
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday #3

Along with Closet Cull posts there will also be a couple of posts about garments that I found in the dark depths of my wardrobe that have been resurrected...rising to the front of the closet like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Or in short, I can wear them again. This is one of those posts...

I made this dress back in 2007. It was the very first time where I cut my TNT pattern apart. It was the beginning of a journey that not only expanded my creative sense but it helped me to sew better. I wore this dress for three years and then I started to gain weight. It no longer fit well through my abdomen and hips. But I just couldn't give it away because it held too much sentimental value.

Fast forward five years, 45 lbs lost and I can wear the dress again. Actually I could take in the side seams's a tad loose. I also need to say that I only have a pair of spanx on under this dress. This is important because this is what I use to wear under my garments (minus the bye Dave lettering!)...

I would like to thank Tina Fey for standing in for me and on national TV at that, to share how even thin women hold themselves together under their clothing! Okay not all thin women, but my girl Tina Fey rocks!

Besides losing the weight and 75% of my wardrobe, I've lost all but the spanx in my lingerie/undergarment drawer. It's been a really strange year, to say the least. May I also emphatically state that even with the weight loss, I'm still plus size. Honestly, I'm not trying to become a size 10 so if you're holding your breathe waiting for it or betting on it happening...stop it ain't gonna. See to look decent as a size 10, surgery would be involved, and if I had that kinda money, I would buy the new Janome Memory Craft 15000 first! I have priorities people! *LOL*

Here are a few more peeks at the dress...

I love a good pink dress. I will more than likely take the seams in a little since I've decided to go for it and lose the last 20 lbs the doctor recommends. Hey, I've already lost most of my me mades might as well go for it...crossing the finish line with a total weight loss of 65 lbs! I'm sure by the moaning & groaning, you'll know when I've arrived. *LOL* always more later!


  1. This is fabulous Carolyn, loosing 45 pounds is no mean feat, well done! Also you look great already, how much better can it get.....By the way, how do you do it loosing so much weight?

    1. Thanks Therese! I seriously changed my diet. No more junk food, no more processed foods and a lot of green vegetables and salad.

  2. You look beautiful in that lovely pink dress, Carolyn. Congratulations on your continued weight loss. I hope you are reaping the benefit of wonderful health as a result.

    1. Thanks Andrea! It's true what they say you feel much better when you lose weight and when you eat healthy!

  3. More congratulations from me. Having gained a load of weight myself and now starting to lose it I know just how much work it takes and how good it feels to be on the road to health.
    Love that you can wear this dress again.

    1. Pendlestitches - thanks! And really need to take it in a little on the side seams!

  4. Not wearing heavy-duty undergarments is a fabulous reward for losing weight in my book. I also loved Tina's sketch (what woman wouldn't?). Even though my weight has been going in the opposite direction from yours, I have sworn off body shaping garments of all kinds. It's just not worth it to me anymore. If that is giving up, so be it!

    You look fantastic--love that pink on you. Glad you've got a "new" dress to wear!

  5. What a little treasure that pink dress is! Such a nice reward for all your hard work too! The older we get the less the body wants to give up the stored tissue but the health benefits are so important. I'm with you on that or a new contest!

    1. Mrsmole - one day long ago it was more important to be skinny now I'd rather have a fantastic TOL sewing machine because I can make garments to fit my older fluffier body!

  6. Loved this post Carolyn, and congrats on your weight loss! I'm in the throws of kicking this weight to the curb myself,so kudos to you!

  7. Healthy is the idea, not what the media deems an acceptable weight. Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss! You do look great enjoy what you sew and find int he depths of your closet. Have you given away all the too big garments yet? Think of all that empty closet space you'll have to fill!

  8. I too love a good pink dress :-)

  9. You have lost a bunch. My little brother underwent gastric bypass, it was a lifesaver for him, but it was a difficult decision to make. He went from nearly 400 lbs to 190 lbs and lost nearly all his medications by age 40. He still has some issues, such as back and joint issues from the heavier days. It's a difficult road no matter what. I am glad you could accomplish this without surgery.

  10. I agree! Your money will be best spent on a sewing machine! Congratulations on getting healthy!

  11. Carolyn, though I don't comment often I have always enjoyed your posts. Congratulations on your weight release. No matter, you've always been a beautiful and caring person to me. I look forward to more of your sewing adventures.

  12. LoL..... I love that you have "priorities"! Congrats though on the weight loss, to a healthier you!!!!

  13. Congratulations and you look wonderful!

  14. Looking fabulous. Love the dress. Great details.

  15. Love that you've got your priorities straight re the sewing machine! ;) It's great that you've been able to rediscover some of your older makes, this one's a beauty!

  16. I'm all for a Spanks-Free Lifestyle!

  17. CONGRATS ... FIESTA Carolyn!!! :)

  18. I LUUUUUV that dress-feminine, nice details, perfect length and proportion as always! I'm totally with you on the priorities-I'd buy the new machine over surgery any day of the week. I have lived with my jelly roll this long, I figure I will be okay holding on to it. That's why I sew, after all, so I don't have to squeeze it into uncomfortable clothes, right? I just adore Tina Fey for so many things, but especially that sketch, she really made it clear what it takes to wear some of those clothes.

  19. Beautiful - feminine and strong. Love it!

  20. The dress looks so good on you. The color. The details. And high five for your weight loss accomplishments. Sewing a new wardrobe is the best side effect!

  21. Congrats on the weight loss and on resurrecting long unworn dresses. I need to do some of that myself but sewing new stuff is so much more fun.

  22. I'm loving reading about your weight loss, the wardrobe cull and the wardrobe finds! I'm on my own weight loss path at the moment and it's getting frustrating unpicking skirts to take them in at the sides! But really nice being 20 pounds lighter so far. I have a long way to go,, and like you will always be curvy and I'm perfectly fine with that. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that it's been fun reading about all your new makes and old finds! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I'm glad I'm not boring people to death. Good luck with your own weight loss journey!

  23. Wow - you are looking fabulous, Miss C. I haven't visited for awhile so was eager to catch up. Lo and behold, there you are in the pretty pink dress that needs a good taking in! Kudos to you and I'm rooting for you crossing the finish line.


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