
Friday, April 15, 2016

The Concord T-Shirt

First things first...
I was a tester for this pattern for Jenny.  I've also tested another pattern for Jenny. Why? Because I really believe in the pattern line that Jenny is developing for what I know is an under served market.  

Next, I haven't sewn a t-shirt since I was a teenager back when things fit me right out of the envelope. Mostly because I could purchase one or two since they weren't mainstays in my work wardrobe and I wore anything at hand on the weekends. Hey I was a mother with 3 small children, I was doing good getting dressed!

For my version, I used the length of View B, the neckline and sleeve length of View A and a C/D cup size. I deliberately made mine close fitting because I wanted to see if I could sew a decent looking tee that fit close to my body and didn't give away too much.

I was honestly thrilled with this tee. In some of the side shots that I sent to Jenny, she made some suggestions for future versions which I will incorporate. However, I love that the tee is close fitting in the bust area but still has ease over my abdomen and backside.

Here are a few detail shots, showing the collar, the cuffs and the top on the hanger...cause y'all know how much I love hanger shots!

I used some cotton/lycra knit from the collection for this "trial" tee that I proceeded to wear to death. I wore it under every type of sweater and jacket this winter! Here is a picture of it under the Tamarack Jacket...

So you would have thought that I would have made more right? Nope, I was waiting for the pattern release! I have a horrible time not sharing what I sew here on the blog...add that as another reason that I dislike pattern testing! I want to shout from the rooftops when something new and cool is happening. *LOL*

I have several lengths of cotton/lycra knits waiting to be made up into short sleeve versions of this tee. I've already thought of ways to incorporate it into my spring/summer wardrobe so more of them are coming to the blog!

I hope if you're a curvy or a plus-size or a thick sewist (whatever word you choose to describe yourself) that you will give the Concord t-shirt and Cashmerette patterns a try. 

If you're interested in a few others who've made up the pattern check out Gaylen's version for her daughter, Gillian's version and Jenny's round up on her blog! always more later!


  1. A really nice basic. I look forward to seeing more versions.

  2. I go with delectable or curvy. I love the thick comment - always reminds of this:

    Your tshirt is terrific, always satisfying to wear a garment you made, constantly.

  3. We all need the basics and they can be special when they look as good and fit as well as your T-shirt. Love your jacket too. I have a blue and white Kantha quilt just waiting to be made into a jacket.

  4. From Creative Hormone Rush: Beautiful fitting on the top! And the longer Tamarak jacket gives just the right proportion at the hip to make this outfit really pop, as does the necklace by so nicely picking up the color of the jacket. This is a head to toe stunner!

  5. Yes. Yes. Yes. I love the fit! That's my fave tshirt fit too; closely fitted at the bust and grazing the body over the waist and hips. Which is why I don't routinely buy tees. They're often too tight through the body once I get the size that fits my shoulders.


    Source for cotton/Lycra??i haven't purchased often because I strike out. Either I find stuff that's too thin or it has poor recovery.

  6. Just looking at the pattern tissue, the Concord looks promising. I'm hoping to get one sewn this weekend.

    1. I hope you got your version completed this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this pattern!

  7. This top fits you beautifully! I love it with the Tamarac jacket - gorgeous head to toe ensemble.

  8. Although I thrive on making unique garments a girl needs a good basic tee - especially one that fits so well! I've got to try this pattern. Thanks for sharing abeit a season later due to pattern testing. Karen

  9. Looks great! Love when I find a knit shirt pattern that fits in the bust but doesn't show too much fluff. I will put this pattern on my to buy list. Love your Tamarac jacket I just purchased that pattern.

  10. You look just great in the Concord T. I'm going to check it out because Ts usually don't fit well on me. This is a great make and I look forward to seeing you in more of them.

    1. Connie - I haven't made a t-shirt in YEARS! So I was thrilled when this one fit me the way it did! As I stated before there are more of these in my sewing future!

  11. That tee looks great, Carolyn! And what a nice fit!

  12. Love your Tee and I just ordered it!

  13. Looks really good!
    Ordered and now extra-excited to make it!!

  14. That is one great looking tee. I hugs just right! ;)

  15. I always enjoy seeing how testers interprete a pattern differently! You've got for a beefy fabric with body - my brain gravitated towards drapey rayon, and magically we both love our tops! Yours looks great, and reminds me it's been years since I owned a white tee!

    1. Gillian - but I do have a rayon knit or two waiting their turns to become tees. Although you are right. All of the testers did go their own way and make versions of the tee that were truly them.

  16. Looks good! I think that you have a TNT tee shirt. This one is a basic that I'm sure you will continue to wear often.

  17. My goodness, that tee is *very* flattering! The entire outfit is perfect and I feel an attack of copy-cat-itis coming on.

    1. Joanna - copy away! I think it's going to be a very popular pattern with a lot of women wearing Concord T's!

  18. I will look for this pattern. A well fitting basic tee is an essential for me.

  19. Going to check her line out...nice to know there are patterns starting to address real women's sizes and needs. Thanks Carolyn!

  20. Oh, great. Another pattern I have to buy! :-) Seriously, I love the fit on you. I'm especially interested in the fit of the sleeves. They are just right - not too tight at all. Did you have to do a full bicep alteration, or did the sleeves fit out of the envelope?

    Thanks so much for sharing. You always do such a good job of showing all the details, often things I didn't know I wanted to see until you showed them!

    1. Kay - I know that this post was light on details mostly because I forgot what I did since I made this back in November. However, after looking at the pattern envelope, I used a size 28 sleeve body and a size 22 sleeve cap to make the sleeves fit my arm. I will probably change this when I make some short sleeve versions. When I post those I will make sure to include all of my information!

    2. Cool! I never thought of using the correct sleeve cap with the larger sleeve. I have used a larger sleeve and just sort of jammed it in, but that often isn't so successful. Next time I will try your method.

      I'll watch for your reviews of the short sleeve tees. I know I'll learn a lot; I always do. ;-)

  21. Nothing better than a great white tee!!

    1. Only thing these are pictures from November. This one is about done...but I do have some more white fabric for another one.

  22. The t-shirt looks great on you. What a wardrobe workhorse. I'll look forward to seeing your short sleeved versions.

  23. Looks great. Make more... LOL.

  24. That is a very nice fitting tee and i'm sure that pattern will get a lot of use if you're antything like me ( and I know that you are !) and you love it once you find a pattern that really works !

    1. Diana - you're right I'm gonna work that pattern to death! *LOL* I already have a stack of cotton knits that I want to use for it.

  25. How brilliant is this. Your t-shirt looks great on you and I will be very interest to read what else you had to do to the fit.


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