
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Blog Appearance & A Winner

I woke up on Monday and my blog background and text were all effed up. Best I can figure is that blogger discontinued the blog template that I've used for the last couple of years. But just to make sure, I slid over to Amanda and Tany's blog, which also used the same template and realized that theirs were different too.

So Monday morning I messed around with the blog template and design. What you're reading is what I've settled on but I'm not sure I will keep it. It looks okay on my iPad, my iPhone and my computer but I want to look at it at night on the bus going home in the dark. I may yet change the template again. 

Comments? Can you read it on your devices? Is it hard to see? 

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I'm sure quite a few of you have been checking the blog to see the winner of the Claire Shaeffer book.  

The winner is:

If you leave your email address in the comments section, I will send you a note.

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Last weekend was a three day weekend in the US and normally I spend as much quality time with my sewing machine as possible...maybe it's because my 8900 is sitting waiting to go to the shop...maybe it's because it's so dayum cold here that all I can think of is swathing myself in my cashmere sweaters...or maybe it's because after cleaning and rearranging my room I realize I have so many tops that I've just lost my desire to sew...

Now let's note that I've lost my desire to sew but NOT my desire to create! So I pulled out my crochet hooks and started on this baby blanket for someone I work with...her baby is just a month old so this will still be good for the rest of the winter.

Of course that set off a desire to crochet something other than a baby I'm checking through my crochet books and mags to see if I want to spend more quality time with my hooks and yarn.

BTW, I still have to share the Carolyn Top with you. I finally took the top over to have buttonholes put on it this week, so I will probably have pictures up this weekend...well that depends on the weather.  It's been so dreary here lately! always more later!


  1. Dreary here too in Western Washington. The biggest El Nino they have ever recorded and we are nothing but muck. I need water wings (or mud wings). Not much sewing here but I have been dyeing and painting fabric which is a ton of fun.

  2. Much prefer this template. I have a hard time reading white letters on black background. They start "swimming" after a while. This is much better for me. BTW, love anything you do. You keep me inspired. Struggling with mods to a new dress pattern. I get so frustrated with myself for not getting how to fit my body. Sigh.

    1. I will add to this in that I have difficulty reading the white on black as well. This font color is an improvement. The template design, fine.

  3. Like your new template it seems easier on the eyes to read. I love to crochet so will enjoy seeing what you make!

  4. A slightly lighter font color would help - this one sinks into the background quite a bit and is hard to read. Glad you got a 3-day weekend. Not all of us get MLK Day as a holiday, unfortunately.

  5. Ooh, that is me! I was so surprised to see my name on your blog. I am thrilled to win the Claire Schaeffer book - many thanks! You can reach me at rtrittel at yahoo dot com. Love the baby blanket!

  6. Same thing happened to my blog!

  7. Hi Carolyn! I agree with most of your subscribers here, this type on your blog is much easier on the eyes. i'm actually reading it on my iPhone and don't have a problem at all.

    I love the baby blanket, it's so pretty and inspiring me to pull out my crochet hooks too, it's been a long time! Can't wait to see what you crochet next! It's always good to take a break from one craft to another... I think it keeps the juices flowing by cleansing your "Craft" pallet!

  8. I find this one hard to read. In my opinion, the type needs to be brighter. Older eyes need more contrast and I've reached that point.

  9. A brighter grey for the type would help my older eyes, too. I think just a tiny bit more will help us without making it worse for those who prefer not to have the white on black. Thanks for your blog!

  10. Your template looks good, easy to read. I usually cannot read light text on a dark background but this is just about perfect - not too much contrast.

  11. Since you asked (I noticed the change right away, but wasn't going to comment), the text on the right column and in the comments section is very hard to read. I think it's a combination of the font style and color. The font is spread out and is a little too "much." That's not a good description, I know, but I use your blog roll to link to other sewing blogs, but can hardly read it now.

  12. I like the new softer colors since they are easier on my eyes. The template is fine with me. Beautiful baby blanket.

  13. I really want to like it, but I can't. For me,it's grey on black and I have to squint and that purple on black a killer. I beg you to use a light background with dark text. For comparison: I am reading this on my PC screen (not a device), and my screen is huge and you'd think I could see it fine, but wowsers. Super hard for me to see. Sorry. :(

    1. Leigh - I understand but I don't like the lighter backgrounds. My concern was the text font and color. The white is too sharp a contrast and the gray appeared softer on the eyes. They also changed the font I was previously using so may play around with some others.

  14. For me, the font and the color are a bad mix; the lettering blends together in a way that makes reading difficult. Coupled with the color and I have to squint and constantly adjust to read. Clarification: The front in the body of the post is okay. I'm referring to the comments and side bar font. Thanks for asking for feedback.

  15. Since you have asked for opinions...I do prefer the grey font color on the softer background color. The blog post font is fine but the comments/side bar font style is a bit iffy for me. (and I have my screen magnified, iMac desktop, if it matters) It's almost like the font is a bit *cartoony*, if that makes sense. It's fine (for me) for a few words/short sentences, but reading all of the comments, (or the side bar) it starts to kind of smear and blend or something.

    I think the font is a bit too *short* and too *wide* at the same time.

    I do like the colors, though.

  16. I have good eyesight, but this font is hard for me to read - too short and squat.

    Love the blanket I cannot believe you made it up so quick!

  17. Hi Carolyn-
    Lovely blanket!!
    My 2 cents: I like the new font color - it goes well with the background and is easier to read than the old combination. I prefer the font style in your post rather than that used for
    the comments. But you know I'm going to read whatever and however you post!!

  18. So much easier to read! Love this. A happy accident, Carolyn!

  19. re the crochet - did you see this?

    Personally I can't see wearing granny squares, but perhaps that's because I remember wearing them!!
    Have you looked at Ravelry's database of crochet patterns?


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