
Thursday, November 07, 2013

Sunday Best

When I picked up this wool/poly blend gingham from Mood, I knew exactly what I wanted it to be.  A sleeveless version of my TNT dress with white piping...

I played around with several other options but I kept coming back to this simple silhouette which highlights the fabric because that's what I really wanted ~ to highlight the fabric.  Here are a few ginghams from the Mood online store.

I saw this picture of gingham style outfits in the November 2013 issue of Vogue Magazine and I knew I was on the right track.  Even when making my wool boucle jacket, I knew that I really wanted the two pieces to work together...

Notions ~
White bemberg lining
22" pink invisible zipper
White rayon seam binding
White bias binding
White satin piping

Construction Information ~
Since this dress is made from my TNT dress pattern, which I've made quite a few times already, it was a simple sew. After I pre-treated the poly/wool blend fabric, I had a few decisions to make. I couldn't decide whether to go simple and let the fabric speak or add some obvious embellishment like lace. I finally went with simple because it can be dressed up or down. So the dress is lined with white bemberg rayon lining. It has an invisible zipper closure and white piping at the neckline and armholes. All of these techniques have been reviewed here in other blog posts. Highlighting the amazing piece of fabric was what I really wanted and what I went for in the end.

At one point the boucle and the gingham fabric were laying on the sewing table together so it was just natural to make the dress to coordinate with the jacket.  Plus doesn't my pink hat look amazing with the two pieces?  And even though it's fall, I definitely have a pastel vibe going on which is also a trend for fall.

A few more pictures of the jacket, dress and hat...

I know that many sewists enjoy the challenge of making a variety of patterns. Me, I just wanna sew and own a lot of clothes.  Yeah I said it! *LOL* When a silhouette works for me and can be made on trend through fabric and styling, I'm going for it using a TNT pattern over and over every time!  Most people who don't sew don't even notice that it's the same silhouette/pattern anyway.

One more thing...about the photos.  These were taken with the new camera on the same day that the last post's pics were, so I had no opportunity to put the tips that everyone so generously shared into action.  I do understand about the shade/cloudy day, golden hours of photography giving the best pictures but I have to admit that I like the drama of the sharp background highlighting the garment. I can honestly tell you that we took 100+ photos last Sunday. Then my daughter and I sat in front of the computer and culled it down to about 30 pics. After that we culled again, then cropped and changed the exposure on some, that's how the final pictures were chosen. 

I won't belabor the taking of photos in too many more posts because it's getting colder and honestly I'm going to have to head inside soon. I felt so bad last Sunday because at one point my granddaughter kept going "Mama I'm cold!" to her mother, the photographer. So the bad is coming soon peoples ~ cause I still have to learn how to take pics with a remote by myself. I'm sure that's going to be an adventure unto itself! *LOL*

Lastly, I have one more dress that I want to make and it's not from the Five in Five collection.  I fell in love, seriously head over heels in love with this dress from the latest Vogue Pattern release...and I HAVE to make it now. 

I've ordered the pattern and am waiting for it arrive...I have an idea that I'm chomping at the sewing machine to make.  I'm also going to make a muslin, yes you heard me...a muslin for the Butterick coat.  I want to make this correctly, no jerry-rigging so look for that muslin soon!  Shew that was alot right? always more later!  


  1. Oh Carolyn, you look so elegant! Once again, you have married fabric and pattern together with the perfect fit that you are rightly renowned for. So impressed!

  2. What a great looking outfit and love the hat. I like the style of the Butterick coat and look forward to your version.

  3. Yet another fabulous dress! This is such a perfect marriage of fabric and pattern and so elegant with the beautiful boucle jacket. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful outfit, Carolyn. I am loving your bright highly lit photos. They just are good to look at if that makes sense. Great job on the garments and the photos.

  5. It is beautiful.

  6. Stunning, so chic! It looks like you have your Easter outfit sorted...

  7. Very chic with a perfect blend of pattern and fabric. It looks perfect with your jacket and your hat.
    I do love the pattern you ordered and can hardly wait to see your rendition of it.

  8. You look smashing!
    I am totally with you on making a pattern you like over and over again. Nothing wrong with it at all.
    You have found the secreat to taking good pics for your blog: take a lot, then use the best ones.

  9. I really like it, and the hat is the perfect finishing accoutrement. I'm truly getting off my duff and doing a bit of sewing... promise. K

  10. The first thing I thought when I saw Vogue 1370 was, "That looks like something Carolyn would make." Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  11. Fabulous outfit! I can understand the want to keep making the same TNT. Fitting is such a pain and why keep reinventing something when you have a perfect pattern already. Especially work clothes.

  12. Wow! That looks great! Wonderful job

  13. I LOVE this! You look great in this outfit, hat and all! I'm so with you, I just wanna sew and have a lot of clothes. I think that's why I get in a rut sewing. I try new patterns each time (don't know why I feel I have to do that) then get frustrated because I'm starting over again...ugh. I just need to perfect a few TNTs to build up on wearable clothes that I love.

  14. Love the pink. Love the hat!

  15. Love the dress. I know what you mean about just wanting sew and have a closet full of clothes.

  16. Fantastic outfit, I just love an outfit that has a hat perfectly co-ordinated with it. I usually try a different pattern each time (because I have so many of them!) but sometimes I wish afterwards that I had stuck with a known favorite pattern. There's a lot to be said for having a range of TNTs

  17. Oooh, that Vogue dress-- yummy! Can't wait to see your spin on it!!!!!

  18. You look fabulous! And I think your pictures look great. Love the pastel pink in the fall.

  19. You look very elegant in this outfit Carolyn! Love the whole look!

  20. oh gosh! No words - just fabulous. love the pink gingham - way to let the fabric shine. It's stunning with your white jacket. But the hat? That hat makes the whole outfit. The shoe is pretty good too. g

  21. Gorgeous outfit and love the hat!

  22. Carolyn, this outfit is so chic! Girl, you look ready to take on the world. Learning to use new technology the best way is always a challenge. I'm right in there with the 100+ photos culled down to the handful that get posted. *chuckle*

  23. Beautiful dress and jacket! The hat is superb...I love it!!! I'm especially happy that we can wear pastels in the fall. Yay!!!

  24. Gorgeous! I love the hat, too!

  25. What a wonderful, elegant outfit. I wish we wore hats at my church!

  26. You had to have that hat tipped to the side. My Mom would take one look at your pics and say "Now that's class!" You are rocking it for sure. Fierce *as I wave my finger*.

  27. That really is a lovely Sunday outfit. Love the dress and it looks so great with the jacket and the hat. Very smart.

  28. Carolyn, I've been down for a while and your blog is the first I've read for a while. I must say, lady, you are stylin'! I'm very impressed.

    Gail D.

  29. Your ensemble is beautiful and the hat is the perfect touch. You truly have a gift for knowing just what to make, and what to pair with what. Great job. If you hear a scream from the Philly area, you will known I am trying to decide what to make to wear to my 50th high school reunion in April.

  30. I love your TNT dress. In fact, I have a pattern very similar to yours. It might actually be the same one for all I know. I did one with quite piping a while ago. The last time I made it was for Easter 2013. Think I'll add piping the next time around. Thanks for the inspiration.

  31. Beautiful church ensemble!!
    Big Mamma would be proud!! :)


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