
Thursday, March 31, 2016

A New Topper - The Next Stop on the Stylemaker Fabrics Tour

I'm in love with toppers! I love sewing and wearing them.  They allow me to feel "like me" in a casual business setting. So when Michelle from Stylemaker Fabrics approached me about participating in the tour, I knew that I wanted to sew a topper.

Because toppers are hot for spring showing up in quite a few designer lines, as well as, the pattern catalogs, I've saved quite a few to my inspiration folder. 

I really love this version from St. John ~

A little information about my topper.  I started with this fabric, very similar to my inspiration topper isn't it!?!

Used my TNT topper pattern, added a grayish blue bemberg rayon lining and some binding to make this new version. This topper was sewn using the same techniques as in this version.  The bias binding was added to the edges of the jacket front because the fabric is pretty busy.

However, the bias binding was probably the most time consuming part of the construction. See I thought that I had binding on-hand that would work with the fabric but nothing. I did, however, have some navy blue handkerchief linen so I made my own. 

Oh one other construction tip - instead of cutting the second piece of the pocket in the same fabric, this time I cut it out of lining fabric for a smoother look on the front. I noticed how the pocket hung on the tweedy version so I changed it for this one. I like this version much better and will use a lining/fabric combo going forward.

Now I know that my topper is almost identical to the inspiration topper...and also to my last version...but I went with what works for me! The fabric in this version is lighter than my previous two which makes this fantastic for spring wearing. It was almost 60 degrees out when I took these photos and it was perfect over my top and jeans. 

This is a very versatile piece that can be worn with jeans, leggings, dress or a short skirt...making it easy to dress up or down.  

So a few more pictures ~

There are also quite a few patterns available in the pattern catalogs now if you want to make a topper of your own ~

Butterick 6328

Kwik Sew 4104

Here is a link to the Simplicity offerings. I would really like a lace or linen version for spring/summer...yeah I know! But once again this works for me and the Chicos Chic wardrobe I'm trying to build.

Next up on the blog tour is Lauren, Lladybird. My previous post highlights all of the amazing sewists and designers who came before me.  I hope you had a chance to check out their garments!

Conclusion ~ 
I'd like to thank Michelle for thinking of and working with me because I was determined to make another topper.  She kept suggesting pieces from her awesome new spring line to use. I'm glad I settled on this one because it's perfect. So surf on over and check out her goods...

Finally, I want to thank my work mate Melanie who took these pictures of me. We work steps away from Herald Square Park, so it's a great place to take photos. I really appreciate that she helped me out and volunteered to take more in the future! I want to leave you with one more shot from Herald Square Park...and I have no idea how that apple ended up on the wall and in almost all the shots! It made us laugh so we decided to leave the apple in the pics! always more later!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

StyleMaker Fabrics Spring Canvas Blog Tour

Michelle sent me a note late last month asking if I would participate in her Spring Canvas Blog Tour. Her request was simple, take a piece of fabric from her online store's new spring line and create a garment of my choosing and then blog about it.  I could even pick my date during the blog tour.  Since I was in the middle of little girl/big girl sewing for the fashion show, I took the latest date I could get which is this Thursday, March 31st.

So a couple of things, like why would I agree to participate in this blog tour since blog tours have a so-so rap in the sewing community.

Honestly, it's because Michelle runs an online fabric store, Stylemaker Fabrics, and I truly believe that we as sewists need to support this industry! Also, it was a one-time gig and I'm just not up for monthly sewing for anyone anymore.  Not that I'm putting it down because I have some sewing sistahs that are knocking it out of the park sewing for other online fabric stores, I just know it's something I don't want to commit my sewing time too.

First here are the other sewing bloggers/designers that have participated in the tour.  

If you haven't had the opportunity to read their blog posts or see their garments on Instagram (#springcanvas) @stylemakerfabrics, you can catch up here:

3/21 - 3/22 - 3/23 - 3/24 - 3/25 - 3/26 - 3/27 - 3/28 - 3/29 - 3/30 - me on 3/31 and Lauren on 4/1

I'm thrilled to be participating in this tour...cause you know fabric is sooooooo my thing! And I have to admit that I had a tough time choosing a piece because the offerings were so amazing. I went with this navy and silver jacquard:

So come back on Thursday and see what I made with this amazing piece of fabric! always more later!

Friday, March 25, 2016

My Fabric Collection is part of my Retirement Fund

The internet and the sewing community is an interesting place because it's a very diverse collection of sewists.  Sewists from various countries with the ability to access resources differently. Sewists in individual stages of their sewing journey.  Sewists of different ages and spaces in their lives. Sewists of several body sizes & types, as well as races...all unalike but united in their love of putting needle and thread to cloth to make something new.

(photo courtesy of 

In the last couple of weeks I've posted a lot of fabric purchases. Some from my bucket list adventure, some from Christmas gift card purchases but even through my fabric haze, I can tell that it's a lot of fabric. One of the conversations held during my visit to Seattle is how I know think of my fabric collection as part of my Retirement Fund.

Honestly I have about 10 years to retirement and I think about it a a good way! See I've lived through the years of my first job, first apartment, first home, marriage & divorce, children and their growing up years. I'm moving into a cycle that's quite different from a large portion of the blogging sewing community - Retirement.

So when I read a blog post or an Instagram post about a young mother struggling to balance home, children and a career with sewing, I nod my head in understanding - been there, done that.  When I read about sewists dealing with growing children and momentous events of their lives (proms, graduations, weddings), I nod my head in agreement - been there, done that. Or the sewist learning how to deal with empty nest syndrome - gawd have I been there and done that.

However, issues that face the older (for lack of a better word and believe me I reviewed several) sewist are rarely addressed in the sewing community. I don't know if it's because we're less visible in social media or it's just not thought of...because I remember being 35, married, working full-time with three daughters and having a total different view of the world than I do now as a woman approaching 60.

Why this reflection now? It's because I read a couple of Instagram posts and blog posts about "stashing less" and I got all up in my feelings. Isn't it interesting how you read someone else's experience and all of a sudden you feel the need to validate your own life choices! 

Though after I thought about it for a minute, I realized that I should discuss the fabric buying, collecting or stashing as some of you call it. See I truly think of this fabric collection as my retirement fund. In less than a decade I'm going to have to learn to live on a much stricter budget than I am presently doing. Yes, many of my expenses will decrease since I will no longer head out to work every day. However, having my very deep and varied fabric collection will allow me to continue to do what I love. I will be able to sew for myself, my grandchildren and anyone else I desire.

During the next 10 years I will be adding less to the collection as I add more money to my actual retirement fund, but while I have the ability to add unique pieces to it now, I'm going to. It's interesting to be on the other end of the spectrum now since I so clearly remember being a 20 year old spending my lunch money for the week on a piece of fabric that I just had to have.  To now being a conscious consumer debating how new pieces fit into the collection and how they can be used in the future.

All aspects of sewing is a journey...this just happens to be mine now. always more later!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

LGDresses - Butterick 6314

I made two of the dresses that I like the most from this pattern.

I will admit that the pattern cover influenced my version for Miss Lena but I went with a solid color for the top of the dress. I also made my first version a little big - starting with a size 4. Of course we noticed it after I'd sewn the floral embellishments to the front and hand stitched everything down.

So some info on this one ~
Black and white cotton pique polka dot fabric
White cotton pique fabric

9" black invisible zipper
floral embellishment
white cotton broadcloth

Construction Info ~
Since I'd never made this dress before, I had to follow the instruction sheet. This is difficult for me because I can always think of a way that the dress should be constructed better - well at least to me! hahahahaha! The dress was originally supposed to have sleeves but I ended up turning the lining to quickly and after finishing it, just didn't want to remove the stitching. Those little girl armholes are S-M-A-L-L!

Otherwise it was an easy sew and I love how the pleats were done in the skirt. I was going to remake the dress but my daughter said to let it be. It will give Sammy room to grow into! Miss Lena will wear it with a white sweater so that solves that!

This means that Lena and Sammy now have coordinating black polka dot dresses...

The second version of this dress was made from a silk remnant pulled from the fabric collection. I used a size 2 bodice for this one and achieved a better fit. It was influenced by this dress I pinned from Pinterest.

Silk twill from the collection

Pink Rayon bemberg to line the bodice
9" pink invisible zipper
Blush striped ribbon
Floral Embellishment
Pink rayon seam binding

Construction Info ~
I used the bodice from the pattern and then 45" of fabric cut to the dimensions of the skirt pattern piece. The pleats were added about every 5" to mimic the pleats in the inspiration dress.

The finished dress does have the sleeves added. The dress is hemmed at the same length as the black and white one. It is hand hemmed with pink rayon seam binding added to the hem. A blush pink striped ribbon and a mauve colored flower was added to the dress as an embellishment.

Since Miss Lena didn't wear this one in the fashion show I only have fitting pictures of the dress on her.

...and a group shot of the finished dress...

Conclusion ~
However, to me these were the prettiest dresses I made and I'm holding onto the pattern. It will be good to use in the years going forward since the girls are only 2 and 5. I'm sure there will be plenty more dresses being made for them in the years ahead.

I really enjoyed making all of these dresses and love that all of the materials were in the Sewing Cave. This reinforced to me why I collect things as I happen upon them because you just never know when you're going to make magic with a stored piece!

The other night I wrote a spring sewing list. I have a plan and the materials on hand so now all I have to do is sew! always more later!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Fashion Show...

...or I'd rather call it a dream deferred. *sigh* Yes, I was a little disappointed with the outcome of the fashion show.  Not because the fashion show was bad ~ actually it was a lot of fun with some amazing outfits modeled. I was a little disappointed because the main model decided NOT to model without her Mother and Sister...

Yes, she does great photos but not so great in front of a room full of people, which means that two of those pretty dresses weren't worn in the fashion show.

However, the Mother/Daughter/Daughter combinations were worn and were well received by the attendees.

First the black and white combination which consisted of a simple elastic waist maxi skirt for my daughter that she wore with a RTW white tank top, the out-of-print Vogue 8060 dress on Samantha and Butterick 6314 on Aleena worn with a furry type sweater. Miss Sammy wouldn't wear her sweater.

The other combination worn was the Vogue 8060 floral print cotton guipere lace dresses made for both Aleena and Samantha. Their mother is wearing McCalls 6886 (my go to dress for her) in a stretch white gabardine that's lined. The floral lace was used for the sleeves so the dress would coordinate with her daughter's dresses.

See Miss Lena's head down...

See Miss Sammy looking around - she even waved once!

A couple notes ~
Two year olds and four year olds make horrible fashion show models even when modeling with their mother. Even when they parade around the house showing how they would model. Miss Lena walked with her head down the entire time, the entire family was amazed because she's such a show-off everywhere else.

My daughter did say that she was happy for all of the dresses because now the girls have more church dresses. So a compromise for my disappointment! *LOL*

My closing picture is of Miss Sammy during the final fitting Friday night of her mother's dress...she loved the hat!

I've got one more post about the making of the dresses and then I'm moving onto spring sewing even though we're supposed to get snow here in the tri-state area tomorrow. I want to have some new pretties to wear when those first continuous warm spring breezes hit. always more later!

Friday, March 18, 2016

I'm Honored...

I love to sew and I love to blog about it. Sewing is everything to me and when I'm recognized by my peers for sharing that love with others...I'm Honored.

This lovely statuette showed up in the mail today because my blog was voted "Most Inspirational" and "Best Basics" in Madalynne's Best Sewing Blogs 2016. I truly appreciate all of you who took the time to vote. Madalynne said she received over 2,000 votes which is pretty awesome ~ the sewing community turned out! 

To see the complete list of winners, the blog post is here.

I really hope you click the link and check out the winners. There are some awesome blogs listed there and I've even found a few new ones to follow!

A few thank you's ~ 
Madalynne - thank you so much for doing this every year but especially thank you for the amazing statue. This is the kind of thing that makes me get emotional...seriously!  The thoughtfulness of this is just awesome and it WILL get a place of honor in my sewing cave!

To my fellow sewing bloggers - I really do feel honored to be on the list with you. I admire so many of you for your talent and creativity...and you all challenge me to be the best sewist I can be.  So thank you for that!

To everyone who voted for me - thank you for the support, the love and for following along on my sewing journey. I really do hope I inspire you to sew more, buy more fabric, make pretty well-fitting garments, and to wallow in our shared passion - SEWING!

Thanks again and I'm so honored...

Monday, March 14, 2016

LGD - Four Vogue 8060 Dresses

I kinda lost my mind making little girl dresses again this year. I started with three separate patterns ~ Vogue 8060 which is out-of-print, Butterick 6314Butterick 5876 and ended up with five dresses for Lena and two for Sammy this time.

The Test Dress ~
At first I was going to do one post with all of the dresses, but it was too much information & too many photos so I'm breaking it down by pattern. This isn't the first dress I made but since I made four of them this will be the first post.

This post is about Vogue 8060. I used this pattern to make Sammy's dresses last year. The amazing thing is that a year later the pattern still fits Miss Sammy. I had to lengthen the pattern pieces and take them in an inch but other than that they still worked. Even more amazing though, is that the same pattern pieces fit Miss Lena. For her I just needed to lengthen them.

The girls with my daughter/their mother are participating in my Mom's church's fashion show. It's an annual event that occurs the Saturday before Palm Sunday and various members of the family have modeled in it over the years. My mother has asked me time and again to sew for the models but I've always resisted...that is until she asked the babies to model with their mother. 

Here is the test dress, made up to try on both girls to gauge length and if width was needed:

It's not finished because I'm thinking of cutting it to tunic length so that Miss Lena can wear it with leggings. She will not be wearing this in the fashion show.

Sammy's Black 'n White Version ~
Since the trial dress worked, I moved onto making one for Sammy using the black 'n white polka dot fabric that was previously used to make this dress for me.

This dress coordinates with one I made for Miss Lena and a maxi skirt for their mother.  It's the first mother/daughter pieces for the fashion show.  I made so many of this dress last year that sewing the new ones was a breeze. The most complicated portion of this version was adding the embellishment.

The trim was purchased last year at Expo and sadly this is the last of it. However, this time after stitching it down, I stitched single pearls to the center of each flower. It's a striking embellishment that coordinates with the flowers on Lena's dress.

The Cotton Lace Matching Dresses ~

The next coordinating outfits were made using fabric purchased in Houston. I know it's expensive fabric to use in little girl dresses but doesn't it make awesome dresses. I made a couple changes to the pattern for these dresses:

1.  They have a v-neckline instead of the regular neckline.
2.  Sammy's version has green piping. Lena's doesn't because that piping 
     was a pain to add...and I'm using a PG word to describe the experience.

3.  I added floral pins to the front of each garment.
4.  The hem of the dress is the selvege edge of the fabric.

5.  The dress is lined in a bright raspberry silk duppioni.
6.  An invisible zipper was added to the back of the dresses as a closure.

A Few More Pictures ~

Conclusion ~
These are constructed exactly like the original ones made last year. The simple shape of the dress works really well for highlighting embellishments and interesting fabrics. 

I'm holding onto this pattern because there are more dresses to be made for the little princesses in the future. Also, all of the items for these dresses and the ones in upcoming posts, came from materials already in the Sewing Cave. The only purchase was five yards of 2" wide white grosgrain ribbon which is a staple in the Cave and needed to be replaced. Thank goodness for a well stocked sewing cave!

I spent two weeks making all of these dresses and will share them with you during this week. All of the photos of Miss Lena and Miss Sammy were taken at home. I'm not sure how many good ones we will get during the fashion show. However, if we do get some great shots, I will post them to the blog because my daughter has great accessories for both girls to go with the dresses. always more later!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Pivot and Turn

One of the things I realized during my trip out west is that I can sew dresses again, just very casually. I need to turn from the look I use to wear - dresses that were structured and made with tailored type fabrics using pearl accessories and pivot towards a looser more casual and funkier look.

Gaylen was wearing this Lola dress that she had modified and sewn in ponte. I loved it!

Of course it made me want one especially after checking out the princess seamed bodice, empire waist and seaming in the skirt of the dress. Gaylen omitted the bands, the pockets the little v at the neckline and she lengthened it. She wears it with a cardigan and/or scarves. It was perfect for the spring-like days in Seattle and it will work for me for spring in NYC.

She let me trace her pattern, cause y'all know I hate PDF's, and I omitted some of her adjustments to make it fit me better. Although I had to make 3 renditions to get short sleeves that would fit my bodacious biceps. It's a really skinny sleeve pattern! I did this Sunday evening while Gaylen and I watched the Red Carpet for the Academy Awards. 

There were two other dress patterns that really inspired me during the weekend.  One was this SEWN dress pattern.

It's called the Go Anywhere Dress and I found it at Pacific Fabrics SODO. I like the seaming on the pattern front and back and the pockets, though I have an idea about them that I'm going to try. I will use one of the linens I bought from Marcy for this and I will probably also make the tunic top in a ponte. Once I've finished the unselfish sewing for the granddaughter, I'm moving into spring sewing for me.

Then at the Marcy Tilton fashion show, I saw this dress by Katherine Tilton made up. I'd overlooked this Butterick pattern before but in the soft linen they showed, I knew I wanted it! Interestingly enough Niema had the pattern and no longer wanted it, so she gifted it to me.

So these are on my list for spring sewing! I'm actually quite excited now because I have a few more toppers I want to make, a vest and now these dresses. I think I've finally pivoted and turned and am finding my way!  Thank goodness! always more later!

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Sew Expo 2016 ~ Sunday

Sunday started slowly for me because Gaylen let me sleep in late! And I was so thankful...I flew out to Seattle battling a sinus infection with a plastic baggie full of meds and lounging around Sunday morning was such a treat!

Our plan for Sunday was lunch with the West Coast Posse and then spending time in Gaylen's sewing room. When Gaylen asked me where I would like to have lunch at my answer was Mexican. I love the Mexican restaurant near her house so that's where we met up!

We were joined by Amy (Sew Well), Melizza (Pincushion Treats) who brought her beautiful mini me; Melora (birdandbicycle) and Niema (neemiebean)! It was great to spend time talking sewing, looking at patterns - hey NY Crew they bring patterns to trade at meet-ups.  How comes we don't do that? And passing that adorable baby around!

One of the best parts of journeying to Seattle is meeting up with these ladies! Thanks for taking time out of your busy days to spend a couple of hours with me.

Then we (me, Gaylen and Amy) headed back to Gaylen's where I had to kick Amy out because we just kept talking and talking!  She had to get home to her own precious little one

I spent the rest of the afternoon in Gaylen's sewing room, pawing through her fabric collection, and watching her sew up this Madeleine Ponte Top by Style Arc that I've now got to own!

Gaylen is wearing it her with The Magic Pencil Skirt

I later told Gaylen that every time I come to visit her I learn something new. Last year I stole her magnetic pin bowl idea and the glass head pins she uses - I have them both in the sewing cave now and love them!  This year it was several new indie patterns that I wouldn't have looked at twice but did because of her interpretations.

I also brought a piece of that fabric from her collection home with me. So now I just need to get that pattern and I will be copying Gaylen!

We spent the afternoon watching the Red Carpet Arrivals. Ummm forgot that since I was on the same coast with them that they come on in the afternoon and not the evening like at home.  

My favorite dress of the event was Jennifer Lawrence's Dior dress:

We made an early night of it since I had a 6am flight back to the East Coast. I had a fantastic trip and want to thank everyone who I met at Expo, the vendors who spent time with me, the sewists who came up to talk to me, my West Coast Posse and most especially Gaylen ~ the hostess with the mostest! I am so thrilled to call you friend! always more later!

Monday, March 07, 2016

SewExpo 2016 ~ Saturday

Now that I'm home and I'm thinking back on my weekend, I flew cross country to fabric shop!  That's it in a nutshell...

Yes, I got to meet other wonderful sewists. Yes, I got to spend time with my West Coast Posse. Yes, I got to spend quality time with Gaylen but the essence of my trip is that I flew 2,841.6 miles to fabric shop. I've got a problem! *LOL*

So let's start at the beginning. I've already detailed my Friday fabric shopping in Seattle.  Saturday we got up bright and early cause Pulluyap is quite a drive from Gaylen's and we had to pick up Niema too. The three of us headed off to the Sew Expo.

I had a mission. Seriously, I wanted to touch and buy fabric from Marcy Tilton's booth. We get to Pulluyap and enter through the Blue Gate and what is before my eyes?! The Marcy Tilton booth! I kid you not it was destined...

First some drooling on your keyboard cause there is some serious fabric p*rn coming up. Two - I've linked to pieces that are still on Marcy's site but I am not responsible for you spending your mortgage money there! Three - this is a judgment free zone...cause I bought a lot of fabric. Okay let the show begin.

When we stepped into the booth this is the first piece we saw...

...and I had to have it. It wasn't until we got to the cutting table that we saw the inside which I like soooooooo much better!

It's a panel print. I bought two panels to make a topper. See I have a plan!

Next are two linen prints and these are prints! Such a difference from the staid professional prints I use to buy. Don't forget this is where I bought the fruit salad print last year which I used to make this outfit...and there was still some in the booth this year!

I love florals and this is just a luscious all over midweight floral linen

This linen print starts out black & white and ends up colorized! 
Love, love, love this piece!

I will make shift dresses with these. Casual dresses that I can throw on with a pair of keds or my slip on wedge sandals to look put together but not too fancy for my day job. 

Gaylen and I were digging through the bolts when Niema showed us this silk charmeuse panel print.  Be still my heart!

Niema bought some and is using hers to line a coat...that girl has outerwear on the brain! Me, I want to make a tunic like bow tie blouse with the print around the bottom. It should be simple but stunning!

More there is more...these two fabrics were laying side by side in the back of the booth and I had to have them...

In my head I see a high low top in the white print and slim pants in the black print. I don't know if I'm bold enough to make it but wouldn't that be an awesome outfit!

A couple yards of this and the fabric pile was getting high! However, there was a woman standing near the cutting table pulling remnants out of a box under the table. She was pulling out the most interesting pieces of fabric. Now this isn't the basket that Marcy had of 3 pieces that would work together to make one of her creative tops.  No this was just a remnant basket and I stopped to riffle through it and of course I touched something I didn't want to leave behind.

While this was a total impulse purchase, it is a simple knit that will make a great short version of McCalls 6559. You know I plan on adding a few more of these to my summer wardrobe because they wore so well last year.

I was done because I was on such a fabric high that I was bouncing off the sides of the booth but I then laid my eyes on this...

Now I'd seen it on the website prior to coming to Expo but I didn't realize it was a reversible 2 panels had to come with me too! Okay don't make piggy noises at me. I flew 2,841.6 miles on United to shop I did! *LOL* But c'mon aren't these amazing pieces of fabric?! Won't they just elevate my sewing to the next level! Cause simple shapes deserve amazing pieces of fabric...I got a million of these rationalizations for the fabric I bought!

In the midst of this fabric orgy, I spoke to Marcy and we took pictures together...I was S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y fangirling!!!

I'll be honest at this point I was ready to leave. Hey I wanted to go back to Gaylen's pet my fabric and dream of what they could be...but I'd promised a few people that I would stop by their booths and see them.

So our first stop was the Simplicity booth to say hi to Deb!  I have no idea how I have no picture with her...must be that lingering fabric hangover! hahahahaha!

Along the way we also stopped by the Smuggler's Daughter and saw Susan the owner.

Yeah I bought a piece here too but it's all Michele's (That Black Chic) fault. She made this awesome trench coat from this fabric so I had to have some!

I'm making a cute summer skirt with mine since I only got two yards! I have to tell you it was awesome meeting Susan and talking to her about how she started her fabric business. Also, it was really nice to see some of her wares in person!

Tired yet? Overwhelmed? Well think about me carrying all of that Marcy fabric around! *LOL*  Niema and Gaylen wanted to see the Vogue Fashion Fabrics booth. I was game - hey it was more fabric! I have to admit that when I got there nothing was calling my name. So I was standing around the cutting table and I saw a woman cutting some of this ~

...and I had to have a piece! But c'mon it's an amazing border print eyelet. Seriously that is fabric nirvana! I was lurking so hard to get the bolt when the woman was done that the cutter was getting nervous. *LOL* However, I ended up with the bolt - yes! Gaylen then saw it and wanted a piece so it made it's way down the line of waiting women. I don't think that bolt made it back to the racks!

I'm still lurking because Gaylen and Niema are still shopping. I mean I can't complain they waited while I spent ALL of my money at Marcy's...and I see one of the Vogue guys disappear into this curtained area.  Then he comes back lugging like four rolls of fabric. Miss Johnny on the spot asks if they are new bolts going into the rack....ummmmm no! They belonged to a waiting woman who explains to me that she'd put them on hold the day before. Wait, what you could hold fabric?!  Stop the presses...I got some issues with that UNTIL she says I don't want it all you can have some.

That's how Gaylen and I ended up with this luscious polyester print...

Now don't judge because this is one of those amazing polyesters that feel like a silk. It has a great hand, great colors, and a great we bought it.

The final piece I bought at the Vogue booth was this cute little rayon print that called out to me "take me home and make a peasant top out of me!" So who was I to dash it's hopes and it will make the cutest top.

The best thing about these pieces were that all three were only $3.99 a yard. Can't beat that right?!

We had lunch with Gillian from Vogue Pattern Magazine and then we took in the fashion shows - The Tilton Sisters show which is up on Marcy's blog and Patti Palmer & Melissa Watson presented the Vogue Patterns show. Of course, I saw a few patterns made up that I'd passed over and now want. The show always does that to me!

After the show we went by the McCalls Pattern booth ~
Kathy Marone, Gillian and myself

Me and Kathy!

We also visited the Pendleton Wool booth but since I still have last year's pieces unsewn in the collection, I didn't purchase anything here.  I did, however, touch the new Baby Lock sewing machines - oh man they were beautiful! I avoided the Janome booth because of that!!!

One other fabric spot that we visited was Billie's where Niema and Gaylen purchased fabric.  Very pretty pieces but I really was done fabric shopping at this point. I had no imagination left for new purchases.

But I wasn't the only one fangirling! We stopped in Pamela's Patterns booth and Gaylen had a moment with Pamela. I can't blame her because she looks amazing in Pamela's Magic Pencil Skirt.

After that, it was time to leave to get ready to attend the ASG banquet where Carolyne Cafaro, Senior Vice President, Creative Director at McCalls, was the guest speaker.

She gave a great talk about the process of designing patterns across all four brands and she answered every question that was posed to her during the question and answer portion with humor and grace.

It was a great way to end the day.  Yes, if you've made it this far you've come to the end of the fabric orgy...but I had an amazing time! It's an awesome experience to be around so many people who are compelled to cut flat folded fabric up to either make a quilt or a garment. It's wonderful to see all of the vendors in one place and to meet readers of the blog!

Becky was so sweet she stopped me to introduce herself!

Thank you to everyone who introduced yourself. It truly was a pleasure to meet you. But most especially thank you to Gaylen and Niema who put up with me once again...y'all know what I mean! *LOL*

I'm not sure if I will be going to Sew Expo next year...not because it isn't an amazing experience more because it's been crossed off my bucket list. Now I need to cross a few other sewing related things off of it!

There is one more post about Sew Expo. I split them in two because this is super long and post heavy as it is. always more later!