
Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Side to Side Border Print Dress

How about a completed garment post from me?  I know it's been a minute since one has appeared here...somewhere in there my sewing mojo just up and went on vacation! *LOL* But it showed back up for the last three days of MY I have a piece or two to share with you.

First up is "The Side to Side Border Print Dress"

I've always admired border print dresses that have a side to side border print happening.  It's unexpected and not something most home sewists can emulate. Mostly because it's hard to get our hands on those amazing fabrics. So when I lucked onto this Milly print from Elliott Berman....

I knew I wasn't going to use it in a traditional fashion.  I also knew that I was going to use my TNT pattern to make it.  Hey like the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" *LOL*

Pattern Matching ~
However, when it comes to cutting the fabric out so that the pattern matched all the way around my body in a continuous fashion...I'm a spacial idiot. Seriously, I know why I bought so much fabric because I ended up cutting out my fronts twice to make it match the back...

This is the discarded front

I placed a seam in the front of the dress to get the border to run all the way around the dress.  Then after some rooting around in the zipper box, I found a silver tooth zipper with a nice pull. So I added that to the front of the dress.

As an aside, can I say that I used my seam ripper on this dress more than I have in years! It's definitely been awhile since I sewed for myself because I made the dumbest mistakes evah that had to be ripped out and sewn again and again.  I don't know if it was because I wasn't paying attention or what? But the seam ripper was my bestest friend during the making of this dress...*sigh*

Exposed Zipper Technique ~
Because I wanted an exposed zipper in the front of the dress, I started with this exposed zipper technique that I found on Pinterest. Although when I went to sew the insert, I ended up going my own way because my zipper is heavy. I thought if I didn't sew it directly to the fabric that the weight of it would cause the fabric to buckle unattractively.

Zipper pinned in

Zipper basted in and then stitched down - picture is before basting was removed!

Bias Binding for Armhole Edges ~
I like making bias binding especially when it really adds to the inside view of my dress.  Since I had loads of large pieces of the fashion fabric leftover, I decided to make bias binding to finish the dress' armholes using it. I cut 2" bias strips making sure to use fabric from both sections of the border print. Here's a few pics of the bias binding construction...

...and a YouTube video that I found in case you need the steps...

More Construction Information ~
  • After that the dress' construction was pretty is my TNT dress pattern after all.
  • Besides adding the zipper to the neckline of the dress front, I also moved the slit from the dress back to the center front.
  • The dress is lined with white bemberg rayon. I did go back and forth over whether or not to use a cotton batiste or the rayon. The cotton batiste offers more comfort but the rayon will be easier to wear.  So I went with ease of wear.
  • The armholes are finished with the self-made bias binding.
  • The dress' hemline has a rayon seam tape added to it. It is hand stitched down using a single strand of thread that I ran through Thread Heaven to give it a little strength. I didn't want the hand stitches to show through at the hemline that's why I used a single strand of thread to hem. 
  • The dress is lightweight - great for the summer - even with the lining added. However, it is a cotton dress and I don't wear a lot of cotton. It will be interesting to see how it lasts through one of my long work days.
Hem: The lining turned under and stitched flat
Dress with Hug Snug Rayon Binding and hand stitched

Close up of the bias binding on the armholes

Dress hanging - front view

Inside of the dress

A Few More Pics of the Dress on Me ~

This was a satisfying sew and a great garment to make to dive back into the sewing pool.  I'm glad that I've ended up with a pretty summer dress. Finally, I'm going to save the scraps and see if I can't make a dress for one of the grandbabies! always more later!


  1. I really like your sideways border use! Very clever. I still don't have plans for my piece of fabric like this. I may need to ponder for a little longer.

  2. Gorgeous! I really love it, Carolyn.

  3. What can I say? Gorgeous. The zip is an extra nice touch.

  4. This is inspiringly beautiful! The zip is a great extra detail too.

  5. The side to side border print is fabulous, so fantastic to see such designer elements being used.
    The way you can look at fabric and turn it into your style is a gift, a perfectly wonderful gift.

  6. Gorgeous! The side to side border print is so neat :)

  7. Really nice job on that zip. I love how you showed us the basting and didn't just pin. Only way to go! I bet this would be precious for a little girls dress and look forward to that production.

  8. You!!!!! You are another one responsible for snaffling all this lovely fabric! ;-) But you did such a lovely job with it I will forgive you. I LOVE what you did with the positioning of the print. I would have never thought of that. So clever! The split print on the back is very striking and beautiful. I also love the look of that cute little cheeper on the blanket behind you!

  9. What a nice summer dress, love that poppy print and a dress for the grand baby would be beautiful.

  10. Love this! My mojo has been missing for a while. I know once I start a project I will be fine but I have been lacking in the inspiration department.

  11. This dress is adorable! I love everything about it - the vertical use of the border print and the cute zipper.

  12. oh you must have a flowered grandbaby shoot! LOVE that zip and that back-- that back is like pop art! you are a flower in your own garden :)

  13. Very pretty, it screams summer, cool and chic. I just purchased several cuts of polished cotton and have been starting at it like it's a foreign object.

    1. LOL! I so understand this! I have a few pieces I've been circling too for the exact same reason.

  14. There is so much to love about this dress, the border print, the zipper, the back, the binding. I have feasted on the photos BUT your dear little grand daughter totally steals the show. Thank you for a great blog entry.

  15. An extra yummy summer dress, just perfect! I am in awe of the way you worked this border print. And the zipper! I have to ask though, how much of the fabric did you buy extra for playing with? I'm terrible at figuring that out. I either come in 8 inches too short or end up with a load extra when I try to plan something like this.

    1. I bought three panels instead of the two I'd actually need for a dress.

  16. Oh what a fun photo that would be! Twinsies with the baby!! Yes!!!! :)

    This is beautiful. The fabric is stunning and I bet it's all even prettier in person!

  17. Oh my gosh, I love this Carolyn! The side to side action is so unexpected and cool. Love your photobomber, too :)

    1. Liza - my daughter said to just crop her out the picture but when I looked at it I really liked it so I left it!

  18. I just love this! What a great way to use such a pretty border print. I'd say the MOJO is back in force!

  19. Yet another way to use your tnt pattern. I love the way you used the border print. It's a great summer dress.

  20. love that fabric, (Milly is SO one of my favs) and fun to see it used in the vertical direction. great choice.

  21. Wow! This dress is beautiful! I especially thought the way you used the border was unexpected and unique. And that baby is so precious!!!

  22. Wow, this is amazing! I've seen this fabric around and really love it as a vertical border! I'm not so good spatially, and I think sewing is very, very good therapy :)

  23. Turning the print on its side is such a cool idea! So many nice details on this lovely dress.

  24. Oh Carolyn - thank you so much for using the border print this way. This is a lovely dress. I've been making a few polished cotton dresses. You can send yours on to me - rather than circling them.

    I can't believe how big Miss Sammy is getting. Gosh, they grow so fast! Anyway - glad your mojo made an appearance while you still had a few days. Beautiful dress - stunning woman! g

  25. I LOVE this - it's fantastic. The fabric is used beautifully and the interior is just as lovely!

  26. That is a very cool dress with the border print utilized vertically. It worked out beautifully. And love the grand-baby photo-bomb picture! Cute.

  27. This is *gorgeous* on you! My heart sank a little when I read 'discarded front piece' but then it got all uplifted and happy again when I read that you're saving the scraps to make a dress for one of the grandbabies! That will be too cute for words.

  28. The dress is gorgeous. I love the colors and how you placed the border. You didn't lose your mojo…you just needed a little breather and you came back with a bang!

  29. Wonderful way to use a border print! Colors look really good on you too!

  30. So pretty! I love the edgy exposed zipper with the soft, pretty floral print!

  31. Your pattern placement is glorious, as is your fabric. Thank you for sharing this tutorial. I have seen a lot of people wearing RTW garments with this treatment this summer and as pondering if it would look good in a dress or skirt as I have a load of vintage metal zippers. Xx

  32. From Creative Hormone Rush: LOVE THIS! Oh, gosh, is there anything you didn't think of? Each little touch is so special and perfect! It looks absolutely grand on you!

  33. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress. Gorgeous. It looks so great on you. Love the exposed zip.

  34. Love the front of the dress with the matching and the zip. Really cool.

  35. Oh, that is beautiful, Carolyn!

  36. Yowzer. What a perfect dress. The zipper really pulls this look together.

  37. Love everything about this dress! The zip is the perfect little 'pop'. :)

  38. Превосходно!!! Вот это действительно по-летнему!!! Очень яркое и красивое платье!!! И молния и подкладка - всё идеально!!!

  39. Lovely Summer dress. So surprised to not see your standby lace at the hem... lol. Oh, and the cute little photo bomber is a nice addition too. The colors on this one really are a pretty pop!

  40. Beautiful ! Thanks for sharing the details.

  41. Hi, Carolyn -

    I really missed you, but knew that you were working on something fabulous. I love the way you worked with the prints here. You made it look so easy. I know exactly how much work is involved though, and how much time it takes to come out with such perfect results. Great job! Can't wait to see what's next. Take care.

  42. This is a great way to use a border print. Very pretty and I like the exposed zipper. Thanks for sharing.

  43. OMG, this is so good!!!!! Love love love love love it!!!!!

  44. OMG! This is FABULOUS!!!!! I can see you at a garden party now!!!!!

  45. Bravo! This is beautiful. I have border print fabric in my stash that I love, but I'm at a loss to use. Utilizing this type of pattern would be perfect!! Thank you!

  46. I love this dress Carolyn, love it! The fabric is awesome, and the zipper gives the dress the right amount of edge..

  47. What a GORGEOUS dress, how did I miss this?!! Love your work here!

  48. What an amazing dress!!! I love it!

  49. I know I am late for the party, but I have to tell you that I love this dress. My second thought was "Why didn't I think of this?".

  50. Love love love, Carolyn! I am currently working on a border print and I definitely considered this orientation but went with bias. But this is fabulous!

  51. Gorgeous dress Carolyn! The zipper makes it a little sexy number! Looking good Lady!!!

  52. Great job on the dress. It looks great This is one of my favorite of all of your projects. Hope you have as much fun wearing it. I also want to take the time to say thanks for all of your helpful hints over the years I am going to look on you tube now for the video Thanks again

  53. That turned out lovely and looks really pretty on you. :)


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