
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Daytona Trimmings - Have you been lately?

Hands down this is my favorite trim store in the Garment District.  I know there are some better known trim stores - M&J or sewist favorites - Pacific Trimmings but my heart belongs to Daytona.  I've shopped there before they were featured in the first 3-4 seasons of Project Runway.  I've shopped there after they were no longer a part of Project Runway and when other trim shops showed up in the garment district.

Now I've visited a lot of them, bought from several of them and I even frequent one as much as I do Daytona...but I always come home because of this...

...and this


and a little of this...

I buy piping here.  Several types in a multitude of colors.  I buy ribbons here. All kinds and colors.  When I need five yards of a special color of rayon seam binding that I really don't want to own 100 yards of (what one roll of Hug Snug is) I buy it here.  Invisible zippers, shoulder pads, rick rack - please let's not talk about all of the rick rack they have in different sizes and colors. They've even started carrying patterns and buttons, buttons and more buttons, Rit dye, and the out of print patterns.  Finally there's yarn upstairs, as well as, pillow forms and foam.

You want it.  Daytona has it.  It's not flashy or snobby.  The personnel is funky and fun.  Discounts are offered if you buy large quantities...they are just an awesome resource.  Much of the trim in my notions stash comes from Daytona. I can always find something here to take my garments to the next level.

Daytona is located at 251 West 39th Street - closer to 8th Avenue.  Their hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:30pm and Saturdays 9:30am  - 5:30pm. Yes, they are open on Saturdays!!!  Their phone number is 212.354.1713.  Call them if you need anything.

They also have an awesome Instagram account so if you're on Instagram look them up.  Or if you're coming to NYC any time soon, don't forget to stop by and experience a little bit of trim/embellishment heaven!!! always more later!


  1. Daytona looks amazing, thanks for the info! Just added this to my "places to visit" list.

  2. Oh man! I missed them! Now I'll just have to go back to NYC. :)

  3. This place looks like trim heaven. I wish I lived in NYC. xx

  4. oh wow! this looks awesome! i am going to be in nyc in a couple weeks, and i have an ever growing list of places to visit... glad you posted this!

  5. I am SO jealous! My neck of the woods is a wasteland when it comes to anything sewing related. New York is moving up on my list of places to visit (or just shop for the stash)! thanks for sharing.

  6. I took a bus load of 44 sewers to NY this past Saturday and Daytona Trims was one the stores we stopped in. Eye candy for the sewers soul!!!!!!

  7. When you buy piping are you buying for stash or a specific garment? How much do you buy?

    1. I stash piping because I use it so much so 5 yards is the smallest amount but in black and white I purchase 20 yards. Red, navy and cream - 10 yards.

  8. Well, NOW you tell me! LOL! Will keep it in mind for my next visit!

    1. Sorry Gail - I didn't realize that you hadn't been! We talked about so much those two times we met, that I guess we never got around to that.

  9. i loooooove daytona. i think every bit of embellishment for my project sewn stuff came from here. and my eyes always get big when they tell me the price drop for more yardage :)

  10. I didn't make it into the store last Saturday. It will be one of my stops on my next trip.

    1. Towanda - you definitely have to go there on your next visit to NYC. BTW, I guess I missed your trip through Jersey because all of my garments are still here! hahahahaha!

  11. I confess that the Garment District's trimming stores completely intimidate me. There isn't just one good choice -- there will be 50 beautiful variations on a theme for each thing you're interested in. It causes paralysis -- do I buy it and put it away for that someday garment that may never emerge, or get ten insteadright now so I'll have a choice that will inspire me to experiment? I literally freeze up at all the beauty -- something I never, ever do with fabric, beads, or yarn. I have exactly ONE piece of yummy trim that I've been saving for years and years because it makes me happy to look at it and know that it's safe in the stash for that someday garment.

  12. I really want to like Daytona more than I do, but every time I shop there I end up a sneezing mess because of their cat. Allergies, sigh.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that! I truly love Daytona and totally ignore the cat.

  13. Daytona is my go-to trim store. Great selection, and much cheaper than some of the other trim stores around.

  14. I was only able to spend a few minutes in Daytona during a recent trip to NYC...hubby had been more than patient with me in the fabric district and I didn't want to over do it!
    I definitely need to go on a girls/sewers trip only there! Lee's bus trip sounds fabulous!!!

  15. OMG!!! I've been in South Florida so long, I almost forgot how great it is to shop for fabric and trims in New York. I haven't been to the garment district since moving down here from the DC area in 1995. Needless to say, you have reawaken my urge to splurge on a NY fabric run. When I see my way clear to make the trip, I'll let you know. No doubt things have changed since my last sojourn. I would sincerely appreciate some tips from you as to where to go first.

  16. I love Daytona. They also have a huge selection of lace, FOE and stretch lace and lingerie elastic and all kinds of things by the yard and they are super nice.

  17. This may be the dump question of the day, but your piping like the white you used on the previous dress. Did you buy that or make it and how much of the piping do you leave showing? You may have talked about this before but if you did I missed it.

    thanks for taking the time to explain your processes and show us just pretty garments.

    1. If you read the construction post on the Vogue dress, it links to a post I wrote on how I insert piping. And yes the piping was purchased from Daytona.

  18. Daytona sounds like heaven! I usually go to Pacific when I visit NYC, but hmmm .... too bad they have a cat, for those of us with allergies. :(

  19. I really want to love it but that CAT! It doesn't let you go upstairs without someone shooing it away and I felt like it was going to attack me once (not to mention my allergies and the cat hair on a few skeins of yarn I found). I gave up going there after my last "run in" lol.

  20. Just want to say how much I love your blog. I love reading about all your creations and how you come up with your ideas. Keep on sewing.


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