
Monday, July 04, 2016

It was a good sewing weekend!

This year I'm not taking a week off to sew since my firm has summer fridays. Our offices close at 1pm on Fridays so I decided to take 1/2 vacation days for July and work from home during August. That way I will have a summer of 3 day weekends - plenty of time to create and also have a few adventures with my daughter and the grandkids!

My first weekend was this four day weekend due to Independence Day falling on a Monday. After a quick trip to the grocery store Friday afternoon, I've pretty much been in the sewing cave the entire time. Now I know this is a big "outdoors" holiday but I honestly hate these days. There's always so much traffic, so many people and so much involved in getting to and from the beach, the fireworks, etc. that I no longer enjoy going.

However, I have had the most relaxing weekend in the sewing cave and quite a few new pieces to wear to work. 

So this is what I made this weekend ~

Three t-shirt dresses from McCalls 7348:

A maxidress refashioned from a tank top, a TNT dress from a great linen print and a tank top. 

Here's a pic of all seven pieces:

I have a back log of garments to be photographed and talked about here on the blog. Due to the holiday weekend, pics won't be taken until next Sunday so everything will show up on the blog after that.

I had a great weekend! It was relaxing, creatively fulfilling AND I added some much needed variety to my wardrobe. I have a lot of McCalls 6559 dresses from last summer but I'm already bored wearing them. It will be nice to wear some new pieces. Also my to-sew list has a few more "DONE's" on it which is always encouraging!!! always more later!


  1. I am SO looking forward to seeing your photos of the Marci Tilton watercolor floral linen dress. (That is peeking out from the side of your blog photo.) I have that fabric, too - it was instant looooovvvvveeeee - but haven't yet had the inspiration to make it up. Maybe this will do it!

    (We don't go anywhere or do anything on the 4th either. So restful!)

    1. SilverMom - I used my TNT dress pattern for that fabric. I played around with a lot of different patterns but cutting up the fabric was not what I wanted or I didn't have enough fabric for something else. When I post a pic of it on Instagram, I will link to it.

  2. From Creative Hormone Rush: Three dresses completed in a single long weekend? You are officially the Superwoman of sewing!

    1. Actually 3 from one pattern and 2 more. It was a good weekend! I kept my head down and just sewed!

    2. I bow to the master! :)

  3. Wowza Carolyn!! You accomplished so much in one weekend. Great makes!!!

    1. Thanks Margo! I loved your M7405 and have the fabric picked for one of my own!

  4. You were very productive!!!

  5. Wow! A summer of 3-day weekends!?!? That sounds pretty amazing! Congrats on getting so much done this weekend! You accomplished much more than I did! Like you, I like to stay in and sew on the 4th. :)

    1. Shams - I know right! This was one of the main reasons I took the job, how much time off there is. After working my life away on my last job, this is what I wanted most, my time back. And I may have accomplished a lot but I'm sure you're working on some amazing detailed garment that will knock my socks off.

  6. You sew faster than I think! what great dresses.

    I've been sitting here catching up on your blog for a half-hour. Great stuff. Love what you did with the RTW dress bodice. And enjoyed your fabric tally. I've been sewing from my stash as well this year, and I'm feeling fabric-poor!!

    1. Thanks Coco for taking the time to read through the blog. And I have hours of commutation time to make sewing plans that's why when I finally hit the sewing cave, I know exactly what I'm sewing!

  7. Wow! That's a lot accomplished over the week-end! I agree - it's always nice to have some new things to wear.

    1. Irene - I'm spoiled. I had gotten to the place where I had one or two new garments a week and rarely repeated an outfit. Now I have to keep track of how often I'm wearing something so I don't wear it back to back! I gotta get sewing!

  8. I love the preview! It's nice to get some great go-to garments done and in the closet. I do find that since I've been sewing, I become bored with garments a bit faster than when I was wearing all RTW. I do assume it's partly because I love sewing so much. If I only sewed when I "needed" new clothes that would make me sad :)

    Eagerly awaiting the full posts and how amazing that you get an entire summer of long weekends!!!

  9. Great work and a lot of it too!

  10. Did you eat or sleep over the weekend, or did you just sew straight through the weekend? Those knit dresses look comfy, can't wait to see the full posts as well.

  11. Great job. Oh how I want to have a couple of days in my sewing corner. I hear you on the chaos of major holidays - better to do something on the off oeak times and save the time and stress of terrible traffic and crowds.

  12. Lucky girl on the summer Friday's at work! I did manage to get 3 things cut out this weekend and started on a dress. You certainly were way more productive love the print on on tank top and you dresses

  13. I am jealous of your ability to sew so many pieces in a short time. These are a really nice variety of garments that should relieve your boredom! I can't wait to see you in them, especially that great top with the lace at the bottom.

  14. Those are all very nice,and comfy looking.I've been sewing as well ,but mine has been for a new ggd that arrived at the end of may.Just mailed it all off today..

  15. Love those dresses can,t wait to see you in them. Wish I could get as much sewing done as you do. You are a Supersewer!

  16. I'm really loving the green print skirt.

    1. Lynn - it's a maxi dress and it's probably my favorite thing I made during the weekend!

  17. Great looking garments and what a marathon of sewing. I am totally with you on not going out on special days.....for those of us who are retired it is better to get the outings over and done with before our school breaks for the summer (that's at the end of June in the U.K.) - just normal traffic and less crowds.
    Looking forward to seeing the full reveal!

  18. Wow that is a productive weekend! I'd be pleased if I got that lot done in a month!

  19. Great line up of pretties. I so feel you on this past weekend holiday. I spent it in my sewing room and loved every bit of it.

  20. We normally stay home in the 4th as well, but using the holidays has allowed us to extend vacation. I'm loving the M6559 maxi and wish I had made loads last year. The new t-shirt dress looks promising (as soon as I stay eating right again!) g


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