
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fabric Finds #2

My fabric collection is not an accident. It is a deliberate curated collection. At the beginning I bought a lot of basics...alot of basics in a lot of different fabrications...because I always wanted to be able to make a black pair of pants or skirt.

Lately though, since the collection is so well established, my purchases are more focused. I went through a period of buying pontes in all colors and prints because I loved sewing with it so much. Recently, any interesting pleather or faux leather has found its way into the collection.

My newest acquisition is this wool flannel purchased out of season cause you know this won't be around come fall ~

Yeah I know beautiful right! This is from Emmaonesock and there is still some left on the site. These are the types of purchases I've been making lately. Gorgeous pieces of fabric, sometimes bought out of season, because they will enhance the collection. 

So this is fabric is being highlighted for Fabric Finds #2. Hop on over and purchase a couple of yards...and like me save it for fall/winter if you're in the Northern Hemisphere or use it now if you're in the Southern Hemisphere. always more later!


  1. Gorgeous piece. Wish I didn't live in a tropical climate or I'd get me some. How's the sewing going? I'm anxious to see what you create! Karen

    1. Karen - the sewing is going well. I will have quite a few more pieces that fit the new me when I go back to work on June 1st.

  2. Carolyn, your taste in fabric is impeccable!! This truly is a gorgeous piece of fabric! I unfortuantely, am not very faniliar with Wool Flannel and know curious as to how it feels. I'm going to see if I can get some just so I can feel it! What would you make with it?

    1. Myra - I bought it to make a dress for fall. The description says dress weight with a nice drape. It should make a very pretty one.

  3. 'Curated collection'...yes!!! Such a great description!

    1. Well I call them like I see them and it isn't haphazardly thrown together so curated it is!

  4. Lovely fabric for fall/winter.

  5. Gorgeous fabric! I can see why you bought some now.

  6. When you buy fabric "because you like it" - which I always want to do - how much do you buy? I have a few 1-yard impulse purchases that I can't do anything with because all the patterns I like call for 1-1/2 or 2 yards or more. :(

    1. Depending on the width the smallest amount I purchase is 2 yards. For this fabric I bought 3 yards because I want to make a dress...not sure if I want one with a straight or flared skirt so that's why the extra yardage. A jacket gets 2 or 2.5 yards depending upon the width. I only buy a yard when I'm buying the fabric for the grandbabies.

  7. Beautiful color combination. I always love grey, yellow and white - it looks so fresh to me.

  8. Ah yes, a "curated collection". That is what I shall call mine also. I knew exactly where you found that lovely fabric as soon as I saw the picture! Emmaonesock never disappoints, and so often inspires. Many of the pieces in my curated collection were discovered there. I feel so much better about my stash, thank you.

  9. That wool flannel is beautiful! I was so impressed with your "deliberate curated collection", Carolyn. I feel the same way about yarn on cones. :)

  10. Oh wow, that is so beautiful!


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