
Sunday, July 02, 2017

Concord Tee Dresses - Round Two

These next two dresses are all about florals and pattern hacks and are my latest Concord Tee Dresses...

The Sleeves ~
As shown below the sleeves are the difference between the two dresses. I made a slight change to each sleeve to personalize each dress. There are no other construction changes from the original Concord Tee hacks. 

Adding the circle/flutter to the sleeve was discussed in the Adding a Ruffle to the Concord Tee post.

The split sleeve for the rose dress was detailed in this post.

The Dresses ~
After making two darker print Concord Tee dresses, I knew that the next ones had to be of a lighter hue. I pulled two floral print crepey knits (what Fabric Mart called them but what LAFinch Fabrics is calling Liverpool Knits) from the collection.

I need to stop here and discuss the fact that I love florals. I own a lot of floral fabric.  However, if you've followed along for awhile, you will notice that I didn't sew a lot of florals prior to leaving the corporate job. That's all changing now. Big florals, big & bold prints, loads of polka dots and large border prints are no longer off limits! Now that summer is in full force, I'm sewing more of these. So without further ado, here are the latest versions...

Dress with Split Sleeves & Ties ~

Dress with Flutter Sleeves ~

I'm glad I took the time to make these dresses. They will be perfect for the rest of the summer and into the fall.

Conclusion ~
I have one more that I want to make from an ITY fabric. It will get me to five and I will be done with this pattern. I have so many other things I want to make and new patterns to use.  

However, I REALLY enjoyed lengthening and hacking this pattern. It's a great pattern if you just want a t-shirt that fits a curvy body but it also has wonderful possibilities. You can take it on a creative journey to fulfill whatever flights of fancy you can dream of. It allowed me to do the thing I love most about sewing, slice and dice to come up with a new look, based upon the good bones of the pattern.

So I'm off on new sewing adventures! I hope you've enjoyed the series, been inspired and maybe learned a new technique or two. always more later!


  1. Well done! Two of the prettiest things you have ever made!

  2. Love both of them. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Lovely dresses, Carolyn. I can see that you are fully embracing your new freedom in sewing since leaving the strict dress code of corporate life. I'll bet your job peers love to see your creations. Karen

  4. I adore both of these dresses. I don't know which one I like better. Sewing with the floral crepe must have been a joy - it is one of my favourite fabrics but I don't think I have seen it with such lovely prints. You look very happy and luminous in your new dresses. You have definitely inspired me to sew some fluttery sleeves .

  5. Gorgeous gal, gorgeous dresses. My favorite is the pink cabbage roses with the split sleeve.
    I don't know much about knit fabric so what is ITY knit & how does it different from other knots?
    Thanks for sharing all your beautiful makes. You are very talented.

  6. Great makes. Love the sleeves.

  7. These are two of my favorite things you've sewn!!! Though we have pretty different styles, I would wear these in a heartbeat!!

  8. Love both prints and sleeve variations. You look good in both.

  9. These are great dresses! So lovely. And you look so happy wearing them. Enjoy!

  10. You look so HAPPY! I love them both! And the split sleeve one is my absolute fave <3

  11. lovely dresses, and now I feel I have permission to try something similar. My skills are not like yours and I don't have uninterrupted time like you but I am still getting a kick out of it.

  12. The dresses are great but what really struck me about these is how happy you look. Really radiant. What lovely photos.

    1. Catherine - thanks so much! I really think it's because my daughter takes my pictures. She brings the grandbabies with her and they all just make me laugh. I guess I could post more of the fashiony type photos she takes, cause there are posed photos. But I can take those type of pics by myself. The ones where she makes me laugh, dance or play with the kids often are some of the best shots. So that's what you're seeing here!

  13. I'm really enjoying your takes on this pattern. Really fantastic pieces.

  14. Love both of these! I especially love how you hacked the sleeves and made two completely different creations. Cute, cute, cute!

  15. Lovely dresses: especially the split sleeve hack.

  16. Love these pretty floral dresses and you are looking fabulous in them.

  17. Gorgeous and love the hat!

  18. great smile! love the sleeve variations.

  19. Both of your dresses are beautiful - so romantic! Love this pattern too and your changes are really creative and inspiring. I'm still on a run with wovens and can't wait to get back to my knits soon!

  20. Really lovely and you look so happy!!

  21. The split sleeve is gorgeous on you!

  22. You look so comfortable and stylin in those florals. Concord tee? Where to get?

  23. The sleeves are so pretty, and so are the floral prints. You look great!

  24. I hate when I only comment in my head . . .

    I love these dresses. You look radiant in them. I'm glad you are finally finding your style again. Always with the inspiration. g

  25. Love these beautiful floral dresses. So feminine. And I love the sleeves. I particularly like the split sleeve. Both are just so gorgeous.

  26. I love them both! So pretty. I love dresses that speak for themselves

  27. You look so beautiful in these dresses! I love both!

  28. These dresses are GORGEOUS and made all the more so by YOU! I've loved your blog forever but I think this is the first time I'm posting - the combination of the pink/blue watercolory flower print and those flutter sleeves is just the most wonderful thing I've seen. Thank you for sharing your amazing creative drive and true eye for patterns and shape.

  29. Love both of these, but the split sleeve rose is fantastic!!


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