
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

August is Indies Month

I have a couple of Indie Patterns that I've wanted to sew for a minute and I kept putting them off. Since I made a Deer & Doe Myosotis, loved it and wanted to make another one, I've decided that I would make August's theme, "Indie Month."

These are the Indie Patterns I plan on sharing this month:
Now did you see that?  There are two pdf patterns on that list. I have to say here that as much as I hate taping patterns together both of these count as exceptional designs worth the angst! LOL! Especially since I've already used a SewSewDef/MimiG pattern when I made The Saldana Dress - so while I hate the taping process her patterns are tiled so well and the landmarks to put them together are easy to follow. Also constructing it was a breeze with great instructions.

I also need to state that all, except for The Perth Dress, have been sized up for the plus size sewist. I'm making an exception with The Perth Dress because I like the style, I adore Carolyn and I believe the style is simple enough to upsize. Also, I know Carolyn is in the process of adding plus sizes to her pattern.

The other reason I've purchased a few Indie Patterns is because my lifestyle changed. No longer working in Corporate America has allowed me to explore styles and fabrications that I wouldn't have worn previously. I mean I own 2 pairs of cropped pants. Like who AM I? LOL! Oh I'm digressing, these aren't the only Indie Patterns I own, I mean besides Cashmerette Patterns (card carrying member here!) so sooner or later some of those styles will make their way to the blog too!

Now you know what I'm sewing for the month of August so a finished garment is up on the blog permitting because it's rained enough here on the East Coast that we should send some of it west!

Oh and one housekeeping note:
I know that bloglovin allows you to leave comments but if you leave one there instead of on my original post on Blogger, you're not really talking to me.  Today is the first time I've been on bloglovin' in weeks and noticed there were comments on the Destashing post. So let that be your guide when leaving comments or questions there.  Thanks! always more later!


  1. Love that you have 2 pair of cropped pants!! Also love that this is Indie month. I have started to sew some Indie patterns and have been very pleased with them. They are different than the big 4 (at least the ones I am buying) and I can see many makes out of each one. Looking forward to your new makes and as a west coast gal, we would so appreciate getting some of your rain.

  2. Caroline, I never knew that about Bloglovin'. wow. I see a busy August ahead for you!

  3. Those are great patterns. . . I'm looking forward to seeing your creative versions!

  4. I love those choices! They are all quite distinctive designs, worth going indie for! :)

    1. Yeah it has to be distinctive to get me to print and tape it together!And I’ve been wanting to make the Kalle since it came out...just now getting to it.

  5. I don't have a blog but I read all kinds of sewing blogs (yours is still my favorite). My question is how do I know if I am on your blog or on bloglovin? I don't leave comments all that often. Would you reply to this? If I don't see one in a couple of days I will assume I am on bloglovin and will quit commenting. Thanks, Jean

    1. You’re on my blog and you have to log into an app on your phone to read bloglovin...or the website on your computer.

  6. Oh, they are great looking patterns, ones I know my ample figure would appreciate. Looking forward to seeing how they make up; I do love everything you make, and enjoy your 'new' style very much indeed.

  7. I recently learned of a service called Patternsy. You upload your digital pattern, they give you a price to print it and mail it to you, and you decide if you want to go ahead with it. I have not done it, but I can see the appeal.

    1. FYI that looks like a UK service...there's a US based company, PDF Plotting, that does this. But not all patterns come with the A0/large format option.

  8. I keep surprising myself that I've never tried a Deer & Doe pattern but then I just never bite. Soon, maybe :) I really liked your Myosotis dress.

  9. What dress forms do you use?

    1. I have a Fit & Fabulous but I rarely use it. Probably because it lost it's legs in a move years ago and I never replaced the legs...

  10. I am not a fan of most Indie patterns I've seen so I am interested in seeing what you've chosen and how you like them. It has to be really good for me to tape!

  11. All lovely dresses! I don't do .pdfs very often either, but I did recently download Mimi G's SewSewDef Jessica dress and really appreciated the layers option and that the seam allowances are included. About that rain.... we've been under a deluge for days now, with more to come. Not as much as what you guys have gotten, but still most unusual for us. The cooler temps are nice though! :)

  12. Your plans look wonderful! I am working on a Kalle Shirt right now so I can't wait to see yours! You are such a shirtmaking pro, I am sure you will have an easy time with it.

    1. Vanessa - are you having challenges with yours? I don't think I will have any problems and I'm adding the sleeve extensions. I want to wear it into the fall.

    2. That's such a great idea with the sleeve extensions! I had a small issue figuring out the placket, but found a great tutorial on Youtube (wish I had seen your reply). My first version is a wearable muslin that I will use to make future versions of. I really like the style of it so far though. Excited to see what yours will look like!

  13. I hate tile-n-tape too; however, I discovered something faster--glue stick!!. Still have to tile up but no fussing and cutting with tape. Can't wait to see the Indy dresses!

  14. Have you tried They're about 1/2 the price of my local copy shop to print the pdf A0 format, and honestly worth it not having to tape. Ugh! I'm looking at the Named Shirtdress patterns right now. They have several. I'd be interested in hearing your take on their styles. I'm particularly looking at the Reeta Shirtdress. Can't decide if it'll be fabulous on me, or look frumpy and fat - could go either way

    1. Marji - you obviously haven't read my rant about having to pay $14-25 for a download AND then pay a firm to print it for you - even if it is only $5-10 - look how much you've paid for a pattern BEFORE fabric. I have a BUNCH of issues with pdf patterns...a BUNCH! *LOL*

    2. true - I haven't read your rants! And I agree, I hate paying and paying. Some of the indies are worth it - but not all, that's for sure. oh and yes, I made 2 jackets, one matching navy silk and the other embellished tulle.

  15. Way to go, Carolyn! I, too, believe in maximum use of a great pattern. I really like how you designed your mini collection. I'm thinking about purchasing this one too. Thanks! ;-)


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