
Monday, September 02, 2013

September is National Sewing Month

September is National Sewing Month and since I'm spending the next seven days at home reveling in my sewing cave, I thought I would start the month off celebrating the craft I love!

I've been home for three days and I've only done things related to the Labor Day celebration which was yesterday and was very successful although it was too hot and humid to sit outdoors, and the fact that at one point the grill was on fire (thank goodness for my son-in-law!).  All of my children, my grandchildren, their spouses and significant others were there, as well as a company of cousins, siblings and friends.

Now to sew!  I will finish up the Chado Ralph Rucci pieces before moving onto other garments.  However, while out Friday, I found these...

Don't they match/coordinate with the CRR pieces so well?  They were the perfect find at Stein Mart!

I also bought a new Ott light.  The clamp on one I had died. I found this desktop light that I put on the bookcase shelf which offers even more light over my ironing board.  I am thrilled with this one and the light available is brighter and better than the previous lamp provided.  My sewing room now looks like daytime no matter what time of the day or night it is.

I also purchased some new plastic shelving units and contact paper.  I want to rearrange the items on my computer desk and sewing area.  I'm going to contact paper the tables with a marble-like paper so that they match.  The shelving unit is to replace the plastic one that's presently sitting on the computer table - it's cracking.  Since it's about 20 years old, I'm not surprised. So I'll be replacing that one and adding another one that I will put my magazine collection (old Threads and Burda Style magazines) on...which will finally come out of storage. After I've made the changes, I'll put pics up on the blog.  

These are probably some of the last changes I will make to the Sewing Cave for a minute. The room is working so well in it's new configuration and I'm very pleased with it.  I did get to show the sewing cave off to a few of my guests yesterday and they were duly impressed with the fabric and to get down to it and use it well for the next couple of days! always more later!!!


  1. You have such a relaxed tone to your writing in this post. I can tell you are just revelling in your time off and all your productivity. Isn't it a great feeling?

  2. Perfect shoes!! Enjoy your sewing time.

  3. Eek, those new shoes are so gorgeous!

  4. Great shoe find! Goes with fabric beautifully. Sewing cave is looking good! Enjoy your days off sewing.

  5. Can't wait to see your finished garments. I LOVE the shoes. Enjoy your time off.

  6. Your sewing vaca is inspiring me to jump on board and begin my fall garments. Thanks!


  7. Sew, Girl, Sew! May your machine fly and your seams be straight!! I look forward to seeing what you produce, on the other side.

  8. Happy sewcation. Wishes that it's even better than you're hoping for.

  9. Sounds like a fun gathering.

    Love the look of those shoes. Looking forward to seeing the whole outfit.

  10. Oh those shoes, those shoes, those delightful purple shoes!!!

  11. Here's to sewing for all of September!!

    I love those gorgeous royal purple shoes! They work perfectly with that fabric.

  12. Carolyn -

    Every time I see a shot of the great things you are doing in your work space, I simply see green.

    BTW - I love the way those purple shoes match that fabric. Can't wait to see what you do with it. I know the finished product will be absolutely stunning.

  13. Oooh, I need to get one of those lamps! I can barely see when I'm ironing-- thanks for the inspiration!


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