
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

NSM: Fabric Gift Card Giveaway Emmaonesock

Emmaonesock has a carefully curated online fabric shop of high quality fabrics. I've purchased many pieces from Linda, who owns Emmaonesock, over the years. I love her customer service and how she ships her fabrics.  I've watched her business grow from two people (her and her husband) to the bustling small business it is now!

My latest make using Emmaonesock fabric is a sleeveless shirtdress from McCalls 7470 in an embroidered seersucker...

I love Linda's selection because it combines the necessary fabric we need in our day-to-day lives ~ rayon knits, denims and shirtings with beautiful and unusual prints, designer pieces and to die for wools.

But you have to be fast if you find something you love on Linda's site, because she has a cadre of devoted followers buying fabrics as soon as they're listed on the site.

To help celebrate National Sewing Month, Linda is offering a $50 gift card to one lucky winner.

How do you win this gift card?
1. You must leave a comment in the box below. Remember only comments left on this post on blogger will be acceptable for the giveaway. Comments left anywhere else will NOT be eligible.

2. Please leave the comment by Friday, September 21st by 11:59pm EST

All of these rules MUST be followed to be eligible to win the gift card. A winner will be announced on Saturday, September 22nd.  You will have until Saturday, September 29th to send me an email.  If I don't hear from you by then, I will pick another winner.  Also, please refer to the rules that were stated in the initial post for National Sewing Month.

Ready, set, comment and Good Luck!

Happy National Sewing Month!


  1. Carolyn it’s been such a joy to see your fabulous sewing evolution as you expand your horizons from your former corporate self. And you continue to be my role model for clothes that fit well!

  2. Love the selection at EOS. Did my first online fabric shopping from them.

  3. I love Emma One Sock -- I even framed and hung fabric that I purchased from Emma in my family room. I check their new purchases every couple of days. They just make me so happy!

  4. MEEEEEE! :) I even know what I want - the fabulous Cuba panel! :)

  5. I have never taken the time to look at Emma One Sock, but I just did, and oh my, I could see spending the gift card very quickly! Thank you again for the giveaways.

  6. I am probably the last person on earth who hasn't bought fabric from EOS yet, lol! I see so many posts crediting fabric from there but honestly I'm afraid to look...I'd go broke! Thanks for giving us a chance to win such a wonderful prize.

  7. I love EOS. Best selection and service. Purchases arrive beautifully cut, folded and wrapped.

  8. Thanks for this introduction to EOS. I am a fan as of right this minute.

  9. I’ve checked EmmaOneSock almost every day for five years! Linda takes excellent photos and has outstanding customer service. She tries hard to get good postage rates internationally too. I’ve loved everything I’ve bought from her.

  10. Oooh! Lovely! Just checked EmmaOneSock and the selection looks fabulous.

  11. Please enter me in the giveaway! I'd love to have some fabric from EOS.

  12. Me me me! I love Linda’s collection!

  13. I especially love how EOS suggests fabrics that go with the item you're currently drooling over.

  14. Thanks for this chance to win- beautiful fabrics on this site!

  15. thanks for having all these fabric card giveaways!

  16. I adore Emma one sock fabrics 😊

  17. Oooh!! One of my very favorite fabric stores. Please include me in the drawing.

  18. Shopping at EOS is like purchasing an indulgent gift for's truly a form of self-care

  19. Thanks for the chance to win - love your dress and the fabric choice.

  20. EmmaOneSock is one of my favorites! Thank you again for another great giveaway!

  21. I’ve always been curious about Emma One Sock ever since 2005. I’d love to participate in this giveaway.


  22. I've had my eye on a few lovelies at EOS...a gift card sure would be appreciated!

  23. I've always been tempted by EOS! Would love to win the giftcard. Thanks!

  24. I agree with you, you have to be quick to grab the unusual pretties at EOS - a gift card would be very helpful! Thanks for the opportunity - Arlette

  25. Would love to celebrate national sewing month with you and EOS!

  26. EOS is one of my favorite online fabric stores. She ships so fast, and her customer service is impeccable.

  27. Love EOS, they have such beautiful fabrics!

  28. Thank you, for the opportunity.

  29. Great giveaway- I love how easy it is to find things by color on Emmaonesock
    Thank you

  30. I'd love to win. Thanks for the opportunity!

  31. Thanks for doing the giveaway, love Emma One Sock ...


  32. I have been admiring the fabrics of Emmaonesock in various makes on blogs and patternreview.

  33. I've heard SUCH good things about Emma One Sock and always wanted to order from there. Thanks for doing this!

  34. EOS has the best website! I have always been TOTALLY pleased with every fabric I have purchased from there. I would LOVE to win the gift card!

  35. I LOVE EOS! She has a great eye and picks such yummy fabrics!

  36. Loving your seersucker dress! That is the cutest fabrics for babies and toddlers little jumper dresses too!

  37. Love new fabric! And love your blog. Thank you for the opportunity for new fabric.

  38. I love EOS fabrics. Always top quality.

  39. I've never purchased from EOS but have seen the amazing things others have brought from there. Good luck to all. Thanks for the competitions Carolyn.

  40. I have been shopping at EOS for about the last four years since I came back to sewing. Linda's fabrics are always so good and there is a huge choice.

  41. I really enjoy your blog! Thank you for your time and energy in creating it as well as your lovely sewing ! (And of course, I would love to win a gift card to to EOS )

  42. And all these years I've been leaving my comments in the wrong place! I love your blog and Emma One Sock.

  43. Their fabrics are so lovely. :D

  44. One of my favorite fabric sites! You're right, if you love it, buy it because it may not last long!

  45. I just finished a garment with EOS fabric. Love the offerings on this site and it would be one of my first fabric binge visits when I hit the lottery!

  46. Oooooh, what a wonderful giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed!! Amber @soisewedthis

  47. You look absolutely fabulous in that shirtdress! What a great fabric choice too.

  48. I've never ordered from EOS so I would love to try it with a gift card :)

  49. Love Linda's fabrics! Count me in.

  50. Oh Carolyn,your shirt dress is so lovely and fits so perfectly.Just beautiful as usual.

  51. EOS is my absolute favourite on-line fabric shop.

  52. Thanks for the giveaway. You looks great in your dress

  53. I have never used her fabrics but they sound delicious! I would love to win the gift card.

  54. Oh how I would consider myself so lucky if I won, but right now I'm just grateful for this opportunity that you have provided. [Fingers crossed] oh! and [toes too].

  55. I've drooled over the selection at EOS and I'm almost ready to start buying fabric again. Just a couple more weeks! Yay!

  56. I haven't yet ordered from EOS, but have lots of fun browsing her site for unique pieces for clients.

  57. Linda's bundles are to die for and her customer service is the best!

  58. I’ve never ordered from EOS before but I’d love to!

  59. So much lovely fabric - so little time.

  60. I just looked at the website - hope I win!

  61. I haven’t ever ordered from EOS but the fabrics look lovely!

  62. Ooh I got some fabric from Emma One Sock about a year ago as a gift and it was just beautiful. Would love some more (shipping normally puts me off) so a giftcard in time for my birthday tomorrow would be AWESOME !

  63. I have successfully avoided looking at EOS for many years, but I peeked and now I have fabric coming from them to me because I am that kind of person after a paycheck. I give credit/blame you on my order notes. I hope they give you a big commission ;) Then again, I have never gone wrong buying fabric because you pointed it out.

  64. I love the choices at Emmaonesock, too! Smiles!

  65. I absolutely LOVE EOS. Can't get on the website often as I always want to buy! Would love a chance to win the gift certificate!

  66. So many nice fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. Please enter me in the Emmaonesock Drawing. Thank you!

  68. I love and respect Emmaonesock. I would appreciate your entering my name into your drawing. I love your sleeveless dress!

  69. I'm pretty sure I really, really need some Emmaonesock fabric. So sure in fact, that I finally made a visit to your blog!
    Love that embroidered shirt dress too!

  70. Emma One Sock has such lovely fabrics. Such inspiring images on instagram, too. @sewcrazy_mn on the 'gram

    And, thanks for the inspiring blog (and arranging the giveaways, too!)

  71. I love EOS fabrics. I have to use great restraint when I visit her site.

  72. Thanks for this opportunity. They have lovely fabrics.

  73. Thank you for running this contest. Emma one sock is a great company!

  74. Thanks for this giveaway! I’d love to win this gift card.

    Kathy Zachry

  75. Probably my favorite online fabric store! EOS is awesome! I love the roll ends and the challenge of creating a garment with the fabric available. Thanks EOS and Carolyn for this awesome opportunity! Nurseybennett on Instagram

  76. Please enter me in this giveaway and thanks for introducing us to Emma One Sock
    Karin Hill

  77. Wow, I would love to win a gift card to EmmaOneSock! I love her fabrics! Love your blog also!

  78. Ooooh! Emma One Sock! Thank you for the opportunity,

    Rose in SV

  79. Yes, please, throw my name in the bucket!

  80. Thank you for the opportunity. Lovely fabrics!

  81. Emma One Sock is a favorite of mine!

  82. I have never heard of emmaonesock site. Thank you for alerting me of another good material site. Lovely fabrics.

  83. I love EOS! Such yummy fabrics and excellent service!

  84. I love EOS. I look at her website every day for fabric porn. And I have a stash of purchases waiting to be sewn up.

  85. I absolutely LOVE Emmaonesock and have sung the praises of Linda and her customer service to anyone who will listen/read. She is exceptional. I also love the dress you made from EOS fabric.

  86. Thanks go to you and Linda at Emma One Sock for this offering.

  87. That dress is one of my favorites of your makes!
    I have drooled over Emma One Sock many times, but have yet to order from them.

  88. EmmeOne Sock is one of my favorite online fabric resources too! Thank you for the giveaway!

  89. Emma One Sock is my favorite online fabric store -- the fabrics are stunning and their customer service is absolutely the best!

  90. Thanks for bringing a new place to shop for fabric to my attention. Thanks also for the opportunity to win fabric! =) Jerri Scott

  91. I adore EmmaOneSock! I stumbled upon them recently and fell in love with all their fabrics. It definitely reinvigorated my love of sewing and got me dreaming up all sorts of projects.

  92. The key to successful project is to start with the best fabric you can afford. EOS fabrics fit the bill every time no worries!

  93. I visited her site the other day based on your previous recommendation. Beautiful fabrics with very descriptive commentary! -Danyel Jones

  94. How could anyone resist an Emma Onesock giveaway? Even someone who is sewing in teeny increments these days... ;-)

  95. Love the fabric in that dress! Would love to shop EOS for something equally wonderful!

  96. I adore Linda's fabrics. And it's so fun to see what others make with their Emmaonesock choices.
    I admire the great dresses you make

  97. EOS's Insta post is how I found out about you. I am having fun browsing your blog. And, I'm now following Sewing Fanatic on Insta so I can see your latest projects. You are so right about buying as soon as you fall in love with an EOS fabric. I'm still mourning the loss of a black on white windowpane shirting due to procrastination.

  98. It would be great to win this giveaway. I would love to try her fabric. Thank you again for having these.

  99. Emmaonesock has great fabric. Thanks for the giveaway

  100. It would be a thrill to win anything, but to win fabric from EmmaOneSock would be a major score! She offers the most exquisite fabrics at reasonable costs. Hoping I’ll win.

  101. This is the first I’ve heard of Emma One Sock. Looks like awesome fabric. Thanks for the giveaway

  102. I would love to be considered for the EOS gift card! And thanks Carolyn for doing this for your readers!

  103. I would love to win this - thanks so much for this giveaway.

  104. Enjoying the series and the giveaways.

  105. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and for the chance to win.

  106. Very nice shirt dress. Looks comfy!

  107. EOS fabric never lets me down. Your blog has always inspired me to create workwear that looks and fits better than retail, and I aspire to find TnT patterns like you do!

  108. How nice to be introduced to your blog. I will enjoy reading it. And - how doubly gracious of you to host this EOS giveaway. I am a huge fan of Linda and purchase most of my fabric from her. Thank you!

  109. Love your blog and the chance to win. Thank You!

  110. Carefully Curated...Wonderful
    Thank you

  111. Looks like another amazing store to add to my list of places I stalk :)

  112. I agree with your comments about EOS. I have always had excellent service with them and when my fabric arrives it is so nicely packaged. Quick turnaround from purchase to product is always great. Of course I want to enter for a chance at this prize. My instagram user name is danvillegirl

  113. Visited EOS website and the fabric is beautiful. Would love to win the gift card.

  114. I found a penny today -- maybe I'll luck out on the gift card!

  115. I've never ordered from EOS but have always been tempted to - I love beautiful fabric, even if it's just to pet it from time to time!

  116. I love EOS! Thank you for the giveaway

  117. I'd love to win some fun money to spend at EOS. I'm sure I'll find lots of fabric to love.

  118. I would love to try EOS for my next fabric order! Thanks for the opportunity, Carolyn. Robin

  119. I love her fabric! She has such a unique and beautiful selection!

  120. Please enter me in the draw. Thanks for the chance

  121. Will take a chance and enter this one, as I do love her fabric. Thank-you for the opportunity.

  122. such beautiful fabric! I need some new clothes for fall!!!!

  123. Emmaonesock has some gorgeous fabric.
    Thank you both for hosting such a generous giveaway.

  124. I adore EOS, Linda's photography and descriptions are wonderful. And everything has looked amazing when it arrives - always my favourite deliveries!

  125. Emmaonesock carries beautiful fabrics and the website is a delight to navigate! Thanks for the opportunity!

  126. Would love to be the lucky winner!

  127. Emmaonesock has some beautiful fabric! Thank you again for the giveaway!

  128. Would love to give this shop a try. Thanks for the opportunity.

  129. Your dress is great. Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

  130. I'm always seeing Emmaonesock fabrics in people's makes on the FB groups! :)

  131. There are some beautiful conversation starter prints that I would love to have.

  132. Your sewing does credit to Emma One Sock's lovely fabrics.

  133. Thanks for sponsoring these fun giveaways.

  134. Hi! I've visited that site a couple of times but never purchased anything. I just might have to change that in the near future.
