
Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Making of the Granddaughter Ball Gowns

I've been so involved in making the dresses for the granddaughters that the dresses' construction has consumed the last 10 days of my life!  

First fitting of the dresses

There will be separate posts for both dresses, detailing all of the sewing information, after the event.  But five days in one dress done and one almost completed and I decided that I needed to do a Intro Post because there is sooooooo much information regarding the construction of both dresses.

Here are a few pictures that I shared on Instagram of the dresses construction.

Samantha's ~

Aleena's ~

I finished Aleena's late yesterday evening.  During the day, I hand stitched the zipper in, added the hook and eye to Sammy's, so they're both hanging & ready to be picked up. 

One quick note ~ this is an easy pattern to sew. As usual I complicated the dresses by my fabric choices and choosing to use the best sewing techniques I know. I wanted the girls dresses to not look homemade and thrown together. I wanted them to be as special as the event calls for.

I will have a lot more to say about each dress in the next couple of well as my own dress...which I've finally decided upon AND decided that I need another trip to the garment district for fabric. The drama never ends! *LOL* always more later!


  1. Those dresses are going to be beautiful; your granddaughters will feel like princesses at this formal affair.

  2. Wonderful dresses and lovely memories for your grand-daughters.

  3. Absolutely beautiful!
    Lucky you; to have such cute little ones to sew for!

  4. WOWZA! Love the binding on the sleeves on Samantha's dress. so perfect.

  5. Oh my, they are both so beautiful!!!

  6. Fantastic dresses! The little girls are so cute!

  7. I cannot wait to read more about the construction of these beautiful dresses! The girls must be thrilled to be wearing these stunning gowns, created with love by you. Simply gorgeous.

  8. I don't think anything you make could ever look "homemade" except for the love that is emanating out of every seam. Beautiful work!

  9. Wowee. Those dresses are fabulous.

  10. I can’t wait to see them finished! They look so beautiful already. Your granddaughters are very lucky

  11. So beautiful! Both the granddaughters and the dresses! I bet they are in heaven!

  12. Those dresses for the girls are just beautiful and I can't wait to see what yours will be.

  13. Stunning dresses! Can't wait to see pics of the girls in the finished dresses! I'm sure yours will be just as wonderful.

  14. These look so beautiful- I'm sure your granddaughters are thrilled. What a wonderful memory it will be of this labor of love that you did for them. Look forward to reading the rest of your posts.

  15. Wonderful dresses that reflect a great pattern and truly spectacular fabric that will be worn by two lucky ladies!

  16. Oh, my goodness, these dresses are beautiful. You constantly amaze me, Carolyn.

  17. These are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the completed dresses. What lucky girls!

  18. Beautiful work, I love their smiles ☺️

  19. One of my most treasured memories is of attending a special event with my grandmother and sister, wearing dresses and sweaters my grandmother had made for us. How special we felt! I know that your granddaughters will feel the same in these dresses!

    1. Oh thank you! I really hope so cause they were so done with me at the final fitting! LOL!

  20. beautiful!! dresses!!! I bet that they will be much more finely made than anything you could buy!!!!

  21. They are going to be the best dressed girls there. Beautiful dresses and I love how they are not quite the same. You don't have fabric that works for yours in your collection!? It's typical, isn't it? You have a vision of what you want and the fabric you want is just not in your collection. I don't have a lot of dressy fabrics in my stash, and I'd have the same problem. At least you work in the garment district!

    1. Nancy - I actually ended up using some fabric I found buried deep in the collection! After buying two pieces that just didn't work!

  22. Stunning! Your work is just beautiful!

  23. Lucky girls. You are amazing.

  24. Carolyn, these are absolutely gorgeous! And your granddaughters look so lovely and happy!


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