaster! Maybe you have some PTS? :-) I would.

  17. Holy cow, you have a lot of fabric! My husband complains that I have too much but I don't have near as much as you. But, my goodness, it is indeed a glorious sight, lol! That's what I call fabric.


    every time i see pictoral evidence of your stash, i am newly astounded.

  19. If you ever want to part with any of that stash, I'll be happy to take a column. Just saying . . .

    Hang in there, it will get done in due time. Take it slow and reward yourself with some sewing between emptying bags. Seriously, those bags are not going to grow little legs and run off.

  20. Wow. There's a lot left to put away. Wow. No wonder you don't want to put it all back!

  21. It's hard for me to get into cleaning up and reworking things when it wasn't my doings that caused the problem needing rework. It doesn't matter if it's fixing clothes or cleanup from a house-related problem.

    You have one of the nicest, well coordinated apparel fabric collections I've ever seen. I've seen it on the shelves, but somehow the true size escaped me until I saw the shelves in this post and then seen all the bags left to put back. No wonder you're tired of returning it!

  22. You're getting there... by the time you know it you'll be emptying out your last bag.



  23. I love your fabric photos. Thank you for sharing. I was full of smiles when I scrolled down and saw the pics after reading the post . Love love love your amazing collection.

  24. Wow! You have your work cut out for you. Realize that those shelves do hold lots of fabric and you will be surprised how many of those bags will fit on one shelf!

  25. Hi again Carolyn. I'm on a mission and I was wondering if you would mind if I ask a favour. Could you visit my blog and follow me on Bloglovin? Anyone who carried the blogs they were following from Google Reager to Bloglovin are not getting my feeds because of a problem way back with my blog url. I miss hearing from you and others who use to comment on my posts. I hope I'm not being too presumptuous. Thank you in advance.

  26. Oh wow, I don't feel so bad about my fabric collection after seeing yours. But I think I have more than you still...sigh .... and haven't had any sewing time. Not good. But your room is looking good, and if it were me, I'd leave the stuff in the garage ... hahaha .....

  27. I share your pain. When I was redoing my fabric shelves, I keep thinking that it would never end. At one point, the floor and every surface was covered with fabric. I don't have space for enough shelves so I ended up with too many bins of fabric. When it was done, I was sick of fabric. Now when I walk in the room, it feels so good that everything has a home.

  28. Fabulous collection, Carolyn! I love your blog too, and always enjoy reading about your sewing adventures.

  29. Hi Carolyn. Thank you for following me on Bloglovin!
    I hope you will soon finish the gargantuan task of returning your fabrics to their places etc. so you can once again enjoy your sewing and creating. Like you, I can't imagine life without it. God Bless.

  30. Yesus Louise. . That's a lot. Take it slow and before you know it, your sewing castle will be ready.

  31. Wow - you have done a lot but I can see you still have quite a bit to go. Maybe you should do a sewing lucky dip to get your mojo back. Dip you hand into one of those bags - pick out a piece and sew something from it.

  32. Hang in there, girl. You'll get it all done and when it's finished, you will be one of the happiest campers on the planet. I don't know about the rest of your readers, but I certainly wish I had half the space you have for sewing and crafting.

    Enjoy the fruits of your labor!


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