
Saturday, December 06, 2014

Pledge? What Pledge?

Fabric Mart is the devil I tell you!  The devil!  Not only did I get a boatload of suitings when they were 50% off, but I went back again and bought two more pieces when the entire website was 50% for the Friday after Thanksgiving sales.

So do you wanna see what I got?!

Another 32 yards of fabric to add to the already overflowing fabric collection in the sewing cave! But oh the joys of opening those packages!

Seriously though I'm in awe of the fact that a lot of my fabric has been arriving looking like the above.  No more worries about the rain. I did, however, end up cutting a piece of the fabric getting this open. So we'll see how that goes when I finally get around to sewing it.

On another note, Christmas sewing has begun here and will be the thing for awhile. I bought my granddaughter an American Girl Bitty Baby so there is a wardrobe to be sewn using McCalls 7066:

I'm going through the scrap collection, pulling things out and planning an amazing wardrobe for the baby doll and my precious granddaughter. Just an update on what's happening around here... always more later!


  1. I bit too and ordered minky to make infinity scarves for Christmas. I was hoping that it would be here this weekend, but I got a notice saying that they were overwhelmed by the volume of orders and mine hasn't even shipped yet. I see from your photos, who bogged them down. :) ~Teri

  2. That fabric looks divine. Looking forward to seeing the doll clothes.

  3. Haha! well I don't blame you, those fabrics are rather lovely! Such yummy colours :)
    I went out to get some lingerie elastic recently, and somehow came home with three new pieces of fabric. All cream/ivory. I think I have a problem!

  4. As sad that I could not take advantage of FM's most excellent Friday sale, I am envying sewing for dolls.

    I think I always liked that more than sewing for humans; more invention, more experimentation. And certainly much gaudier outfits! Dollies never worry about having a pair of shoes to go with something, or making sure that the outfit has underwear. I sewed my first Chanel suit for Midge; she was a helluva fit, lemme tell ya.

  5. Love the fabric. Can't wait to see what you create. Doll clothes pattern is cute. Your granddaughter will be so happy.

  6. Oh I am so envious! You got a lot of goodies. What I wouldn't give for a day to look through your stash! I didn't get anything from Fabric Mart during their sale because I spent way to much during Girl Charlee's sale. I am still waiting for my goodies to arrive.

    1. Who says I didn't buy a piece from Girl Gharlee?! *LOL* I'm sure your goodies will be to you soon!

  7. I got my FM delivery from the 1/2 off sale this week, too. I could have bought 7x's more then I did. Great haul here for you. Those guys get me all the time!!!!!

  8. I have to just delete those emails without clicking through JB just doesn't understand the concept of "I haven't been sewing so I'm buying fabric". Plus I bought loads recently and still haven't unpacked the fabric from Kashi 2 months ago! I need new storage - going to rearrange the sewing space in the new year. g

  9. I also succumbed to the FM sale. However, I always seem to be the last person in the U.S. to receive my shipments; takes usually closer to 2 weeks to get here. That gives me plenty of time to feel guilty and wish I hadn't bought fabric . . . again.

  10. Buying fabric is the same as those who buy rtw -- if there is a sale, we're on it; if it's not on sale, surely there is a coupon somewhere or a good excuse to buy it anyway. Fabric Mart is like the Casanova of fabric stores. They know how to draw you out whispering 'you know you want it'. Next thing I know, I've got my bank card out, my eyes are shining and I'm smiling like it's Christmas. I'm easily seduced when the words 'fabric' and 'sale' appear in the same sentence. I get slightly giddy when I go through my stash--so many goodies, so many possibilities. If there was a show on fabric hoarding, I'm sure I'd be a contestant. Ah well, as I told the sales associate at the fabric store (just last week when I purchased 25 yards) "I don't drink, I don't play lottery, I buy fabric and it's a pleasurable hobby".

  11. It's an addiction - and you do sew what you buy, eventually!

  12. They ARE the devil. No sooner do I place an order than the next day something else goes on sale or becomes available the I MUST have. Why oh why can't I get a once a week mailing so I can save on shipping?

  13. I feel your pain! I swore off any fabric buying through the New Year, and then we stopped in at an estate sale on Saturday, and 60+ yards of vintage fabric stash is busting at the seams!

  14. I hope your granddaughter will still have her doll clothes when she grows up. I still have several of the gorgeous outfits my mother made for my dolls in the early 50's--they are a wonderful reminder of my mother's skill. One of them is a deep brown lace gown lined in satin, a replica of an evening gown she made for herself. It brings back memories of her wearing it. I also have a fully lined doll dress coat and hat set she made complete with tiny buttons and buttonholes, May your granddaughter treasure your doll clothes, too.

  15. I'm dying over that black/blue/teal boucle - those are my favorite colors! Why didn't I see that fabric? (But, seriously, that is some lovely fabric. Totally worth stashing!)

    1. Cause that was another one of those suitings that lasted about 5 seconds in the 50% off suiting sale! Yeah, as soon as I saw that email I whipped my credit card out because I knew the good stuff was going to fly!

  16. And I am going to hell....because when I saw that you had bought 32 yards in my head I was thinking "who buys that much fabric at one time"? And then my box from Fabric Mart arrived and I may have purchased 38. I obviously ought to look in the mirror before making any judgments.

  17. Thank you for buying fabric. Seeing yours is almost like buying it myself without the storage problem.Love those suitings you got! I bought some knits from our local fabric store, but only about 5 yards.

  18. I also got my package from Fabric Mart today - could not resist the 50% off sale! A new wool jacket is in my future, but I do have to tell myself STERNLY that there is always another sale.... Sigh.

  19. I am looking to make American Doll clothes for my granddaughters as my DIL found 2 dolls in perfect condition at thrift store!!!! Those Bitty Babies are so adorable!!!!! Your granddaughter is one lucky chika!!!!! :)

  20. Oh, no, it isn't just you! My old fabric stash needed some new friends!That's what I'm telling myself, anyway! LOL!

  21. OHHHHHHH! Lots of nice fabric!

  22. It took a herculean act of will to not buy anything- but now Im stroking the monitor in envy!!!

  23. Fabric Mart is completely responsible for me having my debit card number memorized. I indulged in a mountain of silk on the 1/2 Friday sale. Glad to see someone else scored some beautiful finds!


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