
Friday, August 23, 2013

Instagram Did Me In!

Seriously peoples if you're not following Mood Fabrics on Instagram, you are missing out!  They posted this the other day...

...and with some encouragement from my friend, Elizabeth, I hopped on the A train in the pouring rain to go claim some for myself.  It's a wool double knit that has a medium to heavy weight hand.  It's not coat weight as in outerwear but it is definitely jacket weight and it comes in the chartreuse pictured as well as the purple I purchased.  Although not so heavy that you can't make a winter dress with it...which is part of my intention!  C'mon you knew I was making a dress...when ain't I making a dress! *LOL*

Anyway this fabric just kicked my next couple of projects down a notch.  It will be my September Mood Project (thereby not breaking the can't buy fabric until 2014 rule) and since I've sketched a pretty involved outfit for it, I will start working on this sooner rather than later. It definitely will be a part of my sewcation!

But in full disclosure, this isn't the only piece I've purchased from Mood after seeing it on Instagram.  Y'all know I love me some pleather and leather is trending hot for Fall 2013.  It is EVERYWHERE! So after seeing this on Instagram...

I bought a 1/2 yard when I purchased my menswear fabric last month. Just to let you know, this is already cut out and waiting to be sewn. Just.need.some.time!

I know what you're going to ask next.  Don't they show fabrics on Instagram that are only in the NYC store?  Yes, sometimes and sometimes things are available online too.  It's noted in the comments when it's in the store or when it's online. If it's only in the store, ask, they tell you who to call and what department.  So see it's win win!  You can come in, call in or surf in but you CAN purchase the Instagram fabric.

So what are you waiting for?  Pull out those android phones, iPhones, and iPads and install the Instagram's free and it's fun!  Oh and I'm "diaryofasewingfanatic" on Instagram!  See you there! always more later!

p.s. Only four more work days to sewcation! *doing the Snoopy happy dance!* 


  1. Don't blame me! Blame Mood. ;) I love the purple one way bnetter than the green one.

  2. And you don't even have to be in the US (as I recently discovered!!!) Mood's international checkout option means I can pay in British pounds, get an accurate shipping charge and prepay any duties if I wish. Following their instagram could be seriously dangerous for my credit card now that I know I can easily order with them! That purple is gorgeous!!

  3. that leather piece is EVERYTHING!

  4. Oh, no you don't, you temptress you! You can't suck me in, I have no place to put any more fabric! But I love knowing it's out there LOL

  5. OMG!!! That is so luscious! I want some too, but, it ain't gonna happen,living in Canada and already having too many lothes for a retiree!

  6. Ok....I truly love the black and purple. I may give Instagram a whirl.

  7. But do they have what they post on Instagram in the LA store??? Not that I need more fabric but Mood!

  8. Ommgggg you bought that leather cutout stuff!! Ahhhh I can't wait to see what you do with it, it's gonna be AMAZING!!

    I love following Mood's Instagram, but it's totally dangerous. I've definitely made some impulse buys of the stuff they post ;) Worth it, though! Their fabrics are amazing!

  9. Oh! You are such an enabler. :-)

  10. When I saw that you commented on this fabric on instagram. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the It's a pretty piece of fabric. If I can get off early today. I am stop by and get a piece for myself.

  11. I'm glad I can't just hop on the train and be at Mood. I would be so poor but rich in a fabric way lol.

  12. i love seeing the mood fabric posts on instagram too! i also love your comment "when ain't I making a dress!" -my favorite thing to make as well =) can't wait to see what you make with that fabric

  13. I love the purple and black! I need to get down to mood one of these days....

  14. Gorgeous fabric, you are right the instagram posts can be dangerous but fun.

  15. I immediately thought of you when I saw wool double knit in the description!!

    I LOOOOOVE that pleather!! But I can't think of a single thing I could do with it. I will be anxiously awaiting your project!

  16. Dammit Carolyn! This is why I haven't read the sewing blogs for 3 years. And I need another app on my phone like I need a hole in my head. I need another piece of fabric like a hole in my head too. But that wool double knit is to die for.


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