
Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Sewing Bee - The American Version

Are you a follower of The Great British Sewing Bee?  If you're in America did you patiently or not so patiently wait for each new episode of Season 1 to show up on YouTube?  Are you a little piqued that Season 2 hasn't shown up on YouTube yet?  Did you ever sit and think while watching The Great British Sewing Bee that you could do that?  Well here's your chance...


Would you rather spend 100 hours making a dress than $100 buying one?  Do you constantly rip apart your thrift store finds and turn them into your own unique fashion statements?  Have you created wedding dresses for friends, pants for yourself, or even costumes for comic-con?


We're looking for tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT) men and women who are passionate about making their own cutting edge creations to take part in a pilot for a new amateur sewing competition television series.

Love Productions USA, an award winning television production company with offices in New York and London is beginning production on an exciting US adaptation of our BBC2 smash hit "The Great British Sewing Bee" for a major US cable network.

Each week a group of all-new amateur sewing enthusiasts face off in unique challenges that put their sewing and design skills to the test.  Expert judges, made up of fashion industry heavyweights, bespoke tailors and sewing professionals, scrutinize every creation and name each week's winner.

Here is a link to videos featuring footage from the UK version.

You may just be named one of America's best home sewers!

To apply please send an email and current picture to:

For more information on the UK version of the show click here.

If you're interested, please send your info to the link above and good luck! always more later!


  1. hope they stream it because this gal doesn't have TV. Twenty six year old problems!

  2. Just a little too far south to try it myself, but do keep us posted if you find out more info! Especially what channel this would be on.

    And yes, I am a little piqued that I can't watch season 2 yet!

  3. Oooo, traveling to that part of the country wouldn't work for me, but I hope to see some of my favorite sewing bloggers on it! ;-)

  4. I'm waayyy too far south, but it sounds like fun. I hope it isn't Lifetime, and that Heidi isn't a judge! :)

  5. Yes. I too am piqued that the show isn't online yet. Although piqued isn't the word I am using. 8-) I am not getting too excited about the US version, as I am in Canada, and we may not get to see it anyway. insert curse word here _______.

  6. Cool. I don't sew well under pressure, so I won't be applying. How about you? How did you find out about this?

    1. A casting producer contacted me via email and asked me to post this information on my blog. I really want an American Sewing Bee to happen so anything I can do to help.

  7. Furious is my word of choice that the Great British Sewing Bee isn't on Youtube yet. Hopefully the American version is going to be classy like the U.K. show. I refuse to watch reality shows because it's nothing but backbiting, cursing and crying. I live in the tri-state area, but I can't travel due to health problems. Looking forward to the show.

    1. Second that one. No manufactured drama! I'm hoping Male Pattern Boldness signs up. Too far west to participate myself, I'll be cheering the bloggers on!

    2. Inkstain has posted linkies so u can watch.

  8. This would be wonderful - I hope it works out!

  9. Well, first response is--bummer that I live in Montana. But, second response is--love it!! There are so many fabulous sewists out there in the US to chose from. I hope they maintain the same concept and style about the show as Great Britain has been doing.

  10. This is the first time I EVER wished I lived in the NY/NJ/CT area. Wonder if they'll ever bring the Sewing Bee to South Florida. If so, I'm in!!!

  11. I hope that you apply- you would be amazing! And no matter who ends up applying, I know it will be so much fun to watch! I've been really jealous that season 2 is in the U.K. and we have to wait! :)

  12. Oh, I wish! Seattle to just too far from New York, in oh so many ways!

  13. Here's another reason why I love your blog. I was just looking for the BBC's season 2 a couple of days ago. Thanks

  14. I watch already the first episode of serie 2 on you tube.
    Have fun.

  15. Exciting! I'm British but I would love to see an American version!!

  16. They would be a fool not to have you on, Caroline! And you are so close to the city. I've applied but my being in upstate NY might have an effect. Fingers crossed for everyone!

  17. Looking forward to see what they come up with. If it follows the example of the British version it will be worth watching. Hope they have the sense to leave out the snark and dram and concentrate on the sewing. Would love to see you in this if it fits your schedule.
    Theresa in Tucson

  18. Ooh fun! Do you have time to participate in in? Your work is exquisite and it would be great to see your work as it happens in addition to your wonderful photos.

  19. How awesome is this! It's coming to your neck of the woods and you'd be perfect for the show!

  20. Keep us posted. I'm diffently too far south. Used your link to watch the first eposido of season 2. Waiting for the next one.

  21. I need to move to the East Coast. I would so apply to be a participant!

  22. Caroline,
    I hope you applied!! You are my candidate, hands down!!!!

  23. Between you and Peter Lappin - yer my 2 favorites!

  24. Ooooh how exciting! Both that GBSB2 is happening (and thanks for the links above!) AND that the US version is in the works! I hope some of our favorite bloggers get a spot on the show - and I hope it's as well done as the British version :)

  25. I echo everyone saying that I hope you apply! Your perspective on home sewing is so special and inspiring!

  26. So... inquiring minds want to know....

    Will there be a Great American Sewing Bee? If so, when? If not, why not? I don't expect you to have all the answers, but if you know who I can contact, I would be happy to follow up.

    Many thanks.


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