
Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Things I Want to Sew for Fall 2014

Well all of the September issues have landed either in my mailbox or on my iPad - yes, I've gone back to getting some of those issues on my iPad because the amount of paper can be mind boggling!  Sorry to put some of you magazine peeps out of jobs...but it is what it is!

Anyway, People's Stylewatch September 2014 issue, says that these are the Must-Have's for Fall...

1. Plaid - everything
I have several pieces of plaid wools that I bought last year or had in the fabric collection and I want to use them to make a couple of plaid items this year ~ so check, check on this one!

2. Chunky Knits
While this is "new" to the list this year, chunky knits are classics to me.  I already own a few of these, so won't be adding any more.

3.  Bold Colors
I always like to add color to my winter wardrobe - it helps with the dreary blues that occur in Jan/Feb/March when winter sets in with a vengence.

4.  Cutout Heels
I'm passing on this one because it doesn't fit with my lifestyle.

5.  Dark Florals
I have some fall florals but I'm actually on the fence about this trend...I may make something or I may not!

6.  Robe Coats
I just bought Butterick 6107. I have a pretty purple wool that's already backed with interfacing which I bought from Mood Fabrics in November 2013. I thought of the fabric when I bought the pattern, maybe this will be the year that I use it.

7.  Lug Sole Boats
Again, a trend I will pass on.

8.  Boxy Bags
These are really cute handbags but not something I really need or would use in my everyday life.  I cart way to much stuff daily to me these look like car bags and not commuting bags.

9.  Shift Dresses
Okay really, I sew them, own them and will continue to wear them.

10. Statement Earrings
Again another trend I will pass on.

However, I do want to add a few things...

Color and Fabrications ~
I want another garment or two using the color ~ emerald green. I have a wool and a silk blend print in the collection that I'd like to use. This winter I also want to sew some of the gray fabric I've accumulated since gray is another hot color for fall and it actually works in my professional life. Pinstripes, pinstripes and more pinstripes ~ yes there are loads of them in the fabric collection and I'd like to sew a couple of them.

Pantsuits ~
This category makes my list every fall winter...but last year I made a tunic and pants combination as a pantsuit. Since then I've seen loads of them on Pinterest, magazines and in catalogs. I definitely want to make a couple more.

Slimmer Leg Pants ~
I don't like skin tight pants probably because I have bodacious thighs...but I would like to sew a couple pairs of slimmer legged well as a pair of ponte pants.

Faux Leather ~
There is still alot of faux and real leather in garments for fall/winter, so I will be making a few more pieces with faux leather in them.  This particular dress from Lafayette 148 is calling my name...

As you can tell I'm looking forward to fall/winter sewing and have already started to assemble a list of things I want to sew. Okay honestly, I'm not looking forward to winter especially since for our area they are predicting even more snow for this winter versus last winter...but I so love sewing wool fabrics!

#fatquarterchallenge ~
This weekend I'm working on my #fatquarterchallenge dress.  I can tell you that I went ahead and took advantage of the loopholes provided when we reignited the challenge.  My goal is to get a dress that I can wear to work using all of the fat quarters...however, unless I make a woven top, these little pieces of fabric aren't big enough to go around my bodacious body.

I really wanted to adher to the spirit of the challenge which was to make a wearable I'm using pieces of ALL of the fat quarters in my dress. I've got a name for my dress based upon what my boss called it when she saw the pic of my fat quarters on Instagram.  I will reveal the dress' name and the actual dress this Friday.

Finally, I do have a couple of posts to share with you this week before the #fatquarterchallenge reveal. I didn't plan to not post last week but I was extremely busy and I just never got around to it.  I do have a little more to say this week and since the Labor Day Holiday Weekend (here in the US) is coming up next plans are to spend it in my sewing cave...especially since my annual September sewcation isn't happening this year. always more later!


  1. I am not looking forward to winter because hello, I live in the tundra. But I am sooooo looking forward to fall sewing!

    I love plaid and should really sew a couple of the plaids that I own. Can't wait to see yours!

  2. I love these posts! It's always inspiring to see what others are dreaming up. I too would like to include some faux leather details in my fall wardrobe. Maybe a leather sleeve detail? I'll check your previous posts for inspiration!

  3. I am looking forward to seeing what you will make. It is always inspiring.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your new garments. I'm excited about sewing for the fall and winter since it has been a while since I needed work clothes. I agree with you about the color gray. I've been collecting this color for a while and now it is time to use it. There are a couple of garments in Lafayette 148 calling my name too. I need to finish looking at the magazines for inspiration.

  5. I am here to argue in favor of the tunic/pants ensemble. As a box shaped woman, this is my go-to grown up outfit for work (I do some nonprofit arts stuff, and dressing up is expected). Pegged black rayon pants go under many many standout tunics; essentially shorter versions of what you're already making. Coordinating scarf or shawl and stow the coat in the cloak room, I am ready to go.

    I was staring at a plaid skirt in the front row instead of the play I was attending this evening and it reminded me of that green/black plaid you made up earlier, that I have some yardage of and just could not decide where to go with it. Tunic? Hmmm.....

  6. Thanks for this inspirational post. Fall/winter is coming at us with the speed of light and I am only just beginning to think about fall-sewing. But this has raised my interest in all of the new trends. It makes me want to stop doing what I am doing and get me a plan for the coming months. p.s. Lóve your blog! p.p.s. Sorry to hear that your sewcation is not gonna happen this year. I am always looking forward to that.

  7. Notice Solange Knowles in the orange and blue outfit under the "bold colors" category? Recently on the show B.O.L.D., a cute, very petite gal, used Solange as her makeover inspiration and they showed that very same picture. I think that outfit was so pretty! Anyone watch the show? It's really interesting and the owner, head stylist wears some of they craziest clothes. Well, most of them do. Lol

  8. Gosh, it is that time of year when September magazines are out with fall trends. I am really behind! Nice examples of the fall/winter trends. I might even try plaid, shiver just went up my spine, I have a hate of anything plaid on me. Looks great on others but I just can't seem to get there.

    1. Linda - use it for an accent then...a touch of piping...a handbag...a pocket...something that doesn't make it all plaid, all the time!

  9. Have been thinking about Autumn/Winter sewing here too. Although it is sunny today the morning are starting to be colder. I love plaid, or Tartan, bit of a no brainer being Scottish and the thought of a nice bright tartan winter coat is definitely cheering me up about the oncoming gloom. Love your idea of a purple coat. That would be fantastic! Xx

  10. 1. I love plaids but no plans yet
    2. Might be a knitting project
    3. bought cobalt ponte for a mabel skirt
    4. with you on this
    5. love, no plans
    6. have another coat idea
    7. Maybe I'll dig out my Timberlands
    8. same as #4
    9. My pink wool shift maybe worn with tights and a card
    10. I'll dig in my drawer and see what's left from the '80's.

    I have an annual tradition to read the Sept Vogue on the beach, but we just aren't having the weather for it

  11. I love this post, Carolyn! I have already started sewing for fall, and have looked at a fall issue at the hair dressers. (I haven't bought any fall issues yet, but I may buy one or two.)

    It's so interesting to read the trends, whether or not I incorporate them!

  12. Im in fall planning mode also. You choices are great. I am sure that you will be making some fabulous garments from your fabulous stash. Xan't wait to see them.

  13. I'm backing up one post to thank you for the Orlando Jones clip. My son came down to see that and shriek "That's what I wanted to show you".

    Open eyes, open ears, open brain, open heart. Keep it going.

  14. Another thank you for the Orlando Jones clip. As for fall sewing, I have a bit more time until it gets cool enough for long pants and anything more substantial than cotton or linen. But, plaid-yes. Slim pants-yes. A little leather-yes. Dark florals-on someone else.

  15. Great post Carolyn, it's so interesting to see the new trends. I do love the idea of the fall floral, as I've been seeing "fall floral" everywhere in stores...

  16. Carolyn - Thank you for sharing. Even those of us who live in the sunny south need to 'winterize' our wardrobes a bit. Believe it or not, we do get a couple of chilly days down here in SoFL - South Florida.

    Hope you guys don't get hit with too much snow and ice this season.

    BTW - Thanks for the Jones Post.

  17. Hmmm. I'm going to have to think about this fall floral thing...

  18. Thanks for sharing! I am glad to see that bright colors will be on trend for the fall / winter season.

  19. I love to read your blog! I am in Australia so seasons are opposite however you give me some great ideas and inspiration for the seasons


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