
Monday, May 30, 2016

The End of a Sewing Weekend

It started slow. I slept late on Friday probably because I got in late from my birthday celebrations on Thursday evening.

Dinner with friends, coworkers and a few sewing peeps you might recognize

Then we had drinks on the Monarch Rooftop Bar with a great view 
of the Empire State Building

My daughter and I on the train home

On Saturday I shopped online. Hey there were Memorial Day Fabric Sales and I had birthday money and gift cards to spend. Cause I'm not the kinda woman that holds onto those waiting for inspiration to strike. No, me I spend my funds/gift cards right there will be ALOT of packages arriving over the next couple of days.  I promise to share fabric buys here when they arrive.

Saturday afternoon I prepped a bunch of white fabrics for Concord Tees and a button up...and on Saturday night I finally cut something out and started to sew.  Sunday and Monday were good sewing days and I ended up with these finished pieces hanging in The Sewing Cave.

One pinstripe 4 gore denim skirt, 
the Ann Taylor eyelet and lace trimmed skirt, 
and another Pinterest inspired denim dress

I finished up early enough Monday afternoon to think that I could get another dress cut and sewn. However, I ran into some inspiration problems, so it's sitting on the cutting table waiting for me to figure out something to make it pop!

My daughter is scheduled to come by next Sunday to take pictures so blog posts will be up after that. Hopefully I will have figured out what to do with that linen dress laying on the table.

BTW, thanks for the suggestions on my last post. I have an idea on how to make the dress work and will pick up some trim this week. It will be applied next weekend and pics of that dress taken then too.

My company starts Summer Fridays next Friday where the office closes at 1pm every Friday until Labor Day in September. Hopefully that will translate into more sewing time for me since I have no vacation planned for this summer...well that's the Fridays I don't have things scheduled though I seem to have quite a few activities this summer! *LOL*

Anyway, there is sewing going on and items coming off my to-sew list. Actually it's kinda encouraging to have so many "DONE". There are even a few holes appearing in the fabric shelves...not sure if that's from actual garments sewn or the fabric I have stocked on top of everything that I'm "planning" to sew! But I feel like progress is being made and it will be shared with you soon. always more later!


  1. What amazing sewing progress Carolyn, very nice garments too. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday, Carolyn! Wow, you got a lot of sewing done - very beautiful garments!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!!!!

    Can't wait to see the finished looks on you. I knew some kind of trim would make the last dress pop.

    How lucky if you to get summer Friday's! I brought that to my executive team. No. Tried for every other. No. Tried for last Friday of the month?! Lol!

    I just have to become THE boss so I can make it happen ;)

  4. So - can you work from home on Fridays? I love all the pieces. I can't wait to sew what you figure out for the dress on the table. AND I'm so sorry I could be at the birthday party this year :( g

    1. I guess you could work from home on Friday mornings but you know I only do that in special circumstances. For June I will work out of the office and for July I'm using vacay time so that I will have 3 day weekends all month. Haven't figured out August yet. I'm sorry you weren't able to be here too!

  5. How amazing to get an early mark on a Friday summer afternoon! It certainly makes it a great start to your weekend. Looking forward to seeing your finished dress - the print looks very bold to me so I can't wait to see what you do to make it pop

    1. Kristy I know it needs something but haven't figured out what yet!

  6. Looks like you had a great weekend! Fun new clothes and time out with friends. Perfect.

  7. What an amazing lot of sewing you manage in one week-end! Can't wait to see you in the new outfits.

    1. Irene - it's funny because I always think that I should have sewn more. Though this week I did start with a more realistic list - one skirt, a t-shirt and a dress AND made 2 skirts, a dress and cut a second one out. Not bad! Especially since I only have to work 3.5 days this week!

  8. Happy Birthday - what a great weekend you had.

  9. Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see your new fabrics.

  10. Love the fabric for the garment to be on your cutting table. You were a busy sewist over the holiday weekend. Can't wait to see them on you.

    1. Linda - I love the fabric on the table too I just have to find the right black accents to make it sing!

  11. My suggestion for that flowered fabric: black and white stripe

  12. Sounds like a great birthday weekend! Yay! And so many of my favorite people around that table. So sorry I missed it, although in the end I had a sick baby on my hands and would have had to miss it anyway. :-(

  13. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Love the pieces - can't wait to see them styled on you.


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