
Thursday, August 29, 2013

So it begins...

This is where I'm planning on spending some of the next 10 days.  The astute will notice that I said "some"...see it's like this.  Originally I'd planned a 12 day immersion in my sewing cave.  I'd planned to eat, sleep and live in the sewing cave just sewing, sewing, sewing.  Then I said I'd host our annual family Labor Day celebration - ummmmm, I don't even have a grill...*sigh*

But it's okay, I figured I'd lose two days to this AND it really is my 30 family members will be descending upon me this weekend.  But it was okay because I had 12 sewing losing two I would still have 10 days of sewing pleasure.

Then some really important meetings landed on the calendar at work.  Did I tell you that I got a new boss and some new responsibilities?  Did I tell you that I'm now an integral part of these meetings?  Oh and did I tell you that a member of the team started to freak out when they found out I was on vacation part of that week?  Well you know what happened next...yeap lost two of those vacation days.

So, I'm now down to ten vacation days...two of which will be used working on the Labor Day celebration. I'm not disappointed...just a little deflated.  I know that I still have eight days but some of the expansiveness of time is now missing.  I will soldier on.

My "Fall Sewing List" has 16 garments on it.  The Chado Ralph Rucci pieces don't even appear on this list.  However, I learned a valuable lesson from this past Sunday's sew.  Plan more.  I've picked six pieces from my list to work on during the "reduced" sewcation.  One of those pieces is a straight skirt ~ yes, it will be made in a trendy fabric ~ but seriously an involved straight skirt takes me three hours to sew.  See, Plan more.

I don't want a repeat of last summer's sew.  It was truly unfulfilling...even now a year later I remember how hollow it made me feel.  I need these eight sewing days to be calming and productive because the week that follows will be hectic and full of long hard work days. Okay this sounds like I'm talking to the confessional camera on one of those reality shows. *LOL*

Anywhooo, tomorrow I wake up at a decent more 5:35ams for me for the next 10 days!  Woooo hooooo!  I head to Home Depot to purchase a grill. Make out my shopping list for the supermarket to deliver ~ yeah I'm hosting but I'm not biting that "going to the supermarket to shop" bullet!  No way! *LOL*  My daughter will show up to help me clean and set up AND I will enjoy the time with my family.

Then it's onto sewing, sewing and more sewing.  If you're so inclined, stick around to see the five maybe six items that come out of my sewing machine.

And I'm hanging this sign on the sewing cave's door...

Found on Pinterest always more later!


  1. Enjoy your sewcation and the labor day family fun! :)

  2. I hope you have a great time both with family and sewing! And I need to adopt your motto "Plan Less.....Sew More":)

  3. Haha, your family suckered you into hosting?! The nerve of them! Crossing my fingers that your sewing time is relaxing and productive and that you feel super refreshed and ready to get back to work (well, or at least as ready as you can feel!).

    Also. I need a new job, the kind that has vacation days! :)

  4. Oh, that Chado Ralph Rucci fabric! Those pieces are all working out so wondefully! Enjoy your shortened vacation, and I am really looking forward to seeing all the pieces that you get sewn.

  5. Happy sewcation!!!

  6. Well have a great weekend and successful sewcation!

  7. Oh I'm sorry your sew-cation has been chipped away. But you still have a big chunk of time for sewing! I

    love the picture of your sewing space! I'm re-doing my sewing area (i.e. my small apartment and I'm incorporating your idea of fhose curtains on my fabric shelves.

    ~Rose in SV

  8. Sounds lovely and I wish a happy sewing vacation!

  9. I'm in the middle of a 10-day sewcation myself. I also lost 2 days to visiting family and it has further been chipped away at by dental and optometrist appointments. At least I've got 2new shirts out of my sewcation so far.

  10. Awww ...too bad you're getting less less days than planned to
    hibernate and sew, but look how indispensable you are at work.
    That's wonderfully impressive, and I'm sure you're so deserving
    of that vital status.

    Enjoy every second of your family, the BBQ and your sewcation.
    It'll all be grand.


  11. Sounds like you'll be busy, however you never know those few days taken out of your schedule may give you the break you need - sometimes if I sew for an extended period I do just need to walk away and then the next day, problems have been solved.

    Have fun

  12. Enjoy, relax, and chill out :) Have a wonderful vacation.

  13. Good luck! can't wait to see what comes out of these 10 days of sewing

  14. I always like big family get togethers. With my crazy family, I'd loose a third day recovering! Have fun during your abbreviated sew-cation.

  15. Any time I plan a sewing vacation, other things nibble away at my time too. But you have everything you need once you settle in. And just think how much time you will save not having to stop to buy needed notions. This is your zen-zone time so enjoy -- family and sewing -- say what!!!

  16. Enjoy your family reunion. Those times can be really special treasure that we take along with us through the years. Happy Sewing, too.!

  17. I'd love to hang that sign around my neck. I know it's only me and my husband but lord does that man need a reminder to stay away while I'm sewing! TFS

  18. Enjoy your sewing time! I know you will be very successful! And enjoy your family event., sounds fun!

  19. okay, you're doing a REALLY good job of seeing the bright side, surely the sewing gods will grant you success over your shortened time!!

  20. I hear you with the vacation days disappearing - I'm supposed to be using a day of vacation, but am at work today. I'll just use the day another week in Sept. (have to use it or lose it then) I'm looking forward to seeing what you sew on this sewcation...

  21. Have a great holiday with family and sewing. I await to see what comes forth from your sewing room.

  22. I need that sign! I like your new philosophy - plan less, sew more. Enjoy your family and sewing days!!

  23. "soldier on", I know you will! Maybe, just maybe, the slashes of painful time away from the cave will let you mentally breathe in the projects and prevent sewing fatigue. Good luck there, Carolyn!

  24. OH I hear ya! I work at home on the computer all day long and have just figured out I really should take sewing breaks! I'm way less cranky when I do.

  25. Enjoy your vacation and most of all, have fun.

  26. As always you are an inspiration! I wish you the best sewcation ever and a lot of revivifying sewing time to yourself basking in the memories of your Labor Day family picnic!!

  27. Love that sign!!! Enjoy your family BBQ, and then your sewing time!!!! Looking forward to reading about and seeing your creations ;)

  28. Enjoy your sewing! Maybe you will earn some extra hours later since you have to go in on your vacation. Even so, just being able to get up a little later will be great!

  29. Wishing you all success on your sewing vacay. I need that warning sign. LOL

  30. I love your sign. Can't wait to see what you make.

  31. I hope you have a lovely sewcation. Unless you need a grill permanently, perhaps you could borrow one. Seems like a lot of trouble if you don't need one after the holiday. :-)

  32. Look at alllll that fabric!!!!!

    Let the sewing goddess be with you.


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