
Wednesday, February 01, 2017

It's All in the Details

Honestly, I may never get the other three cardigans photographed. I guess I'm not that good at faking it until I can make it. Thanks Sallie for that reminder! Cause I'm doing good just getting myself together to go face the world every day! *LOL*

So I thought I would talk about the details of each cardigan and how it makes them different. I really made no pattern changes to any of the four patterns, what differentiates them are the fabric and closure choices - you know the details.

First is Fabric Choices ~
My choices were deliberate because I wanted four cardigans that if I wore them all the same week, no one would think I was wearing the same thing. Fabric has a way of becoming the focal point so people stop looking at the style.

I chose a black ponte, a beige ribbed knit, a bold tie-dyed stretch velvet and a hard to look away from border print. BTW, I wrote a post on border prints here if you have any questions on how to use them.

Closures ~
Since the length was going to be exactly the same for all of the cardigans, how the cardigan closed became another important design feature.  I put a lot of thought, and in some instances more money than the fabric cost, into the closures. To me they give the cardigans distinction.  So even though the pattern recommends self fabric ties, I used other items to close the cardigans.

A glass button from the collection for the border print version ~

...and a link to the Instagram video of me making the loop from a hair elastic.

Button and loop in action

Velvet ribbons and beaded tassels for the tie dyed stretch velvet version ~

Braided leather ties for the beige ribbed one ~

Other details ~
To add some additional distinction to the cardigans, I added pockets from a cut-out faux leather from the collection to the black ponte one...

...and some elastic to the sleeve hems on the beige version

...a little lace on the back...

All of these details are how I handle making a pattern over and over again...the details keep me from being bored with the pattern.

If I get to the place where I'm taking photos again, I will post them to the blog. Next up on the cutting table is my border print Turner's almost done and if I wasn't being so social this week, it would be finished.  As soon as it is, I will put it on Lulu and shoot it for the blog. always more later!


  1. All those details do make each cardigan look completely different - not that most people would even notice! Love the leather patch pockets, very cool

  2. Great description of how you change things up. The two colourful versions are gorgeous. You looked great in the border version in yesterday's post - I didn't comment as it seemed too trivial to do so in context of all the other comments.

  3. Oh I would notice these beautiful details! Each and everyone of these cardigans are beautiful in their own right! Great job Ms. Carolyn!

  4. I cannot believe what a work of art the glass button is. Seeing it made my day. Thank you, Carolyn.

  5. Carolyn, you are the Queen of TNTs! All your creative closures make each cardigan unique. Karen

  6. I have to get my mind into thinking outside of the box.
    I'm sure it comes with experience ;-)

    1. Tasha - I don't know about that...I think you can train yourself to look at things in a more broader context. I know that I read a few books that opened my eyes to looking at the creative process differently and to look at everything with a creative eye. I try to employ that philosophy with everything I sew.

    2. The book that was popular a couple of years ago was called "The Artists Way" was read by alot of sewists who said it expanded their creative horizons and I wrote a blog post about books that helped me expand mine here:

    3. Oh Carolyn what a great comment on seeing things with a creative eye. I don't think it is experience as I have had the ability to see creatively all my life - I just did not as a youngster understand it. I have not read the book but am interested and I know I look at everything with a creative eye - I know because I will see something that just captivates me i.e. beach glass, something in the hardware store etc. That captivation is that creative eye working - I will hear my hubby say ...Cynthia leave that junk alone...ha ha but I don't. Then he sees it as a piece of jewelry I have created or incorporated into a tunic that I have sewn and he doesn't even recognize it was the "junk" he told me not to pick up. I am going to check out the book - so Carolyn thanks.

  7. I love the way you develop a signature shape for yourself, then make each garment in that shape unique. It gives you a lot of variety within your signature 'look.'

    I didn't comment over the weekend because I just felt so disheartened. There is so much to do, and we will see so much regression over the next 4 years, but there is hope too. I saw a tweet this morning that raised my spirits a little bit.

    For everyone who DID something, small or big, your efforts have been successful. Because of you:
    1. Congress forced to reverse plans to cripple its ethics office.
    2. Federal hiring freeze is reversed for the VA (Veteran Affairs).
    3. Court ordered Partial stay of the immigration ban for those with valid visas.
    4. Green card holders allegedly explicitly allowed back in country - and people are asking about it.
    5. Uber pledges $3M and immigration lawyers for its drivers after #DeleteUber trends on Twitter.
    6. Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) enrollment ads restored to air on TV.
    7. The ACLU raised 24M online over the weekend (normally 3-4Mil/year in online contributions)
    8. HHS, EPA, USDA gag order lifted. [Turns out EPA gag order was not lifted, but freeze on grants was lifted]
    9. EPA climate data no longer scrubbed from website.
    10. More people of different career/religious/economic/race backgrounds are considering running for political office than ever before.
    11. WA state is suing the administration.
    12. SF is suing the administration.
    13. Senate and Congress members are commenting openly about the flood of constituent calls.
    14. Implicit promise of the Women's March: that an attack on one is an attack on all, and we'll meet that attack anywhere w/ protest.
    15. MOST importantly, since we live in a participatory democracy, the people are engaged.

    While more is needed, sometimes you have to celebrate your wins.
    Stay vigilant, but also take self care seriously. Marathon, don't sprint.

    Love and peace to you!

    1. Thanks Kay for adding that - it is very heartening to hear some "good" news for a change! Though we shouldn't rest, there is still so much to do!

    2. Thank you for this list. I have had several people tell me 'we can't change anything, so it's useless to ____".

      It's nice to have good news, and yes, more work to do. But we're making a difference. :)

  8. The faux leather cut out pockets are awesome!

  9. As you say the details make all the difference and I really like all of your closures.

  10. I meant to also say yesterday that the border print was a real winner on you. Very pretty. I like the others as well, and isn't it great how changing just a few little things makes such a difference? I mean, those pockets!!!

  11. Love these! That glass button is gorgeous.
    I was going to email, but I hope you don't mind if I say here that the US situation is daily astounding and horrifying us here. We send our sympathy and support.

  12. I like how you made each version of this different! Love that glass button for the border print one and adding leather pockets was a favorite also.

  13. I love how you're always able to add such unique details to your garments. You did an amazing job with the cardigans.

  14. Such pretty cardigans! I'm partial to the stretch velvet. Lovely!

  15. I sincerely hope that your next blog post will be an announcement that you are going into production on that tie-dye velvet cardigan, because I would buy one _yesterday_. It is gorgeous!!! (And would match my hair perfectly)

    1. Bailey - thank you that's so wonderful of you to say! However, the blue cardigan has been finished for awhile. I guess I need to take some pictures of me in the cardigans so that you can see them on.

    2. Carolyn, I meant "in production" as in to sell/go into business!! :-D

  16. They are great cardigans. You're doing better than I am. I haven't been able to get myself to do much of anything except go to work and go to bed. Oh and march. Gotta keep up the fight and I will get myself sewing again soon. I have a wedding dress for my youngest to make.

    I don't have the same background as you, so although I have empathy, I don't have complete understanding of what you feel. For myself, I grew up in a very strict Christian cult ruled by a charismatic leader and I'm having all kinds of bad flashbacks.

    That feeling of being powerless against the tide against me keeps trying to assert itself and I keep fighting. I have to keep fighting. I have children and grandchildren to think about.

    We, the scarred by life's many battles, need to support each other more than ever and I think you are an amazing fabric artist. Somehow, someway, we will find our way through this and vanquish this enemy thoroughly.

    In the meantime, thank you for continuing to inspire me to keep putting together pieces of fabric to create something beautiful. A metaphor for life, indeed.

    Thank you,

    1. Rebecca - what a wonderful comment. I understand how you feel and am trying harder to concentrate on my art (yes, I believe that sewing is an artform!) so that I stay positive to continue the fight!

  17. LOVE your plan to take a cardigan pattern that you adore and make it up in differing fabrics so they look like four different outfits. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Taking one pattern with simple, elegant lines that are flattering on you and cracking out a bunch of different versions would be very useful AND great therapy for these difficult times. "Wax on, wax off, breathe." (from the movie Karate Kid). I can see this being calming, relaxing, and rejuvenating. Thank you for leading the way. Cindy (Creative Hormone Rush)


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