
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday and it's almost the end of the week...

...and I've been home the entire time - sleeping, coughing, sneezing and dealing with bronchitis.  I don't know about anyone else but I hate being cooped up in the house with no desire to sew.  When I'm feeling well, it takes a fair amount of dragging and a large incentive to get me out of the house...probably why I like sewcations so much...but the time I'm feeling better I'm ready to run screaming into the street.

The antibiotics have finally kicked in.  I'm no longer coughing like an old diesel locomotive and no one will fear sitting next to me on the bus because the sneezing has stopped too.  So tomorrow for one lone day this week, I will venture back onto public transportation and to my job...and I can't wait!  *LOL*

It has been absolutely torturous for me to be home with no desire to sew. However, I do have a little unfinished business to attend to here.  Elizabeth did come forward and pick up her SugarPlum prize so that one is claimed. Although, I still haven't heard from Robinsnc - so the winner of the October fabric giveaway is now:

Sharon of Sharon Sews blog

Okay Sharon, contact me with your home address and I will send the box out to you...though I will probably change it up a little since I do know you.

The temperatures have dropped here on the East's actually starting to feel fallish or so I'm told by my daughters since I haven't left the house this week except to go to the drs.  Next week I will finally start wearing all of that fall gear that I've been sewing.

My coat project has been pushed back because there is no way that I can have one completed this weekend for my Mood date next week.  So I'm racking my brain trying to think of what to make instead.  There will be more on that this weekend.  I have an idea just gotta see if I can make it work!

Thanks for all of the helpful comments left on my last post about my new camera.  I'm definitely going to keep it and like my Janome 8900 sewing machine I will learn it one function at a time.  But my grandson's little paws will NOT be allowed to touch Nana's new expensive camera!!! *LOL*

One last thing, congratulations to my friends Shams and Audrey for making it through Round 5 of the Fabric Mart Fashionistas Contest.  To say that I'm in awe of what you two have accomplished so far is an understatement. I'm thrilled that I know you both and can't wait to see what comes from your sewing machines next!  Good luck with the next round!!! always more later!


  1. I'm so glad you're on the mend. Here in NC, we skipped fall and went straight to what we call winter. :-)

    Good luck with your Mood project. And take it easy. Let's hope the was your only brush with illness for the 13-14 season. :-)

  2. So glad to hear you are on the mend!!! (cracking myself up here!)

  3. Glad you're feeling better!!! I took tomorrow off and will have a mini sew-cation. I'll be thinking of you :)

  4. Poor you, being cooped up and sick all week. Glad you are feeling better!

  5. Hope you reach complete wellness soon!

  6. There is nothing worse than being home and not well enough to sew, glad you are on the mend and hope you feel wonderful soon.

  7. Loving the comparison with an OLD diesel locomotive. My recent hack/cough-a-thon had me making similar noises.

    Hoping you return to full health very soon.

  8. Oh you poor thing! I think being sick should be banned!! Hope you are feeling much better soon

  9. So with the Mood projects you must deliver by the deadlines even if your sick?

  10. Oh, no, I'm so sorry that you've been so sick! I hope you're feeling back to 100% SOON!

  11. So sorry to hear you are sick. I have been dealing with the same thing for the past week. Thank Heavens for Mucinex and antibiotics. I do hope you are soon feeling well and able to be sewing again. When I am sick like this, I am glad to have in the dried chicken soup packets (Lipton's, Mrs. Grass') as they seem to help the congestion and don't sit as heavy as some of the canned ones. Get better soon, God bless.

  12. Feel better and stay warm!

  13. So glad to hear (read lol) that you're on the mend! I can only imagine how sick you were to not even be able to sew :( Ah well I'm sure you'll catch up in no time. Enjoy your weekend :)


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