
Sunday, November 22, 2015


I've thought of loads of ways to write this post and none of them seem to work because I end up sounding like a big whiny baby! As I was walking home the other night, I realized that transitions aren't easy...and neither is this one.

One week I'm inspired and think I know what I want to sew and the next, I'm floundering again! So I'm on vacation this week (btw, I swear I've worked less this year than at any other time in the last 20 years!) and mixed in with the Thanksgiving celebration I want to sew. The challenge is figuring out what to sew.

It's been a long time since I've had loads of time to sew and no idea what to make. I'm thinking I should probably stick to sewing tops since I primarily wear leggings/jean leggings as bottoms. Every once in awhile, I throw a skirt and sweater combo in the mix but I ALWAYS get a comment about why am I so dressed up!  See CHALLENGING!

Anyway, I think I'm gonna start with some tops. Here are some of my contenders...

Then I spent some quality time with the fabric collection pulling possibilities...that was actually the best part of the experience...touching the fabric in the collection. I know the pile below is bigger than I can possibly sew in the next couple of days but it's a starting point with options to allow me to sew as I'm moved. Hopefully continuing to sew after the vacay is over!

I'm also on the hunt for some low heeled pumps because even though my legs look okay in leggings with shoe boots, I'm still happiest in a shoe with a heel. I think I need to make a trip to DSW to see what's available.  Finally, I really need to get on with reworking or working on a new pants pattern.

Now let's hope I actually sew and don't end up spending the entire time in front of my television or reading books! always more later!


  1. I understand the desire to fit in at work, and to dress for your current shape, but it seems to me like there's still room to be You. Why not consider wearing skirts or dresses on Fridays, and tell anyone who asks that it's your own tradition of Dress-up-Friday as a way to have some fun and get ready for the weekend? Who knows, others might follow.

    1. Paris - that's a great idea! However, I think my challenge is determining who I want to be in casual clothing and since most of my casual is RTW, it presents additional challenges. Also, I don't really like jeans...I know! It would be so much easier if I did!

  2. Maybe you should take the time to make a new pants pattern? I wear pants almost exclusively so when I screwed up my tnt pants pattern it was a really big problem. It's taken me quite a while to fit a new one, but finally I made a pair of pants that fit. You could also do what ParisGrrl said and just wear what you like to wear, maybe starting on Fridays. Have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day with your beautiful family.

    1. Nancy - I know I need a pants pattern but again I like a dress or a skirt so much better than pants. See transitions... Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too!

  3. Though I am not going through any transition like you are, I am finding myself sewing, then not sewing. Since I have been reading your blog ( a long time) your style was very classic. I can imagine how it can be trying to go a little more casual.

    I have to wear pants more because of having to wear a compression stocking on my right leg, only a knee high requirement. For someone like me to go from wearing dresses and skirts to pants, has been my transition. I have only made maybe two or three pairs of pants in my sewing lifetime and really need to work on honing my sewing skills to make pants. Thus I have been sewing lots of tops.

    Enjoy your time off and hope you get some sewing in. I am off all next week also and looking forward to completing my current jacket project and sewing something else.

    1. Linda - I totally understand about the pants thing. I'm experiencing that too and you hit the nail on the head about my style. It's hard to be classically casual without heels being involved! *LOL*

  4. Hi - I can totally relate to coworkers commenting on my choice of attire - dresses. (Do I comment on their sloppy clothes? No!) Anyway, I like wearing dresses because they are so comfortable and I have less matching or coordination to worry about. It has taken me a while to adjust my own feels about being appropriate for my workplace, but now I do. I've even figured out how to wear dresses at home and still feel like I am not ruining my "good clothes" while walking the dog or cooking.

    Good luck to you! You are smart and persistent, so I'm confident you will work this out sooner or later.

  5. I've had to work out tunics/jackets that work over slim pants that feel professional to me. And it's the "TO ME" part that is the struggle. Yes, I know, you kids today and your tattoos and your underwear and don't I look funny to you! It's how I feel about what I'm wearing that matters to me.
    I'm channeling my Bea Arthur/Maude wardrobe these days.

  6. Do whatever is the most relaxing...but you can combine sewing and TV...After cutting out stacks of fabrics, I love to watch taped shows while pinning all the seams or hand basting them for a try-on during the commercials. While I have never worked in a place where office attire is required, I have the other dilemma...trying to look more dressy while sitting on the floor all day pinning up hems...cropped pants and stretch pants seem to rule. What kind of pie will you have on T-day?

    1. There are 3 pies, Apple, Sweet Potato and Pumpkin - Apple is my favorite.

  7. I think it's a sad state when wearing a simple skirt and twin set looks *so dressed up*.

    I am a skirt girl and have worn skirts working behind a deli counter (in my younger years) and worn skirts hiking because it is how *I* am comfortable.

    While you want to "fit in" you also don't want to lose who *you* are. And you, are a dress lady, hands down. Maybe the answer is looking for more casual dress patterns? The simple sheath you always favored is a bit tailored and business like so maybe one with a fuller skirt?

    I echo the reader who said make your own "dress up" day. I have found that even when others around me are dressed extremely casual, when I would consistently wear skirts, others would begin to wear them more often.

    I worked at an office where it was *jeans on Friday*. Like you, I just don't wear jeans. I tried. I went out and bought a pair. I wore them twice and just felt too...not me. I started wearing other types of pants on Fridays, like camo cargos or something like that.

    All this rambling to say, you aren't going to be happy or comfortable trying to be someone you are not and I propose this is why you are reluctant to sew much. What you ~think~ you need to sew isn't what you ~want~ to sew.

    Have a lovely vacation and holiday.

    May your sewing muse be with you.

    1. I think things are changing and employers realize that you don't have to dress a certain way to be effective at your job which is a good thing. It's just taking me a minute to adjust to that since I've been tied to dress codes ALL of my working life! Hey if you go to work at Macy's the salespeople have a dress code - they can only dress in black! I will work it out but the going through has affected my sewing in ways I never imagined...and since its part of my journey it's being reflected here.

  8. Love the orange and grey stripe I see tucked in there. You know, I asked Jordan yesterday why I he thinks I don't sew as much as I used to. He thinks it's because I do more things around the house now. Which is funny, because I used to feel like I was ALWAYS working on the house. Heh. Truth is, I works an 10-11 hour day, have a dog, and a roommate. I can't even imagine if I had kids.

    1. Honestly when I had a husband and ran my own household I never sewed as much as I do now or as I'm trying to sew now. However, I also think your job change has something to do with you sewing less, just my opinion.

  9. Regarding low-hell pumps, I'm on my feet all day at work and love cobb hill's shoes - they're made by new balance and you can tell they're thinking about comfort, but styles like the Angelina aren't too frumpy either.
    I have weird feet so I can't wear payless/dsw cute and fashionable stuff, which means I've got to spend. . . which means I take my research seriously, and if I find a winner, I stick to it!

  10. Oh dear! I meant 'low-heel' of course, though I find high-heels hell to walk in, so maybe that slipped out subconsciously! Excuse me!

    1. No worries about the hell part! And thanks for the recommendation!

  11. Carolyn, I enjoy your blog and really identify! I'm one of those people, no matter what I'm wearing, who looks "dressed up!" Like you, I am also losing weight. I'm finding that the more weight I lose, the better I like casual attire and may someday actually prefer jeans. I enjoy dress pants with a nice, long sweater or jacket right now. You'll find your niche. I am, but I appreciate the struggle. Thanks for being encouraging to the rest of us!

  12. I hear you about being too dressed up. It is hard but I am finding that I am going to have to look at new styles also for work. I am hoping leggings or jeggings with long tops in knits. I need to be able move comfortably in the large fabric store that hired me. And it has to look great with the hot pink runners I wear as I walk between 3 and 6 miles a day at work.
    I would say to wear what you want to wear and if it means low heeled shoes then go for it. You are a classic and you need to feel comfortable in the clothes you wear. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  13. Its nice to have the freedom to dress down a little, but what you want is the freedom to dress how YOU want. I'm glad you are not having to work so hard at your new job. You'll get more time and energy to enjoy life.

  14. I love the pattern selection you have in the picture! I have two of them (V9084 and M7194). I want to try them out, but I have Christmas sewing now... I also made two of the Tonic Tee pattern I see in your picture (mother/daughter version - on my blog if you're interested). It's a nice pattern and free. My daughter actually really likes the t-shirt and wears it. That's saying something because she's an opinionated 13 year old!
    On the topic of how people react to what we wear, I wish I had the courage to wear exactly what I want to - which would be a little more dressy and possible more match-y than what is common around my neck of the woods. I love dresses and skirts, but not too many of my friends ever wear these. I'm gradually taking more chances with what I'll wear out of the house (at home I'm fearless - lol). So far the experience has been neutral to positive.
    I've been reading your blog for a few months now, Carolyn. I enjoy your posts very much and thought I'd come out of lurking and say hello. Have a great day!

    1. Cathy - thanks for reading along and leaving a comment. It is appreciated! I'd love to see your Tonic Tees - do you have a blog or instagram account? I'd love to follow along! As for courage - I'm trying baby steps, hopefully by being a little different a step at a time, no one will notice.

  15. My problem is I am too indecisive, I spend way too much to time thinking about than rather getting on with it.

    1. I can relate. This is the first time in years when indecisiveness has made me doubt myself.

  16. I can relate to your uncharacteristic indecision. It's tricky to get that balance between what you want to wear and feel comfortable in and what fits in with the dress code (whether written or unwritten, acknowledged or not, formal or casual, corporate of leisure etc). That code has changed and who and where you are has changed, is constantly evolving and it takes time to rebalance. Good luck with your continuing journey.

  17. Amazing post dear! You have a wonderful blog:)
    What about followingeach other on Instagram, Bloglovin, Twitter?.. :)

  18. Enjoy your holiday with sewing and family!

  19. Enjoy yourself during sew-cation time. Happy Holidays!

  20. I'm in the same place but for different reasons. I hope you are able to find some inspiration soon!


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