
Wednesday, July 04, 2018

This is America!

I know I said I wasn't talking politics on the blog anymore but my blog so I can do what I want.  If you're content to keep your head in the sand and don't want politics, current events, or whatever on a sewing now...cause I'm wading into the deep.

Let's start with the a country we do have porous borders.  Also as a country, we are much harder on immigrants of color than we are on lighter hue immigrants.  Let's also agree that America has a racist history especially if you're not of European descent.  So we should not be surprised at the new low this administration has reached by taking babies, toddlers, small and older children from their parents as they seek to gain entry into this country. And now that the "error" has been realized that there are still 2047 children being held from their parents without a reconcilation date in the foreseeable future.

photo cred: Associated Press

Let's also agree that unless you are of Native American descent, someone in your family either immigrated here or was brought here against their will.  Those are the facts whether your history book taught you them or not and they are not fake.  Let's also agree that in Making America Great Again, we're rushing headlong into a future where if you're not of European descent, you are an undesirable...unwanted. we are standing on the precipice, testing the "ideals" of what people think/believe this country is...while pictures in the mainstream news feature images (which I've scattered throughout this post) of a situation that is in direct opposition to that image.  Now I know this situation is being featured differently on that other news channel or some of the right wing news sources.  But most of us in America are being bombarded with these images.

photo cred: Associated Press

The question I pose to anyone reading this post is this, "Is this MORALLY right to take these children from their parents?  Is this the ONLY way to handle our Immigration issues?  Isn't there some other way that we can do this or should we be okay with letting the children of the world become pawns in one man's quest to build a wall?

I'm sure if you're paying attention, you've heard the talking points:

1. It's the Democrats fault - they could fix this without being obstructionists
However, may I point out that the republicans control all THREE branches of government so shouldn't they be able to pass legislation to amend this..instead of going home for a holiday break. I mean they've suspended the Senate's summer vacation, ostensibly to get some legislation passed, but I suspect more for political reasons than what's being stated. So why not hang around DC and work on this issue more!

2. They are criminals who've broken the law and their children should be taken away.
Well yes, the law of the land was broken BUT we allow criminals in our own country to make arrangements for their children before they go to prison.  Or if no arrangements can be made, they are put in foster care - a system where their own language is spoken.  They are not placed in tent camps, renovated Wal-Mart's or areas surrounded by wire fencing.

photo cred:  Associated Press

3. We need to be strict on Immigration because it's taking away jobs.
Someone made the point on that other news channel, that these immigrants are taking away minimum wage jobs from Hispanics and Blacks who need those jobs.  I just can't speak on this asinine supposition because it falls under the lesser than mentality of this administration.

4. They had a choice not to come here.
Of all the reasonings this one hurts me the most because so much for the land of the free and the home of the brave, or the words on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And let's not forget that Domestic Abuse or Gang Violence are no longer reasons to seek asylum in America since the attorney general has taken those reasons off the list for seeking asylum. So being a battered child, woman or elderly person no longer qualifies for asylum.  Your country over run by gangs, raping and killing the people - nope - America doesn't want you. Those humanitarian reasons have been swept from the table. Stay home and wait to die...yes that was dramatic but we have reached that point, people.

Now I'm heartbroken at the images that are everywhere...but I'm not surprised because we as a country have been walking towards this very point for the last two years.  Along the way there have been people screaming, chanting, protesting and still protesting that we're going the wrong way.  People yelling the bridge is out and that danger is ahead, but this administration keeps pushing forward. 

There has been violence - murdering black men and women, mass shootings, school, nightclub, and even a newspaper office shooting and during all of the carnage this administration has turned a blind eye. I'm kinda sick of the "our thoughts and prayers are with you" response...aren't you?  Protections for the average American have been revoked, the right to vote in some areas has been denied or restricted to people of color, redistricting for the gain of one or the other political party has happened, denial of aid after hurricanes and other EPA and oil related measures revoked. THIS is the legacy of this administration.

So let's not pretend that we're surprised we've reached this point. I was going to ask a question to those of you die-hard republicans and conservatives who voted for him here but after reading a recent article, I've decided not to.  Y'all obviously love him and defend him to the end so no use wasting my breathe.  

However, to those who voted with their hand over their nose choosing what you deemed the lesser of two evils, I do have a few questions. Do you still believe that he's a good business man?  Do you believe that he truly stands for Christian values? Do you believe he's the best person to push your anti-abortion rhetoric? Cause I though it was "the children" you were concerned about?  Look if he's still your guy, please realize that there are consquences and repercussions for these actions.  The reckoning is coming.

If you did not vote in the last election for whatever reason, please realize your vote matters. That by not voting you co-signed all of the things that are happening in America right now.  If you did vote for one of the other candidates, or if you voted for him and now believe that this and other recent events in America is wrong, please take a minute to dial one of the numbers below and let our elected officials know that this is morally repugnant and just wrong!

The DOJ Comment Line - 202.353.1555
Chief of Staff John Kelly - 202.456.1414
Attorney General Jeff Sessions - 202.353.1555
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen - 202.282.8495
Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan - 866.DHS.2.ICE
HHS Secretary Alex Azar - 202.690.7000
Acting Assistant ACF Sec Steven Wagner - 877.696.6775
ORR Director Scott Lloyd - 202.401.9246

...and don't forget your Senators and Representatives

I know this is long but one last point ~
America has a long history of racism.  We can start with how the indigenous Native Americans were treated and how their land was stolen from them, also how the Eskimos were driven from their land in Alaska.  Slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws after the Emancipation.  The treatment of the Chinese workers who built the railway systems in America.  The internment of Japanese FAMILIES during World War II.  How even Puerto Rico and the Virgin Island who are US territories and US citizens, are treated like second class citizens.  

And yes, we weren't kind to the Irish who fled famine nor to the Italians who fled here after WWI or WWII...and even the Jewish people escaping extermination in Germany were persecuted.  Do you see the pattern here?  Do you see the hypocrisy of people of European descent who fled religious persecution and then proceeded to persecute others who followed after?

Yes, this is where we're at in America.  It's not pretty and there will be a cost to pay for our sins, if we don't do the right thing. I'm deliberately posting this on "Independence Day" after writing it at the start of the "zero tolerance" policy, it just felt apt to be posted today.

I have left the comment section open.  Play nice or I will remove comments or shut it down.  My living room, my rules...and now your thoughts...


  1. I so agree with you, Carolyn. I voted for Hillary, as a kind, logical, highly experienced and knowledgeable person. My heart is breaking for this country.

  2. It appears from past history that "Youknowwho" has no morals, ethics, or human decency. He is taking our country down, and the government with him. Just because he does not cuss or drink does not make him a good person.

  3. I agree with you 100%. Thank you for writing this.

  4. I commend you for this post!! As an immigrant (came here at the age of 16) I remember hearing that we came here to steal their jobs time and time again in NYC. I'm sorry that my family threw all our eggs in the US basket and did not secure our spot back at our homeland. The current resident in the white house is the mouthpiece for all the racist dinner table talk that has been happening here for the past 8 years. Our vote matters and so many of us did not care about the midterm elections, so we stayed home and this is what we got. But, we have a do-over coming in November. . get em with the Mid term people. Thanks!!

    1. Please, Please, Please people - use you vote!!! (In Australia, voting is compulsory)

    2. As a Brit and a Scot I wholeheartedly agree with you - we have the same problem in this country - massive apathy to voting. If it was compulsory I'm sure things would be a lot different!!!!!

  5. Hugs, Carolyn. And VOTE, people. VOTE.

  6. Carolyn,
    I'd like to thank you to raising your voice!
    I feel that, in the current situation, we can not just continue our daily routines. We do need to speak up and use whatever platform to do so we have! We are all following your beautiful sewing blog and it is your platform - thank you for using it!

  7. Really well written, thank you. I'm British but my brother lives in the States and he and his family despair. He is not portrayed in a good light in the media for good reason!

  8. Carolyn,
    from Italy thank you for speaking up. In Europe the attitude of our ruling classes towards immigrants is becoming as bad as it is in the US and I find it so irrational and disgusting. Keep going!

  9. My heart is breaking for these desperate families and for our country. Racism is now promoted as an American virtue by the President and the Republican Party seems to be willing to accept it as an outright tenet of their organization. To say it is shocking and horrifying is a great understanding.
    Thank you for your post. November is coming and there is a chance then to make a difference!

  10. I love your restraint!(trying to keep this short)
    3 things: The whole "criminals have their children taken away" is a red herring. If someone is charged with a misdemeanor (which is what crossing the border without documentation is), their children are not taken away and the children are not incarcerated-...and BTW presenting oneself to a border agent and asking for asylum is legal.
    Since new immigrants usually take complementary not competing jobs and the US born workforce is aging, the country needs immigrants to grow economically
    Most importantly: another blog I read had an important post. It had 3 bills to call your Senator and Rep about.
    Senator Hirono's bill, Fair Day in Court for Kids Act. The government is forcing toddlers to represent themselves in court. Can you imagine!
    Worth a read

    1. Thank you, Carolyn, for having the courage to stick your neck out, and to use your blog as your megaphone for justice. We should all look around us and figure out what talents or opportunities we have to speak out I also want to thank P McLaughlin for clarifying the points about it being LEGAL to cross the border to rquest asylum, regardless of what that fascist Sesssions says, and it's only a misdemeanor anyway! Our country is enhanced by the inclusion of immigrants. They are our brothers and sisters. Welcome them!

    2. Thank you for this link. Very informative. I notice in these comments that the word “illegals” is used by people who support incarcerating children. Let me say what has been said repeatedly: it is not illegal to ask for asylum. Nor is “illegal” a category of person. You are talking about fellow human beings, including children. This deliberately dehumanizing language is not necessary. If your views are sound, they will stand up to the tests of accuracy and kind-heartedness.

  11. Watching this presidency from the UK we have experienced disbelief, anger and a sense of foreboding for our you, our cousins. We are not sure if the media is giving us a true portrayal of events. The confirmation of this in your post saddened and angered me. Good luck in your journey USA.

    1. "disbelief, anger and a sense of foreboding" is us time 1000. Your media is likely spot on. He is beyond horrible in every way.

    2. Will you take us back if we ask nicely?

    3. You are NOT getting a real sense of what is happening in America if you listen/watch ANY of the American news outlets.
      #MAGA is not racist, its about America, no matter which country you came from LEGALLY.
      This is about ILLEGAL immigrants, not ALL immigrants. Those children are separated from their parents to prevent human trafficking, not tb be mean. Trump didn't write those laws, he is just enforcing what was already in place.

    4. Wow! Nancy, I would kindly suggest you to read NYTimes, The Post, NPR also. They say with supported facts something else. Even if what you said was true (and is not), still how these people are treated should disturb you to your core as a citizen. He did write pretty anti-immigrant laws and trying his best to enforce it. Just for the fact of white nationalists finding enough support to walk the streets should clue you on the tone of his direction. Many of these people are running from being killed, and raped, and hunger. For one moment place yourself in their shoes and think how you would feel if they remove your child from you when you seeked a refuge. And don’t say it will not happen to you.

    5. Nancy, If not American news outlets, what do you suggest? Foreign news services are reporting exactly what Carolyn has stated. I'd also like to point out that many of the violence in the countries these families are fleeing is a direct result of United States intervention in those very countries. We caused much of this disaster by meddling in other countries, and now we turn the victims away. It's not right.

  12. Thank you for this post!

  13. Thank you for spreading the word: VOTE! T-rump does not reflect true American values, but only his own racist, bigoted, mysogenists, Putin-loving self. The majority of us did NOT vote for him, and the majority of us will vote him and his ilk OUT!

  14. Well done! You have summed up a bleak history of abuse in the USA. Here in England, most of us despair about Trump and his regime and most of all the denial of Human Rights across the world. The UK is also facing a sinister far-right faction which is both racist and inhumane. The more we speak out the better. We have to hope that humanity will prevail........

  15. I'm not from your country, but as a young white woman from South Africa let me tell you that what is happening in your country terrifies me. We know all too well what happens when racism is entrenched in the government, in the rhetoric, in mindless allegiance to a deeply flawed political authority. Keep shouting about it. Keep talking about it. Keep protesting about it. We stand with you. Because this goes so much deeper than these poor, innocent children, and that's damn scary. Speaking out shouldn't be the "brave" thing to do. It's just the right thing to do. And in case anyone forgot: everything is political.

  16. Well said. I agree with you, but what really sickens me is that he embraces our enemies and fights with our long term trusted allies. What is up with that???!!!

  17. Carolyn - you have my utmost admiration for this post (and others like it).

  18. Thanks for such a thoughtful and well-argued statement. I want to believe that Trump supporters will finally realize that what they thought they voted for never existed. I hope they begin to speak out, maybe through what they make. Sewing can be a positive act in so many ways. And while there is debate about who actually sewed the first flag, this account is an interesting read:

    1. Unknown - I’m aware of that fact about the flag. Thanks for sharing it on this day though!

  19. Thank you for the phone numbers. I will save and use them. Sometimes people think there is nothing we can do about what is happening in our country or they think what they do is so small it won't make a difference. We have to do what we can and not stop speaking up and speaking out. Thank you for using your voice and your platform.

  20. Amen amen amen amen amen.

  21. BRAVO, BRAVO, and thank you so very much.

  22. This is a marvelous post, and I thank you for saying it so well. It is inconceivable that a number of people could support these despicable acts in the name of twisted faux news channel has made their hearts.

  23. Thank you for stating this so clearly. I have voted and will continue to vote for candidates who will make my proud to be American, not ashamed as I feel now.

  24. Thank you for your thoughtful,post. I agree with everything you’ve said! Vote, vote, vote! Also call, call, call. I use the app 5Calls. No affiliation, just a handy app.

  25. Thank you for saying what needs to be said. I think we are going to have to say it again and again. As to point 3 I work in an industry which relies on hard working immigrants for many jobs. There are severe shortages of people to do them. One job alone has 300,000 openings. In most cases immigrants don't take away jobs we want, but provide a workforce to make industries function.

  26. I agree with all you have said. I cannot celebrate the 4th of July this year because of our turning away from some progress we made on human rights. I fear for my grandchildren and all children for living in the country we are becoming.

  27. Well said! Thank you doesn't even begin to express my gratitude for this posting.

  28. Thank you, Carolyn.

    I recently retired after almost 30 years of refugee resettlement work. To see the dismantling of support systems intended to give new life opportunities to those so desperately in need is beyond disheartening. It is criminal.

    Many refugees have seen (literally) their family members killed, raped, maimed and are often forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on their back. Yet when you visit them after resettlement here, they are nothing but grateful for the chance to give their children a different, safer existence. Even though they may have very little, they offer a level of hospitality to visitors not shown by most citizens of this country.

    When I first started in refugee work, the US took in over 130k refugees. This year, due to this vile administration of hate, less than 20k refugees will find a home here. So thank you, Carolyn, for your timely post.

    Vote for compassion, people.

  29. I am not from America, but do live right next door and the person representing your country scares me to death, thanks for your post, you are so right in saying we can't bury our heads in the sand and just pretend that it will not affect us all. Isn't that how Hitler managed to get rid of all his "undesirables", I hope that the Americans who truly want to make your country great again, your regular, everyday citizen(who comes from some immigrant background) stands up and uses the voice given to them by your constitution. Don't let hatred and evil run your country, love one another and do the right thing.

  30. Amen, Carolyn. The most patriotic thing we can do is to stand up against a treasonous dictator wannabe.

  31. Thank you for speaking out. I agree with you 100%.

  32. Please, keep writing and talking.

  33. THANK YOU. Keep saying this--I know I am in my circle of friends etc. We all need to speak up or we will, as you wrote, end up reaping even more horrible soul destroying consequences.

  34. I agree with you 100%. I am not proud of our country right now. This president has so inflamed hatred in this country. Thank you!

  35. Thank you, Carolyn, for your post. You said what we all are thinking and feeling. I agree completely! VOTE! PLEASE! VOTE in November!

  36. Carolyn, as our past president would say, Americans are always trying to create a more perfect union. And, that's what we have to do. Participatory democracy is messy. We just have to be sure that we do former so we have the latter. Happy 4th!!

  37. Go girl! Totally agree with all your points. Sessions and Trump both need to go asap (along with a bunch of others)

  38. All of the these repulsive actions are designed to make money for a handful of rich people. What the masses fail to realize is that his actions come with cost. Housing the children and adults has become a big business. People need to ask who is profiting from the changes in policy?

    Trump and his cronies have catered to fear of change. People feel felt behind because of the job losses from businesses moving out of this country. They fail to realize that profit is king and the ultimate goal for any company. The irony of this situation is that the people up in arms about immigrants are immigrants. Everyone wants to create a life which is better for their children. A life that allows their child to be safe and have better choices whether we were born in this country or anywhere else in this world. Where do they think that they would be if this same thing had been done to their immigrant ancestors?

    These are the same folks that mourn for the old days when blue collar jobs were plentiful. That is never going to happen again. As technology evolves and the need for changes in the work place are happening, this country failed to prepare the workforce to adjust to the job changes. It is comforting to poorly informed people to believe the rhetoric that it is the immigrant's fault. It makes for good sound bites. They fail to attempt to learn more than what comes out of the mouths of newscasters and politicians. They fail to do any research about what is happening. They failed to insist that the government offer job training or free college courses so that they could transition to the changes in the workforce.

    Aristotle was correct when he talked about the power of rhetoric

    1. Hear, hear. It's about pitting poor people against other poor people so that no one will notice it's really the 1% driving - and profiting from - everything.

  39. Thank you Carolyn, I am not celebrating the 4th of July today because of many things and this situation is one of them. Yur courage in speaking out has helped ease my pain.
    Kathryn BArnhill

  40. Thank you so much for speaking up Carolyn! <3 I just wanted to point out a common misconception regarding point #2 - crossing the border to seek asylum is actually *not* illegal. Typically migrants seeking refuge are detained for an interview process, then released pending an additional series of hearings to determine their legal status. This policy of detaining migrants indefinitely and splitting families apart is very new, as of May of this year.

    1. Many presented themselves to authorities prior to crossing the border. Is this not 'seeking asylum'? Immigration is standing in line in your own country hoping to win a spot. Seeking asylum is after arrival in the US.

  41. So very proud of you. Tell it like it is and you are shunned, booed or even put in prison...America surely not. Yes America,and as women, we need to start speaking out. Thank you for your insightful commentary on the disastrous state of affairs we (and I mean all of us) are in.

  42. Hey Carolyn - How about a sew along, co-sponsored by a blogger and an online fabric store (maybe others) where we all sew jackets that say "I REALLY DO CARE AND I VOTE". Any style and color the sexists would like. Let me know if you are game - Susan

  43. Thank you Carolyn for your post, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote. I hope the ones who need to read this are seeing this too.

  44. Thank you, Carolyn, for bringing this to the quiltingsphere! There is room for social justice and social ACTION in our community. Key is for all of us to commit to GET OUT THE VOTE for the midterms! We are privileged to have the time and sanctuary of sewing and creativity because most of us do not have to deal directly with the bigotry and injustice of this racist administration. We are not free until all of us are free. Let's make America humane again.

  45. I respect your opinion and as a veteran, wife of a veteran and mother to a daughter and son who are also veterans, we fought for your right to this opinion. This country is the ONLY country that takes in so many illegal immigrants and cares for them, and yes I agree that our system needs overhauling, but are you aware of the tremendous cost that will be pasted on to you, the American taxpayer, for the housing, schooling, medical and other costs associated with added thousands of people? Past presidents, Clinton, Bushes, and Obama all took tough stands on immigration especially illegal immigration. Google or Youtube their speeches and you will see that they were well aware of the tremendous cost and tax burden that will be put on the American taxpayer. You may not like Trump, but he's not trying to be anybody's, friend, or neighbor, or date your daughter. He was hired to do a job and that is what he is doing. We, as a country, are not used to having a businessman in the Whitehouse. All we've had were politicians, and the two are completely different animals. Personally I'm tired of party politics and want the efficiency of a businessman (or woman) to take care of the country I love and fought for.

    1. He's a terrible business man - what money he has is what's left from his inheritance. And have you looked into how much this detention is costing us taxpayers lately?

    2. In addition, the recent tax bill passed by Trump's administration has pushed the deficit to new levels. No other administration passed such a huge cut in a time of peace and decent job growth; what this means is that when the inevitable crash/downtown comes, we will be so overleveraged that we won't be able to spend in ways that help mitigate those emergencies. The tactics taken to handle "illegal immigration" are far more costly than our previous system that helped asylum seekers; our corporations and government have had a sick deal for decades to depend on undocumented workers to keep industries such as agriculture and meat packing affordable to Americans who don't want to pay the true costs (meat packing/butchering used to be a high-paying unionized job); and despite our need for infrastructure rebuilding and spending, Trump's tariffs and trade war will make that impossible. In the auto industry, GM is talking about layoffs and they are a massive employer. So I have to question your belief that he is being efficient and a good businessman. With all his multiple bankruptcies and everything I just mentioned, I don't see how that claim is supportable with any decent evidence.

      And then there is the moral bankruptcy. Efficiency be damned if kids are in cages.

    3. On a per capita basis, the US takes in far fewer immigrants than other OECD countries despite having much higher capacity.
      The US NEEDS immigrants-It has an aging workforce and needs workers and needs to increase its tax base. In fact, more immigrants will reduce the cost per taxpayer. Immigrants and the children of immigrants successfully start businesses at a higher rate than native born Americans-Increasing the economy.
      And Trump is a FAILED businessman-If you take the business worth and the money he inherited and the current assumed value of the Trump businesses...He had not increased its worth since his run of bankruptcies in the 80's. Further more, his "business negotiation" skills are 'this is the deal-take it or I walk away' is not a viable option when attempting to balance the Needs of a diverse population.
      As to the immigration stance-there are whole communities crashing economically because valuable employees have been rounded up and there is no one to take their place. The average cost to the taxpayer of each of the American born children left behind is near $30,000 per year-and they are more likely to need taxpayer funded support for longer into the future due to the effects of trauma.
      Further, the current immigration policy is expensive-instead of investigating gun running, drug smuggling, tax evasion and prosecuting those crimes, the system is tied up with incarcerating children and prosecuting all asylum seekers (It is legal to seek asylum BTW) as felons.-Massive waste of money.
      Lastly, anyone concerned about the risk to our armed forces should be very worried about the priorities of the Trump administration which is all about Cold War isolationism, posturing, and buying new toys instead of the welfare of the troops and their families.

    4. If your "businessman theory" held water, which it does not, then we should've gotten a GOOD businessman instead of a hate-filled, sexual assaulting, bankrupting, immoral racist one with no conscience, no common sense and the stupid quotient of a box of rocks.

      The purpose of business is to turn a profit, end of story. There is no common good, there is only the highest bidder. There is value only in exploitation - of workers, of the environment, of the public - as much as the business can get away with and stay within the technical legal line. Or they figure the lawsuit costs will be less than the profit they made, so it will pencil out.

      The purpose of the government is to provide for the common good of the people. You would know this if you had read the Declaration of Independence. Here is a link for your convenience.

      The government should be looking at the best solution for ALL the people, not just 1% of them, not just white people, not just corporations. Businessmen don't know how to do this. They only know how to count the money at the end of each quarter. There is no value calculated in the public good, so it's ignored. That's how children are separated from parents and put in for profit concentration camps. That's what makes the most money for the 1%. You can't tell me that somehow kiddie concentration camps are for the common good. They're sick and racist and profitable.

      While I agree that some politicians have no business in office, I can tell you that business people have no business running the government. Businesses are run top-down, and that isn't how democracy works. We the PEOPLE decide what we want, through townhalls, through city hall meetings, through talking with our represented leaders and most importantly through voting. If you think a businessperson asks his workers what they want, you don't work in a business. Businesses are nearly all run like a dictatorship with an advisory board. That is NOT how representational government works, and from experience in City government, I can tell you that business people complain a lot but they don't get squat done. They can't collaborate, they can't talk to constituents and they can't take getting told they're wrong. They screw up more processes than they fix, and waste a bunch of money. Give me someone who is interested in the public good any day. And that sure ain't that Orange Idiot that's in Washington now. (Sorry Carolyn, that *person's* name will never pass my lips and that's the most polite euphemism I have for him.)

      You want the best person for the job? Find a collaborator. Find someone who has had to get a group to make a decision, find someone who can talk to people and see what they want. Find someone who wants everyone to succeed and doesn't care of they get told they're wrong. Mostly that's someone who has served successfully in local government. Not a businessperson.

    5. Businessman? Wow, that is delusional. The current occupant of the White House is a corrupt real estate developer with a history of business bankruptcies and refuses to disclose his tax records. This is who you want to run the country that you and your family members fought for? How anyone with an honest military record can support some rich kid who stayed home with sore feet is truly beyond me. I, too, have many family members who served in the military and cannot imagine them supporting this draft dodger, which is truly what he is. A business man? Count the failed businesses and you might reconsider.

    6. It's good to know that you are fine with putting children in cages to avoid any cost being passed on to you, sewmadd. That's what it comes down to.

    7. Hey Mrs Fox news - Trump is a FAILED businessman. My husband works in the finance industry and proclaims that NOBODY will loan him money except Deutche Bank and the Russians (whose money is laundered through Deutche Bank). This attitude sickens those of us who know the facts. Guess we'll just have to wait for Mueller. Oh, and listening to you justify what these beasts are doing to immigrant children is nauseating. We are sorry you aren't reaping the benefits of progress. Suggest you move to Russia - they are doing a great job of recreating the 1950's mindset. Let us know if you need food or clothing.

    8. sewmadd I appreciate the calm nature of your opinion. It's so easy to call each other names and generalize these days. Thank you for stating your opinion in response to this post. I understand that many people are under the impression that America's borders are being flooded by both legal and illegal immigration, that both types of immigration are bankrupting social programs and stealing jobs from US citizens, and that both types of immigrants are generally dangerous and unwilling to assimilate.

      That said, I do disagree with you. The ideas I just mentioned - which you may or may not share - are common misperceptions. As another poster points out, we take in far fewer immigrants than other countries who have far fewer resources. Even beyond that, though, and more to the point of the overall post above is that we are a nation of laws, including immigration laws. We have laws about seeking asylum and we have a constitution that recognizes naturalization.

      I wonder if you believe you would choose to tear children away from their parents just because their parents are seeking asylum? I would never do that, nor do I know anyone who would. I think we have a man of very low character and an utter lack of personal integrity in office as President, right now. It is not surprising to me that the moral outcome of his administration's policies should reflect the weakest aspects of that man. When a baby is taken away from her breast feeding mother, simply because the mother asked for asylum in our country, I recognize it is something Donald Trump, himself, would do.

      Do you see yourself reflected in that decision?

    9. These "illegals" work, pay taxes, contribute to their communities. The newcomers always have to work harder than those who were here before them, take jobs no one else wants, work hours no one else will work. They are accepted in time, and another group takes their place at the bottom.
      Who picked your food? Who made more money off it? These are important things to consider.
      Trump is getting people to vote against the BoogeyMan. He waves the terror in your face, and steals from the government while our attention is focused elsewhere.
      And he has always been a horrible businessman. How many businesses has he run into the ground? He didn't start his business, he inherited it from his father. He got fired from his own television show.
      Trump is not the real problem; the fractured nature of our country is. He isn't helping, that BoogeyMan issue that covers for the kleptocracy.
      HOWEVER, here we are. We are, carefully, communicating.
      WE CAN'T STOP. We gotta keep talking. We aren't all that different. We really aren't. We really all do want the same things for our communities and our families. We have to stop drawing lines in the sand and start looking for the common ground. And I'd like to thank Carolyn for this forum.

    10. When you are taling about the tremendous cost of caring for the imigrants, I must remind you that it is a cost this counry long time ago owned it with our constitution and 14th Amendment. It is a cost of paying forward. Someone paid for my ancestors and I pay for other’s. Also, this cost turns to invesment when we educate them and they become doctors, engineers, business owners. Recent example is Dreamers which this administration is destroying. Have you met any o f the Dreamer? I did. As a veteran who fought for the ideals of this country, you would be proud to see these young and eager faces. This administration is not in the job of finding solutions. They want to remove the previous solutions and just give a bottom line of “saving” which will not get in to our pockets anyway. We must remember always that we are the country of immigrants.

  46. Thanks for being brave and speaking up. We have to keep talking about it so people keep this in the front of their minds. This is NOT who we are. I appreciate it that you included resources for people to speak out against this.

  47. Thank you for this post Carolyn! I am crying as I read it and respond. As a Native person, I want to add that this administration immediately moved to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline despite overwhelming opposition from Native peoples. The Bureau of Indian Affairs still does not have a Director. As the daughter of a veteran & raised in the Army, I disagree that the "efficiency of a businessman" justifies the derogatory tweets, calling me and my family murderers and rapists, using babies and children as political pawns, personal & demeaning attacks on people who disagree, and bragging about groping women. This is not an issue of disliking Trump, as sewmadd stated. This is about a President who disrespects the humanity of people. I agree that we need comprehensive immigration reform. I do not see that our current President is someone who crafts bridges with the other party. Party politics is what we have. We need to speak up within our communities and within our parties. I vote in every election in my community. I encourage all of my clients to vote and to speak up. I am a business person. That does not give me permission to engage in appalling behavior in the name of efficiency. Thanks again for this post, Carolyn.

  48. Thank you Carolyn. I have felt stymied about what to do and as a woman of privilege, I know I need to step up. It feels hopeless at times, and I especially despise the religious hypocrisy I'm seeing left and right (and it's especially painful because my family fell right in line with voting for Trump despite being Christians and hating him before he won the primary). You remind me to be strong, to call, to speak out.

  49. Thank you for your blog post. I just want to point out that we--America...caused many of those problems in the Central American countries that folks are trying to escape from.
    The other thing to point out is that those of us not in favor of the current administration need to step up and get out and get folks to register to vote and then to make sure they vote in November! No more apathy.

  50. Perfect Day, perfect post, now let's vote IN people who stand for justice and not just filling their wallets. I stood for fairness on Saturday in my local rally to reunite families because it is the only thing left to do right now. My Senator is the first one who called our attention to the cages in Texas where they are keeping the children hostage. He was denied entry to this terrible situation. He continues to fight for the rights of families no matter what the color or country of origin. I just want this national disgrace/nightmare to end and admit we still need workers who in turn become taxpayers and citizens instead of paying private corporations $700 a day per person to house these people in need.

  51. Supporting you from Scotland, where we have our own issues with Trump.

  52. Well said! I WA s politically active in the 60's and 70's, and at that time I thought we had made some progress, but it seems to me now that we gained by one step but have fallen back two...maybe three at this point. I agree ....each vote matters greatly .

  53. Carolyn, you preach as well as you sew! Your post is so well-written. Thank you for speaking out and for articulating just what is at stake here in our country. I am printing your post to reread so that I can sharpen my own arguments. Thanks again.

  54. I want to add that one can phone bank from the comfort of your own home. I do about 1 hr a day to support the DEM candidate from Michigan---this will be a difficult battle. I do not live in Michigan so it's possible to support candidates from your own home state. I think we all need to get out there and participate.

  55. Thank you so much, Carolyn, for this important posting. I am dismayed when I look around me and realize that approximately every third person supports the current administration. Why do they accept the lies, the ineptitude (the white house is in turmoil, with huge turnover and many important posts not filled), and the filling of some posts with people who are bent on destroying the very interests they should be supporting. While Republicans are trying to destroy Obama's legacy they are really showing, in contrast, what despicable, morally bankrupt, greedy, self-aggrandizing people they are.

    Thank you, Smuggler's Daughter, for your idea: "I REALLY DO CARE AND I VOTE".

  56. Love you for this! Brave, courageous, bold on the 4th of July -- as it should be!! xoxo

  57. I am glad to see your well thought out post. I grieve when I see the direction we are going in.

  58. Thank you Carolyn. The racism evidenced by the entire dismantling the legacy of President Barack Obama is disheartening. I do not watch or listen to the 'you know who' news programs. Some mornings I'm in tears following the news of the day. Every one of us must vote. It matters.

  59. Well spoken/written Carolyn. Thank you for your wonderful and honest post.

  60. I neither entirely agree nor disagree with all you say. I will concede that we have a race issue in America, but pretty much every country on the planet does at this point. This is just where we happen to live. I did not vote for the current occupant of thw White House, nor did I vote for the previous occupant. America needs to start listening to what our politicians say and what they do and not vote for someone based on the color of their skin or the party they belong to. Both are specious reasosn for voting for someone. I greatly respect that you have the courage of your convictions, even when I don't always completely agree with you.

  61. Thank you for posting this. And in reply to Carol in Denver - daily I'm amazed at the folks that continue to support this administration. Folks that are well educated. I can't figure out what I'm missing and not seeing. Some of these are my good friends. I want to shake them then slap some sense into them!! And, we know Obama didn't start putting the kids in cages or Trump would be undoing! That seems to be foremost on his min.d

  62. Thank you. Please VOTE to save our country from this madness.

  63. You are my hero. I am so dismayed at what my country has become. It is affecting Little League games, because, since the campaign, when common courtesy was suspended, along with a person in the White House who calls people names, makes fun of others, out and out lies, now all of America has decided that it is okay to be dishonest, crude, and rude. This has nothing to do with political party, it has to do with personal behavior. To not have an iota of empathy towards those who have no say over the horrendous way of life they find themselves in, is the very definition of narcissistic. We still must be realistic, until we as a people stand up and say no more, and vote anyone who is in office NOW who has not done anything towards getting back our Country's dignity, and replacing them with those whose only concern is to make our country better, nothing will change. Cory Booker is one of my favorite politicians, and since I can't vote for him, (not my state) I want others to know, he has vowed to bring back class to America. I only pray that John and Robert Kennedy, and most of all, Jackie, does not see how far the class of America has fallen. Again, this isn't political, having manners is universal.

  64. I live in Hawaii, one of the bluest of States, probably because our colonial history and hard won union rights are relatively recent. Our families and friends have first hand stories about the Japanese internment. Almost no one here condones the racism and fear that divide us. That a portion of our citizens nationally support the wave of fascism put out there by the malignant narcissist bewilders and scares me, until I read in sewing blogs, of all places, eloquent cries against the dark and concrete actions that we can take to make a difference, together. You give me hope. All of you.

  65. Thanks, Carolyn, for using your voice so eloquently. I'm with you 100%. As an older white woman, I haven't slept well at night since the 2016 election and cry almost daily about the mounting injustices and insanity that this administration produces.
    Love to you, Carolyn, dear!!!

  66. I don't know where we're headed, but I hope we can figure this out, and soon. I do not understand the minds of people who support Trump. I cannot listen to his voice any more. I grieve for the children and families he has injured and continues to injure. I fear for the hate that seems to have such a strong voice in our country now.

  67. I totally agree with you! Thank you for writing this-Trump is morally bankrupt and a complete failure as a human being, and he is a danger to our country. I voted for Hilary- I am heartbroken and so depressed by all of the horrible things he is doing. We must vote in the midterms and every election to get good decent people into office to reverse all the harm that he and his administration are doing! Thanks Carolyn, I love your blog.

  68. I wish there were a 'like' button. So many great perspectives and voices here.

  69. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I know you swore off anything remotely political, but it isn’t political to be heartsick over the mistreatment of your fellow human beings, to be ashamed of the intolerance that your neighbors condone, or to be concerned about the future.

  70. Hi Carolyn, I admire your sewing but I love your words. I am not American and I do not live in the USA. Immigration and the treatment of immigrants is a universal issue. It is more than that though, it is a humanitarian issue. What is an acceptable way to treat other humans? We need a lot more compassion in the world.

    Lisa x

  71. Couldn't agree with you more. Obviously the people you are talking about are historically challenged as we took a big chunk of our country from the hands of Mexico and that area was filled with people who were there before it was the US. Now those people are lumped in the refugees and people crossing the borders to work in the fields to harvest our food. Black people were brought here against their will and there is nothing wrong with affirmative action in colleges or anywhere else. I liked having a black president, (I am white) and looked forward to having a female president. Right now I am hoping Corey Booker runs so I can vote for him. He makes a lot of sense when I hear him talk. Don't just vote, vote straight Dem.

  72. I am not American, and am so glad of it! I would not want to raise my children in such a toxic culture. We have traveled the usa is beautiful, and full of amazing individuals, but the country and culture is sick. Filled with suspicion, racism, self obsession and violence. Thank you for bringing up all these obvious and terrible points, I don't know how things will truly be fixed, but actions like yours are the first steps. The rest of the western world is watching America's self distruction with horror.

    1. I don’t know which country you are from Vicci but I very much doubt that your country is a safe heaven. Is your country accepting immigrants from coutries in war and treating them with love and care? Is your coutry respecting all religions including Islam and their followers even when they wear hijab? Is your country immune to ultra nationalist? While rest of the western world is watching USA we are also watching them. And I for one am shocked to see how they are treating each other and immigrants who are coming to their shores in thousands. In some cases turning them down harbor after harbor. Terror in Europe is in scary levels. Jobless rate in France is world famous. Nationalists of Europe are screaming whites only and winning the recent elections.
      Also, don’t you hate when someone bunches up a country’s culture with one event or other and gives a generalize statement. The culture of USA is the people and culture of USA cannot be defined by one president or other, or this incident or that. Our culture is much more than that.
      So please come down from your high and mighty perch and join rest of the world’s people and do it with open heart not generelized ideas.

  73. I'd appreciate a like button for this post too!

    I've been watching all that's happening in the USA, with dismay and concern from here in Australia. I'm not sure we are that much better here, if at all. Lots of anti-migration feeling here too. I can't offer any concrete help, except to agree that voting is essential.

  74. Thank you for posting this, Carolyn. I'm not American and I don't live in the USA, but naturally as a human I am disgusted and frightened by what I can see happening in your country, especially as the PM of this country, Teresa May, is really not much further behind.

  75. Very well said. Thanks so much. I'm passing this along to others. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

  76. As a Canadian watching this travesty happen in your great country, I couldn’t agree with you more. We’ve been watching this idiot your country voted into office and shaking our heads. How could this happen in the USA? So many things he’s done on the world stage to degrade the standing of the USA. It’s sad. The pictures of these little children breaks my heart and I can only imagine what torture their poor parents are going through. We have immigration laws that I’ve heard Senators in your country say could work there but as long as Trump, or for that matter, the Republicans in this branch of that party are in power I’m afraid for your country. I’ve been glued to the news as it’s just so unbelievable. Maybe he’ll get impeached but then you’ll have Pence to deal with and I can’t help but wonder if that might even be worse? Hopefully they will lose some of their power in November........... Please VOTE!

    1. I agree, Margo, we have issues here in America. However, don't forget that the majority of voters did NOT vote for Trump. There are many of us who do NOT agree with what's happening. I hope the rest of the world remembers that we are not all like that.

  77. Do you do anything for the children who have been separated from their parents in your community, town, county, COUNTRY? Every county has a children's shelter. Every state has high numbers of children separated from their parents but I don't see the self righteous and good conscious people taking care of their own countries children but they sure love to exploit the Mexican children. I'm a social worker and if the USA did this kind of media for our US children maybe the people with their HEAD IN THE SAND would see what fools they are when they speak like this. You are being fed political media and sucking it all in. Please stop using children, any children, for political purposes! They ALL deserve better. Get you head out of the sand is right!

    1. Krissy B - I agree with you that we have problems with the foster care system in our country. However, this post is not about that. If I were to write a post about everything that needs work or is a challenge in America, I would turn this into a political blog instead of a sewing blog because we as a country are facing so many challenges. I just felt the need to speak out about this specific instance at this time. Thank you though for sharing your thoughts.

    2. Krissy B - I agree with you! Here in MT so many local children and their families face so many obstacles in their ADL but I have never seen hordes of people coming out of the woodwork to cover their plight!

    3. Krissy B. Probably less than 50 % of those children are MEXICAN. They are Hispanic, the majority from Guatemala and Honduras. I think it’s a little telling you don’t know the difference while you step in with a what about the American children argument.

    4. Hi Krissy, I do work with a non-profit that supports homeless children ages 12-18. Most are not homeless because of immigrants are being welcomed. As a social worker, you know they are homeless because they come out to their families and are kicked out. They are homeless because their parents suffer from addiction or mental illness. They are homeless because their parents can't make ends meet, no matter how hard they try. They are homeless for all kinds of inhumane and unimaginable reasons. I am one of the "self righteous" people who thinks we can love and support both groups. And I am not alone. There are many of us who volunteer, raise funds, and show these kids they they matter to us.

  78. Thank you for posting this. Very well said.

  79. I agreed with all that you've said, Carolyn. Since November 2016 I've marched, I've written letters to my representatives and called them as well. But they don't care because our Blue town is surrounded by a sea of Red. My town is where the Red Hen incident took place, and what has stunned me (although it shouldn't have) is all the death threats and nasty phone calls to local businesses that didn't have anything to do with the Red Hen. Since when did behaving like that become OK? I've struggled to figure out how to have conversations with those whose politics are so vastly different from mine. How can we meet somewhere in the middle when they firmly believe the lies coming from our current administration?

  80. Carolyn, I would like to add that we also marginalize the poor, those who have been incarcerated, Native American Nations, women, it goes on and on. Many of us are not the people represented by our government. Did everyone vote? No. A small number of Americans vote. How do we get everyone out for the vote?

    1. I don't know how to get everyone out to vote but I have one story of something that worked- I was asked to speak about the (at that time) upcoming 2016 election at a homelss shelter for domestic violence victims and their children. Every single person said they didn't like either Clinton or Trump and did not plan on voting. They didn't see any reason to...
      However, there was a ballot initiative in our city that put aside money for community buildings-like the restrooms at the nearby beach and the field house at the nearby park etc. places they knew and benefitted from. For them, it changed from being about the president to being about their children.
      In his long and successful career, Tip O'Neil who was Speaker of the House when Reagan became president spoke of two things he had learned: All politics are local and the best way to get someone to vote is to ask them, personally.
      If each one of us could see our sons or daughters, nieces or nephews in the pictures above and think "There but for the Grace of God go I" ....

  81. You act as though President Trump created the way that illegals are treated when they try to enter our country, you have eliminated history from your comment, also this is the last place I would like to see politics, my sewing and quilting are my one place to escape from all of the negativity, about politics no matter which side you are on. You don't know me so don't judge my political opinions on what I have written, this is just common sense.

    1. I totally agree with you unknown. This is the last time I will be checking out this blog. Quilting has nothing to do with politics and like you, I sew to relax.

    2. To both Unknown and christel Poulos - this is NOT A QUILTING BLOG! So that's your first error. Second, it's obvious that you both have never been here before so if you never return that's fine. Third, I have the right to express my opinion, just as you've expressed yours. Oh and thank you for stopping by!

    3. There was an incident in my guild where people where displaying their quilts that had political statements on them. Several people, including me, said the same thing: "Quilting is my quiet place, and we should not introduce ideas in the guild that cause divisiveness". Well, I stand corrected. Silence is assent. Just because we are quilting means we stop being thinking, feeling human beings. Even in these spaces, ALL SPACES, we have to use our voices to protest injustice. Go elsewhere if you want to bury your head in log cabin blocks or hexagons. I will keep quilting, but I will also STAY WOKE.

    4. I'm from Germany and as a non-US citizen I am not the right person to tell you Americans what you should do.
      But as a German I can say, that to be quiet means to support the bad, loud ones whithout any manner, respect or character.
      I never had thought that the US people would ever just think about electing this example of a really dumb egoist for president. The whole world has become - and this is still getting on - a cold and lousy place for all of us who are no millionaires or best friends of Mr. Trump and others like him. I am in fear of what will come to the whole world in future. Mr. Trump is only one of an increasing amount of political leaders who act without knowledge or experience and without giving just one thout about the people they have to represent - no matter what color, gender, religion, or whatever more they are.

      I hope my English is good enough so you could understand what I mean - I beg your pardon for mistakes...

      Thank you, Carolyn, and all the others who show that America is still great!

    5. When people talk about quilting and sewing represents a peaceful activity that these had no politics involved, have not read the history. Remember how the color of the squares used on log cabin quilts to tell slaves whether the house was save to hide or not. And most political sewing was the flag itself. Everything in between including current first lady’s choice of garment with words on it screams politics displayed on fabric with the aid of sewing. Dear Unknown, get your head out of sand and look at the issues from different angles without giving your loyalty to politicians.
      By not learning your past you will be doomed to repeat it. Read and study the 14th amendment.

    6. My three favorite political needlework items
      Fictional: Madam LaFarge would knit the names of the aristocrats to be sent to the guillotine into her work...
      Real: Pink Pussyhats
      and best: A POW in WW2 named Major Cadagli did needlework that was displayed at various points by his Nazi Captors...The Germans never figured out that in Morse Code the border spelled out "God save the King" and F**k Hitler"
      I too send messages sometimes...I always sew my children's buttons on with X's...

  82. With you 100%. Many of us seniors cannot believe we are still marching/protesting/voting against reactionary policies re: (insert heartfelt cause here.) The new wrinkle to me is the total disregard of facts and reality, and the downright lying and hatred coming from the president. I believe others refer to this as the absence of civility, more chilling, I believe, is the broader acceptance of extremism in many forms. I remind myself daily the president was not elected by a majority of Americans, and I pray everyone will vote and help us crawl out of the pit we have slid into.

  83. Interesting that this picture is used for her blog. Does she really know the truth and story behind this picture. She left her husband (who by the way was making a good living) and her other children to come here illegally. She brought her child with her because she knew that would help in her cause of coming across the border illegally. SHE put her child in danger. I have six children and I would NEVER intentionally endanger my children. She made that choice to put her child in harms way. Selfishness if you ask me.

    1. Do you know the "truth" behind anything? Your sources are a bit polluted by the racism in your comments. The rest of us have evolved. You, dear girl, appear stuck in a time warp. Evolve or move to Russia. Let us know if you need anything.

  84. I know it is about sewing. I sew everything from quilts to curtains. I came to see what you had about sewing and possibly quilting. Sewing is sewing and I use it to relax.

  85. I have been following your blog for quite some time. This is not my first time.

  86. I can vouch and speak as an immigrant... this is terrible and the sad part is that the majority in favor are immigrants descend. The founding fathers of this country must be turning and tossing in their graves... the the essence of the "United" States has been lost.

  87. Anyone who differs from your views must be racist and for that matter you ladies forgot to include Nazi. You don't know anything about me and my beliefs or even if I came into the states the correct way (legally). You know what happens when you assume something.

  88. Bravo! And thank you for speaking out. I agree with you 100%

  89. I absolutely agree. Completely. And am also heartbroken and sick. And am of European descent, in fact my grandparents were immigrants so I am only second generation American. I have become politically active and urge others to become so also. Not just marches, we need to do all the leg work for our candidates and support them with $$. In addition to calling and writing. Thanks for the post even though the pics are hard to look at.

  90. Well said! Absolutely heartbreaking things going on right now, and we must be the change we want to see. I agree!

  91. This is a sewing blog not a political forum. I am out of here. Not just because I think you are all not looking at the big picture, but, because this was suppose to be a happy place about sewing and not politics. I can't find an unsubscribe so I will just block you. Yes we are all immigrants but my family who came in the 1700's with so many others, didn't have to worry about terrorism, drugs, and an entire list of horrors. For all of you that think this is wonderful here is a suggestion. Go to the border, get on a list and take a family or two home, care for these people, provide all they need, and if they get in any trouble you will be in trouble with them. When it is time for their hearing then you will make sure they get there and if you don't you will also pay that price. It is a win win doing it this way. The people will be well taken care of, they will get the paperwork done and be here legally and have someone to take care of them. This is what we had to do for our daughter in law when she came from Japan. We had to prove we could take care of her health, food, housing etc. for 2 years and we did. She could receive no welfare for those 2 years and never has. If you feel strongly about your stand then do your part. If not you are all just talking heads. All you actors and politicians who are out there you live in mansions you can not possible use all space. I suggest you take in these people, and take care of them under your roof. You can not sit on your millions spout all the save the illegals and do nothing to help. Don't email me your hate I will not answer. THIS IS A SEWING BLOG NOT A POLITICAL BLOG OR A HATE THE PRESIDENT BLOG OR A RACE BLOG. SEWING IS ONE AREA WE WERE ALL GETTING ALONG AND HELPING AND ARE COLOR BLIND NOW YOU RUINED THAT. WELL, THANK YOU VERY MUCH

    1. That's the wonderful thing about free get to choose what you want to read, what you want to believe, what you want to participate in. I see you're using your free choice not to read my blog anymore and I understand that. BUT this is MY blog and I'm free to write and share whatever I like and I'm exercising THAT right. I would say that I would miss you but I don't even know you. You haven't left a bunch of comments on other posts or met me in person so basically you're just a lurker who's come out to espouse your opinion and then tell me what I can and can't do. I also see that you're upset since you're typing in all caps but it's okay - you don't have to believe what I believe and you don't have to come back. Sometimes we just want to be around people who believe the same things that we do. Hopefully you find them in the sewing community. Be Well!

    2. Wow, Quilting Gal, you are being very rude with your all caps - and it is like you are completely unaware that this is Carolyn's blog and she can write what she wants. Who in the world are you or any of us to tell her what it is "supposed" to be. You could have stated your opinion without getting so rude and acting like you have the right to tell her what her blog should be.

  92. I couldn't find a place to unscribe either.

  93. I just found it. On the page where all of the blogs are. Good Luck ladies. I am out of here too.

  94. With you every step of the way from the UK where we have our own issues with racism and "Little Englanders' may we move forwards together in liberty, unity and fairness for ALL. We cannot hide in our sewing rooms, who will they come for next? Good women need to speak out. Good luck in November Carolyn.

  95. Carolyn, Thank you so much for such articulate writing. I agree 1000% with everything you've said and am grateful for your post. Yes, I come here because I love your sewing but also because you're a good and decent person who I am happy to know, even virtually.

  96. I agree with everything you said EXCEPT for one statement. Japanese were not interred in camps during WW2. AMERICANS of Japanese descent were interred and they lost everything. And I didn't vote for Trump and never will. He's a vile human being in my opinion.

  97. Thank you Carolyn for writing and speaking the truth about the mess our country is in with this president and administration. Silence is deadly and we will all pay the price if we don't speak out and frequently. Please continue to use your blog as you see fit. I will be back again and again to see your beautiful creations and read your eloquently written words.

  98. I see more people agreeing with you than disagreeing and that is heartening. The stress since Nov. 2016 has been rough. After lots of us got over the shock, we seem to be hunkered down and dealing with the stress. It's likely affecting our health quite a bit. Please vote, everyone!

  99. I must tell you Carolyn, that everyday I come back to this post to read the new comments, I am just fascinated with these people. This is the one of the best posts this year. Thanks!
    (My comments were on July 4th)

  100. Thank you, Carolyn, for articulating our frustration and anger. I'm old enough to have lived through plenty of national elections. Sometimes "my" candidate won, sometimes he/she lost and I accepted the results even with chagrin and efforts to change the situation next time. But, yes, this is so different and that's why my heart breaks over this policy and I am angered over sooooo many others. As for me, I've signed up this week to support swing precincts near me. Voting matters more than ever. Contacting our representatives matters more than ever. Following a variety of real news sources matters more than ever. Thanks for making your blog matter, too.

  101. I am SO glad to see all the comments here. My husband and I spent the 4th holed up - not celebrating - lamenting.
    I view immigration from a lot of perspectives: 3 of my 4 grandparents came from families who arrived here before there WAS a US and before there was anything to immigration except having the guts and the wherewithal to make it here. My step-father is an immigrant. My husband was born to 2 naturalized US citizens; his mother was a German-Jewish refugee.
    I urge everyone to read the full text of Emma Lazarus' New Colossus poem (the end of which is on the Statue of Liberty):

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  102. Thank you for speaking out! We have to fight to keep our democracy alive and it is always wonderful to find like minded people. We must all get out and vote. I miss the Obama family everyday.

  103. A "Hidden Brain" podcast on July 2, 2018 entitled "The Edge Effect"
    reported how a scientific study revealed that people who have close relationships with people from other cultures are more creative. The host posited that there is a relationship between the outstanding creativity this country has exhibited and the fact that this country is made up of people from all over the world. It may well be that by keeping people from other countries OUT, we are crippling our own creative potential, and theirs, too.

  104. Its your blog and many of us want to hear your opinion. We can't stay quiet and bury our heads in our fabric (for clothing or quilting). We have to continue to speak out and we must vote. Thank you for being you and please continue to write whatever you darn well want to. Love and adore you. Jean

  105. I think Towanda nailed it. Fear—of change, the other, the unknown—is at the heart of this problem. And I think fear has been fanned and growing around the world, especially in the last two years but even before that. And there’s a segment of the population that’s using that fear to promote their own agendas and increase their own power and wealth. I just wish I knew what the solution was. Kindness and empathy seem to be the first things that vanish in the face of fear.

  106. Thank you Carolyn! The country needs more people to use their voice. I've called and written my representatives. Now I will be calling the numbers you have provided.

  107. I had a very long comment. Instead, I will say: this is, and has always been, America.

  108. Thank you from my heart Carolyn!!!

  109. Wow, you need to get your facts straight. That picture you showed if fiction - that little girl was NEVER separated from her parents. You all need to get your facts straight and quit spreading all the garbage out there. First of all, Your buddy Clinton started it, and all presidents since have continued it. Where was the outage back then!!!

    Our last so called President did more damage to this country than we can probably recover from. He set back the racial divide wittingly. All he did was pit one group against another. You have heard the saying " A nation divided cannot stand"? Well that was his goal and he almost succeeded. I imagine all of you who are so disturbed about the "little children" are also pro-abortion - Kind of crazy that you hate children being separated from their parents when you have no issue of "killing" and the most precious of beings, babies. Furthermore, this IS a country of immigrants, but the legal kind. People who have come here and become productive, law abiding members of our society. If you are willingly breaking our law by coming here illegally, then you are probably willing to break other laws. Be careful what and who you believe as there are those out there who will do/lie/say anything to further their agenda. They care nothing about the American people only to use them as pawns to get what they want - power and wealth. With that, I will sign off and unsubcribe from this blog as I come here as my get-a-way and not to hear more garbage. Wake up before it's too late and then you will be saying "what happened, where did my freedoms go"!!!!!

    1. I just have to say that one issue voters just bore me.

  110. Koberg, give your head a shake!! These people haven't been given a CHANCE to come in legally, and how do you know they WON'T be productive, contributing citizens. They haven't been given a chance!! Pretty clear where you stand!

    As a Proud Canadian, I have always considered the citizens of the U.S. as our brothers and sisters, not just cousins. However, since the head of the American family has shown himself to be a narcissistic, misogynistic, racist "bigot", it's difficult to stand up and defend the States. Children being taken from their parents is unspeakable, but what about the right to bear arms. How many children have been killed in schools due to gun violence, and the only thing that changed was banning bump stocks!! WTF!! Not saying we're perfect, but check our stats on school shootings against those for the States!! There's a problem!!

    The damage he is doing to not only your country, but Canada and Mexico as well, not to mention overseas countries that are being hit with tariffs, is hurting everyone. I used to travel to North Dakota on average of every 6 weeks. Now, just like 78% of other Canadians, I cannot in good conscience, travel across the border to spend my hard earned money in the
    States. Who will this hurt?? The small businesses, restaurants, hotels and other places where I used to spend my money!
    I could keep going, but one voice in the great white north won't make a difference to Mr. T-rump, but the votes of the American people WILL make a difference. So please, vote in the next election!! It's not just the American people who depend on the mid-terms. It affects us all!

    I'll get off my soap box now, but thank-you Carolyn, for this Blog and the opportunity to respond! God Bless!

  111. Carolyn, thank you for such an articulate, heartfelt, honest post. By and large my ancestors came here in slave ships, not as willing immigrants. I look at the way these immigrants are being treated and my mind flashes back to the scenes of the 1960's. All these years and very little has really changed. The voices of hate I see and hear are the same voices from those television reels. If President Obama did nothing else he ripped the mask off of polite racism. The election of the current occupant of the white house has made hate and evil the norm. I fear his supporters will not be content until they return this country to the time when only rich white men had any power and everyone else was reduced to whatever crumbs white men chose to throw them. For those in the comments who disparage those who support a woman's right to choose they should remember outlawing abortions only ends legal abortions. Women have sought and found ways to end pregnancies from the beginning of time. Women with means will always find safe ways to end their pregnancies with no one the wiser. Poor women will resort to back alley practioners, coat hangers and herbs with varying degrees of success or sometimes death. In that their business becomes everyone's business. No I'm not pro-abortion, I'm at pro birth. I want every child born into a safe, caring family where their birth is celebrated not something to be endured.

  112. I agree with everything you said. No, we don’t share the same ethnicity, and Yes, I love you for being who you are as a person ... Keep on writing!

  113. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

  114. I love how articulate you are and I wish I was as good a writer as you. The only thing I can say is AMEN!

  115. Thank you- I love your sewing (this is one of my favorite blogs) and love your words. To the people saying “they should wait in line and come the right way!” 1) there is no way to claim asylum from outside the US. That is why the asylum process is different from the regular immigration process. 2) if you do some research on the gang wars in places like El Salvador you will understand why parents risk their own and their childrens’ lives to try to gain asylum in the US. It is a chance to not die vs. certain recruitment to commit violence, and/or suffer violence and death back home. In 1939, the SS St. Louis sailed from Germany to Havana with over 900 Jewish passengers on board. They all had visas to enter Cuba, but Cuba’s government changed the laws while they were en route and by the time they arrived, they were denied entry. The US and Canada also refused to allow the ship to dock and it had to return to Europe, where various countries took the passengers in. Unfortunately, some of those countries were then invaded by Germany and more than a quarter of the passengers died in Nazi death camps. It is one among many moral stains on the US’s immigration history, and should provide a lesson to us now.

    1. LM - that's an interesting story about the Jewish passengers. I will have to remember it. As I was trying to say above, America is not friendly to immigrants - this is NOT a new thing. We as citizens are just standing up now to say that this is NOT the way to handle things.

  116. Wow, I didn't get online for 2 days and missed a lot! Thanks for speaking up Carolyn. if anyone wants to support this cause, there is a sewing related way to do that. is having a 4th of July fundraiser. Their digital sales will go to help these families. Check this out:

  117. Totally agree with your entire post.
    I think one of the disgruntled readers missed your acknowledgement that our borders ARE porous and we do not have systems in place yet to deal with immigration effectively. But the answer absolutely is NOT to use children as pawns. Thank God, I was never in a position when my son was younger to feel that the only way to keep him safe was to flee my country. Can't imagine how horrifying that experience is. Our country's decision to use children as pawns to teach their parents a lesson...horrifying.
    I'm an independent voter who has helped to put quite a few Republicans into office over the decades, but the party will no longer have my vote with Donald Trump as its hero. I was just watching one of his rallies complete with his typical routine of name calling and blustering through the little fibs and the big lies and it still flabbergasts me to see his crowd cheering him on. I have elderly relatives in my family who have adopted this undying allegiance to him. They mainline FOX NEWS and will not entertain any analysis that is contrary to that narrative.
    When it comes to choosing a candidate, I use Jesus as my filter, and with his method, Donald Trump didn't make the cut. Our nation's hypocrisy is riding a swell right now, and if we are not careful, it will turn into a tsunami.
    (By the way, I send letters to my representatives almost weekly. The past three years have definitely woke me up politically.)
    Keep using your voice. I for one am not willing to hide in my fabric stash while this craziness is unfolding.

  118. I totally disagree with your post. The photo you posted of the child crying is misleading - on purpose. The photographer himself admitted that the child was never separated from the parent, yet it was still published. CBS news admitted the mistake, yet it is still being copied and pasted to prove a point. What point? It was a lie. All it shows is the hypocrisy of the news media. I believe in legal immigration - not this invasion. And what about taking responsibility to improve their own country? Americans have fought two wars for their freedom - the War of Independence and the Civil War. We are a land of brave people who stood up for their rights and created a better country. I accept the history of our country - both the good and the bad. We are not perfect. Nobody and no country is, but this total disregard for the laws of our country can not be tolerated. What bothers me the most about how this situation is being portrayed is there was no outcry when this occurred under Clinton's or Obama's administration. Why is there an outcry now?

    1. Diane - I know the child in the first picture wasn't taken from her Mother but you're missing the point of the post. AND that is that we should not be separating families, we should not be making small children that have no responsibility over their lives cry when a border policeman interrogates their parent. If humanity had been present while the situation was being handled, the child would have been in their Mother's arms. Maybe she would have been crying, maybe she wouldn't but with her parent there would have been some sense of safety.

      Several media outlets both conservative and non-conservative have displayed pictures that have not been true to prove a point. Both sides have apologized, as far as I know. This happens because we're all human, no one is perfect. As far as your last statement, let's not leave out George W. Bush and his immigration policies so we can fairly say that the last 3 Presidents have had to deal with this issue. However, none of the last 3 Presidents have torn families apart which is why there is such an outcry now with this administration.

      Finally, thank you for your post and for participating in the discussion. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I just wanted to state my point of view and allow us to discuss it.

  119. Whether this particular child was separated from her parent is irrelevant; she represents the thousands who were separated from their parents. These children will probably have permanent emotional and perhaps physical harm from this cruel policy. This country now has a shortage of hard-working laborers. Businesses we depend on, such as farmers and other food providers, are not operating at the level we expect because they can't find the workers they need. Today's immigrants would most likely start at a low wage and low status but essential job, and they most likely know that; they just want a chance at a safe, better life for their children and themselves. In many cases, the horrible violence of their homelands drove them to the desperate and dangerous act of making their way to the USA.

  120. Based on Diane's post, I feel like I need to clarify my own post. My support of Carolyn's post was not merely based on the photo of the crying child. As an educated American, I am aware that ALL news is biased, and that I have a duty to check a variety of different sources. My news feed is a conglomeration of far left, centrist, and far right news. I read it all to find the facts amidst the bias...and the bias is there on all sides. I have also listened to heart wrenching stories from the Dreamers/immigrants in my own classroom, so I hear the stories from the front lines, so to speak. The reality: our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. BUT... we need to retain our humanity when dealing with the plight of some vulnerable individuals in the process. While it is easy to discount the human suffering by claiming that one picture is misleading and should therefore be discounted, and if we turn into a country that labels any news that doesn't fit the narrative of our president as fake news, then we are sticking our heads in the proverbial sand, and history has shown us that countries that are motivated to act on propaganda of the government alone never bode well. This issue is too multifaceted for one news agency to present all of the facts regarding the humans involved. I watch my students interact with one another, immigrants and full-fledged citizens in the mix, with humanity and acceptance, and I believe there is hope for our country. We need to step away from the partisan divide and start looking for solutions together.

  121. Thank you Carolyn. It's important to speak out in every forum we can.

  122. Dear Carolyn - I read your blog faithfully b/c I love your attitude about sewing and clothing yourself. And I completely agree with your post about America and our bitter history and current sad state of affairs. I'm going to start commenting more and hope to meet you in person some day. All the best to you.

  123. It really scares me just how much we are all sliding back towards facism and other right wing nastiness. I’m not particularly left wing, but I feel like a total radical when I hear some of the vicious crap that is being said. I don’t think we’ve learnt from history at all. It’s all going to happen again if we are not careful.
    I think the strange echo chamber nature of the internet is making things worse. If you only go to certain sites and see certain beliefs you’ll think them more common and so on. I’m not sure what the solution is, but shuttering ourselves up with our crafty blogs which never mention politics is a bit like sticking your head in the sand. I don’t like politics but I think it’s important to keep an ear out and the occasional off-topic post is welcome as part of your online presence. Thanks for sticking your head above the parapet!

  124. Well said, Carolyn. Thank-you.

  125. Carolyn, I've been on vakay, and coming back and reading your post before any others has been heartwarming. I so appreciate that you have expressed your opinion and I agree wholeheartedly. I spent some years working directly, daily with many immigrants and I find those who disagree with your views really don't know these people. I challenge them to discuss the personal relationships they may have had with recent immigrants. They are VERY hard working, very family centered and most have strong faith beliefs as well. My heart goes out to them and their plight and I plan to vote and help others vote to make the changes needed to get our country back on track. MAGA is bullshit. We need to make our country BETTER again. I also want to go on the list of those who think the "I care" jackets are a great idea. Thank you again for your insight, eloquence and generosity of spirit. This post gives me hope.

  126. I'm disappointed in you. Not because of your political opinions, but that you used this platform to promote it. You claim this is not a "Quilting Blog", yet your title includes sewing, your about me is filled with pictures of your "Quilting Cave", and you even said so yourself at the top this post that you weren't talking politics on your blog. Yet here we are. You're right, this is your blog and you can do what you want. I think that's great! You are losing this follower not because of your opinions, but rather your divisiveness. Do you realize that the whole reason there is a fight for power and governmental control is because there is a refusal to work together on BOTH sides? "Carnage" of the administration? Really? Sounds like you want to work together by insulting others who do things you don't like. You also don't have a right to tell others what is "morally wrong". That's a personal opinion just like your political opinion is. You can have your opinion and you can voice it here, but don't expect people to continue to follow you or take you seriously when you set out to divide and conquer.

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinion and no worries. You don't have to come back to my blog again. Be Well!

  127. Carolyn - took a brief hiatus from reading blogs, and have been pleasantly surprised to find your post. Thank you for saying so clearly what so many of us are thinking, and being brave enough to publish.

    American does not need to be "Great Again". It never stopped being Great. It just needs to become better than it currently is.

    I am reminded of that old movie "The Ruling Class" where Peter O'Toole's family wants to have him committed for thinking he is Jesus Christ. When he starts to think he's Jack the Ripper, he is considered sane and acceptable. Currently we have a "Mad Jack" in the oval office.

  128. I support your opinion and could not agree more.
