
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday in the sewing cave...

Four days on antibiotics and I still don't feel like myself.  I spent yesterday catching up on things around the house that culminated with a trip to Home Depot.  Taking care of a house is a lot of work.  I understand why I lived in an apartment for so long!  Somethings not working you call the Super. Something not working in the house, find someone to fix it...and a lot of trips to Home Depot or Lowes.  Thank goodness I live in a condo with an association so someone else handles all of the outside responsibilities!

That leads me to this...

The only sewing I've done in two weeks.  This is the pantry in the kitchen.  It use to have a folding door on it. It fell off.  We tried everything to get it back on.  It kept falling off.  The tension rod and curtain is the solution. 

...and of course since I've been sick I haven't felt much like sewing...even with spending some considerable time in the sewing cave yesterday.  Finally this morning, I decided that I should work on this dress. I pinned it to Pinterest 9 weeks ago.

In that time I've managed to collect a black 'n white lace ponte from Fabric Mart (which is of course sold out) and a Sophia black double knit from

I will use the pattern alterations that I made to my TNT dress pattern for the black pleather and ponte dress for this version. I'll just add short sleeves.

I love this black pleather and ponte dress.  It's easy to wear and I feel very professional in it.  I'm making a ponte dress now because while the temps are rising, there is still a very up and down feel to the weather, so a ponte dress will work for a few more months.

Like I said a post or two back - I have another idea for the Oona Fat Quarter Challenge but I need to get a win under my belt before I go there again.  I also need to get the Deer & Doe Plaintain tees made up for my coworkers. Actually I thought about working on them today but again, I need a win before working on something that could shut down my fledgling mojo.

So this is what I'm working on today, in the sewing cave, while the NBA Quarterfinals play on the TV. always more later!


  1. Wishing you a speedy return to 100% health and sewing mojo! Rachel ☺

  2. Sorry your feeling cruddy. I've been in the same boat since Wednesday... Ugg. I did some cleaning in my sewing room and hope to start a dress this evening.

    And we just bought our first house 6 months ago. The seller said he took down the closest sliding doors but they were all in the basement.... Turns out they were in the basement because the tracks were broken! a tension rod and shower curtain for us. Totally hear you on the rent vs. own.... Or alteast learning!

    1. And that Ann Taylor inspired dress is going to be great!

  3. Sending you feel better wishes. I clearly know the feeling of owning a home, its a lot of work, but doable.

    Love the inspiration dress.

  4. I hope you feel better soon. Happy sewing.

  5. We are a few weeks ahead of you here in South Carolina and I hate to tell you but this is the worst allergy season EVER. So we know your pain and just want you to know that it may take awhile to feel yourself. I blame it on the temperature fluctuations and the longest winter in history. It is 84 degrees here today but will be back to 60 by the weekend. All this to say I am still looking at sewing a jacket for Spring because I really don't know what to wear any more. Can't wait to see your dress when you finish it!!

  6. Hope you feel better and I am sending some sewing mojo your way.

  7. I hope you're feeling better soon, Carolyn. I know you'll have all kinds of wins once you're back to yourself. That Ann Taylor dress is so cute. I can see that looking awesome on you!

  8. I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well,... Hope you'll be feeling better soon.
    Yes, a house is a lot of work and I know that from experience (and to make my point I must state that my cleaning lady didn't show up this week so I had to do all the cleaning myself, sigh...). I also lived in an apartment for many years and things were a lot easier in that department; the up side is that I have more room to store my fabrics so I keep getting more, lol, even with considerably less time to sew!
    Your ponte dress is awesome and I'm quite sure your dress on the making will be too, loved the concept! Hang in there!

  9. I know what you mean about needing a "win" after a project fail. I hope to see your "winning" dress soon.

  10. That's going to be a very beautiful dress. I hope you feel better soon.

  11. Oh no - so sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly - hope you are up to visiting the cave again soon and making some fabulous new garments!

  12. Hope you feel better soon!

  13. I hope you feel better real soon and can get back to your sewing. That Ann Taylor dress is fabulous and I wish I had seen that before I bought something for the reunion yesterday. I love it in that color and will have to see what pattern I have that can turn into that lovely creation. I can hardly wait to see your version. Feel better.

  14. feel better really soon (and when you do, let us know what turned the corner for you). Must be something in the air - by the time the FSC job is completed lately (food, shelter, cloth!) I have very little energy for much else. I make myself at least walk into the sewing room - hope to sit back at the machines and get my mother's day dress completed. :/

  15. Here's hoping you get your sewing mojo back! And to feel better, I suggest taking some probiotics. They can really help and they canNot hurt. :o)

  16. Hi sorry to read you are sick n hope you feel better soon. I absolutely love the Ann Taylor dress n I'm sure if anything can get your sewing mojo back it's the thought of wearing your own version of that dress. I'm looking forward to seeing your version.

  17. I love your black leather and ponte dress. The Ann Taylor dress is lovely too - similar ideas - but I prefer your dress probably because it is longer. I'm sure what you make will be a real winner. Get well soon. Best wishes Anne -

  18. J'adore this dress! The straight skirt is very slimming and professional looking on you. And the lace definitely makes this a one-of-a-kind winner. What I admire so much about you is your incredible knack for creating little personal touches and unusual twists on a basic pattern to make it so original and feminine-looking in beautifully subtle ways. Creative Hormone Rush

  19. Sorry, meant to say leather! On my screen, the reflected light on the dress makes that beautiful top band look lacy. Cheers, Creative Hormone Rush

  20. Feel better soon, lady! So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well!

  21. I share my deepest condolences on the folding doors; I am avoiding glancing at mine from my computer. I do all the alterations on house and clothing, and those things are evil incarnate. No matter which solution I choose, the teens and gravity bring them down.

  22. Ive had a weekend that the sunroom barely saw me, I'd like a little win too! That lace print is lovely!


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