
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Refresh

I made this dress back in September 2009 during one of my first sewcations:

It's actually been worn only once or twice.  Why?  Because of that looked great when I was standing still but I ended it in a funny place. So in day to day wearing it was just weird.  Therefore, it sat in the back of the closet.

After I moved, I put it in the sewing cave to be altered...before the flood...then I lost track of it after I put the cave back together.  Moving some clothes around last weekend, I found it again and realized that it wouldn't take much to change it. 

Removing the ruffle and trim was easy enough...

But it meant the dress was kind of plain. To combat that I added some stitching at the neckline and sleeve hems.  It's still a very basic dress but I have several cardigans, along with an assortment of necklaces that will make this sing!

Here are a few pictures of the refreshed dress in action...

Worn with a RTW cardigan

I'm glad I took the time to alter it!  It's been a cooler, less humid and hot summer, so this dress is perfect to add to the rotation. I haven't sewn as much this year as I have in years past. Probably because I have a closet full of beautiful clothing and I keep finding treasures like these hidden in the back of it. always more later!


  1. An easy remake/update. You look happy about it! I love renewing clothes for my daughter.

  2. One of the things most basic to my sewing: altering for improvements. And now you have a really nice basic layer dress, one you can wear some swagtastic scarf with when it chills out next month.

    No piece of clothing is ever done around here.

  3. I like it, especially with the cardigan.

  4. Wow that is a closet treasure so versatile! You look smashing in green.

  5. Yes, I much prefer this plainer version and as you say it is so versatile. You can dress it up should you wish.

  6. Much more wearable ~ the do say, "Less is more" and this change proves it! You will get a lot more wear out of it now ... J

  7. Very nice and so much more versatile.

  8. Love the dress now that the ruffle is gone. The dress is such a gorgeous colour and looks so nice on you - i'm sure it will get lots more wear now.

  9. Much nicer without the ruffle =)

  10. Nothing like refreshing a garment. Looks great on you and can see it paired with a printed cardigan or blazer.

  11. That is a good colour on you and it looks even better without the ruffle and trim.

  12. Much better! That's a satisfying re-fashion!

  13. Funny how a little change can really be a big improvement!

  14. It's like a brand-new dress in just a few minutes! I love the way you've styled it with the cardigan- I would never have thought to pair it with that color, but it looks amazing.

  15. Has it been that long? I remember the original post for your dress. It still looks great. I'm learning something here. I seem to prefer 'stand out' clothing--and these pieces have their place and are exciting to make. However, making basic pieces (using better fabric) have more longevity and versatility.Basic pieces, though boring to make, are a necessity in our closets.

  16. I am still trying to get the courage to even wear a dress! You always look so polished and professional.

  17. Love the refashioned version. I'm glad you took the time to redo it!

  18. A great change. Looks fab with that necklace too.

  19. Aww thats cute I like the ruffle in the front!

  20. Nice save! That neckline would also lend itself to any number of removable collar styles.

  21. I like the simplicity of this dress now! Great work. Seriously. You just have a way of putting your magic into everything!

  22. Good job.... way to make the refashion work for you. No sense having it in the closet if your not going to wear it right?

  23. That's quite a change. I love the end result, it looks like the perfect 'blank slate' to dress up or down, but is still beautiful in and of itself.


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