
Monday, October 24, 2016

Vogue 8772 - A Bow Tied Blouse

This is a garment that was inspired by the fabric first. Fabric Mart had these pre-cut fabric bundles that they are now offering with a 20% off discount. I bought and sewed mine before the sale, so of course I've bought two more pieces. The fabric I purchased has sold out in the 3 yard bundles but is still available in 2 yard pieces.

When the fabric arrived I knew that my idea for it would be perfect. I wanted a bow-tied, button down, loose fitting shirt/tunic to wear over leggings or skinny jeans. Perfect for the weather now and add a cardigan in the winter which will make it perfect then too.

So I went looking for a pattern for the blouse...cause I knew I had one in my collection. Ummmm yeah right. I searched EVERYWHERE in ALL of the pattern hiding spots and what I was seeing in my head was NOT in my pattern collection! The only thing I had that might work was Vogue 8772 which is a close-fitting, bow tie blouse with darts.

I was hoping to avoid extensive pattern alterations. I looked through the patterns again to see if there was something else that I could use but the vision I had was to strong.  So I resigned myself to using this pattern and making the alterations.

Supplies ~
2.75 yards of rayon/cotton crepe from Fabric Mart
(I originally purchased 3 yards and it shrunk that much in length during the prewash!)
1/2" covered buttons
lightweight fusible interfacing for cuffs

Pattern Alterations ~
1. First I determined that I wanted 10" of ease around my bottom area...remember I wanted loose fitting tunic/blouse. 

2. To achieve that I removed the side curve on both the front and back pieces by adding an inch from the dart down in the front pattern piece and from the underarm down on the back piece.

3. On the front piece, I did a slice and spread in the front gaining 3" at the hip line and almost 4" at the hemline.

4. The back was also cut using a pivot and slide of 1.5" on the actual fabric. That helped me achieve the desired 10" of ease around the bottom of the blouse.

5. I wanted fuller sleeves than the pattern has and I needed to add space to the biceps area. So I just sliced the sleeve pattern up the center and spread ~ adding an inch to the bicep area and 2" at the hemline. The excess fabric in the sleeve was gathered into the cuff ignoring the pleat application the pattern suggests.

Cutting and Construction ~
I have a rule when cutting out a print, all of the pattern pieces must go in the same direction.  All pattern pieces either face up or down ~ not any which way, to insure that the print runs the same direction throughout the garment.

As I was laying the pattern pieces onto the fabric, I realized that I hadn't checked the shoulder seams. So I made some quick changes to the shoulder seams on the pattern to make sure they "fit" my shoulders.

Of course I did a cursory glance at the instructions and missed the part on how the top of the button band was finished. So I had to go back and fix that. If you're making the blouse, make sure you look for that part in the instructions.

As I was cutting the blouse out and thinking about the buttons, I realized I didn't want them to stand out. I wanted them to fade to the back so I decided to use covered buttons for the top. However, making 14 1/2" covered buttons was a little challenging because the pieces are small.

The one thing I will change when making this again would be to shorten the cuffs by a 1/2". They are a tad too long but I can live with them. It's the only thing making this an imperfect sew.

A few pictures of the finished blouse ~

Conclusion ~
The rayon crepe fabric was perfect for this tunic. It has a softness and a drape that really works for a loose fitting tunic. I know that this reads one big print especially since I used covered buttons from the same fabric but it's actually the look I was going for. It's crazy but I wanted it to all blend together! I think I accomplished that. 

Now that the temperatures are dropping my fall sewing list is calling my name and I've got more tops to share with you! always more later!



  1. I love everything about this Carolyn! I love, love how you are wearing you hair, and the blouse is simply beautiful! I also love to add width around my blouses in the rear area as well, especially as you mentioned in tunics.

  2. You look amazing in this! Just a great look for you. The leggings/pussy bow blouse is a great combination of casual and elegant. Super look.

  3. I've got to agree with the previous comments. This is an awesome look on you. I think the print is so good with your coloring. Well done!

  4. I don't know if it was the outfit (great color/style), the hair, or there's a new love or something going on in your life, but these pics have you looking younger with a little zing. This one has to be bulls eye for the casual but put together work wear look you've been building.

  5. Lovely blouse and very flattering! Thank you for the details on the pattern alterations - very helpful.

  6. It is very pretty. I am amazed at the pattern alterations.

  7. You look fabulous. The blouse is lovely and the styling is perfect, but behind the clothes is a woman who looks fresh and lively. You and the clothes together just make a lovely picture.

  8. Your blouse is beautiful and you look great!

  9. Beautiful and perfect for fall and winter.

  10. Great blouse and love the new hair-do!

  11. This looks great and I really like this looser fit, very flattering. I also like that you call it a "bow tie" blouse as opposed to the "P" word. This prude thanks you. ;)

    1. Bunny - I HATE that name for the blouse and will NEVAH use it. It was a bow tied blouse when I first learned to sew it and it will stay that way for me! LOL!

    2. I agree--I hate that P-word attached to a beautiful (woman's)blouse.

    3. I thought I was the only person who found that name offensive. Where did it come from? Carolyn, I love your blouse and your hair.

    4. I have no idea but it's a term that truly can be retired in my book!

    5. Stepping in to say it came from the many illustrations of kittens with ribbons tied into bows, etc. Pussy cats, not the nasty "P" word.

  12. Gorgeous blouse!!! You are so rocking it!!!

  13. Thanks for the information on alterations. The blouse turned out beautiful and something that I would consider as opposed to the close fitting one.

  14. Loving that blouse it looks great on you.

  15. You have great vision because this top is amazing!!! It is perfect for you in fit and style!

  16. Beautiful. Your descriptions of the alterations to the pattern are very helpful. Thank you.

  17. There is always something so chic about a slim fitting black pant and a great tunic. You nailed this look. And I love your hair!

    1. Wow thanks Erica! That's high praise from the Style Queen that I will gladly accept!

  18. Beautiful. I so appreciate your sharing the alterations you made, as I am built much like you, and like this fit in my clothing.

  19. This look is great on you!! Thanks for sharing your alterations--they're so helpful seeing them.

  20. What a beautiful blouse!
    Thanks for reminding me that covered buttons are an option. There are times when no button seems to "fit", and for some crazy reason I ignore covered buttons. (May-be because they're more work?)

    1. Irene - they are definitely more work but so worth the effort! Besides the bow tie, I really love the elegance of the covered buttons on this top!

  21. Great look. Fabric is beautiful and love the buttons. Love your casual bangs. Just looks great.

  22. Lovely blouse/tunic! Your pattern slicing and dicing worked well and resembles my mangled paper/tissue patterns. I'm anxious to see your other tops. Your hair looks great in these pictures. Karen

  23. Carolyn, I love your top. .......And covered buttons! I used to use covered buttons (easier with practice) a lot; they add such an elegant touch. I'd better get crackin'.

  24. Had that hair appointment! :) Looking good!

    I didn't think I saw this fabric when I was loading up those precuts in my FM cart. It's so nice and screams fall. I think this is a great way to pull some "you" into your more casual work environment. It's a quite elegant form of casual.

    Very cute.

    1. Yes I told you I was going through and I did! I did end up getting a couple of inches chopped off...ends were too dry...and the bangs of course!

  25. That's a great look on you, Carolyn!! The blouse looks really cool.

  26. Beautiful blouse - as usual

  27. Carolyn, you are looking GOOOOOOOD!

  28. Great look Carolyn-very stylish.

  29. that looks great and perfect for fall going into winter. isn't it funny how styles come around again - I had a few of these blouses when I started working, then they were totally out and now back again. Makes me think there were some wardrobe items (particularly shoes) that I should have kept :)

  30. Your new haircut suits you perfectly! And your outfit is just right - casual but with a slightly more dressy edge thanks to the print and the bow. I think you've nailed your new personal style! Congrats!

  31. Love the blouse -- I recently made this pattern too and it was totally cool to see what adjustments you made! I feel like you nailed the fabric choice, really flowy and nice.

  32. (Love your new hair!) I think your blouse is wonderful and I appreciate the clear pictures and descriptions of how you adjusted the pattern to get the fit that you wanted.

  33. Great Tunic Blouse - love your end result as well as that print!

  34. There's nothing like a great pussy bow blouse and yours is pretty.

  35. These are great colors for you; you fairly pop it's so flattering. The new do is very striking.

  36. Boy Carolyn, you look fantastic!! Both hair and new blouse. I know you said that you would shorten the sleeves a bit, but I looked at your blouse and the inspiration blouse. The models sleeve was down on her hand and the sleeve was long so that it bloused over the cuff. Yours had that same look, so you are one fashion forward lady!

  37. Just lovely, Carolyn and you bright smile says it all.

  38. Your top is beautiful! I think you used the fabric perfectly, and I like the look you achieved with the pattern alterations. Also, your new look is lovely!

  39. Isn't it great when you just know exactly what you want to do with a piece of fabric?! The whole outfit looks really good and love the new hairdo too.

  40. Love the fabric, the review and your hair.

  41. I have this pattern in my stash and I have been a little hesitant about making it up with the bow because of being well endowed with the girls. After see it on you, I'm rethinking my hesitance because it looks great on you. I might incorporate some of your alterations too. Great job!

  42. I love your jeans, too. Can I ask what pattern(s) you use for jeans?
    thank you--love, love, love your blog!

  43. Lovely top, gorgeous hair! You really suit what you call Bangs.d and I call a Fringe!


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