
Saturday, October 05, 2013

Today I opened the curtains...

It's been a crazy couple of weeks since I've been back to work from the sewcation. Lots of early mornings, late evenings and of course the new TV season has started. Okay, I'm just not apologizing for the fact that I love TV! *LOL* However, all of this has meant that I'm spending hardly any time in the sewing cave.

Today I came downstairs to work on my latest project and even though I've been resisting purchasing fabric (yeah that not visiting sewing sites ain't working cause it's a great stress reliever at work!) sometimes the call is just too loud! Yesterday, I got to calm the siren call by picking up my latest MSN purchase. However, in all honestly, two additional pieces came home with me.

Green/navy/red/yellow striped wool flannel

Pink 'n white wool/poly blend

They have been placed on the shelves and are awaiting their chance to shine. So today I opened the curtains to see all of the fabric goodness that abides in the sewing cave. Sometimes when I'm really busy, I forget what I have. Occasionally opening the curtains allow me to wallow in what's there and remember. Here's my view today...

There is actually a little space on the shelves now and I'm finally starting to believe that the sew more, give away some, and buy a whole lot less is working.  I'm also getting to the place where I have no great need to fill those spaces with loads of pieces purchased because they are on sale, or I'd like to own it, or I'm having a bad day at work and need to buy something.  I really just want to sew what I have, so opening the curtains helps to remind me of that fact.

And in full disclosure, some of that space is attributed to the fact that one of those last three bins has made it's way into the sewing cave...

...right now it's holding the coat fabrics and a few other pieces that I want to sew right away. 

I will be sewing later this evening.  The grandbabies have shown up so I'm going to have dinner with them first...but I do have a list that needs working on slowly but surely...however today I will revel in the fabric I've collected. always more later!


  1. I know that "opening the curtains" feeling! I love falling in love with my fabric all over again when I open up the bins.

  2. Since my stash isn't thrilling me at the moment, I'm super-jealous of yours!! What a fabulous collection you have. Me, I don't really want to downsize, just up-scale it. :-)

  3. I have a new sewing room and just installed my fabric shelves (not quite as many or as full as yours), and it is really nice to be able to see everything I have. It helps me to use what I have better.

  4. Love that new pink wool and pastel coats are in for winter (you have even got me paying attention to fashion trends now!) ; )

  5. Don't take this the wrong way, but looking into your fabric collection makes me slightly fabric envious,LOL. You have such a beautiful collection of fabrics. But I will beat the green eye monster down and just revel in your fabric with you.

  6. That sure is a pretty piece of wool. Can't wait to see the coat you make from it!

  7. Holy Hannah that's a lot of shwag

  8. You have inspired me to finally cut into the yummy- saffron? mustard? - cashmere that's been in the stash for 10-12 years. I drooled over it for months and bought 3 1/2 yards when it finally went on sale. But that was as far as my courage took me. Now I've pulled out a coat pattern that's also been in the stash for years and laid shears to cloth. I feel like I should probably underline with organza but I don't know if my skills are up to that. Underlining with organza is a north thing I learned from you. :-) Thanks for being such a skilled and willing teacher!

  9. I love just looking at my fabric and seeing all the potential too - it is very inspiring!

  10. Love the stash--and you fold so much more efficiently than I do! I have the same type of shelves, so I'm going to do a little reorganization. Thanks for the pix!

  11. I find it interesting how often the stash can imitate the wardrobe. Sometimes there is "nothing" to sew in there and other times it's full of potential.

    I've gotten to the point where I rarely weed fabric out and seem to have figured out the color/texture/pattern/etc balance of what will work going forward but some times I'll want to sew specifics - like knit tops - and I've sewn down the stash of knit fabrics too far and can't find what I want.

    I buy for my stash and sew from it most of the time. It seems you buy more with specific projects in mind and yet have an extensive stash. Does it mostly resonate with you still or have you outgrown parts of it? Do you have "nothing" to sew days?

    I can't imagine not having my stash. It's a huge source of inspiration and pleasure. It looks like mine might be half the size of yours and I think that's good for me for now.

  12. Çok fazla kumaş var. Çok güzel ama çok fazla:) Ne zaman dikilecek? Ne zaman giyilecek? Çok zor iş:(( Kolay gelsin:)

  13. Love your stash Carolyn! I wish I had one half of this beautiful stash!

  14. I love your stash! i wish i had the space to put my stash together as well. so jealous!

  15. Awesome collection, but honestly I would not be able to sew being that I would spend an exorbitant amount of time staring at it.

  16. Oh, I love it when you open the curtains! So much fabric goodness inside it. Just lovely.

  17. You have a wonderful collection of fabric that will serve you for many years to come. Do you have pictures on your phone that you can linger over at work?


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